View Full Version : New addition to our fur family?

11-25-2003, 10:43 AM
Well - we might be a five furbaby family in a few days! We're leaving for Arkansas to visit my family in a few minutes, and we might come back Saturday with one of my mom's little chihuahuas.

Mom called to ask if I would take her new baby. She's only had him for about 2 weeks and she's decided he probably won't work out. She's disabled, and since he came her other chi (Chloe) is having behavioral issues and soiling the furniture. It takes a lot for her to get around cleaning everything up.

I'm afraid if I don't take him right away my mom will get fed up with both dogs. You know my family's history with animals.

So what do you think?

I was wondering - could I litterbox train him instead of having him go outside? It's awfully cold here in the winter, and he'd get lost in that deep snow. Plus he could easily squeeze through the links in the chain link fence.

Also he was only 6 weeks old when she got him. Is that old enough to be taken from his mother?

11-25-2003, 10:46 AM
1. Take him.....he doesn't sound like he'll last at your mom's

2. You may be able to litter box train him

3. He's too young to be away from mom and siblings. I am a firm believer in staying with Mom and siblings until they are 8 weeks old, but don't not take him because of that.

4. Buy him a cute little coat to go outside and watch him.

5. Good luck and let us know and have a good holiday!:)

11-25-2003, 10:56 AM
I'm pretty sure you could litter box or paper train him. I know at the pet store there are puppy training pads that apparently have a scent that makes the puppy want to go where the pad is. It is supposed to be an aid in house training. I have never tried them before so I couldn't tell you how well they work.

It might take more time than if you were training him to go outdoors though since it's a much more limited area. Good luck!

11-25-2003, 12:07 PM
I'm sure you could litter or pad train him--my husband's grandmother has a chi that never goes outside--Lucy uses piddle pads!! She lives in a second floor condo, and can't go out to walk her all the time, so Lucy was trained that way.

Good luck, and have a wonderful holiday!!!!

Samantha Puppy
11-25-2003, 12:10 PM
I wish poor Sam was small enough to be litter box trained. She is absolutely miserable when she has to go outside when it's raining.

11-25-2003, 07:49 PM
Take him home with you!!!
Best idea!

11-26-2003, 02:53 PM
I don't want to discourage you, but I think I remember you saying Max has a bit of a prey drive. You don't think he'd consider a chi as 'a toy', do you?

I know you are thinking of what is best for the chi... maybe even if it didn't work out in your home, you could foster him.

Best of luck and I hope you have a good holiday. And have a safe trip!

11-29-2003, 10:43 AM
Well - I'm back, without the little puppy.

My mom changed her mind. She says she's "just not sure". Great - she never spayed her female and now she's in heat. How long do you think it will be until this little guy grows up and she winds up with puppies??? Actually I think that might be what she wants. The vet said that her little girl is much too small to have puppies and would probably have to have a C-section. My mother would never take a dog to a vet for a C-section.

I'm hoping she changes her mind again.

He was sick while I was there. He had diarrhea, and he was whining. She says he eats more than any dog she has ever seen. She says the breeder gave him his first deworming treatment, just in case. So she doesn't think he has worms. Of course my mom won't take him to the vet and the vet was closed while I was there.

Yes Ramanth - you remember right about Max's prey drive. However he has never even tried to hurt Katie - and she's little and runs around a lot. He only seems to chase things outdoors. So I'm thinking he'd be safe with this little guy. But I was considering just taking the chi until I could find another home for him, if Max looked like he might be a danger.

Anyways - it's discouraging news but hopefully if she changes her mind she'll let me know. I'd drive down there and get him.

11-29-2003, 08:51 PM
Did you take pictures of your mom's little chihuahua? I have read they are easy to litterbox train. I hope you do get it. I thought Jojo might hurt Tiny, but Jojo liked her. I have seen Jojo catch rabbits. Jojo is very protective of her.