View Full Version : Anyone Know of A Good Shampoo For Dandruff???

11-23-2003, 02:09 PM
Daisy has Dandruff and I used oatmeal shampoo made for dogs (don't worry!) but, it didn't really do anything :(
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions???

11-23-2003, 02:21 PM
Someone once told me that you can use head and shoulders on your dog for dandruff. I am pretty sure that it was the groomer here in town because I took Ginger there because she had dandruff. I think that is what she used. It worked REAL well too. If you don't feel comfortable using it, then maybe you could ask your local vet what he would reccomend. I didn't feel to comfortable either when she told me that she used head and shoulders to wash my dog. WHY COULN'T SHE HAD JUST TOLD ME THAT! I COULD HAVE DONE THE JOB MYSELF!:eek:


Miss Meow
11-23-2003, 04:00 PM
We have only washed ours once (with the puppy oatmeal shampoo) and Schnaggles got a bit of dandruff. We rubbed a tiny bit of olive oil through his coat, which helped. Someone suggested we add a bit of olive oil to their food, or canned sardines in oil every now and then.

We also have a new animal shampoo by Aesop, who make yummy essential oil products. Can't wait for the next warm day to try it on them and me!

11-23-2003, 04:42 PM
I don't know if this will help but I give my boys eggs twice a week. I haven't had a problem with dandruff with either of them (and I only bathe them once every two months). After giving Kaedyn eggs, he's gone from a dull coat to a very stunning deeper colored coat...so it *may* help out with the dandruff.

11-23-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
I don't know if this will help but I give my boys eggs twice a week. I haven't had a problem with dandruff with either of them (and I only bathe them once every two months). After giving Kaedyn eggs, he's gone from a dull coat to a very stunning deeper colored coat...so it *may* help out with the dandruff.

Eggs? Egg yolks? Or egg whites? Cooked or raw? :o

Cami has never had dandruff, so i really have no clue! I dont reccomend using head and shoulders because, it may have chemicals which may irratate the dogs skin!

11-23-2003, 04:50 PM
I didn't know anything about the eggs either. :o How do you serve them Ash? (And nobody say sunny-side up or scrambled ;))

11-23-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Eggs? Egg yolks? Or egg whites? Cooked or raw? :o

Cami has never had dandruff, so i really have no clue! I dont reccomend using head and shoulders because, it may have chemicals which may irratate the dogs skin!

I feed both whites and yolks raw. If you were to feed just the yolk (or maybe it was the white...), you'd get a biotin deficiancy. But combined, the dog will recieve extra biotin. Some people aren't comfortable with feeding raw eggs though.

I'm not too sure about the head and shoulders. I think dogs require a shampoo with a different PH level than human shampoos offer.

11-23-2003, 04:58 PM
Do i like mix it up before i give it, like you would before scrambled eggs? or just crack it and give it?

11-23-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Do i like mix it up before i give it, like you would before scrambled eggs? or just crack it and give it?

I guess you could give it unmixed but I mix it just in case any of the boys decide to be picky and only eat the white or yolk.