View Full Version : your christmas list

11-30-2003, 07:35 PM
My parents want me to write out a list of stuff I want and I have no clue! Because Im at that age were I dont play with toys no more. and stuff like that. So far on my list I have:

1. Clothes

Maybe I should just ask stuff for my pets!

So whats on your christmas list?

11-30-2003, 07:38 PM
All I want is gift certificates of different stores. Or I don't mind not getting anything from my relatives. I am easy. haha!!!

11-30-2003, 07:39 PM

Except maybe, the house to myself? Peace and quiet?

Naaaahh.. that's too much to ask for.

11-30-2003, 07:41 PM
A holiday would be nice, just a few days away,nice to get away from the old boring routine.

I forgot what I would really like is another KITTY.:)

11-30-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
All I want is gift certificates of different stores. Or I don't mind not getting anything from my relatives. I am easy. haha!!!

American Express gift cards are nice. You can use those anywhere American Express is accepted, that way you're not locked into having to buy at a certain store.

11-30-2003, 08:05 PM
When I was little, I had tons of different things I wanted for Christmas. But now, I just love Christmas too much, and thinking of what I want isn't top priority.

Here's what I want:
1- (has been #1 for years) a dog
and also, in no order:
- a really cool watch
-makeup (maybe)
-Sims computer games
- new cell phone
- gift certificates
I don't know what else:p

11-30-2003, 08:09 PM
Hmmm what I'd want..

Indiana Jones DVD
Mark Wills' "Crowd Goes Wild" CD
Joe Nichols "Man w/ a Memory" CD
Michael J. Fox - Spin City DVD - Top 10 favorite Episodes
PEOPLE magazine
CLOTHES.. I need new jeans.. I'd love to get like 3 or 4 pair of jeans.. sweaters..

I'm not really asking for much...

11-30-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by micki76
American Express gift cards are nice. You can use those anywhere American Express is accepted, that way you're not locked into having to buy at a certain store.

Yes, money is good too. haha... But not every place take AE though.

11-30-2003, 08:49 PM
Nothing for me.

I'm going to make a "gift basket" for my local animal shelter and fill it with toys, treats, blankets, etc...for the dogs and cats there. :)

11-30-2003, 08:56 PM
I am the same way lol I dont play with toys or anything anymore I am not into make-up or music etc.. my parents keep asking what I want but there is nothing I want, lol all I dod with christmas money anyway is spend it on my animals so I just say stuff for my animals and they dont get that lol there has gotta be something I want! lol get dogs toys, kennels, beds etc.. I am will be very happy! :p

11-30-2003, 08:57 PM
20 inch rims for my truck.
Coffee tables
A wedding ring

but since the remodel made us broke, and I'm expecting to go on strike next year, I'm getting nothin!

11-30-2003, 09:13 PM
All that I really want is for my pets to be appreciated by EVERYONE in my family. I tired of having to tell my brothers and sisters to stop yelling at my dog and pushing them off of their beds. If I could get everyone in my family to appreciate my pets and respect their feelings, then I couldn't ask for more.

Desert Arabian
11-30-2003, 10:27 PM
This is more like my dream list. :p

1. Arabian chestnut or bay gelding
2. Mule bay gelding
3. Hairless rats
4. Labrador Retriever, yellow
5. Boxer,brindle
6. Great Dane, any color
7. Tons of $$
8. Private island in Fiji
9. Huge horse ranch in Montana.
10. Liposuction (sp!?!)

My True Christmas List: (MOM READ THIS CLOSELY!)

1. That huge cage at the pet store, the really really big one made by DaMars!!!!!! MUST HAVE!!! :p
2. The 2004 rat calendar found at AnimalCrackers (pet store)
3. $$$, makes for a great stocking stuffer!
4. Orlando Bloom, he can help me open my presents
5. Anyother goods to spoil my ratties with!!

That's bout it!

11-30-2003, 11:09 PM
we have the same dream list YLL:)
my real one is:
1. clothes.
2. hairstraitener
3. $$ to buy a plane ticket
4. cd's
i think that's all for now;)

11-30-2003, 11:11 PM
If I WERE getting something I would want...

A plane ticket to Florida.


11-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
If I WERE getting something I would want...

A plane ticket to Florida.


To Tampa Florida!! I'll make my dad pick you up from the airport! :p

11-30-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
To Tampa Florida!! I'll make my dad pick you up from the airport! :p

-memo to myself...have parents buy a ticket to Tampa, Florida.-
I wish. :( That would be the GREATEST Christmas present!! :D

11-30-2003, 11:34 PM
what's in florida?(if you don't mind my asking)
i want a plane ticket to N carolina:)

11-30-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by G.P.girl
what's in florida?(if you don't mind my asking)

Best Dog Beach (IMO)

11-30-2003, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Best Dog Beach (IMO)

You think I want to go to see YOU? :eek:
I just want to meet Simba and Nala. :p

Just Kidding! ;)

11-30-2003, 11:45 PM
-$$$ (always a nice gift)
-some new toys for the boys
-64mb+ memory card for my cam
-some nice 6 foot leashes and collars for the boys
-new cell

11-30-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
You think I want to go to see YOU? :eek:
I just want to meet Simba and Nala. ;)

Well since I wouldn't trust YOU with them,
You'd have to meet me before seeing them.

11-30-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget

-64mb+ memory card for my cam

I have a 128mb mem. card. :p

Samantha Puppy
12-01-2003, 07:41 AM
1. ANYTHING on my registries!!

Being as both Josh and I are living at home and have never had our own place, we have NOTHING to start our lives together with - so our registry lists are pretty darn big. :(

12-01-2003, 07:56 AM
It's been a few years since I got any gifts, but I really don't mind because I spend time with my family and that's a blessing in itself. :) Besides, I love spoiling my little nephew anyways.

This year, my boyfriend and I were actually going to get each other a few gifts (we had a few extra bucks), but... we got into a car accident (no one was hurt) and have the car to repair now, so it looks like no presents this year again. And my parents are going to my brothers place so I won't even be with my family this Christmas. :(

I just keep telling myself, as long as I have a warm house, a bed, food in my fridge, a roof over my head and a well-behaved dog everything will be alright. It will just be my boyfriend and I this Christmas, I'm thinking I'll try to get us a turkey and all the fixings just for us and spoil us with desert. As for Teeko, he will be getting a bag of bones, a new pillow, and an extra special Kong.