View Full Version : Kitty Christmas Plans

12-01-2003, 12:56 AM
Well, its almost December 1st, so it'll be OK to bring this up now, right? ;)

What are your Christmas plans for your furkids? Do they have a stocking? Do they get presents or treats? Does Santa come to your house for them? Do they like the tree?

We have two stockings for the furkids, so they can share what we...I mean Santa....puts in there. I've been helping Santa shop at PetSmart and so far this is what will be in their stockings:
(The Raindeer one)
(The Penguin One)

I couldn't find the other stuff. They got some green/silver/red glittery balls with bells in them, lots of red/green mice, some balls that are attached with string, a new kitty tent and some shiney mice that make noise. Santa sure knows what they'll like! ;)

We really want to get another cat tree. My grandmother usually gives me money for Christmas, so I think I'll spend it on a new cat tree. I know they'd love one in our bedroom. So, we'll see.

I also put in an order for their Christmas collars and I can't wait to see them. Micah's excited too...he's likes being 'pretty'. :)

What about you all? Is Santa leaving some goodies this year?

12-01-2003, 01:13 AM
I forgot...they also got a replacement wire thingy for their "Cat Dancer". :)

12-01-2003, 01:25 AM
Cool gifts.

I may have to get the Reindeer for Joey, it will give her something to carry to us instead of towels.

Yes, we have kitty Christmas at our house. They have the very own stockings that santa fills with toys and treats and anything else I..I mean santa can find that they might enjoy.

They both enjoy the tree. Bob loves to sit under it and he loves to watch the lights blink.:) The Joey liked to hang under the tree, and that was about it last year, we will see what this year brings.

12-01-2003, 07:13 AM
Oh Noahsmommy, I can't wait to see pictures of your pampered catherd at Christmas!!!:D

I've tried to get one of those cat dancers on ebay for Nellie (unfortunately they aren't available in the shops over here), but I've failed...:(

Like every year I always wrap up our gifts in large cardboardboxes with loads of paper in it, because it is such a joy for Nellie to help unwrap the gifts and then spend the whole evening (we always exchange gifts on Dec.24th in Germany!) entertaining herself in the boxes and papers...
That's what she likes best about Christmas!:)

12-01-2003, 09:17 AM
Noahsmommy, first off, just let me say I love the picture of Noah and Phoebe. Noah looks like a gentle giant. I love this picture.

Yes, we have Kitty Christmas. I used to have a stocking for each and every kitty but we started to run out of room on the mantle, so I have 1 stocking that says "Kitties LOVE Christmas Too" and they get stuffed with fresh cat nip, kitty greens and other treats. This year they will not be getting any new toys in their stocking because I took a count and they have 23 bounce balls, 58 toy mice, 3 oversized toy mice as well as about 33 misc toys, so NO MORE TOYS.

This year I went on eBay and got the furkids these....

This will replace the condo in our bedroom. It has a plaque that will read "Chateau Chartier".


And this one will go downstairs in the living room, right next to the picture window so they can enjoy looking outside during the cold winter months.


Now I am done with cat furniture. They will now have a total of 3 condos in the house.

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-01-2003, 09:46 AM
Aw such cute toys!

I will be away from my furkids at Christmas:( (We go back to South Africa to see our family every Christmas) - my husbands company is great - they pay for two return tickets per family member per year!

They will have a live-in pet-sitter (someone who they see every day anyway, and she loves them to bits).

At least in January when I get back I won't be working straight away, so I will have some time to spend with them:D

12-01-2003, 11:57 AM
Emily and Eliot are getting the Petflow Deluxe drinking fountain and some new furry mousies :D Besides that, they get all the wrapping paper, empty boxes and bows!! We just have never done stockings at our house :rolleyes:

Prairie Purrs
12-01-2003, 01:21 PM
I may have to collect a paycheck or two after the holidays to be able to afford it, but there's someone based in Denver who sells cat trees on eBay and will deliver them in the city, and I really need a new one--preferably one that provides several high places, as there's an occasional argument over who gets the top spot on the tree I have now.

In the meantime, it'll be catnip all around and maybe some new toys for Yule. :D

12-01-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by bisi.cat
I've tried to get one of those cat dancers on ebay for Nellie (unfortunately they aren't available in the shops over here), but I've failed...:(

I'd be more than happy to get one and send it to you. They are easy to find in my area, so just let me know. :)