View Full Version : This is a morbid thread but...

Rio and Me
11-24-2003, 01:44 PM
What do you plan to do when your beloved pet pass's away?
Cremated ?
Buried ?

just curious!
i think when the sad day comes i will have Rio cremated so we can be "releasd" togeather!
Ky and Rio

11-24-2003, 01:50 PM
My collies were cremated and their ashes sealed into wooden box urns. They sit on a shelf in the 'dog room' where they look over my present babies.

I wanted to be able to have them near me always.

11-24-2003, 01:53 PM
yup all mine will be cremated. Sad to think about before hand, or actually anytime but it has to be done.
I'm not quite sure if I have them released w/ me when I go or if I ever find my forever home they may be released there.

11-24-2003, 02:00 PM
I really don't want to think about it...

11-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I really don't want to think about it...

Me neither...

Rio and Me
11-24-2003, 02:06 PM
sorry i was just bored and this was the first question i had on my mind!!
Ky and Rio

11-24-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
sorry i was just bored and this was the first question i had on my mind!!
Ky and Rio
If I am not mistaken, I think there is a thread about this is General that got pushed down...

Anyway, congrats on 300 posts Ky!:D

Rio and Me
11-24-2003, 02:18 PM
Sorry i dint relise this had allready been posted!!
anyway i didnt relise that i had reached 300 wow he he he ,lol
Ky and rio

11-24-2003, 02:46 PM
I don't want to think about it either. I don't even know what my mom did with her RB babies. I always feel uncomfortable thinking about it so I try not to.

11-24-2003, 02:52 PM
I hate thinking about this but I think it's best if I know what I will do before hand..so I have one less thing to think about when it happens. Both of mine will be cremated.

11-24-2003, 03:35 PM

11-24-2003, 03:38 PM
I agree it is hard to think about, especially when in relation to the babies that are with you now. It is a bit easier to talk about once you are talking about the past.

Everyone deals with these things differently. My mother-in-law had her sheltie Devon, who just passed away this last summer, buried in a pet cemetary. She said she just could not have handled having his urn there where it would always remind her and make her grieve.

For me, I felt immediately comforted feeling like I had them with me again to watch over me. It is my tribute to their wonderful gift of life and love to me that I keep their memory strong with me. Sure it is painful at times, but also when I look upon their memorial, I feel flooded with a feeling of warmth and love, and I am convinced their souls communicate this feeling to me from where ever they look down upon me beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

"Remember our love, remember we are waiting for you here." I can just feel it.

11-24-2003, 05:04 PM
I really don't know, probably cremated. That's because I could have him with me anywhere I go.

11-24-2003, 05:23 PM
I Know its something most people just don't want to think about, whether it is their pets or themselves, but as you get older, you do tend to think about these things, well at least with regard to the end of your own life.

I buried my darling RB Sooti, underneath our camelia tree, its a very special place, with many things on his grave site, I have mentioned it before, but for those of you who missed it, he has a butterfly,(he used to love to catch them) a heart ornament , an angel ornament(as he was one of those for sure) and artificial sunflowers(for respect) and a special heart shaped stone my daughter and I decorated together, its painted pale green, with glitter all over it, with his name on it in black with paw prints all over it.

His coffin we will call it, was a decorated cardboard box, with loving messages from us all, my daughters idea, as she had done this with her grandmother's passing, he is wrapped up gently in a bedsheet.

I will do the same for any of my beloved pets who pass on to the rainbow bridge, they will have special places all over the section.

Infact I am about to get some new flowers and ornaments for Sootis grave, I always look after his gravesite, as its the only way I can feel close to him, and I still miss my furbaby so much.

11-24-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me

This is something that I would NEVER do.
The reason:
You know how your pets have that glint in their eye when they are feeling michevious, and even other glints when they have different feelings? If I had my pets stuffed, the glint would be gone. It wouldn't be my baby. I would not be able to stand it.:(

11-24-2003, 05:32 PM
I agree, what makes them so beautiful is that soul behind their eyes, the spark of life. I'd much rather see them in my memory the way they were while living than stuffed... I know that there have been people to have a pet stuffed but it just seems really creepy and morbid to me, unnatural.

Carole, it sounds like you have a very special place for your fur baby to rest in. :)

11-24-2003, 05:51 PM
THANK YOU k9soul, it is indeed very special to us, sometimes my new kitty lexie sniffs around his grave, its almost like she knows her soul brother is there, (yes i know probably some other cat has been there, and she is sniffing that) but I like to think differently, I call Sooti , lexie's soul bro, because they are so alike in personality, its almost uncanny, she is like the female version of him and a bit more.

11-24-2003, 08:37 PM
It is sort of morbid but unfortunately it's something that should be thought of beforehand so you're prepared when it happens and you don't have to think when you can't think. Since Sadie is 11 I try to prepare myself - mainly by being grateful for every day, but also by thinking what would I do. I think cremation and then an urn to carry with me everywhere. If I buried her in my yard I would never ever be able to move.

11-24-2003, 09:34 PM
Yes, as the time draws nearer for our dear Angus we've decided that he will be creamated (as well as the girls when their time comes).
We buried Keisha because of the circumstances of the time, but I wouldn't do it again. What if we ever move? I will have to leave my poor girl here:(

11-24-2003, 09:53 PM
Mine are all to be cremated and buried with me. I have met with an attorney to ensure this will happen (in TX to be buried with your pets you must have a will stating so), as well as certain other things, and to ensure that my wishes are carried out should I ever end up in a vegetative state or have a terminal condition.

11-24-2003, 09:56 PM
That reminds me of a well known gay tv celeb, who did makeovers on the TV who was murdered, he left behind two dogs, his family had them put to sleep and buried with him, I found this extremely sad, and wondered why no-one took the dogs, both had severe health problems, well so they said, but it seemed a shame to me, still I guess at least they were united together.

11-24-2003, 10:24 PM
when i think about it it almost makes me wanna cry to think about not having mi dog:(

11-24-2003, 10:24 PM
I remember when Cody passed away and my vet, Dr. Glen Nielson, was explaining my options in what to do with his remains.. since I had never considered it really before.

He told me how he himself had all his dogs cremated and that it was in his will that six of them will be buried with him. I remember how comforted I was knowing that he loved his dogs so dearly and knew what I was going through.

11-24-2003, 10:33 PM
o thats realy sweet

11-25-2003, 10:10 AM
Has it always been possible to have your pets cremated? Who does it--the vet? What are the costs involved? My parents never had their pets cremated; I wasn't even aware that it was an option until recently.

I think we would choose to have Lefty cremated--we're not living in our "forever home" so I really wouldn't want to bury him there, and I don't know that Massachusetts is our "forever state" so I wouldn't want to go the pet cemetery route. We want to be cremated ourselves so it seems natural to extend this to the rest of our "family."

11-25-2003, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Smilla
Has it always been possible to have your pets cremated? Who does it--the vet? What are the costs involved? My parents never had their pets cremated; I wasn't even aware that it was an option until recently.
I'm not sure, but I know that the larger the animal, the more it will cost. I want to get my ratties cremated, so they probably shouldn't cost too much. :p

11-25-2003, 10:39 AM
In the past Dick has always wanted our pets to be buried and that's what we did. I can't visit our other dogs because they were buried on friends property and they don't own the places anymore.

When Peach went in March, I insisted on having her cremated and placed in a beautiful urn. When the time comes Max has to leave us, we'll have him cremated and placed in the same urn with Peach. They were inseparable in life and should rest together. That way if we move, I can take the urn with us.

We have also decided that whichever of us goes first will take the urns of our pets with us. I find great comfort knowing that they will rest with me or Dick.

11-25-2003, 10:44 AM
I would like to have mine cremated, so I can keep them forever.
We probably aren't going to live here forever, so if we buried them, we would eventually leave them behind.
I would want to have them in a beautiful urn, so they can go wherever I go.

11-25-2003, 10:50 AM
Ok, sorry this explanation may seem sort of morbid but some people may want to know what to expect so here is my experience of it.

It was about $95 here for my collies (each), both large dogs. The vet didn't do it himself but there was a cremation company that came to the vet's office to pick up the pets to be cremated. Then they took care of that and returned the remains individually boxed with cremation certificates to the vet's office where owners could pick them up.

Now when Cody's was done, I think it was a different company that also would let you choose from three wooden box urns and seal up the ashes in them. I can't remember if that was included in the cremation cost or not. Willie I had to order an urn separately for and there are tons of options and you can see all kinds of things varying from expensive to inexpensive if you do a search on the net "pet urns". You can also see a lot of memorial items too without getting an urn.

I have no idea how costs may vary from place to place but hopefully that gives you some ideas.