View Full Version : Internation Court of Cat's Rights (idea stolen from Barbara)

11-28-2003, 07:37 AM
I just read a thread in which Barbara said that someone's cats were going to complain to the Internation Court of Cat's Rights...and thought it would make a great thread! Anyone have any grievences?

Tenny raises his hand and says:

1. Stop all After Dark Movement.

Once we are in bed, settled, WHY, WHY, WHY do you, Mommy, have to move all over? It unsettles us so. Stop moving your feet, and forcing us to fall off the bed. If we lay on either side of you, you are considered 'cemented' into place for the night.

11-28-2003, 07:43 AM
Tigris agrees to Tenny.

But Filou says:
2. There must be a right to love my human 24/7. Even if it's dark and they are cemented:D

11-28-2003, 08:20 AM
Juni and Pichu ask for the right to:

1. Choose the human, time and place to sleep on.
2. Choose the food from the refrigerator.

And Juni wants to have the right to steal my or my sister's boyfriend :)

11-28-2003, 09:53 AM
And the Found Cats want the temperature to go to about 80 in the house , and to have more Toys and Cat Food , and Cat Nip!

Edwina's Secretary
11-28-2003, 10:03 AM
Eddie --- boy cats should not be made to wear hats EVER!

Edwina -- I should not be made to share my momma with ANY other four-legger!

11-28-2003, 10:06 AM
Cam and Smurf say that there should be a rule against mommies and daddies bringing DOGS into the house

11-28-2003, 10:12 AM
Abner want the right to come and go as he pleases.

Mystic requests to have a human that will scratch her back all day long.

Tigger want the right to have her humans stay home all day so she can have someone to snuggle with.

Smokey wants the right for an unlimited amount of deli turkey.

Tucker demands everything. She's old, what can we expect.

11-28-2003, 10:33 AM
Hayley wants the right to climb window screens.
Mandy says that no door should EVER be closed.

11-28-2003, 10:33 AM
Allen says: Even though I've been fed, if I meow for food, it means I'M HUNGRY! Listen to me, I know what I'm talking about. also, about food, real chicken hand fed to me once in a while wouldn't hurt cat relations.

Pouncer says: No matter how darned cute I look when napping, please leave me be... I don't want to be woken only to have to fall asleep again in your arms. Its sooo bothersome! I agree with Allen about the chicken bit... only I'll just take it from the plate if you don't mind.

Nicki says: Cat's don't need any additional rights! They push me out of bed, overtake MY food bowl - that's Doggy food for Pete's sake! I'm bigger, so I should get all of the extra chicken by the way.

Steffi N
11-28-2003, 06:01 PM
From Lovable

I want the right to play with you whenever I want. Why do I have to nip at you? You don't have to run or put me in another room. Just play with me. Whatever you are doing is less important than that.

Don Juan's mom
11-28-2003, 10:16 PM
1) I must be allowed to exit the house whenever I see those impudent sparrows out in the yard, when I need to check the weather, when I need to make my security patrol, or just because.

2) I must have complete access to the sofa, which must be free of any and all sticky tape. Moreover, my mom is strictly forbidden to clip my claws!

3) I must have complete access to the cupboards, even the one under the sink where Mom keeps the nasty smelling stuff. Osama bin Laden could be hiding anywhere! :D

4) My mom must play with me whenever I want, even if she is late for work.

5) When I curl up on my mom's lap and go to sleep, my mom is "cemented" to the sofa. She is forbidden to get up to visit the "human box," get out her own treats* or go get the section of the newspaper she hasn't read.

* I will consider excusing her from this demand if the treat includes a mug of milk, and she shares. ;)


Don Juan el Gato Magnifico y Hermoso Fuzzball
Cat of the Day, July 14, 2003


11-28-2003, 10:54 PM
Sammy Boy- I demand my parents move some place that never has cold weather and until they do I reserve all rights to the vent in the den!!

Leroy- Meomies lap is strictly for me! That is one thing I don't like to share!

Peanut Butter- I should not be fussed at because I want to make sure it is raining out the back door as well as the front!

Stubby- I'm not going to stop sitting on top of the chimney so just get over it!!

Lucky- There should be a law against that flashing box that Meomy carries around! I have to get out of a dead sleep and run when that thing she calls a camera comes around!

Pepper Jack- At least ONE window should be left open no matter what the temperature is outside!

Pete- Just keep feeding me...I could care less what else happens.

Pervy- Whenever I meow give me the bestest belly rub ever! Busy is no excuse!

11-28-2003, 11:18 PM
Max: When my hooman comes home from work, it's my right to get fed before she's goes on the puter to check on Pet Talk.

Speckles: I love my Mommy and although I do have rights, I will wait my turn because I know she will eventually give me what I want.

11-29-2003, 10:00 AM
Dan - I am allowed to 'make bread' on Meowmie's tummy no matter how sharp my claws are!

Bagel - When I want the window open - the window is open!

Ketchum - weeeeeell...............OK.........you've just fed me.........er........ok........and I make lots of LOUD noise.............well.................it's 'cos I'm hungry - so could you just refill my dish..............please?!


Ally Cat's Mommy
11-29-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Edwina -- I should not be made to share my momma with ANY other four-legger!

Ally seconds the motion!

11-29-2003, 10:08 PM
hee hee!! Too funny!!! :)

Noah: Um...WHY can't I be the only cat?? It should be the law. OK, if it can't be law...I get my mamma by myself WHENEVER I want her, regardless of if she wants to sleep or if any other creature, two-legged or four, need her, for ANY reason!

Noel: I should be able to live outside in that outdoor enclosure. Just safe enough, but still close to mamma and my daddee! ;) Oh, and there should be an endless supply of junk-food, canned.

Basie: What Noah said. But I'm the ONLY one allowed in the house. ;)

Olivia: Make Noah leave! He needs Kitty Prozac!!!

Micah: I need to receive love 24/7. Mamma can not possibly survive without my helping her with EVERY thing she does. Make her take me wherever she goes...I'll be more than happy to sit in one of those dawg purses.... ;) (Maybe my collar could match it??)

Hermie: Ban ALL loud noises. I'd like my luxurious life to be even quieter please.

Emma: Can I get some more food? Maybe a simple change on my food bag would suffice.

Phoebe: Make mamma and daddee enjoy me attacking their feet at 2:30 AM. Its totally fun, why aren't they into it? They need to be...

11-30-2003, 02:07 AM
Nellie (coming from a shelter to us many years ago) is inspired by the holiday season and demands:

1. The right of a cat to live in a loving home!!!

She wants to give special {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to those who already have opened their hearts and homes to pets...