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08-15-2001, 12:59 AM
Hi everyone!
I'm happy to tell you that this is a "happy" rescue story about a little 8 month old red dapple dachshund named Gunther. I am already slave to my guide dog Gwendy and 3 dachshunds (Bennie, Sassie & Schatzie), but last week I totally went insane and adopted yet another! My friend Elinor (who "found" me for Schatzie 6 yrs. ago) called last Wednesday to tell me of Gunther. I went right away to see him, and he was home with me within a couple hours!
Debbie (the manager of the shelter where I got Gunther) called last night to check on him. She said she'd called the previous owner, an elderly woman, to let her know Gunnie had been adopted, and thought she'd like to know a bit about his new "mom" and family. She didn't!
She showed total disinterest, saying that Gunther was her husband's "pride n joy", and that she never wanted or liked the dog! She said that after her husband passed away a month ago she kept the pup in a crate almost constantly, or out in the yard tethered to a tree, until last Tuesday when she just gave him up! I was absolutely heartsick to think that anyone could be so cruel! A sweet little thing like Gunther, tied to a tree!
I'm trying to give the lady the benefit of the doubt... perhaps having the pup around was too painful for her, because perhaps he reminded her too much of her husband. But the shelter manager doesn't think that's the case... she says the lady just never cared for the pup, and was glad to get rid of him.
I've had Gunther home a week today and he is proving to be the sweetest little boy. I'm partial, naturally, but I kid you not... if you met this doxie you'd fall head over heels in love with him! The rest of the gang has accepted him into their hearts, as well, even little Benjamin, who is quite spoiled and claims me as his and his alone! :)
He and Gunther have been raising cane, wrestling and having a hoot together! I'm so pleased with the whole situation, and so grateful for my new pup.
I purchased Sassie in '89 and Ben in '95 as pups from a breeder in Caton NY. A week after bringing Ben home I was contacted by Elinor, who has since become a dear friend, who told me of Schatzie's plight. She was 8 then, and her owner (an elderly gentleman) had died and Schatzie needed a home.
Elinor had gotten my name/number through a local breeder who I'd contacted while looking for a puppy (who turned out to be Bennie, from a totally different breeder!).
Schatzie is a sweet old lady, who, since living with me has survived throat cancer (having had a golf ball sized tumor removed from her throat in '99) and degenerative disc disease. Now I have my second rescue doxie, Gunther, who thus far is healthy as can be and full of life.
I'm still hoping to regain my sanity... but it doesn't look good! :D


08-15-2001, 01:31 AM
Congrats on the new addition! :D :D :D

I'm sure Gunther will have a wonderful home--it sounds like he has already settled in nicely!

Give all the furbabies a big kiss from me and my crew!

08-15-2001, 06:32 AM
Oh how exciting! Isn't it grand to save a life as well as get a new friend? I am glad you took him, he's going to have the very best life with you, Gwendy, and the rest of the gang :)


08-15-2001, 08:05 AM
Sounds to Misty and I Gunther has a great home now and will be well taken care of. We are so happy for you. Best wishes to the whole family!! ;)

08-15-2001, 09:33 AM
Congrats to you. Another Saved Life!!!!! Hooray!!

08-15-2001, 10:10 AM
Congradulations on your new addition, I just
looooove happy stories.

08-15-2001, 03:18 PM
Karen Ann, you never cease to amaze me with all that you do. Gunther certainly had the fates in his favor when he was directed to your home. Maybe it was his guardian angel (the guy whose pride and joy he was) that had something to do with it, ya think? Anyway, I am so happy for your whole family on the new addition.

Daisy's Mom
08-15-2001, 07:49 PM
Congratulations on your new baby! I'd love to see some pictures - doxies are on of my favorite breeds!!! Thanks for saving another life! Hurray for sweet little Gunther!

08-15-2001, 08:39 PM
How wonderful. I can't imagine Gunther ever finding a better home. The fates were with him and you. Looking forward to seeing pictures. :)

08-30-2001, 08:07 AM
Ohh Congratulations!