View Full Version : Please Take Him Home

11-25-2003, 03:39 PM
Today was the day to take Chance to the SPCA. It was much harder than I thought it would be. I was at doggy day care and was doing fine until I saw one of the employees crying because he was having to go. Then I started too. He was so happy to see me. Came running up to me.
I feel like I've betrayed him. I cried most of the way to the SPCA. Here he is when we first got there. He threw up all his breakfast and I couldn't get him to smile.
I was sitting in the grass with him and got this one. He was listening to all the dogs bark.
I bought him that collar. Didn't want him to arrive without one. He got a little better when inside. Wagging his tail to all the employees. I was doing fine until I had to upload his pics. Now, tears are coming again. Please pray someone gives him a good home and doesn't have to be put down. If he does, I'm going to ask them if I can be there for him. It's the least I could do.

11-25-2003, 03:42 PM
Oh {{hugs}} Val.
I wish I could help, but I can't. Chance is such a handsome boy, and he will be in my prayers.

Samantha Puppy
11-25-2003, 03:49 PM
I'm sure Chance will be snapped up in a heartbeat. I will pray that that happens... Please keep us posted.

I wish I could help. :(

11-25-2003, 03:50 PM
Valerie if Chance doesn't find a home don't you let him be put down. If they get to the point that they have to put him to sleep, you pull him and I'll pay for you to ship him to me. I'm serious. I just can let that happen to him. I'll find some way to deal with Millie and her fears. I know my sister would foster him, heck she would probably fall head over heals for him.

11-25-2003, 03:53 PM
I got teary-eyed just reading your post and looking at the pictures :(. Truly my heart goes out to you and Chance. This story just must have a happy ending for the baby.

11-25-2003, 03:57 PM
That's so sweet Micki. Chance will be in my prayers that he finds a good home soon. :)

Miss Meow
11-25-2003, 04:03 PM
I hope he finds a good home soon. He deserves to have a life of happiness :)

If not, it looks like a PT Angel from Texas can help. Bless you!

11-25-2003, 04:04 PM
Valerie, there's no way we're going to let Chance be PTS!!! Not after all he's been through; and all of your hard work to save him.. PLEASE, make sure they don't do anything without giving you plenty of warning! You know I will help you, Val. We have a great rescue group here, www.saveadog.com They rehome almost exclusively, mutts. They work closely with my rescue group NEARR and I think I could get him into their program. The dogs are fostered and brought each weekend to "Meet the Dogs" events. I couldn't bear looking at his sad face. I'm crying too:(

Rio and Me
11-25-2003, 04:06 PM
After all he's been through, he's a Chance worth taking.
Looking at him there, I doubt he'l be left there long (we hope), if it comes for him to be put down you should foster him and find him his forever home, he deserves it!!
Best of luck from Ky and Rio

Cinder & Smoke
11-25-2003, 04:20 PM
Let's make some SERIOUS Backup Plans, Folks...

Where IS Chance - NAME ?? of the SPCA where he is ??
And do they have a Web Site and/or E-mail?

Will monetary DONATIONS to the SPCA *buy* him
any additional time?

How much TIME does he have - before they will put him down?? :(
We'd like to know if it's only a few days, or several weeks??
Remember this is Thanksgiving week - Shelter might count days in
a strange way with the Holiday.

How much (and HOW) will they Advertise that Chance is available for Adoption?

We should consider WHO could pull him from the SPCA and get
him started off towards a Rescue.
And - HOW MUCH ($$) will it cost to either Bail Him Out or Adopt him?

We'll ALL Help - but please find out the details we need
to stay ahead of any problems!

Hey Chance ~
Keep :) *smilin* :) Bud - we'll find you a home somehow! ;)

11-25-2003, 04:27 PM
Gosh Val, I wish I could take him, I really do. (since Im trying to get my parents to let me have a dog) But we are too far.. He is too beautiful, and with that look on his face he will find a forever home!

11-25-2003, 04:43 PM
Thats so sad! :( Poor buddy!

Take micki's and Cinder & smoke's advice! Dont let them put that precious baby down!

11-25-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Let's make some SERIOUS Backup Plans, Folks...

Where IS Chance - NAME ?? of the SPCA where he is ??
And do they have a Web Site and/or E-mail?

Will monetary DONATIONS to the SPCA *buy* him
any additional time?

How much TIME does he have - before they will put him down?? :(
We'd like to know if it's only a few days, or several weeks??
Remember this is Thanksgiving week - Shelter might count days in
a strange way with the Holiday.

How much (and HOW) will they Advertise that Chance is available for Adoption?

We should consider WHO could pull him from the SPCA and get
him started off towards a Rescue.
And - HOW MUCH ($$) will it cost to either Bail Him Out or Adopt him?

We'll ALL Help - but please find out the details we need
to stay ahead of any problems!

Hey Chance ~
Keep :) *smilin* :) Bud - we'll find you a home somehow! ;)


I always believed Chance was a special angel. He has the most
beautiful spirit.:) Please print off Cinder & Smoke's list of questions and let us all know o.k? We won't abandon you or
give up on Chance. I will help in any way I can. That's a promise.
Tell the folks in charge at the SPCA that you have a backup of
a lot of friends who don't want to see him pts & are more than
willing to help. :) Liz.

11-25-2003, 05:31 PM
Micki - you are a SAINT!


Get as many answers as you can. You KNOW everyone will help you!! (and beautiful boy Chance too!)

11-25-2003, 05:50 PM
Thanks so much for all your help! You've made me feel a lot better. Tomorrow, I'll call the director and ask her the questions posted. Then, I'll email those of you helping with the info about where he is and their email address. I don't want to put it on here. I feel so much better thanks to you all. I've been terribly sad today but you've made me have hope again.

Cinder & Smoke
11-25-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
... Tomorrow, I'll call the director and
ask her the questions posted.

Then, I'll email those of you helping with the info about
where he is and their email address.

I don't want to put it on here.


Vall ~

WHY don't you want to "post" where Chance is??

If the SPCA *knows* there are folks willing to help Chance (and possibly *contribute* to their Organization) - they might be more willing to give Chance some "extra" Time & Effort.

Please fill us in...

11-25-2003, 06:05 PM
Because it's the internet. I'll gladly tell anyone who's interested if they pm me and give them SPCA email address. You've got to remember that there are a lot of people out there that aren't so nice and I work for law enforcement and know the crazy things that happen. I hope you understand.

11-25-2003, 07:25 PM

I can relate to that really.(Just received my 2nd pm from
someone who is registered here, but has a 0 post count. The
messages never make any sense to me, so I ignore them for
the most part, but, it's true, you never know who's lurking.

Please send the info by pm to those who've offered to help
so we can have a heads up on what's happening o.k.? We do
want to help. :) Thanks.

11-25-2003, 09:35 PM
Oh Val.:( I would never be able to take Chance, but I want to so bad. The least that I can do is help out with whatever needs to be helped out on. I will make donations for sweet Chance. I will
e-mail them. Just let me know what I can help with.
Stay strong Val. This is the time that Chance needs you most. You have got to stay strong.


11-26-2003, 12:37 PM
Ok everyone. We've got to put our plan in action. Money cannot be specifically donated for any certain animal. Woman from SPCA told me my best bet was to go ahead with micki's plan. She also can't give me any warning on when he will be put down. So, if we are to fly him to Texas, I've got to get a carrier for him to be transported in. I paid $100 to the day care place yesterday and #30 to the SPCA. So, I'm kind of strapped for money. We must act QUICKLY! I have to work tomorrow and Friday. I think the SPCA is open on Saturday. I can't believe the adventure Chance is getting ready to have. I'm praying it all works out ok. SPCA woman knows I'm working on this but I'll keep checking in with her to guarantee nothing bad happens to him. Thanks to everyone for their help!

11-26-2003, 02:57 PM
Valerie - what do you need? Do you need us to send some money for the carrier? Also - I have a ton of frequent flyer miles on USAirways (they work on United as well) - maybe they can help with the flight costs? Let us know what we can do to help.

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2003, 03:31 PM

Here's the 3:30 PM Wednesday (11/26/03) UppyDate on Chance...

Dad jest got offa phone wiff Miz Pat Glenn, the
Manager of the SPCA Shelter where Chance is in Florida.
Soundz like they hadda *nice* yap-yap session -
here - we'll let Dad tell it...

I did just talk to Pat at the Shelter, and she was
rather up-beat about Chance and his "chances" for finding his
FurrEver Home ~

First -
He's NOT in any great danger of being put down in the near term! :)

She did not, could not and won't make any "guarantees";
but she said enough to convince ME that Chance will be given
EXCELLENT "chances" to be adopted LOCALLY - and
she feels that CAN & WILL happen with him! :)

His PHOTOS have been submitted to the local paper -
he'll be In The News Next Week!
He's Scheduled to be Featured on Channel 8 TV on December 5th.
He's going to be one of the Featured Dogs & Cats on a local radio show.
AND he'll go "OUT" to a "Remote Adoption Event" *IF* he gets
along with some other Dogs that will be going.

That said, she told me he DOES have some "issues" that
must be taken into consideration...

He's a SUPER FRIENDLY / Wiggle Butt of a dog with every
Human he meets;
but not quite so friendy with other Dogs... :(
She said he's an Alpha Personality with other Dogs -
if the other submits to him - he's Mr. Personality with the Wiggley Butt.
But he can't stand another Alpha Dog!

The Shelter will insist that he be an ONLY Dog;
"Cats" are an unknown...

The only *unknown* about how long he can stay in the Shelter is
*IF* he becomes "kennel crazy"...
She doesn't "think" it will happen - but is a possibility.

When I told her of out *emergency plans" to Fly him to Texas -
she suggested that we wait a while before doing that.
SHE feels he has an Excellent "Chance" of being adopted locally!! :D

Pat said she WILL keep Valerie posted on Chance's situation -
But Val MUST BE THE ONE to initiate all inquiries...
"Board Policy" prevents Pat from calling Val... :mad:

Pat suggested tha Val call her (PAT - and Only Pat)
on Tuesdays and Fridays between 4 and 4:30 PM;
although Pat is often there till 5-6 PM (She DOES sound very DEDICATED!)

IF Chance develops "issues" that would suggest he be euthanized;
PAT will KNOW it enough in advance that Val can be advised to
finalize a Backup Plan and we can execute it.

We touched on the money issue...
The Shelter is forbidden to accept money for the care of a Specific Dog...
But any and all donations will be put to Good Use! ;)

As for us "Looking In" on Chance...
the Shelter Web Site is *down* because they are changing
their web Host... Prolly won't be "up" till next week.

Can we let the Pet Talk Family know what the Shelter Name and
Web Site Address is - or do you still want to keep those details quiet??

Summary ~
He's in Good Hands and with any Luck -
he'll have a Stocking to Hang on his Own FurrEver Fireplace for Christmas!


/s/ Phred @ 4:30 Wednesday

11-26-2003, 03:32 PM
Thanks for your help! I'm talking with micki76 now and you might get with her. We can't make any flight arrangements earlier than 3 days before. Thanks so much for your kindness. I've sent micki a link to American Airlines cargo but if they would let you use the miles at United, that would greatly help! So, I'll pm her and let her know what you offered.
I really don't want to sound like a prude or paranoid and all that but anyone who wants to know where Chance is can pm me or Cinder and we can tell you where he is. Thanks for the update, Phred! I really appreciate it.

11-26-2003, 04:03 PM
Thanks for setting our minds at ease Phred. I think Chance has an excellent chance for adoption there in FL, but am ready and on stand by for flying him here.

Sounds like they are getting him some great exposure that will surely produce some leads toward that forever home he deserves!

Phred, you said that Valerie must initiate the inquiries and that Pat can’t call Val. Do you know if others can call and inquire of his status? Could I call and communicate with Pat or does it have to be Valerie?

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2003, 04:04 PM
Some Suggestions...

Let's ALL take a Deep Breath and think this through ~

Chance is NOT in any immediate danger!
The Shelter believes he is Very Adoptable - Locally!

*IF* he develops *issues* and must be taken out of the Shelter in
order to save his life...
We'll have a day or two to "pull" him -
As Long as Val keeps in touch with Pat at the Shelter!

*IF* Chance needs to be pulled out of the Shelter ~
We need a LOCAL (Polk County, FLORIDA)
*Temporary* Foster Home to put him into while
we finalize his next steps...[/b]

He will NEED to be Vetted and recieve ALL his Shots AND
a Vet's Health Certificate in order to Fly ANYWHERE!

The Vet Visit and travel arrangements will probably take a
few days to complete - so we NEED that First Temp Home - in Florida!

And rather than Fly (read :eek: *expensive*) -
He'd be better off in the long run to move into a
true Rescue/Foster Home setting.

When I asked Pat at the Shelter about local Florida "Rescues" -
she said there just weren't any except Breed Specific ones...
And since Mr. Chance "appears" to be of a somewhat Well Mixed Parentage... :rolleyes:
His chances of "qualifying" at a Local Rescue might be limited.

So -
rather than plan a Quickie Flight to Texas -
let's consider finding Emergency Housing for Chance in Florida;
and locate a Mutt Rescue that would like to work on finding him that
Home for Christmas we'd all like to see him find.


/s/ Phred

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by micki76
... Pat can’t call Val.
Do you know if others can call and inquire of his status?
Could I call and communicate with Pat
or does it have to be Valerie?

The short answer is that it *should* be Val...

ONLY because the Shelter is Very *Bizzie* and
PAT is the Head Honcho = SUPER *Bizzie*!

Pat seemed to have a bit of a Soft Spot for Chance (AND Valerie)!
So I think Val stands a good "Chance" of obtaining the honest scoop
in enough time to react if something goes sour.

Maybe we can ask Valerie to alert Micki or Me if she cannot
do a Tuesday or Friday check-up before 4:30 PM.

TOO Many well-intentioned calls to the Shelter just
might wear out Chance's welcome. :eek:

/s/ Phred

11-26-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
The short answer is that it *should* be Val...

Maybe we can ask Valerie to alert Micki or Me if she cannot
do a Tuesday or Friday check-up before 4:30 PM.

Yes, that's what I was thinking. I was thinking someone could call if Val's busy or just needs helping hand with keeping in touch with Pat. :) I have free unlimited long distance, so I'd be more than happy to make calls as necessary.

11-26-2003, 06:10 PM
Phred or Val,

Does the local SPCA have a fostering program in place.? Could
they possibly help in finding a foster situation for Chance. It
would be so much better for him than just staying full time at
in a Shelter enviroment. Just a thought. I feel so much better
about his chances for a Forever Home.:)

11-26-2003, 06:21 PM
Valerie... instead of spending all of that money.... I could always ask my parents if we could foster him until we can find a home for him...

I don't know how much they'd agree with it, but i'm willing to give up my Christmas gifts/money this year for it.
And it's always worth talking to them about.

And who knows.... Seeing how big my dad's *soft* spot is (although he doesn't like to show it) Chance's (hopeful) Forever Home could be here with my 2. :)

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
... I could always ask my parents if
we could foster him until we can find a home for him... :)

KayAnn ~

That's a Sweet and Very Kind Offer...

But Pat at the Shelter feels that Chance *NEEDS*
to be an Only Dog in a ONE-Dog Family!

He's Sweet-As-Pie - *IF* another Dog submits to HIM.
Thinking that all THREE of them would *agree* that
Mr. Chance was Top Dog might be very wishful thinking. :(

If you happen to have a Friendly RELATIVE with a Dog-Less home...
Maybe we can *talk*... :p

Let's not give up too soon...
Chance is Very Adoptable if the
Right Family will just see him!

/s/ Phred

11-26-2003, 06:48 PM
That's true, but you never know. :p

11-26-2003, 06:56 PM
Well, I've just read this whole thread & I'm glad that I'm part of such a wonderful community!
Phred, I'm glad you talked to them & let us all know what was said.
I think Phred is right, it sounds like Chance just might get his "chance" to have a nice forever home soon!

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
Does the local SPCA have a fostering program in place?

Could they possibly help in finding a foster situation
for Chance?

Pat, the Shelter's Full-Time Manager, didn't offer that as a solution;
so I rather think it's not a formal Shelter option.

Not ALL of the Shelter's VOLUNTEERS have seen Chance, yet.

So there IS some HOPE that a Volunteer will fall in love with him and
either Take Him Home :) -OR-
*work* on a Friend or Relative to Give Him a New Home. :)

He's still pretty *NEW* to the Shelter -
and Pat seemed quite CERTAIN they will be able to
Fix Chance Up with a NEW Home for Christmas! :D

Maybe a few PT Prayers offered over the
ThanksGiving Table might Help!!

/s/ Phred

11-26-2003, 07:02 PM
I hope he gets adopted! :D I, too, am glad that this is such a great community where we can all help eachother out. :)

11-26-2003, 07:15 PM
Prayers coming Chance's way that he finds a furever home for Christmas.

11-26-2003, 08:31 PM
I'm sorry I missed all this this week, but it sounds like Chance is safe for now and emergency plans are in place. We will be praying the right family comes along...the poor dog has been through so much he deserves it!

11-26-2003, 08:46 PM
Well I certainly don't have a "dogless" home but something MUST be done. I will drive anywhere for a rescue and pay whatever I can for vet's or whatever is needed right now. p.m. me for whatever I can do. It's Thanksgiving tomorrow but I'm not having a "thing". My husband died four years ago today and I can think of no better tribute to his life.

Cinder & Smoke
11-29-2003, 07:37 PM
A Saturday Photo of Chance at the Shelter...


And another Chance shot...


With a Face Like That;
Adoption is a Sure Thing!! :)

Photos are from the thread...
Visit with Chance (photos) (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=547755)

11-29-2003, 07:52 PM
That's a very good idea. I always look for any new pics or
updates on Chance and posting everything here makes it a
lot easier to keep up. I don't want to miss any pictures or other
messages from Valerie about Chance.:)

11-30-2003, 09:36 AM
I visited Chance today and he was SO HAPPY to see me! The dogs don't get to socialize there like they did a doggy day care. They all have their own kennel. Chance was jumping and giving kisses like crazy. I just want to make sure he knows that I didn't forget about him. Took me a while to get the leash on him as he was so wiggly with happiness. I spent at least 30 minutes with him, walking him and letting him enjoy the grass and the cooler weather. He's such a sweetheart. Made me sad to see people picking other dogs to take to the play area. I wish someone would want him.
And I love this next pic. I did get him to smile while I was there.
I hated to leave him. He jumped up on the gate and looked so sad. I couldn't bear to get a pic of that, though. I told him I'd be back soon. They're not open on Monday and I 've got to work 2 days after that but I'll be sure to see him on Thurs. and Friday. I want him to be as comfortable as possible while he's there. They seem to be taking really good care of all the dogs.

12-02-2003, 10:37 AM
He's just adorable and I am praying hard that he will find his forever home very soon. Please keep us posted, Valerie, as you find out more about his situation at the SPCA. And thank you, Phred, for all the input you have already given (and I'm sure will continue to give). :)

Samantha Puppy
12-02-2003, 11:12 AM
What an angel. I would take him in a heartbeat if I could afford the time and money to travel from MD to FL. :(

12-02-2003, 11:20 AM
Hoping Chance finds that forever home!!! :D

12-02-2003, 11:47 AM
What a happy update, Valerie!:) Though I know it must have been very hard on you and on Chance as you left . I can't believe that he hasn't been taken out for a test run yet:( I'm sure that will change very soon! And many thanks to Phred for his help and support; as usual, Cinder and Smokey are on the job!:) And Micki, you're the best!:) What a kind and agenerous offer! With everyone pulling for him, he just has to find that furever home very soon!

12-02-2003, 01:31 PM
Chance looks very happy in those pictures Valerie!!
Thanks for the update!!!
I'm still praying for this sweet boy, and I am definitely at my limit, but if all else fails, he can have a home here in PA, with 4 other doggies.

12-05-2003, 06:50 PM
Well, I visited Chance today. He was as happy as ever to see me. I swear, he was jumping at least a foot off the ground. I'm trying to break him of jumping because I know lots of people don't like dogs jumping. And he just loves to give kisses. He's going to a mall adoption thing tomorrow. Maybe someone will show some interest in him. I almost selfishly wish someone from PT would get him so I could see him after he's got a home. Here he is scratching an itch.
Looking up at "mama"
Watching a guy take out some garbage.
And I just love his ears. They are so floppy.
He wasn't as sad today when I left. I left the supervisor a note thanking her for letting me spend time with Chance. That it makes us both very happy.

12-05-2003, 06:58 PM
awwww.. He's so adorable. I wish a certain PT'er could take him into their home *cough*me*cough*...

I'm glad you're able to spend time with him, and he's able to do the same with you.

I love the last picture. I need to meet him before he gets a forever home. :)

12-05-2003, 08:32 PM
I’m so glad you had a “happier” visit today. :) Maybe tomorrow those eyes will meet with the eyes of his Mom or Dad.

Cinder & Smoke
12-05-2003, 08:51 PM
Hey Valerie ~

How's his progress with the "Alpha Dog Am I" issues?

I gather the Shelter found some "suitable" traveling companions
to send with Chance to the Off-Site Adoption event?

Is she still as Optomistic about his *Chances* as she was last week?

KEEP us all POSTED ~
We'll Activate Plan B if we have to.

Just what *IS* Plan B... ?? :rolleyes:
But I'm sure we can generate one! ;)

A thought...
Hey VAL ~
Any "Chance" you could drop in at the Off-Site -
to help Show Him Off???

/s/ Phred

12-05-2003, 08:58 PM
OMG! I totally missed this post! SORRY! HOPE YOU FIND A FUREVER HOME CHANCE!!!!! Val is that Chance in your sig cause it sure looks like it!?

12-06-2003, 08:52 AM
Believe me, if I didn't have to be at work, I would be right there with him. And yes, that's Chance in my sig. I made it for him.

12-06-2003, 09:45 AM
We're keeping our paws crossed for you sweet Chance!:) Val, the pictures are precious! I love his expression! So intelligent and alert. But, oh, those ears!:D I'm glad the parting wasn't as sad this time!:) Sandra, Cody and Star

12-06-2003, 11:04 PM
We are all keeping our paws (AND fingers!) crossed for you beautiful boy! You'll get a home for Christmas, don't worry! We've Got Backup! Maybe, when you go visit him you could bring him a cookie, unless the shelter won't let you. Our shelter has those power bars for dogs out for the public to give to the dogs as treats! lol they smell bad! :p Good Luck!

12-10-2003, 09:48 AM
Micki, I'm sending you a pm also. I talked to SPCA today and Chance is starting to go kennel crazy so we have to get him out ASAP! He was promoted heavily on radio today so I don't know how that will turn out. Also, I need help on knowing what/how to get him to airport and buying kennel. Do I buy it there before the flight? Anyone willing to donate money, Micki and I would appreciate it. I would like to try to do it this Monday. She said he's jumping a lot and running up and down his kennel. Not good. I feel so bad for him and he deserves so much better. I thank everyone for their help.

12-10-2003, 09:58 AM
When I had to ship Jetty to Dallas I called the airlines, asked to speak with someone in freight about shipping live animals and they were extremely helpful. Depending on where he's being flown to, you do have to watch the air temperature. I bought the large kennel from PetSmart and they had the water & food attachments right there also. The guy at the freight building at the airport was very kind to this crazy lady that was a basket case about shipping poor Jetty. I'll write more later when I get a break & will try to send even a few bucks your way. I'll try to p.m. you shortly.

12-10-2003, 10:15 AM
I wish I was able to take him. I'd ask my parents, but I don't want to ask them without your "OK". I've always wanted to foster a dog.

12-10-2003, 11:03 AM
I would love for you to have him but it would be a very difficult situation for you and your parents. He's not house trained at all, or crate trained. Micki says she or her sister will keep him and that will be the forever home he needs. Unless you're sure you can keep him forever. I really think it's too much to ask on your parents. Ha ha, that's why I couldn't keep him, too. Plus, if other dogs don't back down from a challenge, he wants to fight.

12-10-2003, 11:07 AM
I'll talk to my parents about it when they get home. It's always worth trying instead of spending all of that money. Besides, how would he act on the plane?

12-10-2003, 11:11 AM
They're in the luggage area in a kennel. So, I don't think that would be a problem. He's find when riding in kennel in truck.

12-10-2003, 11:37 AM
Chance is in my prayers :(

12-10-2003, 12:10 PM
My personal opinion is that you should explore a few more options before rushing him to micki so fast. Even though he isn't housetrained, he could still be fostered and rehomed. If KayAnn is willing and able to offer her home as a foster, I would take her up on that offer. It will save Chance from a lot of stress on the airplane.

Meanwhile, I would be visiiting him every day and giving him some outdoor stimulation. Dogs go kennel crazy a lot and it is good that you're catching it early. He is completely redeemable and everything will work out.

Cinder & Smoke
12-10-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
First -
He's NOT in any great danger of being put down in the near term! :)

She did not, could not and won't make any "guarantees"...

He's Scheduled to be Featured on Channel 8 TV on December 5th.
He *DID* appear on TV-8

He's going to be one of the Featured Dogs & Cats on a local radio show.
THREE Stations - TODAY (Dec 10th)

AND he'll go "OUT" to a "Remote Adoption Event"
He *WENT* on Sat - Dec 6 - No Takers :(

That said, she told me he DOES have some "issues" that
must be taken into consideration...

He's a SUPER FRIENDLY / Wiggle Butt of a dog with every
Human he meets;
but not quite so friendy with other Dogs... :(
She said he's an Alpha Personality with other Dogs -
if the other submits to him - he's Mr. Personality with the Wiggley Butt.
But he can't stand another Alpha Dog!

The Shelter will insist that he be an ONLY Dog;
"Cats" are an unknown...

The only *unknown* about how long he can stay in the Shelter is
*IF* he becomes "kennel crazy"...

He *IS* developing "Kennel Problems" -
more below...

IF Chance develops "issues" that would suggest he be euthanized;
PAT will KNOW it enough in advance that Val can be advised to
finalize a Backup Plan and we can execute it.

/s/ Phred @ 4:30 Wednesday (NOVEMBER 26)

THURSDAY Dec 10 - NOON UppyDate...

I just had a *LONG* talk with Pat at ****** SPCA ~

"Problems" are starting...
Mr. Chance is starting to act up when alone in his kennel...
Nervous, agitated, pacing, etc when alone in his kennel.
Pat said she just found out today from Valerie that Chance
started Biting His Tail when alone at his previous refuge -
"**** *****".

This is NOT good - and Pat said she will not let
him start to self-mutilate hinself!

He *IS* on the Volunteer "High Priority List" =
HE gets more Volunteer Time than most of the other dogs -
Walks and Play Time outside.
They have NOT foud a "roomie" for him...
but he is put on one side of a common run and other dogs are
allowed to interact with him through the fence.
Pat says he gets LOTS of exercise chasing along the run...
and is much "calmer" when he gets back in his run after these interactions.

Bottom Lines -
He's "OK" for now - Pat wants to see what his Media Exposure brings
in - too soon to tell if an Adopter will come foreward.

BIG Worry is his attitude and reaction to further confinement...
We have a Red Flag Problem if he becomes self-distructive.

Pat will talk to the Volunteers to see if one is willing to Foster
him - but she has already tried...
Problem is ALL the Volunteers already HAVE pets -
and "Alpha" Chance won't fit into their homes. :(

There are NO "Mixed Breed" Rescues near *****, Florida.

Pat will give MY name & phone # to a Volunteer -
*Hopefully* he/she will call me if Chance develops
a serious problem.

PLAN "B" ~
We need to face reality...
Chance may have to be "pulled" from the SPCA.

Pat will bend over backwards...
Instead of $75 for an adoption...
She'll sneak him out the door for a "Rescue Fee"
of only $35 + $5 Rabies Tag. (Thanks, Pat!!)

He WILL NEED a "Vet's Health Certificate" to be able to "Fly".
Pat gave me two Friendly Vets to contact...
The less expensive one wants $28 for the Exam & Certificate...
and will Do It on short notice.
Hours = 8-5 daily; 8-Noon on Sats.

Destination = ???????

Micki ~~
Are you still "game" for Chance??
PLEASE RE-read his Alphe Issues (above)!

The Closest Major Airport is TAMPA, Florida.
That's a 45 minute drive trip from *******.

WHAT Major Airport is Wylie, TX near??

Can you get a LIST of Airlines that fly INTO your
TX airport from TAMPA???
With an Airline List I can contact the airlines to check prices
and their "RULES" for K-9 Travelers.


This WILL NOT be *cheap*...
We'd be far ahead to get him into a FurrEver Home right there in Florida!!

Valerie and KayAnn ~~
PLEASE CHECK with everyone you know -
We need a Temp Foster and/or a FurrEver Home for Chance!!
SHOULD be a NO Other Pets Home!!

>> KayAnn <<
Chance would NOT "fit in" with your two Pups...
even a short-term "visit" would be *very* stressful
for all the Dogs.

AND... do either of you know anyone with a Large Dawg
"AIRLINE Approved" Flight Kennel
that would be willing to "donate" it to Chance's Cause??
The Kennel will be another $100 in costs;
although some airlines may rent them.

OK Gang - let's get On It!
If Chance is heading to Texas for Christmas...
We'll need some :eek: $$ MONEY AND some Florida and Texas HELP!!

/s/ Phred @ 1:00 PM WEDNESDAY, Dec 10th

12-10-2003, 12:18 PM
Well, after reading that, he needs to be in a foster home and get some training before being adopted to the public.

I am sure if we all tried, we could find one in Florida though. It will be cheaper, less stressful than flying to Texas. Don't get me wrong, Micki would be a wonderful (foster) mommy to him. But I'm just trying to look at this from all angles.

12-10-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
>> KayAnn <<
Chance would NOT "fit in" with your two Pups...
even a short-term "visit" would be *very* stressful
for all the Dogs.

How do you know?

I think she should try it. It will be a lot less stressful to visit a home than to be stuck on a plane and flown in a luggage compartment for hours.

12-10-2003, 12:23 PM
I just sent you a PM, Phred. Aly, I think Phred is going off of exactly what the lady at the SPCA told him........that Chance is not one that will fit with other dogs. KayAnn would not want to put Simba and Nala at risk, as obviously Valerie hasn't been able to do with Duke either. (at least that's what I read in all of this discussion)


12-10-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by aly
Well, after reading that, he needs to be in a foster home and get some training before being adopted to the public.

I am sure if we all tried, we could find one in Florida though. It will be cheaper, less stressful than flying to Texas. Don't get me wrong, Micki would be a wonderful (foster) mommy to him. But I'm just trying to look at this from all angles.

Thanks Aly! :)

My only problem is that we are in the process of selling my dad's house and my sister will be moving to an apartment until her house is built, (she got a great deal on some land in the country)and I will most likely have Bob until the house finished; sometime in the early spring hopefully.

In other words, my only refuge for Chance (now that I know about his alpha issues) will be moving into an apartment in about a week and a half. :( I didn't know he was alpha until I made the offer, and Chester will NOT tolerate another alpha male.

Now I feel helpless and bad for Chance.

KayAnn - do you think there's a possibility?

12-10-2003, 12:24 PM
Well, if he plays with other dogs at the shelter, I don't see why KayAnn can't try it :confused: :confused: :confused: She lives really close to there and it would be soooo much easier.

12-10-2003, 12:25 PM
Who's to say he'd "fit in" when he arrives at Texas, with Micki's Crew, or her sister -- Especially after a long, confusing plane ride?

It's always worth trying, it's not like Valerie and I live a plane trip away.

12-10-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Who's to say he'd "fit in" when he arrives at Texas, with Micki's Crew, or her sister -- Especially after a long, confusing plane ride?

It's always worth trying, it's not like Valerie and I live a plane trip away.

I know, I'm worried about the plane trip, too. :(

12-10-2003, 12:27 PM
micki - I could arrange for him to come into my shelter, but I'm not sure if I could find a foster home. I know a foster is what he needs. I WISH I could do it, but I've got fosters coming out my ears at the moment.

Anyway, if you did end up taking him and things went really bad, there would be the option of coming to my shelter where he'd get wonderful training and socialization even in the shelter.

BUT, since he has been on television several times, I think most rescue groups in Florida would be willing to take him in. They love dogs with a story they can advertise. Even if its further away in Florida, a car transport will be easier than a plane.

I just don't think its fair to ship him to Micki at this point, as there are still options to explore.

12-10-2003, 12:28 PM
I'm going to talk my parent's about it when I get home. Christmas IS coming up, and I haven't asked for anything.

12-10-2003, 12:28 PM
Well, you should definitely "try" if you can, KayAnn. God knows, I wasn't trying to discourage you. But if Valerie couldn't take him to her home, I figured it certainly wouldn't work at your house with two. All of us want what is best for Chance, obviously. I have yet to have a foster come to my house that didn't work, but I have very submissive dogs who never even flinched at the sight of a new one. I was only trying to interpret what the lady told Phred.

12-10-2003, 12:31 PM
I understand that, Logan.

Simba has come a long ways since we got Honey & Nala. nowadays, he'd much rather just go on his own way than mess with another dog. Nala would want to play, but she's just a pup and there's alot of training in her future.

12-10-2003, 12:33 PM
Wait? I have a question. If chance doesnt do good with other dogs, then why are you sending him to mickis home, when they have already 3 dogs?? Or is this a different person? :confused:

12-10-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Wait? I have a question. If chance doesnt do good with other dogs, then why are you sending him to mickis home, when they have already 3 dogs?? Or is this a different person? :confused:

Yeah that part doesn't make sense. Also, since he's big, he'll scare little Millie to death. And poor Chester will think he has his work cut out for him. I would hate to do that to Micki.

I really have confidence that KayAnn could help Chance if her parents allow her.

12-10-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by aly
micki - I could arrange for him to come into my shelter, but I'm not sure if I could find a foster home. I know a foster is what he needs. I WISH I could do it, but I've got fosters coming out my ears at the moment.

Anyway, if you did end up taking him and things went really bad, there would be the option of coming to my shelter where he'd get wonderful training and socialization even in the shelter.

BUT, since he has been on television several times, I think most rescue groups in Florida would be willing to take him in. They love dogs with a story they can advertise. Even if its further away in Florida, a car transport will be easier than a plane.

I just don't think its fair to ship him to Micki at this point, as there are still options to explore.

Aly I know your shelter is great, but I also know that he needs out of the shelter atmosphere.

I also think that his tv exposure is going to generate a lot of interest. I know when Operation Kindness has dogs on tv with this type of injury, they (along with several other pets) are adopted.

KayAnn, you rock. :) If your parents ok it, be careful with Simba. I know how bad it can be with 2 alpha males. :(

Amber - same Micki :) and I'm about to have my fathers fox terrier for several months too. No, my house isn't the right place for Chance, I thought my sister could foster him, but now she's moving into an apartment and we're selling my father's house. She'll be building a house, but it won't be ready until spring. :(

12-10-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by micki76

KayAnn, you rock. :) If your parents ok it, be careful with Simba. I know how bad it can be with 2 alpha males. :(

Yeah. but like I said, simba has come a long ways. He's completely fine with Valerie's Duke in the house and he'd much rather be left alone than mess with other dogs.

12-10-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by aly
Yeah that part doesn't make sense. Also, since he's big, he'll scare little Millie to death. And poor Chester will think he has his work cut out for him. I would hate to do that to Micki.

Yeah I agree, it's confusing. And plus if Chance comes in he is going to take over the household and mille or chester will feel out of place. I think he would do so much better in Kayanns house, because all the dogs are about the same size. And it would be better because Kay and Val see each other all the time! val could see chance alot.

12-10-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by aly
Yeah that part doesn't make sense. Also, since he's big, he'll scare little Millie to death. And poor Chester will think he has his work cut out for him. I would hate to do that to Micki.

I really have confidence that KayAnn could help Chance if her parents allow her.

I know, and I'd hate to do it to Chance, too. He'd be in our outdoor kennel all day and in it, or the garage, at night. Not really much better than the shelter. I just wouldn't trust Chester. Although he's come a LONG way, he's still very territorial. He's still only so-so on neutral ground, though he did pretty good with Reece! ;) On his own turf he's still got massive issues with other dogs. Fortunately he LOVES Bob. It'll be interesting to see how much he loves him when Bob's here instead of at my sister's.

12-10-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Aly I know your shelter is great, but I also know that he needs out of the shelter atmosphere.

I also think that his tv exposure is going to generate a lot of interest. I know when Operation Kindness has dogs on tv with this type of injury, they (along with several other pets) are adopted.

Thats what I've been trying to say, hehe. I only meant my shelter as an option so you wouldn't feel stuck if he did end up with you though.

12-10-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by aly
Thats what I've been trying to say, hehe. I only meant my shelter as an option so you wouldn't feel stuck if he did end up with you though.

I know, and thank you. :)

Ugh, I have a stomach ache from worry. :(

Cinder & Smoke
12-10-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by aly
if he plays with other dogs at the shelter,
I don't see why KayAnn can't try it :confused:

Please * NOTE!! *

Chance DOES **NOT** "play" with the other Shelter Dogs!!!!

He is VERY AGGRESSIVE (read NASTY) towards
ANY other dog that does not totally Submit To Him!!

They Do NOT allow him in a run or exercise area with other dogs!
He "interacts" with other dogs from the Opposite Side of a FENCE!

The Shelter will not change their mind -
Chance does NOT belong with other dogs (or Cats, probably)!!

Chance needs a NO Other Animals Foster or FurrEver Home!

Sorry - but that's the Way He IS...
and his Alpha Attitude will NOT be an easy thing to Train him out of!!

We'll be a Lot better off to Search Out a Florida Family
that will be willing to Adopt and Train Chance as an ONLY Animal!

/s/ Phred

12-10-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Please * NOTE!! *

Chance DOES **NOT** "play" with the other Shelter Dogs!!!!

He is VERY AGGRESSIVE (read NASTY) towards
ANY other dog that does not totally Submit To Him!!

They Do NOT allow him in a run or exercise area with other dogs!
He "interacts" with other dogs from the Opposite Side of a FENCE!

The Shelter will not change their mind -
Chance does NOT belong with other dogs (or Cats, probably)!!

Chance needs a NO Other Animals Foster or FurrEver Home!

Sorry - but that's the Way He IS...
and his Alpha Attitude will NOT be an easy thing to Train him out of!!

We'll be a Lot better off to Search Out a Florida Family
that will be willing to Adopt and Train Chance as an ONLY Animal!

/s/ Phred

I READ those parts about Chance and UNDERSTAND that. HOWEVER, this is what you said in a previous post

She said he's an Alpha Personality with other Dogs - if the other submits to him - he's Mr. Personality with the Wiggley Butt.
But he can't stand another Alpha Dog!

SO that lead me to believe he is able to play with submissive dogs.

I still stand by my statement that KayAnn should try it. I've had years upon years of experience dealing with shelter dogs with very similar issues. You would be VERY surprised at how behaviour can change OUTSIDE the shelter. TRUST ME.

12-10-2003, 01:56 PM
He interacted with other dogs at the day care place and was fine. Please Phred, respect my privacy in not naming places I frequent. Remember that this is the internet and thousands of people come here. Now, I'm worried more about Chance now. Aly, I don't have a shedule to where I can visit him every day, or I would. And I have done other things to try to find him a home. On 12/3 he was on tv and no one adopted him. He was at the adoptathon this past Saturday. Still nothing. He was advertised a lot on the radio today. I just don't want his time to run out. I'll be able to see him on Saturday. I think he gets along fine with Duke, though he's never been to my house. I live with parents so they didn't want another dog in the house. They helped me for a while now I'm able to help them so that's why I'm staying home. I guess I really hope KayAnn can do it. I'd be close to him and know he was getting the very best treatment.

12-10-2003, 02:14 PM
Val ~~ I made this for you and for Chance. :)

12-10-2003, 02:16 PM
I know you're doing all you can, Valerie. Keep up the great work!

Thats great news he got along with Duke. I somehow had a feeling there wouldn't be any problems. Now.. we all need to sweet talk KayAnn's parents!

12-10-2003, 02:19 PM
Anyone else thinking I should print out "Chance wants to come and visit" signs all over the house? ;) ;)

12-10-2003, 02:20 PM
I too would love to see him end up with KayAnn. We all know he'd have the wonderful care he needs and deserves there. My experience has been that with a little time and love, most dogs can be surprisingly adaptable. It might be a bit rocky at first but once everyone established their place in the "pack" I think things would go fine.

I know all of us here would also love to continue to see him and have updates on him.

Paws and fingers crossed for Chance-pup. X

12-10-2003, 02:20 PM
That is so cute, KayAnn! I just didn't want you to have to ask your parents because the dogs already take up a lot of room and I didn't want them to feel pressured. But, I know Chance would have a great place to stay and even if you couldn't keep him forever, at least he could get some training and wouldn't have a set time limit and would be out of the shelter atmosphere.

12-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Heck, i'll move into our newly built shed if I have to. :p the garage floor is fine with me as well. ;)

12-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Anyone else thinking I should print out "Chance wants to come and visit" signs all over the house? ;) ;)

Definitely! :D :D :D

Cinder & Smoke
12-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Please Phred,
respect my privacy in not naming places I frequent.
Remember that this is the internet and
thousands of people come here.
Now, I'm worried more about Chance now...

Sorry, Val.

All offending references to "Places" have been
removed from my post.

Good Luck, Chance... ;)

/s/ Phred

12-10-2003, 03:54 PM
Good grief, when you are making the extra effort to help, Phred, I hardly think you owe anyone an apology!!! Sorry if I'm coming off in a negative manner, it just seems that a lot of information is coming out at the last minute that could have saved a lot of hassle from the very start, such as Valerie lives with others who will not welcome Chance, even though he might get along fine with Duke (that's good knowledge, just wish we had known it sooner). When we get this involved in a situation like this, we are all looking for any possible answer. Anything that we can know, immediately, helps!!! No need to apologize, Phred.

12-10-2003, 04:23 PM
If she's not able to house Chance with her, because of her parents, then why would him getting along with Duke matter? And if you've followed this, from the bginning, I believe she mentioned once or twice in other threads that he got along with Duke.

12-10-2003, 05:25 PM
Can we all please focus on the fact that this thread is trying to HELP Chance, and not bicker ........ finger pointing, and commenting on people's "errors or oversights" will not help anything or anyone.

Everyone who has offered help and their opinions - well done, you are all amazing people who obviously really care about Chance and all his options.

12-10-2003, 05:46 PM
Logan, I am very thankful of Phred's help and I never said I wasn't. That's all I'm saying.

12-10-2003, 06:50 PM
I'm not saying otherwise, Valerie. I have followed Chance's threads as closely as possible, and I just saw some things today that I was unaware of before. If KayAnn can take him, and her parent's agree, that is terrific! God knows, I wish I could help him in some way.

I am not pointing fingers, I just felt badly that Phred felt he needed to apologize for divulging information, when he had divulged very little.

That's all I was saying, and all I will say. I just want that boy to find a proper home, wherever it is.


12-10-2003, 06:52 PM
She's posted pics of Him and duke together before, so it's obvious they get along. :)

12-10-2003, 08:49 PM
No verdict yet?

12-10-2003, 08:55 PM
My dad isn't home from Lakeland yet. I'm in the process of cleaning my room and the house.

12-10-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
My dad isn't home from Lakeland yet. I'm in the process of cleaning my room and the house.

:D Good thinking! :D

12-10-2003, 09:54 PM
My dad's home, but he was very tired so I didn't want to ask him right away. He's been up since 6am.

I'll mention it on the way to school tomorrow then really talk to him about it when I get home.

12-10-2003, 10:07 PM
poor chance, I wish I could take him.

Rio and Me
12-11-2003, 06:46 AM
All i can do is pray!!
Kayann when you talk to your parents make sure you say its only temperary then they might be a bit more willing! they may even love him and want to keep him!
I think his issues are hurdles not wall's you can train him to jump them. with training he'll learn to be an even better dog than he is now!!
Ky and Rio

12-11-2003, 02:10 PM
I didn't talk to him about it this morning. He was tired from coming home so late and I was tired from staying up so late, so I thought it would be better off to just be quiet.

Now, how do I bring this up to him?

I was thinking of printing out all of the posts on Chance, since day one from Animal Control and showing them to him.

12-11-2003, 02:42 PM
I asked him what he thinks about fostering a dog. He just laughed in my face. I feel like crying. I am crying. I feel like screaming. :( :( :( :( :(

i'm not going to give up though, i won't.

12-11-2003, 02:45 PM
I just got caught up on all of this...... I pray for him!!!

12-11-2003, 02:48 PM
Kay, I know how you feel, trying to just ask the question is very very hard. And when I asked my dad about another dog he also laughed and said no. But I still havent gave up. I have been keeping my room clean and all that stuff. I try to bring it up in some points. Just dont give up!

12-11-2003, 03:42 PM
KayAnn, don't push your luck. You were so fortunate that he "gave in" and let you get Nala. I don't want you to mess up a good thing. Has your dad met Valerie, and has he heard about Chance, specifically? What about your mom?

Seems like there ought to be other options out there for him, other than all of the pressure to fall on you.

I will be anxious for an update about the advertising and how it is received. I hope that the shelter director was at least upbeat about Chance. Fingers, paws and claws crossed here. :)

12-11-2003, 03:55 PM
I'm not pushing my luck. It's the first time i've mentioned fostering Chance.

Yes, i'm lucky he let me get Nala, after how many years? I wouldn't mess anything up and we'd NEVER get rid of Nala. I couldn't, my mom couldn't and my dad wouldn't dare.

Yes, he's met Valerie, both of my parents have as she's slept in our home before. they've also heard of chance and saw pictures of him when Valerie first posted about him.

I printed out a 2 page long full of information and posts about Chance. My dad is reading it right now.

12-11-2003, 03:59 PM
Hey, you got him reading it. That's a great first step at least :)

12-11-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr

I printed out a 2 page long full of information and posts about Chance. My dad is reading it right now.

Good luck!!!

12-11-2003, 04:52 PM
KayAnn, I feel for you. I really appreciate your trying. I am sick to my stomach over this. I don't know what I'm going to do about it but don't feel bad if he says no. It's not his fault.

12-11-2003, 06:03 PM
Just checking in to see how things are going. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending out good thoughts for Chance. I hope he finds some happiness really really soon! Hang in there, Chance! Its gonna happen. I can feel it!!!!

Robin :)

12-11-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Logan

Seems like there ought to be other options out there for him, other than all of the pressue to fall on you.

I will be anxious for an update about the advertising and how it is received. I hope that the shelter director was at least upbeat about Chance. Fingers, paws and claws crossed here. :)

This seems to be how I'm feeling at this point. Has there been
any feedback from the shelter efforts so far? Don't get me wrong,
I think it would be fantastic for Chance to be around Kay Ann for
awhile.She seems to be a natural with dogs of every persuasion.

I am hopeing and praying very hard for some positive news.:)

12-12-2003, 10:43 AM
Just "bumping" this up, as I hope Valerie will update us in regards to the advertisements in the various media, and any positive/negative outcome. Fingers/paws/claws are all crossed, and many, many prayers for Chance, coming from SC.


12-12-2003, 08:23 PM
Hey Chance,

How are you doing sweetheart? Please hang in there o,k,?
God must have a very special purpose in mind for you. I know
you haven't come this far just to be disappointed in humans
again. Don't give up hope baby, you are loved & cared about
by many folks you haven't even met yet. :) Wishing you the
very best in makeing the right connections to get to a loving
forever home. Good night & sweet dreams of a better future.:)

12-12-2003, 08:30 PM
I don't really have anything new. He's going to be on the radio again next week. I put an ad in our employment want ads and am going to try to get flyers made up. I'm really getting discouraged and am losing hope.

12-12-2003, 08:43 PM
Dont loose hope. You can do this O.K? I know what it is like to be in a stressfull situation, believe me. But I have the worlds greatest feeling that Chance will get that Chance and find a new home.

12-13-2003, 05:34 AM
Valerie, I sent you a PM a few minutes ago. Just wanted you to be on the lookout for it.

On another note, way back sometime, Sandra mentioned "Save a Stray"........I can't remember much more about it. Were they ever contacted?

12-13-2003, 06:14 AM
OK, I hate to do this but my exhusband lives close by (Tampa area). He was a rotten husband but does loves dogs and lives alone now (I hear). I will ask my son to call him to see if maybe he needs/wants/can take a wonderful dog for a bit of time and knowing him he just may want a forever dog. It's too early in the morning now (7:15 am on a Sat.) but I'll let you know what his reaction is. OH I hope, I pray....

12-13-2003, 07:16 AM
Valerie- Don't loose hope!!! We are all hoping and praying that right answer will turn up!

Have you talked to Delidog at all? I know she is really busy right now with work, but it seems like maybe she knew of some rescue groups in Florida.

How bout Mugsy? She is really involved in Rescue and has friends/contacts all over the country. Do you know if she has seen these posts? Maybe she can send out emails or give you names of people to try.

I don't know if you remember when we got Spot, but his time was up...he was on the table when they decided to give him one more day. One girl at the shelters sent out a ton of emails. Mugsy got the email, called us and long story short, Spot is now our baby boy...miracles can happen, even inthe 11th hour...Don't loose hope!!!

12-13-2003, 01:55 PM
Logan, I'm going to call those people and hope they can help. I can probably transport to somewhere in Georgia for them or at least to the state line. I just hope they can take him. I was so discouraged today that I couldn't even get myself to go see him. I'll also see if I can get in contact with Sandra to see about that other group you mentioned. Does anyone else know something like save a stray?

12-13-2003, 02:40 PM
Valerie, the name of the organization is Save A Dog. They only take in mixed breeds. Their site can be found at www.saveadog.com Read about "how to surrender." My rescue group knows them well and perhaps I can help. But I would definitely suggest you write them soon...tell them all about Chance, his history of abuse, publicity, etc. All of their dogs are in foster care and many go out every weekend on "Adoptions' Days" Let me know if I can help. It would take a big transport train to get him up here to Massachusetts, but it can be done, I'm sure. Maybe he could hitch a ride part of the way with one of Logan's groups???

12-13-2003, 02:41 PM
I'm still working on my parents , Val.

12-13-2003, 06:30 PM
I'm good for a mid-Atlantic transport (can't do a sleep over with my mutts) but let me still try to get hold of my ex. He really is a good doG person.
my goodness, that's probably the first nice thing I've said about him??

12-14-2003, 12:55 AM
why cant you keep chance dukedogsmom


12-14-2003, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
why cant you keep chance dukedogsmom

as stated above: on page 7 I believe

such as Valerie lives with others who will not welcome Chance, even though he might get along fine with Duke (that's good knowledge, just wish we had known it sooner)"
Other than that, there may be a reason that she doesn't want to discuss with any Joe Schmoe who can look at this. Not implying that PT is "Joe Schmoe" but the internet is a BIG PLACE!

She might want to correspond with this via PM's.

Good Luck Chance, in my thoughts and prayers!!

12-14-2003, 02:27 AM
I believe that's the only reason.

12-14-2003, 02:49 AM
i still am confused why she cant keep him?? where on page 7 does it state the reason??:confused:

12-14-2003, 03:04 AM
Staci quoted why she can't take him.

12-14-2003, 04:05 AM
humm... to bad :(

Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2003, 07:42 PM
Valerie ~

Have you talked to Pat at the Shelter?
How's Chance doing??

Laurie ~

Did you make contact with the "ex" yet?
What was his reaction?

KayAnn ~

Any word from your Mom & Dad yet?

/s/ Phred

12-17-2003, 07:16 AM
I'm afraid the ex is now living in a Condo that does not allow pets at all :mad: :( He did say he would ask around but I've not heard back since last weekend. I'd love to give Chance a chance but living with six other dogs does not sound like a good thing. He needs a good home with maybe a person around that give him some of the undivided attention he so richly deserves. I think of him just about every day and it's breaking my heart I can't do more :(

12-17-2003, 07:50 AM
Valerie, were you able to get in touch with All Pets Rescue? Did they offer you any assitance or have any ideas? Please update us when you can.


12-17-2003, 09:36 AM
Logan, I left a voice mail Monday afternoon and sent them a long email yesterday morning. I have heard nothing. Are they even still operating? Unless someone can come up with a miracle, or he has nine lives, I've run out of options. There's a point to when you have to let go and my nerves are a wreck. I'm about sick today because of this. Pat says there has been no interest in him. I haven't contacted saveadog yet because I was trying to wait to hear from allpets. Since they haven't contacted me, I'll send the same email to them.

12-17-2003, 09:54 AM
Yes, they are still in operation. Did you look at the number of dogs they have listed currently at their website? It may be that they are too loaded to take on another, but maybe they will have an idea. I hope you will hear back from them. But I wouldn't stop there, go ahead and contact any other resources you have at this point. Don't wait!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-17-2003, 03:40 PM
Just talked with Pat at the Shelter ~

Chance is doing OK :D

His general health and "attitude" are good -
NO "kennel crazy" problems are showing! :)

Although he tries his best to greet Visitors at his cage front -
Tail A-Waging, and with his best "Take Me Home, Please" face on;
Pat says their "clientele" just don't favor "Hound-type" dogs... :(
She said Hounds are VERY common in the area, and many folks come
in with a very specific breed in mind. But the Staff IS allowed
to "suggest" folks take a look at Chance if they have no preference.
So far he just hasn't "clicked" with anyone. :(

She did say that she had a phone inquiry for someone who has him
posted on a Florida web site (she didn't know site's name).
The caller wanted to know if he was still "available", and
was going to report to the person asking that he was still there.
So Far - no one has called the Shelter directly or come in asking
for him...

Pat bring groups of School Students into the shelter on tours -
Chance has been shown to two Tours and she also Tells His Tail...
Many of the Kids and Parents don't even notice the scars on his back;
but none of them have come back and asked to
take him for a spin outside. :(

Let's all Keep Searching for a Pet Talk Home for Chance!

Hang in there Chance - Keep It WAGGIN!! ;)

/s/ Phred

12-17-2003, 03:51 PM
Keep your paws crossed! A guy from detention talked to me about Chance just about an hour ago. I'm going to email pics to him tonight and he's going to call Pat and talk to her. He's got 2 small kids and no other animals. He also knows Chance's full history so he knows what to expect. Please pray this is the thing we've been waiting for.

York at work
12-17-2003, 04:03 PM
orginaly quoted by: lizbud

"Hey Chance,
How are you doing sweetheart? Please hang in there o,k,?
God must have a very special purpose in mind for you. I know
you haven't come this far just to be disappointed in humans
again. Don't give up hope baby, you are loved & cared about
by many folks you haven't even met yet. Wishing you the
very best in makeing the right connections to get to a loving
forever home. Good night & sweet dreams of a better future."

This was so perfectly said. My thoughts exactly. And I too feel that there just has to be someone out there that wants this beautiful boy. I think about Chance everyday and pray that he will find people he can trust in and live forever with. Please count me in with a contribution for support needed in transporting him or buying a crate or what ever.
Hang in there Chance. I know your "right Person for you" is coming!!!! My boys send their prayers and love to you.

12-17-2003, 04:20 PM
Oh wouldn't this be the best Christmas present of all, Val! Me and mine will be keeping our fingers and paws crossed that Chance will be home for Christmas!!!:)

12-17-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Keep your paws crossed! A guy from detention talked to me about Chance just about an hour ago. I'm going to email pics to him tonight and he's going to call Pat and talk to her. He's got 2 small kids and no other animals. He also knows Chance's full history so he knows what to expect. Please pray this is the thing we've been waiting for.

Oh, Valerie, we must have posted at the same time this afternoon, and I am just getting back to check in. Fingers, paws and claws are crossed, and lots of prayers for Chance!!!! :) :)

Cinder & Smoke
12-18-2003, 05:07 PM
Happie Holidaze!!!! :D


With his NEW FAMILY!!! :D

Mom, Dad, and Skin-Brother!!

Pat just called from the Shelter!

Details in a while...

12-18-2003, 05:15 PM
Hopefully they know aobut Pet Talk. :(

12-18-2003, 05:24 PM
OMG!!!! Woo hoo!!! Phred, Val, don't keep us waiting! We want details!:D:D:D This is truly a Christmas blessing!:)

12-18-2003, 05:32 PM
What a wonderful way to end the day!!!! :D :D :D

Thank you, John, for the update!!!!! :)

12-18-2003, 05:40 PM
Congratulations Chance!!!!!!

12-18-2003, 06:08 PM
Uh, I didn't even know! Well, I'm so happy for him! I have been almost sick over worrying about him. Yesterday, I couldn't even dispatch, had to work the phones. I'm wondering if it was my coworker? Maybe he'll email me. KayAnn, can you make a happy sig?

12-18-2003, 06:16 PM
Ok, it's either the guy at work or a woman from Clearwater. Either way, I'll find a way to get pics for an update here. I'm so happy for him. My Christmas will be a much happier one. I think it's the woman from Clearwater because my rescue contact sent me an email saying he was going home and she's the one that gave me the Clearwater contact. I just wish Pat would have called me after all I've been through.

12-18-2003, 06:27 PM
Great news about Chance!

Val - try not to be upset Pat didn't call you. Things happen and I'm sure it either slipped her mind or she got too busy.

12-18-2003, 06:55 PM

Great news!!!!

12-18-2003, 07:00 PM
Yeah, you really don't know how relieved and happy I am after the shock weared off. I can truly have a happy heart for Christmas. Just yesterday, I was so down, knowing he needed a miracle and I didn't think he'd get one. I hate to admit it but I just about gave up. That'll teach me :p And, since I wasn't informed, I would appreciate it if Phred could update since he knows all that happened.

12-18-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Happie Holidaze!!!! :D


With his NEW FAMILY!!! :D

Mom, Dad, and Skin-Brother!!

Pat just called from the Shelter!

Details in a while...

OMG, I am so happy about this news I could yell with joy.:D

WOOHOO !!!!! Please update when you know anything new
o.k.? I'd like to check out these folks.LOL. :) I have been praying
so hard for this little guy. Be a good boy Chance. We love you.:)

12-18-2003, 07:04 PM
This is truly tear-jerker news. And Val, you did it, you made it, and you are the reason Chance is alive to fill his new family with his winning love and devotion. Chance is truly blessed that you took up the gauntlet for him.

12-18-2003, 07:43 PM
YEAH!!!! That is awesome!! I am so happy for Chance. Please update ASAP!!! CAn't wait to hear details, and maybe someone could relay to his new owners, about coming on over to Pettalk!!!


Cinder & Smoke
12-18-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
... I just wish Pat would have called me
after all I've been through...

...And, since I wasn't informed...

Valerie ~
Pat DID TRY to reach you...
I'm not positive she tried to phone you, but she told me at 6:00 PM that she had just sent you an E-mail. She wanted to TELL us the Good News and asked me to post it. I posted the Adoption Bulletin moments later.

Chance's Tail ~

His Adoptive Family (Mom, Dad, and 15 year-ish Son) just "walked in" and wanted to "look around"...
They had recently lost their previous Doggie FurKid :( (old age, I believe) and had questioned if they wanted another dog...

One of the Volunteers suggested they look at Chance...
Once his Tail of Abuse was told...
and Chance did his Wiggle-Butt and Kiss Faces routine...
He was assured of his FurrEver Home for Christmas!! :D

ALL his know issues (Alpha-Dog, possibly NOT housebroken, etc) were
explained - and no change in the outcome - They WANTED Him!!

Paperwork completed, Chance pranced around among the Staff and
Passed Out LOTS of G-Bye KISSES!!
One VERRY HAPPIE Doggie & Family then headed for *HOME*. :D

Pat said they seemed like a Very NICE Family...
(the Teen was extremely polite & well behaved)
and ALL 3 fussed over Chance, who returned their attentions with
many, many KISSES!!

He'll be living in a house with a BIG back yard,
near the Shelter.

Pat seemed almost beside herself with Happiness when she called!
There is one Very Pleased group of Shelter workers in Florida tonight!

Merry Christmas, Chance!!

/s/ :D Phred

12-18-2003, 08:17 PM
Oh Val - tears in my eyes.

Phred - thanks, as always for the uppy-date!

Love to you forever Chance! Merry Christmas. :) :D

12-18-2003, 08:18 PM
AHHH!!! Merry Christmas Chance!!! I really am happy for you little guy!!!

12-18-2003, 08:34 PM
Again I have to say YEAH CHANCE!!!

It sounds like the perfect family finally found him!!! Such great news!! I can't even find the words to say how happy and relieved I am that Chance has gone home!!

Well done, Val!! YOU saved him!!!

12-19-2003, 04:42 AM
after reading from beginning to end all i can say is WOO-HOO :D that is awsome news about Chance.

i hope he is having a lovely Xmas with his new family.

well done to everyone that put the time into helping Chance, you are angels.

:) :D

12-19-2003, 05:30 AM
Merry Christmas, Chance. May you be forever happy in your forever home!

Robin :)

12-19-2003, 06:48 AM

12-19-2003, 08:21 AM
YEAH FOR CHANCE!!!!! I am so happy Chance has his forever home. Thank you, Val, for all you've done to help him get to this point. And thanks, Phred, for the update.

12-19-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Chance's Tail ~

His Adoptive Family (Mom, Dad, and 15 year-ish Son) just "walked in" and wanted to "look around"...
They had recently lost their previous Doggie FurKid :( (old age, I believe) and had questioned if they wanted another dog...

One of the Volunteers suggested they look at Chance...
Once his Tail of Abuse was told...
and Chance did his Wiggle-Butt and Kiss Faces routine...
He was assured of his FurrEver Home for Christmas!! :D

ALL his know issues (Alpha-Dog, possibly NOT housebroken, etc) were
explained - and no change in the outcome - They WANTED Him!!

Paperwork completed, Chance pranced around among the Staff and
Passed Out LOTS of G-Bye KISSES!!
One VERRY HAPPIE Doggie & Family then headed for *HOME*. :D

Pat said they seemed like a Very NICE Family...
(the Teen was extremely polite & well behaved)
and ALL 3 fussed over Chance, who returned their attentions with
many, many KISSES!!

He'll be living in a house with a BIG back yard,
near the Shelter.

Pat seemed almost beside herself with Happiness when she called!
There is one Very Pleased group of Shelter workers in Florida tonight!

Merry Christmas, Chance!!

/s/ :D Phred

I had to re-read this part of Phred's message again today to
remind myself this was no dream. :) I am so happy for Chance.
I just know when he's home & settled in nicely, he's going to be
the most loyal & loving dog ever. Be happy in your forever home
sweetheart. :)

12-19-2003, 10:34 AM

Linda York
12-19-2003, 10:49 AM
original quote by lbaker:


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
The tears are flowing and I can't wipe the smile off my face. My heart is overjoyed!!!!!!!!
I followed this thread everyday (sometimes a couple of times day) This is our Christmas miracle.
I am so very happy that all our prayers were answered, that St. Francis of Assisi was there to protect Chance. I hope that there will be the possibility that Chance's new family (Bless them) will be able to give us updates and pictures.
Thanks to everyone (phred, val) for all the updates, letting us know what was happening with Chance.

Be happy always in your forever home.

12-19-2003, 12:06 PM
Excellent News! I have avoided this thread somewhat lately, feeling that I’d let Chance down once my circumstances had changed. I’m so very glad that he found his forever home, and a young man to call his own and everything! ;)

12-19-2003, 12:14 PM

12-20-2003, 03:26 AM
:D :D
URGENT-Chance- ado
Labrador Retriever Mix

Size: Medium
Age: Young
Sex: Male

Notes: ***Chance has been adopted at the Lakeland SPCA by a wonderful family!! Thank you!! Congratulations Chance!!!!!
Taken from PetFinder (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2295824&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3fe4162b65ab39d4-app3&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=)

12-20-2003, 09:40 AM
Merry Christmas Chance!!!!!!

This news makes me so happy!!!!

We all love you sweetheart, and we're so happy you got a home for Christmas!!!!!!

12-20-2003, 11:35 AM
I'm so happy that Chance really will be HOME for Christmas! :D What wonderful news!! Way to go, Chance! :D :D