View Full Version : Precious Hayley Rebekah!

12-06-2003, 07:47 AM
Good Morning sweet Hayley Rebekah!:) How adorable are YOU! Oh, those little hammie paws get me every time!:D What a dainty and delicate little creature you are; the perfect little furry model:) No wonder you're a fave of your photographer/neighbor! It sounds like you've got quite the furry fan club there with Fluffy the bunny, Francine the wheeker and Nicki the Golden to call your very own! You've put a big smile on my face this morning, sweet Hayley! Keep up the good work bringing smiles and joy to your family! I hope you have a very happy treat filled day celebrating with your proud people and your furry friends! Congratulations to Hayley Rebekah, our most precious Saturday Pet of the Day! Teeny weeny kisses and cuddles to you from Sandra, Cody, Star, Mr. B., Oliver, Moon and Rosie!:)

12-06-2003, 12:44 PM
How adorable you are!!! Your sweet picture brought back happy memories of my Calhoon, a hammie I had as a girl. He could be your twin. He had the same sense of adventure you have and loved the night life too. Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today.:D

12-06-2003, 01:27 PM
What a darling little hamster! Love your beautiful fur HR. I hope you live a very long life... Congrats for being Our Adorable Pet of the Day! :) :D :)