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Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 08:52 AM
Me and Rio on the moors, on a typical day, with wind (see my hair), cloud, cold, and a bit a sun!
this is a week after i got Rio (she one big pup), two years ago!!
were next to the "pony pool" said to be bottomless, has swallowed sheep, cows and ponies that graze the moor!
the Beast of Bodim has been sight here lots of times (once by me)!
here it is???

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 08:53 AM
thank god it worked but oooopsss sorry at the angle ive scanned it in rong!!!
damn sorry!

11-21-2003, 12:11 PM
Very nice photo of you and a beautiful background . :)
Im glad you didnt get in to the bottomless part .

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 12:31 PM
thanks, you can see where it gets deep when it gets darker!!
i doubt its bottomless just very deep!!!
Ky and Rio

11-21-2003, 01:02 PM
Ky and Rio , What does the Beast of bodim look like ? And could you tell me the story about the beast and the pony pond ? I have nevered heard it . I love storys like that ! :)
What is the location this pond is at ?
If you have time to tell us . I maybe the only one that don't know the story .

11-21-2003, 01:24 PM
Yes, please tell us the story, sounds interesting to me. Nice Picture.:)

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 02:03 PM
Well the pont pool is just one of many large pools of water, (this pool is not well know).
The Beast of Bodim moor is a large puma (not confermed ?sp) that many has seen by some saying its big, black with red eyes, huge fangs etc (those people are proberbly exagerateing)
some say it has been crossed with wild dogs other "beasts" (wild big cats set free by owners). The the Exmoor, Bodim moor and Dartmoor (huge moorlands) Bodim moor is the biggest set over large lands, the "beast" has been reported to be sighted all over England, but "experts" say it has reproduced etc!
there are lots of reports (pictures as well) of livstock and horses, cats and dogs being attacked and killed by what looks like a large cat! (i will try i find pics).
I think i have seen it once when i was camping with friends on the moors! (it is know for being shy) it was just like a large black cat (a puma) nothing like red eyes etc.
its is exciting to have this type of thing in England!!!
there has been no attemp to capture it or kill it,
ill try and find out moor a post it for you with piccies
Ky and Rio

11-21-2003, 02:11 PM
Where do you live, I want to go there, I love stuff like that and that 17 year old daughter of mine would love it, we have a tale around here thats has been circulating for well I couldn't tell you how many years, about something they call the "varmont". All who have lived here all there lives make a big deal out of this tale. Funny thing is I read an article in Cherokee, North Carolina that was just exactley the same as "our varmont", said it traveled from place to place and stayed for awhile then left.
Sis, or amoore, you remember it you used to live here in Tn.

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 03:42 PM
ok if these work the first one is a good pic of the beast!
the second an attack on a horse suposedly by the beast, and the third is a not so good maybe fake pic of the beast!!!



11-21-2003, 03:50 PM
that beast looks alot like a cougar...


Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 03:58 PM
Can you see all three ? i can only see the first 1!!!
None knows exactly what it is, but its said to be a Puma,it looks like it though doesnt it!!!
there are suposed to be alot of them around!!!could be crossed as there are sevrel around the moor
Ky and Rio

11-21-2003, 04:05 PM
oh I love that ,that is so exciting ! I love the story ! If you come up with more of them I sure would like to hear them . I really love it to cause you came up with pictures .
Oh yes sis I remember that story very well . I just wish we could have had pictures of this creature they call a varment . and I forgot what the discription was .
Ky I love your very pretty dog Rio . :D

11-21-2003, 04:07 PM
I couldn't see all three, just the first one. It does look like a puma to me too. I would love to see the other pictures too. The moors, I like the sound of that.:)

11-21-2003, 04:12 PM
Yes I think Rio verry pretty too. Seems like they said the varmont was white. Been awhile since I heard the story though, sis.:)

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 04:15 PM
The moors you like the sound of?? what do you mean???
here are the other pic if they work!!!the pic of the big cat on the horse bit is not the cat that did it just an example


11-21-2003, 04:22 PM
The moors, you know I have read so many books, it just sounds so mysterious, perfect for the creature in your picture. I loved the pictures, more if possible and more stories too. :)

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 04:36 PM
its abit like the mountains and deserts over with you, im like wow id love to have those on my back door, and the same with you and the moor!!
ill try and post some pics tomorrow! its all one big story/legand/fact really, but its interesting to see one!
got some attachments now for you!
this poor little sheep didnt stand a chance!!
Ky and Rio

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 04:38 PM
its abit like the mountains and deserts over with you, im like wow id love to have those on my back door, and the same with you and the moor!! just as its getting dark and there a layer of fog over the hills its very creepy!
ill try and post some pics tomorrow! its all one big story/legand/fact really, but its interesting to see one!
got some attachments now for you!
this poor little sheep didnt stand a chance!!
Ky and Rio

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 04:43 PM
this one is not proved to be a puma (or whatever) but i think its far to big to be a dog!!!

11-21-2003, 04:52 PM
That sheep sure did make a meal for it didn't it, poor thing. and the footprint, wow, you know I love legends and stuff like that. Right up my alley. And your discription "just as its getting dark and there a layer of fog over the hills its very creepy! " that really makes me want to hear more.

Rio and Me
11-21-2003, 05:18 PM
from that i take it your a fan of ghost stories as well? (i love them and scary movies).
not its not just the beast on the moors its the old tin mines and mineshafts etc (from tin mining times). there ruins now but ghostly things go on up there more than we'll ever know!
where i am standing in the pic is where the murdered body was found (in my previous thread).
lots of locals who walk their dogs in an eveing say they her men working in the old tin mines and all the machinery working!! i love the thought of that happening although i would hate to witness it (to scary for me)!
pics of mines tomorrow if you like!!
Ky and Rio

11-21-2003, 06:09 PM
Please tell me about what your previous thread was, I want to see it, and yes, I love anything scary, when I read, thats what I read. More interesting to me than love stories, now thats really scarry!! Ghost stories, I love them and those good old scarey movies too. My grandchildren says granny don't watch that of a night, it will give you nightmares, but I watch them anyway, and I don't have nightmares. LOL. :) ;)

11-21-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
Can you see all three ? i can only see the first 1!!!
None knows exactly what it is, but its said to be a Puma,it looks like it though doesnt it!!!
there are suposed to be alot of them around!!!could be crossed as there are sevrel around the moor
Ky and Rio

I can only see the first one :o

11-22-2003, 02:05 AM
Thanks so much for that ,I love to hear the fables from different places , but that sounds so much like a real thing that the word fable does not fit . It makes me want to go there . Thank you ! I have been impressed with the history of the moors and love hearing about it from some one like you that actually lives close to them . :)

Rio and Me
11-22-2003, 04:40 AM
These are the pics of the moors about a minute walk from my house!
the first one is an arae of moor showing mines.
The second is of an old tin mine (1 of many), which as i said people have reported to have herd things up there!
and the third is of the Cheesering, as you can see its a bunge of grantie piled on top of each other, again none know how they got there! (its on a huge hill)
The Hurlers

Old tin mine


Rio and Me
11-22-2003, 03:34 PM
so did you like them?
Ky and Rio

11-22-2003, 03:44 PM
They look like they came right out of my imagination, the Tin Mine, and the Cheesering. The Hurlers Picture did not show up though. They are as beautiful as I imagined them to be. The picture of the Tin Mine is really beautiful, with the sheep standing on the hillside. You live in a very beautiful country, I would love to see all this in person someday. Thanks for the pictures, they are great!:)

Rio and Me
11-22-2003, 04:43 PM
Ok sorry here are a couple others!
The Hurlers

A pic of several mines!

I know im lucky to live so close to these things, but your mountains etc look so much more fun!!!
Ky and Rio

11-22-2003, 04:45 PM
Wow ! Thanks for those pictures . They are so nice . I sure would like to go there someday . Im so glad that you posted this thread . It has sure been one of my favorite . I don't get to travel . I have always thought I would like to travel to Interesting places like that . I especially like it when it has neat history like where you live ,does . What do you do for for fun there ? Do they have museums ? :)

Rio and Me
11-22-2003, 04:45 PM
Ok sorry here are a couple others!
The Hurlers

A pic of several mines!

I know im lucky to live so close to these things, but your mountains etc look so much more fun!!!
Oops sorry about the double post!
for fun i ride (show jumping cross country, hunt etc) show Rio in local fun shows/agility, and Plymouth the city isnt that far for clubs/shopping etc and stuff (im not a big clubber), but the moors is a great places to walk, and a 5 minute drive away from me is a place called Golitha falls, its a huge river running through lots of woods with small water falls (ill find some pics if you like)
Ky and Rio

Rio and Me
11-22-2003, 05:12 PM
here are two more! if these are boring you ill stop! just say the word!
One last one of the moor

and one of Golitha falls

11-22-2003, 06:03 PM
I have a puzzle of the falls, wow! You live in such a beautiful country, whats your address, I am going to put myself in a rather large box and mail myself and grover to you. LOL. You really do live in a beautuful country, it is so different to what it looks like here. I say your very lucky to live there, it looks so green and bright.:)

Rio and Me
11-23-2003, 03:31 AM
Thanks i am very lucky to live in the beutifal part of England, which is Cornwall, right down the bottom of Engalnd!!
its is very green all year round but bright only somtimes,lol!
some parts of england are just house's (yuk) ive never been out of cornwall my whole live so when i do it will be far far away, (somthing different)
Rio love Golitha falls because she LOVES water, (not good for the car,lol)
and the moors so she can run till she drops!
the one thing that is missing here is that if your walking your dog anywhere there is NO interaction with other dogs, dogs are not aloud in ANY parks (no doggie parks at all :( ) if you meet a dog on a walk, owners arent like, "arrr does she wanna play with mine", its just walk on by!!!
but you cant have it all!!!
Ky and Rio