View Full Version : What are you getting your furkids for Christmas?

11-30-2003, 09:31 AM
I wish I could afford two nice big dog beds now that I'm pretty sure the dogs are old enough and wouldn't chew them up, but my husband and I are still paying off hefty college loans and we have to limit what we spend carefully. I may try to improvise and make something for them though, I'm still brainstorming.

Otherwise, I am going to get them these dental chews from Drs. Foster and Smith catalog:


I got a Souper size one a few months back and it is still around. Not only that, it is the absolute favorite chew toy for both dogs. They compete to get it and the "loser" has to make due with one of the nylabones laying around. I haven't seen anything like it in pet stores, and the corn starch bones are destroyed in an hour or so. I'd heartily recommend this product for any heavy chewers. My dogs just love it. In fact, Tommy is gnawing on it as I'm typing right now. :p

What are others planning to get for Christmas? :)

11-30-2003, 10:30 AM
I went out to buy the pups gifts yesterday. After I came home, Kai found the bag and started playing with the toy still in the package. I didn't have the heart to take it away since he already loved it. Then I cracked and opened the two packages of treats I bought LOL. I guess I haven't progressed one bit.

11-30-2003, 11:16 AM
I'm getting a good big tug-o-war rope for them. The neighbor's dog Bob always passes them toys under the fence and Bob's rope is Dusty and Roxy's favorite.

11-30-2003, 11:26 AM
Dick and I get ours something very small, because we know their Aunt Judy will send them Christmas packages. It's the same for her. She does small since she knows their Aunt and Uncle will go overboard. It's a joke that started a couple of years ago and we've just kept it up.

Last year she sent us this STUPID duck that quacked until October of this year. I wonder what I can do for her this year? Hmmmmm......I'm sure I can come up with something interesting.

11-30-2003, 02:23 PM
Those dental chews are Chilli's favorite. She got a dinosaur one from me when I visited her, she loves it! Sadly, Mr. dinosaur's head was quite deformed when I was leaving. haha...


She has like 5 already in different sizes and shapes. haha...

Rio and Me
11-30-2003, 02:39 PM
I'm getting Rio lots of Jumbones and different treats, along with some stuffies/squeek toys.
She's not learned how to open them on her own so I help her a little!
Ky and Rio

11-30-2003, 09:21 PM
my dogs loves to chew i think ill get them a package of those dentle bones. and a new sweater for little bit he loves his other one so much that he drug it out of my closet today and brought it to me to put it on him lol it was so cute. :D But roxy and chewie will be happy with some new bones and a bag of treats there are not as spoiled as little bit lol :rolleyes:

11-30-2003, 09:26 PM
What am I getting my dogs?


Lol...so far I have several toys and treats....not done yet either...

I have one of those dental chews, a blue "dental dino" and Nebo loves it. :D

11-30-2003, 09:34 PM
I think we're getting Rocky and Chloe their own big beds. We always find them trying to squeeze into a tiny bed we put in the backyard for Opie our cat when he's out there. I don't know why they try to fit in it when they have dog houses. For Precious, I'm not sure what I'm getting her yet. I think i'll get her some treats and these green tooth brush shaped bones that she loves. We got one in a bag at Pet Co when we dressed Chloe up for Halloween. Precious got a hold of it and loved it! She usually doesn't like chewing on things very much but she really liked these. :)

Ps. I attached a pic of chloe trying to get into the bed

11-30-2003, 10:10 PM
Probably some Booda Bimples, Venison treats, peanut butter cookies, a couple of stuffies, maybe a jacket or coat.

For Aneko, I have no idea. She has very few teeth, so chewies aren't really an option. She doesn't play (she's really old) and she has a newish bed already. Any suggestions? I know she'll get some Pupperonies. She loves those! :D

11-30-2003, 10:22 PM
[email protected] is so cute!

I don't know what I'm getting Katie yet. I'm sure I will go overboard though. I keep telling my husband that I can't wait to go christmas shopping for Katie. He teases me and says I'm crazy. You wait and see though, he'll be right there beside me picking up a couple of items himself. He always does every time we go to the store.

This is our first Christmas with Katie and I'm really looking forward to it. She was a special blessing for us when we were going through a difficult time and she was there to help us through it. Christmas will be like the icing on my cake and I'm so excited!!!

Robin :)

11-30-2003, 10:25 PM
I don't know yet what I'll get the kids, except too much! They already have a too many toys to fit in their toybox!!! I think they will get some new balls for outisde...maybe a soccerball and basketball...those should last Sadie at least 10 minutes!!!

11-30-2003, 11:04 PM
Some new squeaky stuffy toys, rawhide treats, probably a nice jacket for our walks when it get's so cold out (that may even turn into an early Christmas present), and anything else that catches my eye that my precious can't live without :o

11-30-2003, 11:07 PM
I got an "Octopus" chew toy - has 8 rope legs and a rope handle with a squeeky chewy body ........... and then I also got a "reward ball" - put food in and they play with it to get it out ......

I know Ruby will like both things ......... Captain, dunno. Sometimes he does, othertimes he thinks toys are BENEATH him .......:rolleyes:

11-30-2003, 11:11 PM
I wish I could afford to buy some nice dog beds and like, two more of those Galieo's, Daisy LOVES Them! and so does Barkley, they fight over them. lol I Think I might get them one and they each get a HUGE cookie with a ribbon on it, lol, I have sooooo many people to shop for this year i can't believe it!!!!!! :eek: :eek: I don't know when this shopping is gonna stop!!!!!!!!! :eek:

11-30-2003, 11:14 PM
I'm already saving. =))

For Darlin I want to get:
Two new squeaky toys
A new greenie
Some rawhide sticks
A new leash
and maybe a new custom made liscense

For Ozzy I want to get:
Two new NON squeaky toys (that dog will squeak 24/7) ;)
The biggest pig ear I can possibly find
A custom made liscense
Possibly a new collar

For both of them:
A two sided brush (One side with bristles and the other that other brush metal spike things :p)
A HUGE bag of dog cookies
Aaand I don't know what else but they are going to be SPOILED this Christmas!!! :D

11-30-2003, 11:21 PM
http://www.johnhopewell.co.uk/dog_bowls.jpg < for baby

http://www.weareramenterprises.com/images/gold_dog_bone.jpg < for all three dogs each

http://www.robharvey.com/animage/dog-rope-bones.jpg < some kinda rope toys for Baby

http://www.doolittles.com/images/spikspt.jpg < for Tikeya!!!

11-30-2003, 11:27 PM
Probably nothing. At least not anything specifically for Christmas.
I can't think of anything they need right now. Usually when I think of something they need, I just go and get it right then. Basically they have Christmas year round, LOL
They will get something from my grandparents, and from their cousin Syd (my cousin's dog). They will also get their stockings filled with cookies.

11-30-2003, 11:47 PM
They'll get some treats from Santa in their stockings. :)

11-30-2003, 11:51 PM
i am pritty sure santa will bring stuff for my puppies in their stocking too :)

11-30-2003, 11:52 PM
At least not anything specifically for Christmas.
I can't think of anything they need right now. Usually when I think of something they need, I just go and get it right then. Basically they have Christmas year round, LOL

That's what I do lol, except, i try to do Christmas too even though it's kinda hard when they have everything they need!

12-01-2003, 07:24 AM
I already picked up some nylabones--their old ones are getting pretty bad!! I plan to pick up a box of greenies--oh, how they love those!!! New balls--but only Kong balls--Abbey can destroy everything but somehow, a couple of new dental dinosaurs (the old ones hit the backyard in the mud), treats, new coats, and new licenses for the new year.
I also need to have a nametag made for Jada, and Abbey could use a new collar.
I think they may get a leash or two also, they could use a couple of new ones!!!!


Samantha Puppy
12-01-2003, 09:12 AM
I'd like to get Samantha a nice new fluffy bed. I've already picked up a couple plush toys for her. I'll probably get one more, plus some more chew stuff (pig ears, rawhide bones, etc.) and maybe a different type of toy like a floppy frisbee disk or one of those squirrel shape toss 'em things.

Santa Puppy is always good to Samantha.

12-01-2003, 09:40 AM
I just ordered Pepper's first present, a really nice waterproof coat(Honey already has one) with fleece on the inside since he gets cold so easily and hates the rain. They both will be getting some boodas/edible nylabones, those are a special treat for them since they finish them so quickly. Honey will probably be getting a bunch of new squeaky toys, Pepper- a new soccer ball or a new rope/tug toy. I'll probably try some of those dental dinos or something similar:D

12-02-2003, 08:02 PM
I got Sadie a huge long bone at Petco, with a red ribbon tided around it, and a pressed rawhide bone, and a new ball, I'll probably get her something else, boy I love that dog!:)

12-03-2003, 10:04 PM
Funny...it seems like all your doggies luff their denta bones/ nylabones but Dinky doesn't even take a look at his unless I press cheese slices on them! :confused:

12-03-2003, 10:24 PM
For Gigi, probably everything from her new kennel to the chew toys to the food bowls... :)

I already gave Chilli the dinosaur when I went home in October.

12-04-2003, 08:58 AM
I have gotten them a couple of toys (they need those like I need another hole in my head:rolleyes: ), and I know I will get them some greenies (their favorites), and some other treats. Other than that, I can't think of anything they need!

12-04-2003, 07:45 PM
I placed an order in the doggie cataloge and
their getting fake lamb fur stuffed toy bones,
and pig ears.
I was thinking getting Rocky a life size fire hydrant
for the back yard, but so far I have not found one in
the local garden stores.

12-05-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I wish I could afford two nice big dog beds now that I'm pretty sure the dogs are old enough and wouldn't chew them up, but my husband and I are still paying off hefty college loans and we have to limit what we spend carefully. I may try to improvise and make something for them though, I'm still brainstorming.

I was thinking of making dog beds for Jake and Max out of old towels. I was thinking of cutting towels into squares then sewing them together like a quilt and putting some quilt stuffing inside. I think it would be cute and comfie.

For Christmas I'm getting them a couple of toys and some treats for their stockings, and I'll let Max open my presents for me and play with the wrapping paper.

I got the cats some toys too, and I'm thinking of wrapping some empty boxes for them so they can lay inside and shred the paper.

12-05-2003, 07:04 PM
It's like Christmas everytime I go to the store for my two. I can never pass by the dog toy/treat isle at the grocery story, or Wal Mart.:p

12-05-2003, 07:38 PM
They each get three things, as we are kinda tight on money this Xmas.

First, they each get a new ball. Guinness likes the Kong red rubber balls, so we got him a nice new one, a bit bigger than his current one. We got Bailey a sort of weird one we saw her play with at the dog park. It's red and rubber, but it's like honeycomb. It's hollow.

Second, they each got a collector's tin of Three Dog Bakery Treats. They love those and since they seem like really healthy ingredients, I didn't mind getting them. Plus, I like that we can reuse the tins afterwards.

Third, we got them charms for their collars. Guinness' charm is silver with a pawprint on it and Bailey's is a diamond shape with the middle of it white with glitter and it says "Princess".

So, I think they are doing pretty good this Xmas.:)

And yeah, I agree with Kayann. I can't come home from the store most times without getting them a little something.

Cinder & Smoke
12-11-2003, 08:18 PM
We pullz in atta Dawg & Kat Krunchie Shop ~
Dad staggurz out wiffa BIG Bag of our Krunchies -
Put er rite here onna back seet, Dad.
NUTZ! :mad: He put it inna trunk.
Possiblee, kuz da LAST Tyme he pun it onna back seet,
baggie hadda lil (OK - *BIG*) *HOLE* innit when we gotz home.
He went back in; kame out wiffa lil baggie. Tossed dat onna frunt seet.
Bears furder inspekshun onna next stop...

He'z inna Dollur Store -
Cinnerz - check dat lil baggie out -
smellz like ded grass...
Yeah Smoke; stinks like DOPE fur da Kat.
Dad runz out an *smushez* a Phunnie Hat on SmokeMutt's hed??
Runz back in an comz out wiffa baggie... ??
Sumhow *doubt* we're gonna be too *thrilled* wiff
whut'z in dat wun... :rolleyes:

Then it wuz on to Wally'z-Joint:
We wuz makin Zzzzzz's when he com'd back an *popz* da trunk.
No ideer whut went in...

Headed Home:
*sniff* *sniff*
Hey Smoke ~ Did Dad stuff a KOW inna trunk??
Dunno... sorta *smellz* like a Moo-KOW in here...

Gotz home an stuff'd da traktur kar in itz room;
Dad ses Wait here! an startz unloadin da *stuff*...

Later - UppyStairz...
Kat'z *sniffin*... den vanishez...
Suddinlee frumma BunkRoom...

Dad an Us passed da Kat inna hallway - he wuz heded East
(Earz FLAT; Tailbone STRAIT OUT an *fluffed up*
bout three timez normul size);
Kat moovin purdy FAST!

We dash inna BunkRoom; snap da lites on an OMG! :eek:
Dad sed a buncha NawTee :mad: Wurdz...
den started pickin up ALLUA JUNQUE dat WUZ on toppa hiz dressur...
that wuz skattered all ober da floor.
Best we kan figger, da Kat uzed hiz *sniffer* ta track down
hiz Chrissmus Dope Bag - which Dummie Dad had put inna top
dressur drawer. Kat musta been on top leanin ober werkin on openin
da drawer. Lost hiz balance an started fallin...
Musta got snarled up inna charger kord fur Dad'z Fiur Radio...
Radio went ober da edge a drug all *stuff* off wiff it!
Dope Bag went inna klozit.

MUCH Latur (bout dark:thirty)...
*sniff* *SNIFF*
*sniff* *SNIFF*
HEY, SMOKE! I *found it*!
Zzzz..zzt. huh? Found WHUT?
Da KOW! It'z inna klozit! K'mere!


We better Kool It... Dad soundz a lil *tense*...
We kan werk on da klozit door tamorrow...
*NITE*, Dad!

12-11-2003, 08:24 PM
Ok... We just spent $100+ on DOG STUFF. Not just for Simba and Nala. But for Duke, Nebo, and Gunner as well. We also bought Nala her first stocking. :) :) It's nothing special, just a normal stocking with gold glitter glue to write her name on it. :D

Of course, our shopping isn't even over yet. :D Dad said he was going to take me to Pets Mart sometime before Christmas.

12-11-2003, 08:34 PM
I don't know yet. After Duke's Christmas pic on Saturday, I'm driving him to Petsmart and I'm going to pick up a few things. Maybe another collar. They have some that are both pretty and reasonable. And of course greenies and things like that.

12-11-2003, 08:38 PM
'Aunt Kay' is gonna spoil him. :p

12-11-2003, 09:14 PM
Some extra special yummy food, and maybe a nice roasted lamb shank, I still want to get Lexie the lil mouse on a skateboard you can pull along, but I have so many birthdays at this time of year, she may have to wait.but I know she and Ash wil appreciate the delicious food.:)

12-13-2003, 08:59 PM
We just got back from Petco, and who knows how much we spent. :o :p

I got them some squeaky toys, bones, biscuits, stuffies, frisbees, tennis balls, rope toys, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

And we aren't done shopping for them yet. ;)

12-14-2003, 03:37 PM
Oh Phred ........... fabulous story as always ....... :D

12-15-2003, 09:29 AM
I have so far spent over $100.00 just on my Boys I usually get most of there Xmas toys off of ebay you get more for your $$$$$. I still have other pets to buy for in the family which I haven't even began!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: I guess I better get started HUH!

12-15-2003, 10:53 AM
Cinder and Smoke, you guys tell quite a good story :D

12-15-2003, 01:35 PM
not much for my pups, maybe a couple of rawhides, and nylabone or something, we cant afford anything extravagent, dog beds-completly usless in my house, and way to expensive, toys-its soooooo hard to find a toy that the dogs will LIKE and that will last, all our dogs are really toy obsessive, and as soon as one gets ahold of a toy say bye-bye, we have plenty of tugs, a crate is to expensive, we will probibly spend $20 max on all the dogs together, cant afford more then that. now after chrismas with my chrismas money is a whole nuther story! :p

12-15-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I wish I could afford two nice big dog beds now that I'm pretty sure the dogs are old enough and wouldn't chew them up, but my husband and I are still paying off hefty college loans and we have to limit what we spend carefully. I may try to improvise and make something for them though, I'm still brainstorming.

Just wanted to mention, i too couldnt really be spending $60-$80 on a dog bed right now, being that Dale will need the largest size out there, so i made him one...and it turned out great! He prefers the sofa anyway, so this is only for him to use when we are out of the house and he is in the kitchen. Anyhow, what i did was go online and get the measurements for a dog bed his size (or soon to be full grown size), and went out to the fabric store and bought a nice fleecy fabric. I got it so cheap, b/c they happened to have a 50% off sale. Anyway, i had an old comforter from a twin bed...folded it up a few times and made a slip cover for it with the fleece fabric in the size bed he needs. And all i do is take off the slip cover to wash when needed. I am rather proud of it and i saved myself tons of money!

For Christmas...he is getting stuffed toys...he likes them best, maybe a greenie or two!


12-15-2003, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
Just wanted to mention, i too couldnt really be spending $60-$80 on a dog bed right now, being that Dale will need the largest size out there, so i made him one...and it turned out great! He prefers the sofa anyway, so this is only for him to use when we are out of the house and he is in the kitchen. Anyhow, what i did was go online and get the measurements for a dog bed his size (or soon to be full grown size), and went out to the fabric store and bought a nice fleecy fabric. I got it so cheap, b/c they happened to have a 50% off sale. Anyway, i had an old comforter from a twin bed...folded it up a few times and made a slip cover for it with the fleece fabric in the size bed he needs. And all i do is take off the slip cover to wash when needed. I am rather proud of it and i saved myself tons of money!

For Christmas...he is getting stuffed toys...he likes them best, maybe a greenie or two!


Ohh - Robyn - that is a great idea. Then you can actually buy fabric that matches your decor. I don't think I am going to have time before Christmas - maybe after. Did you use a zipper? or did you put in buttons?

12-16-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by clara4457
Ohh - Robyn - that is a great idea. Then you can actually buy fabric that matches your decor. I don't think I am going to have time before Christmas - maybe after. Did you use a zipper? or did you put in buttons?

I had made one for him when he was a puppy (much smaller)...and i used a zipper on that...but if your dogs are chewers, i wouldnt use a zipper, and they may chew the buttons too. What i did was made flaps that overlap in the back...some decorative pillows are made like this, so you can take it off and wash the cover and then put it back on...if you are unsure of what i am trying to explain...i can take a pic...but this way...there isnt anything on it for them to chew...i suppose you could use velcro too, instead of buttons...b/c they really can't chew it off...

Anyway, i can post a pic later on...

12-16-2003, 11:26 AM
I bought Tiny the small rubber balls, she likes and made her some little clothes. I haven't found Jojo the perfect gift yet. I was going to get her a pillow. she likes pillows.
My trouble is , I end up giving them, their presents before Christmas! :rolleyes:

My Peanuts
12-16-2003, 01:17 PM
I just wrapped Sylvia and Harley's gifts. So far three each, but I told my mom we need more so they can open some on Christmas Eve too! :) We got Harley a Homer Simpson head that had a tub rope in Homer's mouth so Harley can tug the other end, Grandpa Simpson teeth with a bell in it (when he grabs them it will look like the teeth are Harley's, and another rubber chew toy. Sylvia is getting a rubber clown with a robe chew attached, a ball that makes weird noises, and another rubber chew. Actually it doesn't matter whose name is on the package they share everything :D I still want to get them a Kong, believe it or not these little guys destroy everything. And I need to get some edible treats. I think they are getting more gifts than me! When I die I want to come back as a dog to a family like mine ;). My mom and I also need to get a gift for my fiance's Akita, Grizz, and our Shih Tzu cousin Teddy.

12-16-2003, 01:56 PM
Robyn, that sounds like a really good idea on how you made the dog bed. Thanks for posting how you did it! :)