View Full Version : Toby update

12-05-2003, 06:28 PM
I've been gone from Pet Talk so long, and I didn't even tell you all that we brought Toby in to have his teeth cleaned. He had an absessed tooth! We didn't know it, the vet found it and pulled it when she was doing the cleaning. He's a totally different cat now. He's much more playful and affectionate. He must have been in terrible pain, poor little guy.

You know - he only weighed 11 lbs! I thought he was just huge. I thought he'd weigh a lot more than that. Eleven pounds is pretty small for a cat, isn't it? Katie weighs about 5 lbs and she's just a baby.

12-05-2003, 07:18 PM
Oh Poor Toby!! That must have really hurt! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/frown.gif I guess if they are eating and acting ok there would be no way to know that anything was wrong. I wonder if you could tell by looking? I'm just thinking that if you can then maybe I should start checking my furballs now and then.

I'm glad he is ok now. If his mouth bothered him before then he might weigh more than 11 pounds on his next vet visit!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

12-05-2003, 07:32 PM
Poor Toby, tooth pain is no fun. Glad you are better now.

My cats average about 11 pounds.

Felicia's Mom
12-05-2003, 08:43 PM
I am glad Toby feels better. Beau had 3 molors pulled several years ago. He can eat dry food; it is for older cats and is easier to chew.

Beau weighs 8 pounds. Both his mother and sister were smaller then he was.

12-06-2003, 01:13 AM
I am so sorry that Toby had an absessed tooth. I know from personal experience that tooth pain is not fun.

I am so happy to hear that Toby is much more active and happier. I think that 11 lbs is fairly normal for a kitty wieght through.

I was also wondering why I had not seen and posts you in a while. Weclome Back:D