View Full Version : Is she sick??

Aspen and Misty
12-05-2003, 03:12 PM
I'm worried about Hope. She has a red discharge comeing from her eyes, they also look a lil swallen and she is sneezing more then normal. She is weezing while breathing.

Any idea of what this might be?


12-05-2003, 03:20 PM
Do you mean her eyes are looking swollen, or the skin around her eyes? If her eyes are bulging more than usual, I'd be afraid it could be SDA virus.

Are you going to take her to the vet? :)

Aspen and Misty
12-05-2003, 03:25 PM
Yes, I'm makeing her an apointment now.


12-05-2003, 03:59 PM
Have you been to any petshops lately or handled any other rats? You can transmit viral infections that way.

Rats with SDA will show signs of occular discharge and swelling. In my case one of my rats ended up losing her eye as they can no longer produce the moisture, their eye gets dry and swollen and then eventually it forms a cyst. They also have sneezing, and chipmunk cheeks.

However what you are describing sounds more like a Myco outbreak. These signs can occur though with SDA if there are secondary infections such as Myco, or RPV, POM, etc.

Is it possible to take a picture of her so I can see how she looks? I have seen plenty of rats with SDA, it's pretty hard to miss. Although sometimes they show no symptoms at all. But when they do, it's pretty easy to tell.

Heather Wallace
12-05-2003, 04:21 PM
Hope she is ok.

Aspen and Misty
12-05-2003, 04:46 PM
Hmm, not sure. My camra is broken, sorry :( Do you possibly have any pictures of a rat with it? I'll tell you if that is how she looks.

She is on Baytril and Ak-spore- an ointment for her eye.

Thanx for the well wishes!


12-05-2003, 05:27 PM
Here's some good info on SDA : http://www.rodentfancy.com/rmfe/virus.shtml
There's a pic too.

I couldn't find any pics of rats with mycoplasma. But it's fairly easy to diagnose from just noticing the symptoms. There might be some porphyrin (red discharge) around the eyes and/or nose, wheezing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, tiredness, loss of apetite and thirst, erect fur, etc.

12-05-2003, 08:13 PM
Wolfsoul, all rats have Myco. The only way a rat cannot have it is if the rat was delivered via c-section. Not all rats will be effected by it though, and some will constantly have outbreaks. Bandit is a Myco rat, he's fine some days and then some days he is not.

Ash, here is a link to the Rat Guide. This site is helpful and contains information for every illness a rat can have. We are currently waiting for a article on KRV, but are needing the experts to review it first.


It's the bulging eyes that make me think you may have it. :( if so, DO NOT go near any other rats! It's highly contagious. There is a test you can take to see if they have it. If one has it, they will all have it so it's a good thing to start them all on meds. Maybe print this out to take to your vet.