View Full Version : Big Bummer

11-27-2003, 02:53 PM
This is so unfair. My dad said that I may not be able to talk on PT ever again after today!! I am so upset. He said that everyone here may be bad people, but I know that none of you are. My mom doesn't think that though. I asked him if there was any way that I can stay here. He said to give him a good enough reason that he can trust me to stay here. Do ya'll have any ideas.


Rio and Me
11-27-2003, 03:05 PM
well I dont know but you could get a load of PTers to reply to this saying that we are PET mad NOT kiddy mad,lol
Show him the site, he should she that there is nothing to harm you here!!!
Ky and Rio

11-27-2003, 03:14 PM
I hope you can change his mind . We would miss you. :(
Maybe you could let him read some in Pettalk ?
What made him feel bad about Pettalk ? Does he like animals ?

11-27-2003, 03:19 PM
I would miss ya'll too.:( I will show my dad this site. I will see if that helps. Thanks for the info guys.:)

11-27-2003, 04:48 PM
Tell him the majority of the people here are females who love animals and would never bring any harm to anyone! I know he's concerned for your safety, but as long as you don't give any personal information, it should be just fine. We're mostly youngsters, girls, and women anyway! :p

11-27-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Tell him the majority of the people here are females who love animals and would never bring any harm to anyone! I know he's concerned for your safety, but as long as you don't give any personal information, it should be just fine. We're mostly youngsters, girls, and women anyway! :p

That's a little stereotypical. Most are girls who won't hurt you... sorry, but I'm offended by that comment. :(

11-27-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
That's a little stereotypical. Most are girls who won't hurt you... sorry, but I'm offended by that comment. :(


Anyway, I think if your dad checks out PT, he'll see that it's a safe, fun place for anyone. At your age though, I can understand his concern. You are his child and he has to do what he thinks is best for you and you must respect his wishes.

I hope once he sees the site, he'll change his mind. Pet Talk is a fun family friendly place for al ages to gather and talk about our pets and our daily lives.

Like PCB said, we're mostly a community of women with only a few men, but there are good and bad people of either sex anywhere in life.

I think you Dad should monitor your time online and know what you're doing and who you're talking to, but I think this is one place that I would allow my child to surf pretty freely.

11-27-2003, 05:16 PM
I KNOW that your dad will let you stay if you show him the site.:) he'll know that its a great forum with very friendly people.

I hope you can stay, we'll miss you if you go:( :( :(

11-27-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
That's a little stereotypical. Most are girls who won't hurt you... sorry, but I'm offended by that comment. :(

That's not what I meant. There are good and bad people in both genders. Its just that its less likely for women to be *internet predators*......and that's a fact. Not saying they can't be...........its just not so common. That statement had absolutely NOTHING against men.......absolutely NOTHING. I swear! Its nothing to be offended by because there was no offense in it. You took it the wrong way.

Oh, you can also tell him that there have been tons of PT meetings, and all the PT'ers that attended are still in good shape! :D :p

11-27-2003, 05:50 PM
You made it sound so stereotypical.

Tell him the majority of the people here are females who love animals and would never bring any harm to anyone!

What about Phred, Bryan, all those WONDERFUL pettalkers?

11-27-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
You made it sound so stereotypical.

Tell him the majority of the people here are females who love animals and would never bring any harm to anyone!

What about Phred, Bryan, all those WONDERFUL pettalkers?

Well, she said "majority" and "mostly".

We are mostly a female community. The female members far out-number the male members.

11-27-2003, 06:26 PM
Does your dad know that Karen and Paul moderate this site, and that offensive posts get deleted? Maybe he could PM Karen and ask about his concerns?

Also, does he know that everything you have written here is in your profile, view all posts? And that your PMs can be blocked?

Samantha Puppy
11-27-2003, 08:44 PM
Sorry but when I have children, I plan on keeping their time on the internet limited. Anyone on here could say one thing and be another - the sad fact is, you just can't know for sure. Your dad is only saying that because he cares about you and there are far too many stories where a young girl ends up hurt (or dead) because she trusted someone on the internet.

11-29-2003, 07:26 PM
I can stay! I just can't get on as much as I used to.:( It is better than not being here at all.:)


11-29-2003, 07:58 PM
I am very happy to hear that you can still come to PT.:)

Saying that I thought I would weigh in and give my opinion, being a man myself.

If I had a young daughter, or son for that matter, I would want to know everywhere that they went on the net. Saying that I would know everywhere that they went, they have really good tracking software out there. Petlover I don't fault your father one bit for wanting to know what you have been doing online. He is just a caring father and I personally think that needs to happen alot more.;) No offense meant to anyone here.:)

I know what PCB was saying and I took no offense. I am not one to agree with geralizations, but comming at it from a parents point of view it was very resonable. Statistics do show that statement to be true.:( However, it was really sweet of Megan to stick up for the male side of PT.:D

That's about it all I had.

11-29-2003, 08:17 PM
I'm so glad you get to stay. We would have missed you!

I agree with all of my friends here that your dad loves you, and is just wanting you to be safe.

11-29-2003, 08:38 PM
YAY!! Im happy you can stay!:D

smokey the elder
11-30-2003, 08:04 AM
I agree with CatDad. I think your Dad loves you, and wants to make sure you stay safe. There are a LOT of very hazardous places on the Internet, masquerading (sp?) as nice ones. I think if a parent is concerned, checking the place out for him/herself is a good plan, and possibly even bugging Paul or Karen. (sorry. ;) )