View Full Version : I know the food discussion is tired, but.....

11-30-2003, 07:29 PM
A friend at work just told me about a friend of his who sells dog and cat food. He said he would bring me a sample or 2, and Friday he actually brought me 25!!!!!!!!
His prices are reasonable, same as at the pet store, but I can't get any of these but one at the pet store.
The dogs are currently eating Sensible Choice chicken and rice, which he does offer, but I was just wondering a general consensus about some of his other foods.
We tried the Innova tonight, and Mr. Picky actually gobbled up most of his dinner--the other 3 will eat anything, so he is who I have to base the decision on:rolleyes:

Along with the samples, I have brochures, price listings, treats, and so much other stuff, I am so lost!!!

11-30-2003, 07:48 PM
I am such a fan of Innova - Penny Lanes coat has glistened since I have had her on it. I have to qualify it however since she was on cheap food when I adopted her from the shelter. Leo - who has a very sensitive stomach seems to have less trouble digesting this food than the Science Diet I had him on before. I also think that it is the same price as some as the others as I don't have to feed him as much to get the same nutrients.

11-30-2003, 08:48 PM
I recently switched from Sensible Choice Lamb and Rice to California Natural. I was hoping the change may help Cincy's weight and allergies, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The dogs like it and it is about the same price as Sensible Choice, but is made with all human grade food, so I'm going to leave them on it. IMO they are both good foods.

11-30-2003, 08:55 PM
I chose Canidae, but the only other food on your list
I can compare it to is the Innova.

At first both dogs gobbled down the Innova.
Sheba got tired of the taste after awhile, and
Rocky continued to spit up. (problem he had
with all his past foods)
No complaints about innova, it was just
not the right food for Rocky.

Switched to Canidae and both dogs still
love the taste, and Rocky rarely spits up.
Rocky has done very well on Canidae,
The only complaint I have about Canidae, is that
I sometimes add a bit of oil or fat to their food
because it seems to be a bit on the dry side for Sheba.

11-30-2003, 09:02 PM
I just switched Pepper from Canidae to Chicken soup for the dog lovers soul(puppy) to put weight on him and it has worked wonders. His coat is great, he is gaining weight, and for some reason or other he LOVES this food more then anything. Honey is still on Canidae, which I love, but when Pep no longer needs the puppy formula I plan on putting them both on Chicken soup for the dog lovers soul:)

Of the foods on your list, I would reccomend Canidae, I love it, great ingredients and was very happy with it when feeding it:)

11-30-2003, 10:07 PM
I had to vote for Solid Gold b/c I read all the literature on it and it sounds excellant. I would love to feed it and Pet supplies Plus just started carrying it. The rest of the foods I hadn't tried other then Sensible Choice, which I did like also.
And there wasn't an 'other choice' I feed Keegan Chicken soup for the soul.

What kind of food is he selling?

12-01-2003, 07:12 AM
Staci--those 7 are the foods he is selling, that's why I didn't have an "other" choice.
Thanks for everyone's feedback--I appreciate the opinions.
I have yet to even see the "chicken soup" foods anywhere around here.

Kito had that spitting up problem too, but the Sensible Choice seems to stay down--when he will eat--he's such a pain sometimes!!!!!