View Full Version : a stray

12-06-2003, 07:01 PM
I was out walking Tikeya the other day and I beautiful strey akita mal cross came trotting out of the bushes towards me and Tikeya he was very VERY friendly and had no tags, I took some pics here they are...

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/pce376a98acc4ad991260dc6baf70ef3f/fa5d6aa6.jpg This is a house I pass often they own a boston terrier and a rottie, the rottie is int his pic, you can kinda see it and it is a gaurd dog... The lil boston terrier gets to sleep inside while the rottie is tied up all day and it freaks out growning and attacking its lead when anyone passes :(... poor thing

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p99f1d27ec07375bbea34ade524dca946/fa5d6aa1.jpg Here he is all hyper hopping around me, I took this crappy pic lol

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p0cb98f74a19f153c99f964cedf31083d/fa5d6a9f.jpg here is a pic of Tikeya and him meeting.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/pd78a3efb80809bbc6750dc09e58d278f/fa5d6a9d.jpg A pic of him sniffing where Tikeya has just peed :rolleyes:

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p4b37967f5086493f0743147b76135abb/fa5d6a99.jpg a beautiful pic of his face, one blue eye and one brown :). soo cute.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p1100a71da6fa24b661d0bd4d0c0be0a5/fa5d6a92.jpg Tikeya and the stray playing

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p02ecb7725b266fd64f66a15c076e6599/fa5d6a90.jpg Sniff Sniff

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/pe60e4a4facce9231e20570ca8011f2f0/fa5d6a8b.jpg He is soo pritty

I felt soo badly for him, his collar was sooo tiute that he has a black ring around his neck. He floowed me all the way home. He loved Tikeya soo much they played for like an hour befor I started to walk home. he almost got hit by a car following me!! so I hooked him up to Tikeyas leash and held Tikeyas collar with my other hand, and took them streight home. I tied him up in my garage where it was warm for him *he wasnt neutered*, and I called the shelter to come and get him. and they did.

I feel kinda bad for calling the shelter, but It is better then lettign him run about the streets right??

12-06-2003, 07:17 PM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p99f1d27ec07375bbea34ade524dca946/fa5d6aa1.jpg I have no idea what happend to this pic, I dont know why there is redish coloring in the corner, that isnt blood so dont be affraid lol. My cam must have done sumthing weired.. humm.....

12-06-2003, 07:19 PM
He's so pretty. You did the right thing. Much better than getting hit by car or subject to the cruelty of humans. Maybe a breed rescue will come to his aid. Hope they took off that tight collar.

12-06-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid91/p99f1d27ec07375bbea34ade524dca946/fa5d6aa1.jpg I have no idea what happend to this pic, I dont know why there is redish coloring in the corner, that isnt blood so dont be affraid lol. My cam must have done sumthing weired.. humm.....
It's your leash :)

12-06-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
He's so pretty. You did the right thing. Much better than getting hit by car or subject to the cruelty of humans. Maybe a breed rescue will come to his aid. Hope they took off that tight collar. I lossened it :) it was on the last hole, I losened it to the 3rd to last hole so I could fit my hands confertably (sp?) under his collar.

ok yeah that is her leash lol.. My bad lol

12-06-2003, 07:22 PM
That is so sad, that is collar was to tight, and
he is running around with-out any tags.
Make me wonder if his owners did not want
him anymore. :(

12-06-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by KYS
That is so sad, that is collar was to tight, and
he is running around with-out any tags.
Make me wonder if his owners did not want
him anymore. :(

makes me wonder too, the way he looked, tite collar, mats, burrs, he was really skinny. He was very very ppl and other dog friendly though. If the owners want him back they can go pay the 100$ fee and get him. And by the looks of his condition they probably wont get him back. He will probably be adopted out, after being neutered. .

12-06-2003, 07:30 PM
He's very cute and you did the right thing by calling the shelter and getting him off the streets. Now he at least has a chance to find a nice loving home. I don't think he has any malamute in him though, especially with that blue eye. Malamutes don't have blue eyes, so unless akita's do I doubt there is mal in there :)

12-06-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
He's very cute and you did the right thing by calling the shelter and getting him off the streets. Now he at least has a chance to find a nice loving home. I don't think he has any malamute in him though, especially with that blue eye. Malamutes don't have blue eyes, so unless akita's do I doubt there is mal in there :)

yes malamutes do have blue eyes. my grandmother bred alaskan malamutes for 15 years and her main breeding female had one blue eye.

12-06-2003, 07:34 PM
in the AKC breeder showing disqualifications they state that blue eyes make a malamute discualified in the showing ring, BUT malamutes do often have blue eyes.

12-06-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
yes malamutes do have blue eyes. my grandmother bred alaskan malamutes for 15 years and her main breeding female had one blue eye.

Hmmm interesting. I had read that blue eyes had effectivley been removed from malamute genetics over years of selectively breeding for brown ones. I guess you learn something everyday :)

12-06-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Hmmm interesting. I had read that blue eyes had effectivley been removed from malamute genetics over years of selectively breeding for brown ones. I guess you learn something everyday :) that is also true BUT alot of breeders like the blue eyes and so they breed with the pure bred alaskan mals with blue eyes as well. The blue eyes mal pups are more expensive though, dont ask me why lol.

12-06-2003, 08:13 PM
Yes that was the right thing to do. I have found like 3 strays and called the shelter to come get them and then a go visit them til they are adopted. One time I got a 10 dollar award for finding this dog that they'd been looking for for a month that had been running in stores and everything LOL! He was so cute though, a lab mix.
Do you think you'll go visit him at the shelter? He looked really skinny for an Akita Male! :eek: People make me made when they don't take care of their animals! :mad: DOGS ARE A BIG RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!! :mad: How many people and how many times to we dog people have to tell the world to take care of them? :o :(

12-06-2003, 08:33 PM
i know what you mean. I would go visit him at the shelter BUT i live half an hour away from the shelter and he will be staying at the pound for a while till they are sure no owners are coming to get him.

12-06-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
that is also true BUT alot of breeders like the blue eyes and so they breed with the pure bred alaskan mals with blue eyes as well. The blue eyes mal pups are more expensive though, dont ask me why lol.

Probably because they are then producing so called "rare" dogs. They're just breeding to get bucks. Why else would they breed for a known disqualification?

12-06-2003, 10:29 PM
You did the right thing, I just hope he's clear for everything and didn't pass anything to Tikeya.

He's a nice looking dog and i'm sure he'll get a home. :)

12-06-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Why else would they breed for a known disqualification?
Looks aren't the main quality in the working world. When you breed to get a superb sled/draft dog, you breed for brute strength and a temperment suited to working alongside people and other dogs.

The dog was really pretty. I bet if his owners don't get him, someone else will come along. :)

12-06-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Looks aren't the main quality in the working world. When you breed to get a superb sled/draft dog, you breed for brute strength and a temperment suited to working alongside people and other dogs.

But how many people require a strong sled dog in their everyday lives right now?? Don't get me wrong I think working ability is an important trait. But what is so wrong with trying to breed a dog that fits the standard in both looks and working ability??

12-06-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
But how many people require a strong sled dog in their everyday lives right now?? Don't get me wrong I think working ability is an important trait. But what is so wrong with trying to breed a dog that fits the standard in both looks and working ability??

my grandmother says that she chose misty (her one blue eyed bitch* to breed because there was a demand for blue eyed malamutes.

12-06-2003, 11:40 PM
interesting....................................... ................................................Au ssies come with two eyes too, my friend has a dog that looks like a mini aussie all except her head, her head looks like a red merle, but a SHeltie, lol its weird

12-06-2003, 11:47 PM
Malamutes should NOT have blue eyes.

I would consider anyone purposely breeding a malamute with blue eyes a very irresponsible breeder.

12-06-2003, 11:54 PM
OOOOHHHHH, ok, now i gotcha! So, what is Nebo? Isn't he a Mal? or is he a Husky?

12-06-2003, 11:57 PM
He's a siberian husky. They are supposed to have blue or brown eyes.

12-07-2003, 02:13 AM
i dont think m,y grandmom was a irresponsible breeder. She has been breeding for years!! she has bred malamutes for 15 years and befor that she bred K9 unit police GSD. She is a wonderful woman. I would personally never breed, but I think she was a good breeder. She only bred for blue eyes when there was a full demand for them.

12-07-2003, 02:15 AM
since mals dont have blue eyes.....

I am thinking that this stray was an akita, pit, siberian husky, mal cross.

He has the Akita looking face, the bulky pit bull muzzel, the malamute body stucture, and the size of a male siberian husky.

IMO, but I was the only who seen him up and close, you all have to rely(sp?) on pics :p

12-07-2003, 02:24 AM
He looks like he could be a sibe/akita/something else cross...very cute dog!

I don't doubt your grandmother was a wonderful woman, but I still don't agree with breeding malamutes with blue eyes. Purposely breeding against the breed standard (unless it's for working ability) is wrong IMO. It's like people breeding "teacup" pomeranians and "extra large" pit bulls. :rolleyes:

12-07-2003, 02:48 AM
It's like people breeding "teacup" pomeranians and "extra large" pit bulls.

Together, or just in general???????????????????????????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: That's ONE FREAKY DOG!!!!!

12-07-2003, 02:56 AM

In general...wow...now together, that'd be *extra* bad hahahaaha

12-07-2003, 03:07 AM
In general...wow...now together, that'd be *extra* bad hahahaaha


Dakota's Mommy
12-08-2003, 11:08 AM
Very cute and I do agree with everybody else! He is better off getting taken to the shelter where somebody can take care of him than out on the street alone without food, shelter, and being subject to things worse than he'll be subject to in the shelter!

12-08-2003, 11:41 AM
I really enjoyed your post, it was like you took us with you on your walk!! The stray pics touched my heart. Do you think you could call the shelter occasionally, find out how he is doing and let the rest of us know ?? :)

12-08-2003, 01:11 PM
He's adorable! There was a stray running around our neiborhood a while ago, too. He looked like some mix of a black lab.. SOOOO cute! He disappeared a few days later. Yesterday a 'LOST DOG' sign was put up. The picture looked identical to the dog that I saw. I feel SO bad. I don't even know what happened to the dog! :eek: :eek: :eek: :( :( :(

12-08-2003, 01:17 PM
I will callt he shelter in a couple of weeks. he wont be there yet because he is still at the pound waiting for his owners to claim him.

12-08-2003, 01:20 PM
You are so right ! I have worked at two humane societies and have witnessed hundreds of euthanasias. I wish that all dogs and cats had loving homes but that is just not reality. Telling people on this board is probably like preaching to the choir but we all need to be reminded to prompt others to think before they allow their animals to breed.

12-08-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Lynnbelle
You are so right ! I have worked at two humane societies and have witnessed hundreds of euthanasias. I wish that all dogs and cats had loving homes but that is just not reality. Telling people on this board is probably like preaching to the choir but we all need to be reminded to prompt others to think before they allow their animals to breed.

Our shelter claims not to euthanise dogs and cats but I think they lie.

12-08-2003, 01:30 PM
He is very beautiful!

12-08-2003, 01:40 PM
i agree with you on that one ;).,
He was even more beautiful in real life :). I wanted to keep him.

Tikeya loved him soo much, he kept on trying to hump :o her... lol

12-08-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
yes malamutes do have blue eyes. my grandmother bred alaskan malamutes for 15 years and her main breeding female had one blue eye.

Then she shouldn't have been breeding her. According the Malamute AKC standard, blue eyes are an automatic disqualification. malamutes can only have brown eyes.

12-08-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
that is also true BUT alot of breeders like the blue eyes and so they breed with the pure bred alaskan mals with blue eyes as well. The blue eyes mal pups are more expensive though, dont ask me why lol.

Responsible breeders of Malamutes NEVER, EVER breed for blue eyes. They don't breed blue eyed malamutes, period, ever! Irresponsible breeders do. The same way BYB of huskies breed for blue eyes and then charge more. Responsible husky breeders don't do it!

12-08-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Looks aren't the main quality in the working world. When you breed to get a superb sled/draft dog, you breed for brute strength and a temperment suited to working alongside people and other dogs.

Actually brute strength is irrelavent in sled dogs. My best leader weighs 40 pounds and isn't particularly strong, but I'd trust her with my life in the bush. Malamutes are lousy sled dogs. They are great weight pullers, but for today's sled dog, franly useless. they are slow and tend to be aggressive to other dogs in harness beside them. I run two malamutes in my sled team, they both run in single file--no other dog beside them. Most mushers who breed would never add malamute to the mix. They are using German Short-haired pointers these days far more than any northern breed.

If you are intentionally breeding a purebred dog, you need to breed to temperment and the appearance standard.

12-08-2003, 03:22 PM
I think it's good to have some dogs that look a little different from the standard. For instance blue weimeraners, blue/liver German shepherd dogs, etc. They can still perform the duties they are meant to. They can still be superb working dogs.

12-08-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I think it's good to have some dogs that look a little different from the standard. For instance blue weimeraners, blue/liver German shepherd dogs, etc. They can still perform the duties they are meant to. They can still be superb working dogs.

I agree :).

12-08-2003, 03:39 PM
What a handosme dog. You did the right thing. Good job. :)

12-08-2003, 03:48 PM
To many people think it's unfair to spay or neuter but they don't think of the puppies or kittens that are being put down because they are unwanted or not PURE. Unless you're a breeder(a proper 1) you don't have the right to put these animals through this. It's a fact that unaltered animals run a bigger risk of cancers and other illness. So if you love your pet PLEASE SPAY OR NEUTER!! Show them you want them longer. Out of 10 animals in my home..... only 1 was picked. The rest have been strays or rescues.:) :cool:

12-08-2003, 03:52 PM
hey pinky, welcome to pt, make a post about you and your pets!!! :). I would love to see some pics!!!