View Full Version : Dale's first time in the snow! *pics*

12-05-2003, 09:15 AM
He loves it! I wasn't sure if he would, because he is very leary of new things...and first looked like he was being attacked by the flakes, but then realized it was fun and began running around and playing!! Here are some pics.

Without the flash:

With the flash:

Inside covered in snow flakes :)


12-05-2003, 09:48 AM
One more :)


12-05-2003, 09:53 AM
Oh boy! Wouldn't Bella love to be romping with Dale in all of this!! I have taken a few of her with Ripley but they aren't very good. I will keep trying and post them later if I get any good ones.

Dale of course you love snow - you are a Greater SWISS MOUNTAIN Dog! :cool:

Kona & Oreo's mom
12-05-2003, 09:55 AM
Dale is so cute! It sounds like he had fun. We don't get much snow here, but I think I'll have to drive Oreo to the mountains if it does snow.

12-05-2003, 09:57 AM
Oh he looks like he had fun!! I can't wait for the snow to start falling here!!!

(boy oh boy has he gotten HUGE!!! I remember the first time you posted a picture of him when he was smaller then your kitties!!!:eek: )

12-05-2003, 10:13 AM
I want to have my first time in the snow! Someone buy me a plane ticket so I can visit Dale and I can have my first time in the snow :).

12-05-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I want to have my first time in the snow! Someone buy me a plane ticket so I can visit Dale and I can have my first time in the snow :).

Come on over! :) You have never been in snow? Wow! Well, i have never been to texas and that is where you live, right? Snow is really pretty and fun for a while, then it just gets really cold...althoug, that is the adult coming out in me, b/c when i was a kid...you couldnt get me to come inside!

pitc9- he has gotten huge! :) Can't wait for him to get even bigger too :) He is now 70 lbs. and 6 1/2 months old...he will be 7 months in the 14th.

12-05-2003, 10:38 AM
OOOhhhh! Dale Pics!! I love them!!!

Dale you are such a cutie.

I like the last one that you put in your sig. Great Pic!

70 pounds! :eek: Wow! Dale is going to make my Katie girl look tiny...hehehe.

Robin :)

12-05-2003, 11:07 AM
You have never been in snow? Wow! Well, i have never been to texas and that is where you live, right?

Well I was born and raised in Texas, but now I'm in my 5th year of living in Arizona.

12-05-2003, 11:28 AM
We are all envious, Robyn!! My girls love the snow!!! I haven't seen how Zipper reacts, but just yesterday, when sleet covered our deck, Honey was in Heaven, eating that ice and slipping and sliding everywhere!!! So much fun!!!!! :D

Dale, you look even more beautiful with snow covering your back!!! :)

12-05-2003, 12:03 PM
cute photos :D

12-05-2003, 12:36 PM
Beautiful! This photo is just perfect:


Oh so handsome and the snow looks so wonderfully fluffy and soft.

12-05-2003, 01:25 PM

You're so lucky to get snow. :D

12-05-2003, 03:00 PM
too cute~

12-05-2003, 05:18 PM
Gorgeous!!! MORE MORE MORE! :D :D

12-05-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Moose
Gorgeous!!! MORE MORE MORE! :D :D

Okay, if i must!!:D :D


Thanks for all of the compliments on Dale..we appreciate it!! :)

12-05-2003, 05:38 PM

Thats all folks! :)

12-05-2003, 05:41 PM
I hate to repeat myself but....once again, GORGEOUS! Dale is one handsome puppers! :D :D

And hey, if you have any more just lying around ;) feel free to post them. :) :D

12-05-2003, 05:57 PM
He is so cute! I would have loved to see him playing in the snow. He's growing up to be a gorgeous dog.

Dakota's Mommy
12-08-2003, 11:25 AM
Very, very cute! Thanks for sharing!