View Full Version : I know, I know, ANOTHER dog food topic...

12-01-2003, 08:28 PM
Sorry I'm making another topic on dog food. :p Before you tell me about all the other wonderful brands, I will tell you that I'm only buying the ones available at Petco. HERE (http://www.petco.com/DeptListing.asp?tab=1&c1=182&ct1=Food&c2=183&ct2=By+Brand&Dept_ID=183) is a link to a list of them. I work there, get a discount, my 10th bag free...and I'm not driving an hour to buy dog food. ;)

THIS (http://www.naturalblend.com/adult.htm) is the dog food I'm currently feeding. For a few months now they haven't had any of the 30 lb bags and I'm sick of buying the small bags as they are more expensive per lb and don't last as long. I don't have any problems with the food, Nebo likes it and his coat looks great.

I'm thinking of switching to THIS (http://www.naturalbalanceinc.com/products/UltDog.html) brand. The ingredients are similar, but it looks like theirs might be somewhat higher quality.

If you were to choose a dog food from those available, which would you buy?

12-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Natural Balance is good. I also like Nutro Max.

12-01-2003, 08:43 PM
They are both high quality dog foods. Tough choice. Are you
sure you want to switch? :)

12-01-2003, 08:50 PM
No, I'm not sure...I do like this brand of dog food. Just the fact that they never seem to have it in the size I want is very annoying.

I just bought 2 small bags tonight so I have plenty of dog food left and time to think about it.

12-01-2003, 08:52 PM
Both the ones you posted seem like good foods and are ones I have considered. The only ones onyour list I can say I've tried are Iams (Yuck!) and Sensible Choice. I really liked Sensible Choice myself. As long as Nebo likes the food, and you are confortable withthe ingredients, I don't think you can go to wrong with your choice

12-01-2003, 09:43 PM
Of those on the page you listed I would consider:
Natural Balance
Nature's Recipe
Sensible Choice

I would check the ingredients and see what sounded best to you.

Nutro Max is the lesser version of Nutro Natural Choice. Like Iams is the lesser version of Pukeanuba (or is it the other way around)?

Since you work at the store could you just go find out when they are putting an order in for the Royal Canin and make sure there is the size you want on the list? I mean you are a guaranteed buyer after all.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

12-01-2003, 09:50 PM
Since you work at the store could you just go find out when they are putting an order in for the Royal Canin and make sure there is the size you want on the list? I mean you are a guaranteed buyer after all.

Yeah, I made them order me some a while ago but I still haven't seen it...I'm impatient. ;) They keep getting large bags of the puppy and the senior but never the adult for some reason.

Nutro Max is the lesser version of Nutro Natural Choice.

Yep, I'd use Natural Choice over Max...I had him on Natural Choice when he was a puppy. It's good food, Nebo just didn't like the taste of the adult and wouldn't eat it. Of course, he's picky anyway. :rolleyes:

Like Iams is the lesser version of Pukeanuba
LOL Pukeanuba...I think that's correct. Well, at least I'd think it would be since Iams is available at supermarkets and wal-mart now.