View Full Version : New member - cancer

Julie Grove
12-05-2003, 07:30 AM
Hi I have just joined this group and this is the first posting - don't know if I'm doing this right but will soon find out!

I have two cats Gigi, a torti aged 8 and Lucy, a tabby aged 8.

My beautiful Gigi has been recently diagnosed with Mediastinal lymphoma and has had a course of chemotherapy which thankfully put her in remission. We have had to discontinue the treatment now as she was getting very miserable and depressed due to the upheaval of taking so much medication every day. Gi is an extremely sensitive girl and just wants a quiet life. She is still in remission but does have some bad days occasionally with her breathing and some days are a struggle to get her to eat - a side effect of the cancer.

Just wanted to share this with someone in case there are others out there who have experienced similar.


12-05-2003, 07:44 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk :D

I am so sorry that Gigi has been so sick but thank god she is in remission.

I take it you have tried treats like ham. turky or tuna, that will encourage her to eat.

PS. What part of England are you from ?

PPS. We LOVE photos on this site, looking forward to seeing Gigi & Lucy.

12-05-2003, 09:11 AM
Poor Gigi, I'm so glad the treatment has helped her !!

My cat Jock wasn't quite so lucky, he had cancer right through his liver and it was way too bad and I had to get him put to sleep about 3 months ago, still miss him terribly. I know what you mean about them not eating, it was such a struggle to get Jock to eat aswell, it got to the stage were all he was eating was cooked chicken and drinking gallons of water (seemingly the medication made him very thirsty!)

I hope Gigi keeps her strength up and fights her illness and look after yourself too as I know how draining it is when your fretting over your baby, Good Luck and welcome to pet talk !!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-05-2003, 09:54 AM
Welcome to PT! I'm sorry to hear Gigi has cancer, but I'm so happy to hear she's in remission - yippeee!!! Like Sqwelch says, I hope she keeps up her strength so she can fight the disease as much as possible, and hopefully she'll be around for many more years to come. :)

Russian Blue
12-05-2003, 10:21 AM
Welcome to PT! When you get a chance, can you share some pictures of Gigi and Lucy? We would love to see them. :)

Poor Gigi! I can only imagine what she has been through, but I am very glad to hear that the cancer is in remission!

I have been researching feline health issues and I came across three cancer websites that may be helpful to you.

Feline Cancer (http://www.zzcat.com/)

More Feline Cancer Info (http://www.thensome.com/petcancer.htm)

There is also a Yahoo message board that deals with holisitc treatments for Feline Cancer: Feline Cancer - Holistic Treatments (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FelineCancer-Holistic/)

I hope you enjoy your time here at Pet Talk!

12-05-2003, 10:37 AM
Welcome to PT, Julie. So sorry to hear about Gigi's cancer, but am very happy it's in remission. Our little ones sure are fighters - My Goldie battled liver cancer earlier this year; unfortunately she went to the Rainbow Bridge on April 10. I miss her terribly and have sweet memories of our many years together from kittenhood. I had to hand feed her her last few months with me and have fond memories of the daily feedings - I can still see her sweet little mouth. I hope Gigi has a long life ahead of her. And as others have said, we love pictures! :)

12-05-2003, 04:33 PM
Welcome to PT, Julie!

I'm so sorry to hear about your Gigi having cancer. Good she's still in remission! I wish her a long and happy life and many many peaceful moments which she enjoys so much!


12-05-2003, 09:32 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! We will all be hoping and praying for the best with Gigi. Poor baby.
You will have to share pictures so we can oooh and awww over your furkids!
Keep us posted on Gigi and best wishes to you both! :) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

12-06-2003, 01:02 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Julie. I'm so sorry to hear that Gigi has cancer.:( I'm glad to hear that she's in remission and hopefully she'll stay that way for many more years to come. I look forward to hearing more about your furkids and hopefully seeing some pics too. :)

smokey the elder
12-06-2003, 07:26 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk. I'm sorry Gigi has cancer. My cat Smokey (the Elder), the source of my handle, was diagnosed with a rare cancer in 1999. She was only expected to live 6 weeks, but she had two courses of chemo and I authorized experimental use of thalidomide. She thrived 10 months, and was only very sick for the last week until she went to the Bridge.

I need to scan some pics of Smokey. She was the best cat.

12-06-2003, 11:57 PM
Julie, Welcome to PT.

I am happy to hear that Gigi cancer is in remission. I hope that continues.

I look forward to hearing more about you 2 kitties.

Julie Grove
12-07-2003, 04:55 AM
I have just logged on and read the wonderful messages that you have all sent me. It feels good to know that I am not alone anymore! Gigi is not too bright at the moment - she had a bad night with her chest and I had to give her a tablet which upset her greatly. It was a difficult decision to make as I now run the risk of her going on hunger strike in protest of my actions.

I will certainly try to post some pics of my girls although this may take a while as I will have to call in assistance from a friend to give me a hand - I'm not too clever in that department!

Thank you all for your kind words and for the useful links that were passed on and I shall take great pleasure in checking out all the pics of our beautiful pets on the site.