View Full Version : The humbling aspects of dog ownership

12-05-2003, 08:12 AM
Well, Lefty has been with us two months, and he's turning into a real joy. I could go on and on about what he does to make me smile, and how sweet and funny he can be, and what progress we've made on the dominance issue, etc. etc. But something else I've realized is that owning a dog can be rather humbling, often in (retrospectively) funny ways. For instance:

*We get to carry around their waste in little plastic bags. Also, when I'm bending down to pick up after him, he's often a foot or so away, kicking leaves all over me with his back legs.

*He goes trash can-digging during a certain time of the month. :eek: (We've since switched to a step-can!)

*He lunges and barks at big trucks in front of the SAME house painters each morning, who stop to watch the whole thing, grinning the entire time.

*Last night he did that whole lovely butt-dragging thing, under a street lamp, in full view of passersby.

*They don't care what you look like, but that includes when they want to be walked! I've been spotted walking him with bedhead, glasses and no makeup, and wearing bright red penguin-covered pajama pants. (Admittedly, I could be a little vain at times, so maybe he's doing me a favor?)

*Last but not least, the canine habit of sniffing folks in inappropriate spots. (Luckily, he's not too bad about that one.)

So, how have your beloved companions embarrassed you? :)

12-05-2003, 08:15 AM
Very funny thread!! This should be interesting! My RB poodle, Ashley, once threw up right at the feet of one of my son's friends as he sat in my living room chair (missed his shoe by inches). :eek: What made it worse was this guy didn't particularly like animals, and I'm sure he liked them even less after that! :rolleyes:

12-05-2003, 08:22 AM
OMG! Too funny! I have to come back and reply after I stop laughing; I'm on the floor! Red penguin pajamas???? :D:D:D

12-05-2003, 08:34 AM
I guess the way Duke has embarrassed me the most is constantly trying to get romantic with KayAnn's Simba who is also a male. He's never acted like this before with any other dog, male or female. And I had to laugh about the red penguin pjs as well. Duke does that scratching out after a good potty. I think it's so funny. One time, he decided to do it when we'd had a good rain. Got muddy goo all over my pants.

12-05-2003, 09:44 AM
Dogs are just too funny! You are so right. They don't care how we look,or how they look either! LOL! Red penguin pjs ?

Our babies are worth it!:D

Thanks, I love this thread!

Kona & Oreo's mom
12-05-2003, 09:49 AM
Oreo has done most of the things on your list, too. She doesn't bark, but she lunges at people on the sidewalk as we're walking; she intends to give sloppy wet kisses, but all they see is a big black dog with her mouth open, which could look scary to a stranger!

12-05-2003, 09:55 AM
When we first adopted Sierra we took her to my in laws house for a visit, and we were still working on house training. So we made sure to keep an eye on her. Well.... she walked over to the door, and did not let us know she had to go potty, she just squated and peed! The funny thing was that she squated RIGHT over my father-in-laws boot, she peed in side his boot, not even a drop on the floor!!


12-05-2003, 10:50 AM
This is a wonderful thread, and definitely got me laughing, as well as blushing (thinking about similar things my pups have done). It is so incredibly embarrassing if/when they get ahold of a private feminine product, so I am extremely guarded about keeping the bathroom door blocked :eek:

One of the hardest things to try to explain if non-doggie people are over is if Tasha and Tommy happen to get comfortable enough to play, and they both occasionally get into the "play-humping" each other. Yes Tasha takes her turn too. It is purely a puppyish play thing but still... a bit hard to explain and quite embarrassing with company :p

12-05-2003, 11:17 AM
Ok Merlin hasn't done this for a long time. But when he was about 8 months old and just learning that boy doggies lift legs. the first time he did it , it was on the ups guys leg as I was talking to him.Thank God it wasn't the usual guy. Merlin came the closest ever to being a dead puppy as he ever has. I had to get in the house before I burst as I was actually auging with the guy about a package he left that had gotten damaged by rain. I guess Merlin just gave his opinion .

12-05-2003, 11:26 AM
I am falling over, just laughing at all of your own embarrasing moments!!! :)

I remember one time (and I'm sure there have been many others) that my Yellow Lab, Chuck, embarrassed me terribly. We were going on a company retreat, and several of my co-workers were gathering at my house to leave together. Well, Charles, who was in training at the bank, came to the door, and Chuck got so excited that he didn't "pee", but did a "poop", right there on the floor! I about died!!! :o It was horrible, and was probably 15 years ago at least, but reading this, I remembered it like it was yesterday!!!! :o :o :o

12-05-2003, 11:32 AM
Some of these are just great! I did forget one that happened recently:

We have a sort of creepy neighbor whom my husband and I both try to avoid. Well, the other day I came around the corner with Lefty, and there the guy was, bent beneath the hood of his car (practically inside of it). I thought I could get around him quietly, but Lefty was feeling friendly and went up to the car to see what the guy found so interesting. I said, "No, Lefty; come on!" and the guy turned around at this and found Lefty's face an inch from his. He bolts straight up and tries to step back, but his feet are wedged between the curb and his car, and he starts making these sweeping motions with his arms in an attempt to stay upright but ends up on his rear end. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion. He seemed a little angry so I apologized profusely, and my cheeks felt very hot. He finally says it's okay and I go on my way, but I was still red-faced when I got home and reported the incident to my husband!

12-05-2003, 11:34 AM
Oh, geez, I just read the last few entries! Too funny! :D

Oh, and yes, I actually have TWO pairs of red pajama pants with penguins on them! :)

12-05-2003, 03:25 PM
Hey, I have those pajama pants too! LOL Most comfy ones I own!

Bailey is rather embarassing at times. She has two bad habits, which are sniffing private parts of people and going up skirts!

The going up skirts thing is probably my fault. I hardly ever wear skirts around her, so I think she's just puzzled as to what they are and what's under them. (My hubby used to think it was funny until I bought him his first Utili-kilt). The worst time was that we were in Petsmart and a little toddler girl ran up to pet her. The little girl was wearing a jumper, so Bailey started to go under it. Right as the girl looked down, Bailey flipped her head up and the jumper flipped right over the girl's head! I was so embarassed! Then the girl pushed down her skirt and shook her finger at Bailey and said "NAW-TEE!" I thought the girl's mom would pass out from laughing so hard!

12-05-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Smilla
He bolts straight up and tries to step back, but his feet are wedged between the curb and his car, and he starts making these sweeping motions with his arms in an attempt to stay upright but ends up on his rear end. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion.

What an excellent description!!! I could picture the whole thing in my mind and can hardly stop laughing! :D :D :D :D

12-05-2003, 04:37 PM
Bandit had an excitable pee problem and would piddel on any visitor that came to the door. It was a very embarasing thing.

Another time Bandit decided to run off while my oldest son was taking him out to do his business. We live up on a hill and not too many nieghbors can see what goes on in the back yard so its somewhat private. Our oldest noticed bandit running off down the hill and gave chase with his scooby-doo valentines boxers no sock and a coffee cup in his hand out to the front of our neighborhood where all can see.

12-05-2003, 04:49 PM
Drake has done much to emabrass me. But I adore him nonetheless! The one incident that I rememeber very well was during the holiday season last year. Drake was housebroken at a very early age (4 months). He has never gone in the house ever since. I do not put up a tree during xmas, so Drake is not used to it. We were at my inlaws for dinner and Drake felt the need to take lift his leg up and pee on their 10 foot xmas tree!!

OMG! I was mortified. Everyone thought it was hilarious! Everyone except for Andrew's mom that it!! Luckily, he had peed on our gifts and noone else!

Hey What's a dog supposed to do when he sees a tree?

12-05-2003, 06:24 PM
LOL! Great thread,
I am reading and laughing/noticing ROcky has done a couple
of your exact things too.
1: Rocky has peed on a silk tree inside
a friends house.
2: (when Rocky was about a year old,
he lifted up the skirt of a H. S. cheerleader who was
petting him at our local petshop.
Poor thing was so embarrased because her boyfriend was
right next to her and saw everything.
3: ROcky was so excited/upset about a dog barking at him,
as I was walking him around our neighborhood,
he forgot himself and lifted his leg and preceeded to
pee on me. Luckly he only got my shoe.

Sandra my favorite bed wear is my warm thick fuzzy nightgown
that has a fuzzy bear head in front with pockets. :D

12-05-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by KYS
3: ROcky was so excited/upset about a dog barking at him,
as I was walking him around our neighborhood,
he forgot himself and lifted his leg and preceeded to
pee on me. Luckly he only got my shoe.

LMAO! I am beside myself right now. I needed a good laugh. This thread is great, but that one is my favorite. I have this mental image of him staring ahead while he pees on your leg.

12-05-2003, 07:07 PM
This is a great thread!

I know what you mean about having to walk the dogs in your pajamas. When Jake has to go, he won't take "just a minute" for an answer. I have this really perfect, beautiful, sophisticated neighbor. I get so embarassed every time she sees me outside in my pajamas and slippers.

And the feminine hygiene product thing - that's sooo embarassing.

How about the panties thing? Do your dogs chew the crotches out and leave them lying all over the house for a repairman to find?

12-05-2003, 07:10 PM
My most embarrassing moment was a few months ago, when I was keeping that stray Husky, Clara. I took her to my husband's motorcycle race at Sear's Point Raceway (a.k.a. Infineon). I was right where all the food, bathrooms, and souvenior booths are. Hundreds of people shoulder to shoulder walking. She stopped and pooped. She wouldn't quit pooping. People were having to stop in their tracks and walk around her. I could have died.

Teddy has done a few numbers on me. He has an obsession with my panties. One night, I was getting dressed for a girl's night out. Teddy snatched my panties and ran off. I ran, grabbed them from him, and threw them on. I'm at the nightclub, and I feel something lose. Lo and Behold, my panties were completly tore on one side, and holding on by a string on the other side. And of course, you all know me. I had to embarrass myself by announcing it to everyone around me.

Lastly, not only did Teddy do the butt drag thing in front of guests, but it left a poop stain trail on our light carpet.

12-05-2003, 07:13 PM
Oh! I told this one before, but I'll repeat it. One night, I let Roxy sleep in the laundry room. I was so dog gone proud that she didn't chew anything up the whole night. A few nights later, we had company over. (Halloween, BTW.) It was my first time meeting them, but they were dog lovers. I'm bragging about how Roxy spent all night in the laundry room and didn't destroy a single thing. She goes "Uhhh, not to be gross, but what is coming out of your dogs butt?" It was my panties. Apparently she was finished digesting them.

12-05-2003, 07:34 PM
Oh, my gosh--these are hilarious!!! I've been sitting here snorting with laughter as I read them! Some of the mental imagery is so great, e.g. "She stopped and pooped. She wouldn't quit pooping."

I have a feeling I can look forward to a lot of these kinds of moments with Lefty. :)

12-05-2003, 08:02 PM
How about the panties thing? Do your dogs chew the crotches out and leave them lying all over the house for a repairman to find?

OMG, LOL, yeah the panties thing is quite embarrassing.

I was hesitant to relate this story as it is almost too embarrassing for me even to put here but everyone else is being such a good sport so.. here goes :rolleyes:

One morning I got up and saw my bathroom trash scattered all over the hallway.. apparently my husband forgot to close the bathroom door before he headed off to work. Well the trash had included some of those very private and embarrassing feminine products, but there were none around. Tommy had eaten what he found. *sigh* I was more than a little disgusted, and horribly embarrassed even though thankfully no one was around.. but I wondered what would show up in the yard once he had gotten done digesting.

Well a few days passed and I actually forgot about it until I saw my husband outside, cleaning up the dog piles before running the mower. In horror I ran out there and David said "hey, I think Tommy got ahold of one of your socks and pooped it out."

I went back in, blushing horribly, and never said a word.

12-05-2003, 11:43 PM
April likes to sit up and lean on visitors and lick them wildly, whether thay are animal lovers or not. She loves everybody and shows it with no shame! It is cute, but I try to discourage her from doing this with strangers that seem like they aren't happy with her wet display of affection. It was especially embarressing while I was outside talking to someone when she when potty and started trying to eat her own poopy! I scolded her and made her get away from it, but she was definitely wanting to eat it! eoow gross! :eek:

12-06-2003, 08:42 AM
K9soul:In horror I ran out there and David said "hey, I think Tommy got ahold of one of your socks and pooped it out.">>>>

LOL! That was funny.

Umm reading a lot of your posts, seems
some dogs have quiet an interest in undies. hehehe

12-06-2003, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest

Hey What's a dog supposed to do when he sees a tree?

Not ever having a male dog til this March, I hadn't even thought about that...please Spot, don't pee on the tree!!!!

she intends to give sloppy wet kisses, but all they see is a big black dog with her mouth open, which could look scary to a stranger!

This also fits Sadie to a "T"

When she was a puppy (about 6 months old maybe?) We took her to Ralph's friend's house to play with their Boxer, who is about the same age. Heidi took us inside for a tour, and sadoe, pooped ontheir floor while we were upstairs...she did do it by the front door, so I think she was trying to tell us...

When Cincy was in Puppy K, we stopped at the Pet Store on the way home one night. She pooped all over the food aisle and it was the stinkiest!!! Ralph got paper toewls and stuff and cleaned it up andthe kid working says "Man, am I glad I didn't hav eto clean that one up!!! That is sooo stinky!" That was the last ngiht we EVER used Iams!!!

Spot's problems are simiar to Duke's...heis in love with both Anna's Huney and Staci's Keegan. I think it is the floofy tailed red heads :)

12-06-2003, 09:16 AM
I had a dog that would bring in huge underwear! He was getting them from my neighbors' clothesline! He was swallowing the big undies and throwing them up! I had to keep him in the house or pen all the time after that.
Oh my God, Jen! April is cute but weird! hehehe! I would have loved seeing your face when that happened. LOL!

12-06-2003, 10:29 AM
I had a dog that would bring in huge underwear! He was getting them from my neighbors' clothesline!

This almost made me choke on my coffee when I read it. LOL

12-06-2003, 10:52 AM
Mama! I remember those gigantic panties!!! I hadn't thought of that in a while! That was funny and horrifying!
Yes, I am sure I had quite a face when April attempted to eat the poopy in front of my friend! :D:eek:

07-21-2005, 12:24 PM
Well, this seems to be a pretty old thread, but I have been laughing my butt off at all of these stories!!

About a year ago, Abby seemed to be having an affair with my favorite soft Martha Stewart pillow (which I bought one day when we were out of town & my butt was so sore I didn't know how I'd sit in the car long enuff for the drive home):eek: She would get ahold of that dang pillow & hump away obsessively...until she couldn't move any more...she would actually fall over when she was done! Thank God no one saw her...and Martha hit the trash!!

07-21-2005, 01:26 PM
oh my gosh... these stories are all so funny.
I have 2 things about Beenie.

1) When she was puppy, she peed on the boot of a person who worked in my office. VERY EMBARRASSING!

2) She ate my bosses lunch. It was sitting on her desk. :( She stuck her face in the salad and ate the dressing and chicken.

07-22-2005, 12:56 AM
Sadie has taken a poop in PetsMart before in front of whoever was passing by. Once she did it in the store and the other time right out front before we walked in. I was tugging at her to come and turned around in horror as she was taking a poop right there in front of everyone. How I wished I could crawl under a rock, because then you have to pick it up in front of everyone. She recently took a poop right out front of my vet's office. Why she feels the need to do this to me is beyond me. When she did it at the vets office I had to sheepishly walk into the office and ask for a bag to put the poop in, how awful. Maggie has yet to embarass me in such a way.