View Full Version : uh oh possable preggers?

12-03-2003, 12:15 PM
hmm all the gerbils looked like girls but um they have grown up a lot and cindy is looking more and more like a boy! and um stubby who is definatly a girl is a whole oz bigger then the others, and looking a little tubby :eek: thing is I have no idea how young they were when we got them and gerbil sare extremly difficult i sex at a young age, so its very likley that cindy is goin gto be a daddy and stubby is going to be a mommy:eek: I am a former gerbil breeder so taking care of babys ect is no problem, but this was NOT on the agenda! :eek:

Heather Wallace
12-03-2003, 02:48 PM
Why breed when you can rescue?

12-03-2003, 03:25 PM
huh? :confused: what does that have to do with ANYTHING?:confused:

12-03-2003, 03:37 PM
o wow!!! I had a very similar problem with Sage and her ex lover Jade. I got Sage first and I thought she was male, the pet guy said she was. So I went to the local pet store later on and got another male to house with her. and they ended up having babies, 3 babies, 2 survived. I wish you luck with your lil ones. :). Since you are a formal gerbil breeder then good luck with the lil ones. :)

12-03-2003, 03:59 PM
well it seems another clue to her being pregnant would be that when I attempted to reintroduce cinnamon to them, the first attemp before I weighed them and took note of the weight differace, was that first it was one on one woth stubby, and she got really protective and immedietly started fighting(they are fine) but I will need to find a new place to but her, probibly with sniffles, we dont want any fights now and i will need to do that soon, she is getting quit big so should be a mommy fairly soon. ;)

Heather Wallace
12-04-2003, 10:56 AM
A lot! Why bring more baby animals into the world when there is already to many neglected one????

12-04-2003, 11:02 AM
I don't think she ment to breed her gerbils. She thought that both of her gerbils were girls, and then "Cindy" turned out to be a boy.

12-04-2003, 11:13 AM
maybe you should read my post a little more closely then :rolleyes:

I am a former gerbil breeder so taking care of babys ect is no problem, but this was NOT on the agenda!

first they are GERBILS near impossable to find in a petstore much less a shelter, and second this was NOT PLANNED.:rolleyes:

12-04-2003, 03:44 PM
dont ya hate it when your posts are read wrong?? ;).. I do ... :p.. I am sure these pups will have a happy life living with all the gerbils you have right now lol. it is really hard to sex male gerbils and female gerbils when they are young the genitals look very similar..

12-04-2003, 04:06 PM
I bet they will;) we are going to be making new arangments, as the little boys guinea pig cage is build on top of 2 of our old gerbil cages, so there will be new arangments and some critters er rather(either gerbils of piggies) will move into my moms room, she said she wants critter in there!:p

Heather Wallace
12-04-2003, 05:54 PM
You said you were fromer breeder, thats what I am refering to and I didn't read the post wrong!

Heather Wallace
12-04-2003, 05:54 PM
Just wondered why people feel the need to breed thats all.

12-04-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace
Just wondered why people feel the need to breed thats all.

none of your rabbits would be here if somone didnt breed them ;)..

12-04-2003, 06:42 PM
Gerbils are hard to find in shelters and pet stores?
That's why that's ALL our SPCA has for small rodents for adoption.

12-04-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Gerbils are hard to find in shelters and pet stores?
That's why that's ALL our SPCA has for small rodents for adoption.

maybe her petstores and shelters dont have them there, ever think of that Kayann?? :rolleyes:. I know in my local shelter we never see birds and hardly ever see gerbils.

12-04-2003, 06:54 PM
that could very well be IN FLORIDA in case you did not notice i am NOT in florida! and in saskatewan there are NO gerbils in shelters, and you have to go to every petstore in town before you can find one with any gerbils and when they do they have all of 4-6.

12-04-2003, 07:10 PM
Yes, i've thought of that, no need to be a snobby and rude, as always Jynelle. THANKS!

And yes, Cali, i know you're not IN FLORIDA, I was just saying that that's all we have for small rodents in SPCA's down here.

12-04-2003, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yes, i've thought of that, no need to be a snobby and rude, as always Jynelle. THANKS!

And yes, Cali, i know you're not IN FLORIDA, I was just saying that that's all we have for small rodents in SPCA's down here. I wasnt getting snobby.. I was just saying

Heather Wallace
12-05-2003, 05:12 AM
I think this was all blown out of porportion.

Yes, your right, obviously rabbits are breed thats why they are here, but to many of them are breed, thats why it is better to rescue the ones that are here already.

This was only meant as a discussion, not an arguement. That's what I thought this forum was about discussion.

12-05-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace
I think this was all blown out of porportion.

Yes, your right, obviously rabbits are breed thats why they are here, but to many of them are breed, thats why it is better to rescue the ones that are here already.

This was only meant as a discussion, not an arguement. That's what I thought this forum was about discussion.

i tgotally agree with you :)

12-05-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by cali
that could very well be IN FLORIDA in case you did not notice i am NOT in florida! and in saskatewan there are NO gerbils in shelters, and you have to go to every petstore in town before you can find one with any gerbils and when they do they have all of 4-6.

Where you live it's pretty much impossible to find ANY small rodents, let alone gerbils and rats. Rats there are very very hard to come by!

12-05-2003, 12:58 PM
I would love to live there lol. Then I wouldent be tempted by all the lil poor animals in the local pet stores... :(:(:(>.. they reak my heart, I always want to take them all home with me. We have rats, hamsters *dwarf and syrian* at the local pet store, we also have gerbils, spiny mice, feeder mice:(:(, and hedgehogs, all in these lil tank cages that are housed in pine bedding and they are never socialized :(:(>... I sshall move to saskatewan one day.

12-05-2003, 08:38 PM
Where you live it's pretty much impossible to find ANY small rodents, let alone gerbils and rats. Rats there are very very hard to come by!

how do you know so much about where I live? lol

12-05-2003, 08:44 PM
I know a few rat breeders who live there. They started because there was a lack of rats as pets. :)