View Full Version : Dog Washed Overboard

Chris J
11-27-2003, 06:19 PM
Dog Washed Overboard Reunited With Family
Wed Nov 26, 3:49 PM ET Add Strange News - AP to My Yahoo!

EDENS LANDING, N.C. - A dog that washed overboard from a boat on the Intracoastal Waterway was reunited with her family 37 days after she disappeared.

Tulip, a long-haired dachshund who weighs about 10 pounds, disappeared Oct. 19 when a yacht sped by the boat she was in, causing a 10-foot wave to crash over the boat, said Sally Miles, who owns Tulip. Another dog, Poppy, was unharmed.

"We had the Coast Guard searching. We called police. We did everything we could think of," Miles said. "But because it was so far away from land, we knew she didn't make it."

Fortunately, Miles was wrong. On Tuesday, Marianne Orr, who lives about six miles from the Topsail Inlet where the boat mishap occurred, called Miles to say her children had found Tulip, her collar and identification tags still intact.

They used baloney and a hot dog to coax a suspicious — and tick- and flea-ridden — Tulip to let them catch her after 12-year-old Rob heard her whining.

"It's truly a blessing," Miles said. "It couldn't be any better than that."

11-27-2003, 06:35 PM
:eek: Oh my goodness!

That's truly God moving in his mysterious ways!

Poor baby! She must have been so scared.

11-27-2003, 06:59 PM
Lucky people ! Lucky dog !