View Full Version : So, how was *YOUR* day?

11-22-2003, 08:55 PM
I decided to make this thread cuz I was having a crappy day with my mom. I just wanted to make it so everyone can say how they are feeling and if they are in need of a little cheering up, we can all know, and try our best to make the person feel better. So, how was your day?

My dad started out on a bad foot, my mom was being lazy [when is she not?] and she was all crabby. We went to Kohl's and I got some crap and I asked her if I could get the game Cadoo for Jake and I. She's like, yeah, go ahead. Jake's like, well I don't know how to play. My mom's like well don't get it then. I was like MOM! We will read the direction, for pete's sake. She's like no. We aren't getting it. :rolleyes: Then she yelled at Jake for picking out the wrong bunch of bananas. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So, on a scale of 1-10, my day is rated a 5. But Anne is sleeping over! *Hurray*

How was yours?

11-22-2003, 09:06 PM
My day was alright. Kai woke me up by letting me know that he wanted out of my room. Then we headed off to obedience class. Kaedyn did even better this week but Kai was just a disaster. Then we headed home and I ended up taking a 5 hour nap lol. I'm feeling pretty refreshed. So all in all, I had a good day.