View Full Version : It finally snowed! <lots of pics>

11-30-2003, 04:23 PM
Well it finally snowed yesterday and Mickey was so excited about it. So I went out and took some pics but since my camera isn't all weather and it was snowing, I tried not to stay out too long. Anyways here are the pictures. Hope you like. :)



Hiding from me lol

Then it started snowing harder...

About to blow away lol

Crazy sprints

More coming...

11-30-2003, 04:28 PM
He loves chewing on my gloves :rolleyes:

Licking some snow off the gloves



"Hey mum...dis stuff tastes goood"


Some more coming :o

11-30-2003, 04:34 PM
His face when he sees a cracker lol




My mom was sorting out the laundry and Mickey plopped down int he middle of the pile of clothes :p


Sorry so many, but I hope you liked. :cool:

11-30-2003, 05:02 PM
Awww......I love all the pics! They are great! Mickey is adorable. Beautiful pup! I love where he is getting blown away and the one of him sleeping in his crate.

Robin :)

Miss Meow
11-30-2003, 05:30 PM
I love the paw prints in the snow!

Are they your blue pants in the outside pictures? What's on them? :)

11-30-2003, 05:43 PM
LOL Nicole, I was hoping no one would notice! ;) They're my sisters' PJ pants. They have little sheep on them. :) It was still kinda early so it was like "Ok put your coat and your old shoes on and let's go play with the dog" Lol

Thanks guys. :D

11-30-2003, 05:59 PM
Yay!!! Mickey!! You are such a cutie!! Looks like you had Fun in the snow!! *Katie is sad cuz all da snow melted* So enjoy it Mickey!! Thanks for Sharing!! :p

Miss Meow
11-30-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by primabella
LOL Nicole, I was hoping no one would notice! ;) They're my sisters' PJ pants. They have little sheep on them. :) It was still kinda early so it was like "Ok put your coat and your old shoes on and let's go play with the dog" Lol

Thanks guys. :D

I noticed because they were cute! I want PJs with little Dachshunds but the PJ manufacturer who makes them only does them when he feels like it :rolleyes:

11-30-2003, 06:14 PM
awww cute pics

11-30-2003, 06:18 PM
*jealous* I want snow! Great pics.

11-30-2003, 06:18 PM
Cute pics!!! Mickey is so handsome. :D

11-30-2003, 06:21 PM

I like this one! He's gonna blow away!

11-30-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I noticed because they were cute! I want PJs with little Dachshunds but the PJ manufacturer who makes them only does them when he feels like it :rolleyes:
Nicole, if you like the sheep on blue look I know for a fact that the RSPCA make them (because I own a pair ;)). All profits go the RSPCA too.

Adorable pictures Liana, Mickey is very cute. I especiallly love the picture of him chewing on your glove - he's even got his little paws on you to make sure you don't get away! :D

Miss Meow
11-30-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by zanzanfergie
Nicole, if you like the sheep on blue look I know for a fact that the RSPCA make them (because I own a pair ;)). All profits go the RSPCA too.

I'll check out the online store :) Do you work at Burwood? My friend Vanessa volunteers there on Saturdays in the store :)

11-30-2003, 10:11 PM
I absolutely love the pic of his face when he sees a cracker! He is such a cutie! GREAT PICS!:D

11-30-2003, 10:24 PM
Great photos!! Mickey is such a handsome dog!! I love the one where the wind is blowing his fur!

12-01-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by primabella
He loves chewing on my gloves :rolleyes:

That is SUCH a cute picture! They're all great! MORE please........and send some snow over to me!

12-01-2003, 04:55 AM
Isn't it great to have snow? I just love it!:D Mickey is such a handsome guy, I want to meet him! I am sure the two fluffballs (Mickey and Prince) would have a lot of fun together! The pictures of Mickey on the clothes reminds me a little of Otis. Sometimes Otis will lay on a visitors jacket. Anyways, great pictures, I enjoyed them!

12-01-2003, 07:19 AM
Great pictures....I expecially love the blown away pic;)

12-01-2003, 03:04 PM
Lol yeah the blown away one is one of my favorites. Sometime she looks straight into the wind and you just see him struggling to open his eyes. :rolleyes: Lol

Thanks a lot guys. :)

My Peanuts
12-01-2003, 03:33 PM
Mickey is soooo cute! I love his cracker face!!:D

12-01-2003, 04:09 PM
Cute pictures! Mickey is adorable. It hasn't snowed in Wiesbaden yet, thank God! It's cold enough as it is.

12-01-2003, 07:37 PM
Aww great pics! Mickey is so cute! :D

12-01-2003, 07:57 PM
I am glad that it snowed where you guys live. You can enjoy it for me. No snow in Florida!

Aspen and Misty
12-01-2003, 09:50 PM
Has he always had a white spot on his side?? he is to cute! Nice photo's!


12-01-2003, 11:19 PM
Liana..I loved all the photos so much I can't find a favorite! I STILL can't believe how big he got..I still have the "puppy in your palm" signature etched in my mind! I want to just kiss him all over his exquisite face! He is SO handsome! (please keep the snow to yourself!)

12-02-2003, 05:05 PM
Mickey is so cute!:D I love the pics:)

We got some snow here today, but it was freezing though.

12-02-2003, 07:25 PM
Thanks guys! :D :o

Ashley - Yep, he's always had that spot. :)

12-03-2003, 07:18 AM
He is just gorgeous in all the pictures! I couldn't pick a favorite!! :)

12-10-2003, 05:39 PM
Sorry to bump this up :o

Thanks Logan! :D

12-10-2003, 05:45 PM
I already told ya this on Paw-talk, but anyway...I LOVE them!!! He is so Gorgeous!!!! I really like the "Hey mum, dis stuff tastes goood" one, LOL:-P

12-10-2003, 05:51 PM
I love the pictures. Mickey has such character!!!

12-11-2003, 07:22 PM
Bah I feel so terrible...I keep bumping this up :p

Thanks guys. :)