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12-03-2003, 06:56 PM
*Sigh* Remember that thread I posted a while back about my grandma's dog being pregnant? It was a false alarm. Well now, it isn't. I didn't say anything, but my grandma's dog had puppies five weeks ago. :mad: Obviously that means she didn't use the loan to fix Nicki. I don't know what she used it for.

Anyways, my mom will be going to pick the pups on on Friday. They are only five weeks old! They are too young. :( But my grandma lives out in the middle of nowhere beside Beaverdell which is three hours away from here. This is the only time my mom can go. So that's that. We are going to use the money we get from the puppies to fix Nicki. But my mom says we can only sell them for $20 each. That's not nearly enough to fix her. The cheapest here is $220. :(

Nobody is going to want these puppies. They are a bunch of black and tan mutts. They are all black with tan markings (like a rottweiler), all except one will be longhaired. Nobody in this city will want them...:(

Nicki is a GSD/collie mix, and my grandma doesn't even know what the father is. She said he looked exactly like a boxer with a docked tail and cropped ears and a square boxer face, only his was all black with tan markings.

GRRRR I'm so angry. :mad: :( I guess I'm excited to have little puppies running around...But I wish they were never born. It just adds to the insanity of the overpopulation crisis. If Nicki HAD to have puppies so bad, I wish she would have had them with that other dog from before. She would have had little blue merles and they would have been easier to find homes for. People are so focused on looks these days...:(

Anyways, that is my rant. I'll have pics of the pups when they get here. I'm sure they are adorable. Timber will love to babysit them...and yeah. :(

12-03-2003, 06:59 PM
What a difficult situation. Don't sell the dogs short. Mutts make the best dogs. That's what Duke is(don't tell him that) The only way I would consider getting a pure bred dog now is from a rescue. I've learned a lot since I've been here. I hope everything works out and will be looking forward to seeing pics.

12-03-2003, 07:04 PM
What a difficult situation. Don't sell the dogs short. Mutts make the best dogs. That's what Duke is(don't tell him that) The only way I would consider getting a pure bred dog now is from a rescue. I've learned a lot since I've been here. I hope everything works out and will be looking forward to seeing pics.

Yeah, I'm trying to convince my mom to sell them for more.

I know what you mean; mutts are great dogs. But I've noticed from experience that most people I've met don't seem to think so. I wonder if I lived somewhere else if they'd have a better chance.

My mom says if we don't sell them within the first two weeks that she'll take them to the spca. :( Everyone seems to be taking this so lightly. My mom's boyfriend said that he'd "get rid" of them for us. "Unless they are cute." he said. Ahhhh.

12-03-2003, 07:05 PM
:( :mad:
5 weeks?! Why is she giving them to you that young? Is there any way your grandma will keep them until they turn at least 8 weeks?

Irresponsible people owning dogs. *sighs* :( :(

Good Luck Jordan, I hope you find them all good homes and find a way to get Nicki spayed.

12-03-2003, 07:06 PM
I know you will take good
care of the puppies, till you find them all good homes,
and than get poor Nicki fixed.
I understand your frustration about your grandmother
not fixing Nickie when she had the chance. :(
When the time comes please post pictures.

12-03-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
:( :mad:
5 weeks?! Why is she giving them to you that young? Is there any way your grandma will keep them until they turn at least 8 weeks?

She would give them to us later, but this is the only time my mom can get up to her house and get them. If she doesn't get them then, then she doesn't get them until spring, and my grandma is keeping them outside in a hole in the ground. She doesn't have a car or know how to drive...so my mom has to get them. :(

12-03-2003, 07:08 PM
That comment from your mom's boyfriend makes me angry :o Wonder if he'd really hurt them?

12-03-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
That comment from your mom's boyfriend makes me angry :o Wonder if he'd really hurt them?
Well, he said that he would if they were only just born. but they are five weeks so he says they are too cute. :o

12-03-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
She would give them to us later, but this is the only time my mom can get up to her house and get them. If she doesn't get them then, then she doesn't get them until spring, and my grandma is keeping them outside in a hole in the ground. She doesn't have a car or know how to drive...so my mom has to get them. :(

Is it *possible* to bring Nicki with the puppies when your mom goes to pick them up? I'm sure she would have a much better life away from your grandma...no offense.

Gosh, I'm so sorry Jordan. I would love to donate something to help get Nicki spayed...if I could.

12-03-2003, 07:12 PM
:( Jo-jo..good luck with the pups. I'm sure you'll do your best to find the right homes. Try posting on petfinder classifieds and maybe asking a few rescues if they'd list the pups on their site to help you out.

12-03-2003, 07:13 PM
Would it be possible for your mom to pick up Nikki also and have her stay for a while? That way the pups wouldn't have to be taken away from their mother so early.

Have you looked into the possibility of any low-cost spay and neuter clinics or vouchers? Have you tried calling *all* the vets in your area for pricing? I don't know what is available there, but there's several things available here. We even have a mobile spay and neuter clinic that will spay/neuter an entire litter of puppies as well as the mother. It may not be the best for them to be altered that early, but better for the homeless dog population.

Honestly if you're selling them for $20 you'll most likely end up selling them to other irresponsible people who will not spay/neuter either.

Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see pics! :) PLEASE do whatever you can to get Nicki spayed!

12-03-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Is it *possible* to bring Nicki with the puppies when your mom goes to pick them up? I'm sure she would have a much better life away from your grandma...no offense.

Unfortunatly we could never pry her away from her animals. She's a typical "hoarder." She's always had too many animals and she lives in shambles because of it. She literally had atleast 100 cats, but because of the fire, the bears and coyotes have come down and killed most of them off. She now has about 20. I hate to say it because it sounds terrible, but I'm glad the cats are gone because they are in a *much* better place.

12-03-2003, 07:15 PM
What a sad situation :( I'm sure you will make the best of it and help find the pups good homes.

Are there any rescue groups in your area that may help? One group here has "Litter patrol" They take the puppies from unwanted pregancies and findthem homes. They also fix all animals in the home and return them to the owner.

Good luck,and I'm sure the puppies are adorable :)

12-03-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Unfortunatly we could never pry her away from her animals. She's a typical "hoarder." She's always had too many animals and she lives in shambles because of it. She literally had atleast 100 cats, but because of the fire, the bears and coyotes have come down and killed most of them off. She now has about 20. I hate to say it because it sounds terrible, but I'm glad the cats are gone because they are in a *much* better place.

I hate to say it...but is it bad enough to be reported? Animal hoarding should be taken seriously...I'm sure there's a limit to how many pets she is allowed. And if they are not living in sanitary conditions something should be done about it.

12-03-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Would it be possible for your mom to pick up Nikki also and have her stay for a while? That way the pups wouldn't have to be taken away from their mother so early.

I just asked my mom, and she said no. she said Nicki is vicious. I had no idea. The last time I saw her she was so nice. I assume that it's because she isn't socialized anymore. :( My mom said when she went up there a while ago, she almost bit my mom's bottom and her bf had to kick the dog down because she tried to attack my mom.

Cincy'smom, you just reminded me that the spca here will spay animals for free until you can get the money to pay them back! I'll talk to my mom about that! :D

12-03-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I hate to say it...but is it bad enough to be reported? Animal hoarding should be taken seriously...I'm sure there's a limit to how many pets she is allowed. And if they are not living in sanitary conditions something should be done about it.
Believe me, she's been reported hundreds of times. That's why she left Kelowna, because the neighbors kept complaining. She'd have a dog tied to every vehicle in the driveway. The spca said that because she took them to the vet when they got sick, there wasn't a problem. She got reported when she moved up where she is now, but the spca wouldn't do anything because she lives in the middle of nowhere and there are no laws there apparently. :confused:

12-04-2003, 12:04 AM
I'm so sorry. This is a tough situation. I know you feel bad for the puppies and their mother ... and also for you grandma, whom you obviously love. This is a no-win situation. Hoarding is a disease, there are no easy answers. You are caught between a rock and a hard place, that's for sure. Do what you can, and don't beat yourself up over what you can't do.

12-04-2003, 07:31 AM
This is a very bad situation for everyone. It is so sad that the pups have to be taken from their mother at such a young age. Try posting on Petfinder. How about a few signs at the vets in your area. This is a very bad time to sell puppies. People buy dogs for xmas gifts and after the holidays, many of these gift end up in shelters.

Best of luck to you and your mom. You are good people for trying to help out.

12-04-2003, 09:02 AM
I sure hope everything works out!!!

My Peanuts
12-04-2003, 02:34 PM
Christmas is coming, why don't you try to sell them for $50. I normally wouldn't suggest this, but if Nicki needs to get spayed then it's the only way. If they don't go for $50, then reduce the price. Sylvia is small, but her spaying is going to cost $110. Maybe you should try to call more vets. Sorry this isn't the best advice, but it's a tricky situation.

12-04-2003, 03:35 PM
i think that is tootally messed that your grandma would let her dog go around unspayed..

My Peanuts
12-04-2003, 03:42 PM
I don't blame your grandma. She grew up in a different time. It is irresponsible and bad for the problems of homeless animals, but things were different in the past. I don't think anyone should say anything bad or pass judgment. Wolfsoul is trying to help the problem and get Nicki spayed.

12-04-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
She grew up in a different time. It is irresponsible and bad for the problems of homeless animals, but things were different in the past.
That's true, things were very different back then. There weren't as many animals in shelters, that's for sure. She's have maybe 15 or 20 dogs at a time. She'd have lots of small dogs and would often get litters of shih poos or pekignese mixes and such. She sold them for 20 each. Nowadays they could be sold for hundreds. :eek:

12-04-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
That's true, things were very different back then. There weren't as many animals in shelters, that's for sure. She's have maybe 15 or 20 dogs at a time. She'd have lots of small dogs and would often get litters of shih poos or pekignese mixes and such. She sold them for 20 each. Nowadays they could be sold for hundreds. :eek:

yeah my mom and dad were talking to me about that the other day, they said when they were teens their dogs were never on a leash they would run in pavcks and always know who was the learder, and none of them were spayted or neutered, and they would have the run of the town. the pound had a hard time trying to catch them too, they were very street smart, my dads dog saved his life and I believe he was a kees hound labX he wasnt neutered and he probably bred all the time.His dog would walk him to school everyday, and then would go off and do its own thing.. The dogs would have a curfew like humans did, they would have to be home by 10 and my grandma would usually call for my dads dog *snoopy* and he would come a runnin... I am glad life isnt like that anymore though..

12-04-2003, 07:27 PM
originally posted by Tikeyas_mom
The dogs would have a curfew like humans did, they would have to be home by 10 and my grandma would usually call for my dads dog *snoopy* and he would come a runnin... I am glad life isnt like that anymore though..

Me Too! Man, I hope you find those puppies homes, and get that dog spayed........while your at it, have a little fun with those puppers! :) I can't believe people let their dogs run around

unspayed :mad: :( It makes me so mad. Our local pound just said on the radio they have Christmas puppies. Why all of a sudden? Do you think somebody dumped them, or do you think the pound bred them on purpose to sell them for christmas? :eek: :confused: :eek: :eek:

12-04-2003, 08:32 PM
I don't think we are getting the puppies tomorrow. My mom can't go anymore, but my aunt can and she won't drive in the snow. Well, it's supposed to snow tonight and all day tomorrow. Pray that is doesn't!

We've already got a home for one. But this person isn't paying because he's my grandma's friend. He's really upset because his dog was just killed by a bear a few days ago. :( He was a really cute rotti/collie mix.

12-05-2003, 01:32 AM
awww, so, don't you have ta take care of it or is he taking it at 5 weeks? so, 1 down 6 more to go...... good luck, can you try in front of stores? people always go for that

12-05-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by *FlatCoatsRule*
awww, so, don't you have ta take care of it or is he taking it at 5 weeks? so, 1 down 6 more to go...... good luck, can you try in front of stores? people always go for that
He's going to take it before I can even see the puppy lol. He lives down the trail from my grandma.

I don't want to go in front of stores...people get suspicious, and on numerous times I've heard about the spca being called and taking the pups when people sell them from their trucks at the mall. :eek:

12-05-2003, 11:08 AM
Really? That's how I've seen our spca sell puppies before!!! :eek: :eek: :confused: Poor babies..........hope they all get homes.....is there any way you would keep one aficially? Or would your mom not let you?

12-05-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by *FlatCoatsRule*
Really? That's how I've seen our spca sell puppies before!!! :eek: :eek: :confused: Poor babies..........hope they all get homes.....is there any way you would keep one aficially? Or would your mom not let you?
Lol, no, my mom would never let me. I don't want one anyways; I don't have enough moeny. the next puppy I get will be my catahoula! :p

12-05-2003, 03:18 PM
Oh yeah huh! Those dogs are beautiful! Until then, Timber is beautiful enough!

12-05-2003, 03:19 PM
LOL Timber is flattered. :D :o

12-05-2003, 03:21 PM
LOL, so, the puppies are so ugly you wouldn't want one? Or is it because you don't have the money?

12-05-2003, 03:25 PM
Weeell we don't have enough money, plus we have to move and might not be allowed a dog. Even Timber. And I really don't want another dog until I move out lol. I can't really explain it -- it's like an independance thing. I'd like to start with my own dog that doesn't belong to anybody else but myself.

12-05-2003, 03:28 PM
yeah, that's gonna be hard, what's gonna happen to Timber???? Aren't you gonna wanna keep her? :confused: :(

12-05-2003, 03:32 PM
She'd stay with my aunt. My aunt is her co-owner anyways, and she has say of what happens to her. She'd keep her.

12-05-2003, 03:43 PM
Don't you wanna like, buy YOUR OWN dog, not, like, share a dog with someone else? I mean, like buy your OWN dog with your OWN money, you know, that kinda thing???? Isn't that what you wanna do with your catahoula or whatever they are called

12-05-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by *FlatCoatsRule*
Don't you wanna like, buy YOUR OWN dog, not, like, share a dog with someone else? I mean, like buy your OWN dog with your OWN money, you know, that kinda thing???? Isn't that what you wanna do with your catahoula or whatever they are called
Yup, I want to buy him with my own money and train him my own way with my own tactics and take him wherever I want. :p Hehehe. With Timber and Leather it's hard because they don't JUST belong to me. Timber belongs to my family too, and Leather belongs to my stepmom too.