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12-05-2003, 08:44 PM

I don't understand.
Why are we different?
We all can cry,
we all can smile.
I look at my hands.
Pale, smooth and a fine color of peach.
I look at his hands.
His hands are darker than mine.
His are a soft shade of brown.
Still smooth, still hands.
Too bad the world isn't color blind.
Then we would all be the same.
And there would be no racism.
And the word "different" wouldn't be used
to describe people.
We would look the same, talk the same,
be the same.
I don't understand.

12-07-2003, 02:33 PM
One more...

Tingling, stabbing, piercing my skin.
You will never know how I really felt.
Thought you loved me.
Boy, was I wrong.
You kissed me, hugged me, loved me.
Or so I thought.
You tore my heart out.
Ripped it to shreads.
And kissed me goodbye.
Just for another girl.
Burning, flaming, making me cry.
I cried over you so many times.
It's time I forget about you.
I don't need you to ruin my life.
One stupid person can ruin anyone.
But that anyone,
isn't me.

12-07-2003, 02:44 PM
My ever so famous... hatred poems... I write these when I'm angry...


You curse at me,
scream at me,
call me names.
Shatter all esteem I have.
You don't love me.
Don't tell me you do, either.
I see the hatred in your eyes,
burning into my skin.
I close my eyes,
still listening to you scream.
I mentally cover my ears,
for if you saw me cover them,
I would only get yelled at more.
My eyes are still closed.
Intercepting what you are saying.
I don't care.
Just like you've taught me to.
There's tears in my eyes now,
but I cannot let you see me weakening.
My eyes stay closed,
preparing myself for the worst.
The screaming then stops and I open my eyes.
The tears stream down my face. I don't care anymore.
You walk away telling me what to do.
I start to cry harder knowing you don't care.
I will never be exactly what you want.
I can't do anything right, you even told me so.
I can only be what you teach me.
But you teach me nothing.
So that's exactly what I am.

12-07-2003, 02:52 PM
wow. those are really good. the second one made me cry.....i was somehow reminded of ron......