View Full Version : I won the battle!

12-01-2003, 02:49 PM
Teddy is getting neutered on Thursday! :D Well, my frustration has been mounting. I am so tired of him running off in search of girls, marking territory, mounting Roxy, etc... (Yes, I understand neutering doesn't always fix that, but he should be neutered anyways.)

My husband thinks the garage is to cold for Ted during the day time, so after work, I'm always cleaning up accidents...Then yesterday, Mike goes "Poor Teddy, you must hate walking on this plywood, Teddy, we'll get you carpet real soon."

I snapped. lol. I bluffed him. I said "Do you really think Teddy is going to live indoors when we get brandnew carpet?! Teddy is either living outside, or you are giving him away to your grandma." Of course, Mike freaked. So I compromised. ;) I told him that the only way I'd keep Teddy in the house was if he's neutered. I won! Yay!

As some of you know, this has been bothering me quite a bit. I am so glad that he's finally getting neutered. He does have one litter on the way with Babs, but fortunatly that'll be the only litter that he fathers.

12-01-2003, 03:38 PM
Don't know what else to say but :D :D :D

12-01-2003, 04:24 PM
Good job! Way to threaten!!
To bad you hadn't thought of that before Babs got bred....But now is better than never!

12-01-2003, 04:31 PM
I had thought of it, but I didn't really want to be so insistant. I had really hoped that Mike and I would come to a mutual agreement without me getting nasty.

12-01-2003, 04:51 PM
Grats on winning that battle. It certainly is best for everyone involved, especially Teddy. Men seem more squeamish sometimes about neutering..I wonder why. :p

12-01-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Grats on winning that battle. It certainly is best for everyone involved, especially Teddy. Men seem more squeamish sometimes about neutering..I wonder why. :p

LMAO! I know, isn't it funny? He's so freaked out about it. My little brother just came by and I told him...my brother was like "No, don't! Just keep him away from females." I told my brother that I had too and he goes "Well, can you take pictures of them at least?" lol. I told him that if he'd like I'd have the vet save them in a jar for him. He thought I was a bit demented for that. :D

12-02-2003, 08:36 AM
Good job Tonya on getting the job done!! What is it about guys and neutering? :confused:

I talked to Dick about neutering Max and he just freaked! Max is 8 years old and he's still not neutered. Can't convince Dick and with Max's health the way it is - it probably won't get done now.

The girls are all spayed - I insisted and Kirby came to us neutered - thank heavens!

12-02-2003, 06:35 PM
He's freaking out on me again. He told me that he thought about it all day long at work...He wants me to just wait a while longer. :mad: