View Full Version : What do you think?

12-04-2003, 12:25 PM
Ok, I have had Dallas (dilute calico - 17 months old) for about 2 months now. She was a pregnant stray when she was rescued and then I took her in a little while later. She has been wonderful although she is not as affectionate as she was when I went I first saw her at the shelter. She loves to play with her wand toy and will sit beside it until I come over and play with her, she has even brought it up and dropped it off at the foot of my bed while I was sleeping and started "yelling" at me to wake up. I don't even want to mention how pushy she can be when she is waiting for her wet food :), which I give her twice a week. She is still a little skittish though. If I make any sudden movements there go the ears and she seems ready to bolt.. and I have only had to squirt her a couple of times when she was misbehaving but she will hide for days after. However, I have no problems grooming her or clipping her nails, she just goes limp and actually she seems terrified that I am going to hit her or something (it breaks my heart sometims :(). She has never tried to use her nails or teeth when she wants to get away but She cringes and seems to be expecting a blow at any minute. I think she was abused before? And probably by a male by the difference in her reaction to my gf, sister, and mother when they come over. Then again I have only had her for two months. I have nothing but patience and love for this cat but I am wondering how long will it probably take for her to get totally comfortable with me?

Oh, and on a second note. I was thinking about getting another cat. Everyone tells me that they are really social creatures. Dallas' foster mom told me she got along fine with the other cats in the house so I don't think there is a problem with that and it probably doesn't cost much more to maintain two cats rather than one (and I definitely have enough love to spread around) but I don't know if it is to soon to introduce another animal into the house. "They" say that if I am going to get another cat do it sooner rather than later and get one that is roughly equal if not younger in age. I know alot of you have a lot of experience when it comes to these crazy creatures and I sure would appreciate anything you might have to say..

12-04-2003, 12:32 PM
I'm no expert, but if you do decide to introduce a second cat, you might want to try a male cat instead of a second female. We already had Saphirah when we brought Chloe home from the shelter. There were some pretty spectacular fireworks at the beginning, but they finally reached an understanding. We dreaded what would happen when we introduced Samson into our home, but the girls accepted him very quickly. The hissing/spitting fits just didn't happen. The only difference that we could see is that he is a male. Also, when bringing in a new cat, make sure it has its own food dish and litter box. Keep it in a separate part of the house, and introduce him/her gradually to Dallas. Don't expect instant bonding.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 01:17 PM
As for the skittishness, yes, it's only been two months. I'm sure as she begins to completely understand that you're not going to hurt her she will get better about that, but might never lose it all together. I've had Peanut for almost 15 years now and she was never abused and she is still skittish on a regular basis. Hopefully that won't be the case with Dallas though. :)

And as for getting another kitty - yeah! Go for it and be sure and provide us with pics if possible. ;) :D I agree that the sooner the better. If you've only had her for two months, she might not have forgotten being around other cats and the introductions should go a little smoother. The debate about male or female is still that - a debate, but I've got one of each and I just find it interesting the difference between the two genders.

Good luck and please keep us updated on the new kitty progress. :D

12-04-2003, 01:21 PM
I dont' think I welcomed you to PT yet so....WELCOME.
I don't know if I will be of much help but I will tell of my experience. All of my cats, at the time of intruduction, have been younger than the current kitties. I have only had minimal problems and most of that was just everybody getting the pecking order straightened out. Once the newbies relalized they were on the bottom of the totem pole then life was peaceful again. Never anything more serious than a little fur flying http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Now this is only in my household but my girls are the nasty ones! I have 6 boys and very few problems with them. Two of the 3 girls are just mean!!! They don't get along with each other. The youngest girl (Pervy) is just a little over one year old and right now she is very sweet natured. I'm waiting to see if that lasts. They do fine as long as they don't cross paths. I do think some of it is due to the fact that Maggie Sue has too much tortatude and she initiates a lot of fueds!!
This is strictly my opinion!! If I were going to be a two cat household (that will never happenhttp://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif ) and I already had a female then I would adopt a male cat. I think the best way to determine what age cat will work with yours is to judge by her personality. Is she really playful and would have fun with a spunky buddy? Is she nervous and might be better with an older cat that just likes to nap most of the time?
No matter which way you go it usually works itself out. Sometimes it takes longer than others but they seem to come up with a peaceful living arrangement.
Like I said this is just my opinion and there are a lot of members who have way more experience than me. I'm sure they will have lots of advice.
Good luck in your new kitty research and I hope when you decide to adopt that you will get a kitty from a rescue group.
Keep us posted and you know we want pictures!!!

12-04-2003, 02:16 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk :D

I have 2 girls and 5 boys. Ranging from 6 months to around 11 to 15 years old.

I must have introduced every combination of age and gender by now. ;)

The tricky one was 10 month old girl to oldest boy but I feel this was caused by my poor introduction procedure rather than anything else.

My advice........

I feel cats choose their owners anyway. I would go to your local shelter and see who picks you (whatever the gender or age of the cat).

As for introductions......slowly is the key.

Place new cat with litter tray, water, food, toys in a spare room with the door shut. Keep the cats seperate for a while.

Dallas will know that the new cat is in there but it gives her chance to get used to the new scent. Only allow them to see each other when you are there to supervise and keep new cat in the spare room at all other times.

Slowly increase the time the new cat spends with Dallas, until new cat and Dallas are fully intergrated.

Best of luck and of course photos please. :D