View Full Version : Thinkin of gettin a Quaker...

11-21-2003, 02:57 PM
Hi, im new here and about to put a few of my pets up on Pet of the day, I have 1 dog, 1 parakeet, 2 Cats, and had a Cockatiel since Nov 11th, he died then after 3 years of having him. :( We're not sure how he died, but we think it was a broken neck. We want to pay him tribute by putting him up as pet of the day. We really loved him.

Anyway...we recently put a wanted ad for a Baby hand-fed Quaker. They're awesome birds, and I was wondering how much baby hand-fed birds run from a breeder, and how much those of you who own them paid. Thank you, and I look foreward to chatting on theses boards in the future!!!

11-21-2003, 03:43 PM

My name is jynnelle. I have 3 dogs, 2 rats, a hamster, and a cat :)... I hope you injoy the forum, it is addicting lol.

I used to have a cockatiel. I am not too sure about how much the Quaker birds coast from a breeder. I hope you find one though. Have you done research??? I am sorry that your cockatiel died :(:(.. What kind of dogs do you have?? Any pics??

good luck entering them for pet of the day. :)

Heather Wallace
11-21-2003, 03:48 PM
Welcome to the forum, Enjoy!

11-21-2003, 04:40 PM
Welcome to the board!

First of all, I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved cockatiel. :( 3 years is so very young for a tiel. They very often like into their 20s-30s. I'm so sorry. :( Its so hard to lose a pet, but its even more difficult when their time comes so soon.

I'm not sure how much quakers cost from a breeder. Quakers aren't very common birds in my area, so I haven't ever done much research on them. I know they are wonderful birds though, so its a great choice for a new pet. You might be able to find their average cost by doing a search on the web for breeders in your area.

Your pets all sound wonderful, and we'd love to see pictures of them! I have two cockatiels whom I love dearly. You can see them both in my signature. :)