View Full Version : Puppy blues??

11-24-2003, 03:19 PM
Today I was so tired and worn out, I sat down, and suddenly I felt like I was working at a job I hated, like that its my job to spend my entire days getting my legs and arms chewed off, cleaning up mess, listening to the puppy bark, constantly say "no"..etc, I guess it is my job but I feel like Im doing a bad job with it, and I feel so stressed all the time since hes came into my life, I cant wait for him to nap! And Im very grumpy and upset, is this kinda like baby blues? Because it is kinda like having a new baby, and sometimes my stress and tiredness causes me to be rough with the puppy, I never scold him or anything like that though, but sometimes I feel like he does some things to get a rise out of me! And my parents arent much help

11-24-2003, 03:45 PM
I think it's not unusual to have days like that. Having a puppy can be like having a child in the terrible two's stage. I think sometimes it's good to put the puppy in his/her kennel for awhile so that both you and the pup can have a bit of quiet time. Not for really long of course.

You might already be doing this, but also, try to curb his energy in to learning some simple tricks and such. Very beneficial for both of you.

You just have to ride those times out. I think you'll find they get fewer and fewer after awhile. If you are feeling fed up or need a break, have him lay in his kennel for an hour or so, or take him outside and let him work off some of his energy.

Best of luck to you. :)

Aspen and Misty
11-24-2003, 03:51 PM
UGGH!! I know what you mean! Just last night I was so frustrated I cried! I feel like nothing is mine in this house. I can't have anythingi n here because Breeze will chew on it, the rats are allergic to it or Julian will chew wholes in it. It's like where is MY stuff, stuff that I want in MY room :rolleyes: but ::sigh:: Its all a fact of liveing with animals.

How old is your puppy? I rember when Chewy (RB) was a pup he chewed/peeded or did something all the time at every moment. I swear there wasn't a time I wasn't cleaning up pee or anything :rolleyes: ::sigh::


11-24-2003, 03:56 PM
Jasper is 11 weeks old and that is exactly how I feel! Nothing is mine, not even 10 mins can be mine until hes ready to sleep:rolleyes:

11-24-2003, 03:56 PM
I remember these days with Brodie, but not Katie. Brodie was a master disater! he was a hyper puppy and he got into everything. I lost my mined! I had to watch him like a hawk
But they will *hopefully* grow out of being this way.:)

Aspen and Misty
11-24-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Jasper is 11 weeks old

You still have a LONG way to go before your out of puppy hood! Good luck!
