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View Full Version : Skip dinner?

12-04-2003, 04:38 PM
I feed Lefty twice a day, each time 1/2 of the amount the dog food bag and can list as the daily amount (I have an elaborate system of how much wet and how much dry that equals, but I won't get into it). He didn't touch his breakfast this morning, and is only now beginning to eat it (5:42 p.m. EST). I usually feed him dinner at 6 p.m. In a case like this, where he chose not to eat his breakfast, should I heap even more food in his bowl, or just skip dinner?

This happens 1-2 times a week.


12-04-2003, 04:52 PM
Simba doesn't eat his breakfast alot of the time. I just put it up on the counter (Nala would eat it if we didn't) and he tells me when he's hungry.

Normally if it isn't enough after I give him the food from his breakfast, he tells me again. Or, sometimes I just add aobut a half of cup to his breakfast food and he's fine.

12-04-2003, 04:53 PM
I'd say skip it. Sounds to me like he's trying to tell you he's not hungry, especially since this happens on a regular basis. Maybe reduce the amount you feed him a bit. Most of the time the amounts listed on the bags are too much, especially if you are giving treats too. The stuff I feed says my 130 pound malamute should eat about 10 cups of food a day--he eats four!

One of my siberians only eats every second day. He's been like that since was a puppy. His weight is perfect, he has tons of energy, his coat is in great shape. I figure he's just better at managing his intake than I am--Muskwa never eats just because it's dinnertime and he thinks he should. He waits until he's hungry--I should learn from him, I probably wouldn't be trying to lose 10 pounds if I ate like Muskwa!:)

12-04-2003, 06:58 PM
Many times Smokey does not eat his breakfast, but gets
hungry only at dinnertime. I don't feed him twice as much in
the evening. I might add another 1/2 cup or so if he's only
eaten a few bites of breakfast, but I don't double up for the
meal he skipped. As long as he eats something every day, I'm

12-04-2003, 07:27 PM
Rocky sometimes skips his breakfast, but I still feed
him his regular amount of dinner if he wants it.
(unless he has the runs)

Sheba today skipped her breakfast and dinner, which is not
normal for her. As long as she eat her breakfast tomarrow
I will not worry.

12-05-2003, 12:02 AM
Tikeya and oscar get fed once a day each, two cups of kibble. baby gets fed lil amounts of kibble throughout the day to prevent bloat. :). I hate the dog food they are on right now.. YUK.

12-05-2003, 12:09 AM
Nebo skips his dinner and/or breakfast all the time. He's not sick or anything, he's always been like that. And even when he does eat, it's not quite the amount recommended for his size. Some dogs just have smaller appetites. (I've heard that especially siberians have a tendency to eat less than other dogs their size)

12-05-2003, 01:57 AM
We feed our dogs the Kibles and Bits brand once a day, 2 cups....but sometimes Daisy just doesn't eat it, and if we don't pick it up, Barkley will eat it. so i usually offer it to her around 5 o clock and she gobbles it up. lol :)

12-05-2003, 07:59 AM
Thanks, folks. I won't worry about it any more. He cleaned his bowl last night, and seemed interested in having more (kept licking the empty bowl), so I put in an extra 1/2 cup of dry and 1/2 a hotdog, which he ate (for some reason, hot dogs don't make him throw up like other "people meat"--I use small bits for training). This morning he cleaned his bowl again, but I didn't give him any more food--I figured I'd wait until dinner to get him more or less back on track.

Thanks, again, for the advice!

12-05-2003, 08:37 AM
Duke only gets fed once a day. And he didn't decide to eat last night until 1030. We usually feed him around 4. Wish I had someone doling out food for me instead of having it within reach.