View Full Version : a bit about my boys

11-27-2003, 03:17 PM
Campino came to live with us 3 years ago. We went to the humane society to look for a cat to bring home and there was this small orange boy who meowed when I walked by and put his paw out. I asked to have him taken out and brought to the visitors room so we could get to know him a bit. He was 10 months old and full of life. We decided to take him home with us, our first rescue.

When you adopt a cat from the humane society they give you a two week period to get adjusted to each other and see if you will be compatable. Well for that first 2 weeks we had Cam, he was a cuddly, loving kitty:) After that 2 weeks was over he became the cat from hell.

Cam would fly at people when they came in and he was not one to give up in a fight, he would keep coming at others no matter what we did. he never did this to me or my bf. We had him neutered and he became even more crazy. Cam especially loved to torture one of our roommates. SHe would be sitting minding her own business and Cam would come tearing across the room and land on her head:rolleyes:

After some time Cam became a huge Cat, he is a very big boy and we had no idea where this came from as he was a tiny thing when we adopted him.

Cam has now completely calmed down as we have no more roommates to torture and has become a lovable, cuddly boy. He is definately mommies boy as he follows me all around the house and will not tolerate me closing a door on him.

Smurf was also a rescue for us, although I got him from a co-worker who could no longer keep him as she was having to take in her ex-husbands dog who did not like cats at all.
When Smurf first came we could not believe his size as well, he was as big as Cam maybe even a bit bigger. Those two were not having anything to do with each other for at least 2 weeks, but they finally came around and I almost cried the first time I saw them playing together. They have not started cuddling with each other yet, but they are getting close.

Now I had always thought that Cam was an extremely cuddly cat, but Smurf can get down right crazy with snuggling. If you do not pet him he will bump your hands until you have no choice and will sometimes resort to sitting on your head to get attention. He has to be laying on some part of your body or he is not happy.

They are both 3 years old so I am looking forward to many more fun and cuddly years with them.

11-27-2003, 03:34 PM
Welcome to Pettalk ! I love hearing about your cats . That was funny about Cam, maybe he wanted to have all your attention ! :D
I love the story of your cute little Smurf . Sounds so sweet !:D
Hope you can post pictures of your kittys in here . Would like to see them .

11-27-2003, 03:46 PM
It was nice to get to know your boys a little. They both sound like wonderful kitties.:) I look forward to more stories and pictures.

I agree I think that Cam just wanted all of you attention and wasn't going to share with anyone.;)

It sounds like Cam and Smurf will become good friends, it just takes a little time. The fighting period is pretty normal when you first introduce 2 kitties. Just as long as it does not continue, except for playing. My 2 tolerated each other for about 6 months and then I caught them sitting together.:) They still are not lovey all the time but it looks like it is geting better so I have hope for the future.:D

I saw the picture of Cam in the other thread and he sure is a good looking guy. I know that you don't have any right now, but please post more when you get them.:)

11-27-2003, 07:08 PM
Welcome to PT.
What a handsome guy :) Butterscotch thought he saw a reflection of himself. :D

Our Butterscotch is very possessive of us and it's amazing he lets Skinny and Thumper play with the toys. We have a zillion in the cat bin. I was suppose to be a cat bed for Butterscotch when he got fixed years back, has a nice cushion in it. Well Mr B aka Mr Picky :D decided that it wasn't useful. So, I put all toys in there and the gang just has to walk up and fetch what they want. It has 3 sides with open front for easy access.
If someone is getting attention Butterscotch is right there. After all he was first and he knows he is the baby :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-28-2003, 03:43 AM
Aw they both sound adorable, and also sound like they really suit each other!

11-28-2003, 08:56 AM
Welcome to PT!! Wonderful stories about your furballs! It's nice to get to know them. We will be looking forward to pictures of these boys!

11-28-2003, 09:49 AM
That is always good to hear that the Two Cats are getting along so well! and it is odd that Cam , would change so quickly , and thank god , you had the patience to keep him , until he calmed down!