View Full Version : Incident this Morning

12-03-2003, 10:35 AM
Hello Everyone! :D

I had quite an experience this morning! I got up, gave the crew their morning treats, then was getting ready for my shower and I happened to glance over and there was POOP in the shower! POOP! :eek: About 7-10 pieces of it! After over a year and a half of having the twins and 6 months of having Lucky, we haven't had ANY litter box problems, everyone always goes there no problemo. So I have been very confused since :confused:, especially since I don't know which cat did it! I'm pretty sure it was Priss....she doesn't like Lucky that much and has had a fairly hard time adjusting to him, but has never had any behavioral issues. Here are the only conclusions I can come up with as to why the she did it, let me know if you have any idea why also, or share a similar story:

1. There was another cat in the box and she HAD to go.
2. The litter box was too full of other waste and she preffered the clean shower. (They never minded that before)
3. She was upset because of something Lucky did and wanted to get back at us for getting him.
4. She was upset at something we did and wanted to get back at us (even though nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday)

I'm so confused :confused:, at least I can say that it only happened once (so far) and it was in the shower, which was easy to clean up, I just hope that one of the cats doesn't have a problem or hurt feelings, whatever it is I want to correct it, I want everyone to be happy! :(

Thanks for listening! :D

12-03-2003, 11:31 AM
Ah yes - Goldie used to do this to me when her litter box wasn't clean enough in her opinion. She sure got me trained fast. At least it's easy to clean up.

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-03-2003, 12:18 PM
I think the point is not to try to understand cats - just cater to their every whim:rolleyes: :D

Hope you get it figured out soon!

12-03-2003, 12:23 PM
I would add one more idea...maybe the litter pan was too full/empty of litter, too.

12-03-2003, 12:36 PM
Maybe a second litterbox would help? I had a problem once when I had two cats, Pudding decided she did not want to use the same litter box as stinky kitty. I had to go and buy another litterbox. That solved my my problem.:)

12-03-2003, 01:09 PM
Thanks for all of your advice, we are probably going to get a second litter box and try to scoop twice a day instead of once. Happy cat loving! :D Talk to you soon, I took an irresistable picture of Lucky yesterday and I can't wait to post it, bye! :D

12-03-2003, 01:25 PM
Max has only done this once or twice in the middle of the night when he had the runs and couldn't make it to the litterbox in time. At least he's considerate enough to use the bathtub and not the rug. My good little boy...

12-03-2003, 01:36 PM
Aw, that was considerate of him. The poop was whole and normal though, it's just so bizarre! :rolleyes: :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-03-2003, 02:05 PM
The only time Tubby has ever gone outside the litterbox is when he poops on the rug in the big bathroom - and he only does that when his tummy is upset. I know that's the reason because we will usually find some throw-up nearby too. And this isn't the runs like Max, it looks perfectly normal, it was just that his tummy was upset. With his failing kidneys, this has happened a few times now, but we really don't care because it's on a throw rug and it's poop, which is soooo much easier to clean up than pee. ;) :D He has always been such a good boy in this department that I just can't see this as a problem. Oh, and we know it's Tubby because I've actually seen him in the act, but it was too late to pick him up and run him all the way downstairs to the litterbox - especially when I know he's only doing it 'cause his tummy doesn't feel good, so I couldn't make him feel worse by interrupting him.

Maybe this or something similar is the reason behind your "incident" because Tubby's problem is much easier to deal with than a behavioral issue. Although, in my opinion, if they're going to go outside the litterbox, what better place than the shower? Easiest place in the world to clean. :)

12-03-2003, 04:21 PM
I agree, if it can't be the litter box, go for the shower! I'll let you know how it goes! :D

12-04-2003, 09:51 AM
Oh my God that is Gross! Thank God the only turds that I find are when Moose and JJJ3 Dig , dig , dig in the litter box.