View Full Version : My New Dog

11-19-2003, 07:33 PM
Well today I did it, I have a new dog, and no it is not a poodle, I am the proud new owner of Charlie, a golden retriever. Today was pts day for him at the pound. Sometimes I just hate people. he was in for biting(which he did not do) the little girl cut her finger on the fence it was not a dog bite. But her parents were raisinig such a fuss that the owners did not want him back. He is so sweet 4years old and neutered. I am not sure what I am going to do with him. I plan on keeping him for a while as I dont think the owners spent a lot of time with him. as he doesn't come when his name is called. in fact he doesnt respond at all. He is not really leash trained as he and I went all over the yard. Doesnt like going into his crate. Sounds pretty bad but not really because when you pet him he just hangs his head like he is in trouble. So we are going to spend a lot of time being happy and training. Not to mention losing about 15 pounds as he is very overweight (coffee table size as I like to say) this is not good for a dog at all. I may keep him or send him to Golden Town. I am going to call Helen later. after I decide what to do.

11-19-2003, 07:42 PM
You will be just what he needs. I'm so sad for him, having such a horrible start to life. You will be a blessing. And he will be smart enough to learn quickly with lots of love and praise. :) Thank you for pulling him.

11-19-2003, 08:03 PM
Thank you so much for saving his life!!!

11-19-2003, 08:05 PM
Congratulations on your Goldie.
That is to bad about his last owners giving him up.
Maybe that is better for Charlie, he will be in a much better
home now where he will be trained, loved and
cared for either by you or another loving family.

11-19-2003, 08:11 PM
Well, if a dog ever needed a happy home ........... Charlie sure does, and BOY is he lucky to have found you!!

What a great thing you have done. Love and Hugs across the miles!!

Be a "Good Boy Charlie!!!" - we know you can learn!!

11-19-2003, 08:58 PM
Tommy is a rescue pup too actually but I got him when he was six months old. I don't know really what his former home was except that he was basically living chained up outside.. but I do know to this day he cringes if you hold an object up in front of him :(.

Also when we got him we had him neutered right away but he immediately developed bad swelling and some bleeding and the vet discovered he had strychnine (sp?) in his system, common ingredient in rat poison..

We don't know if it was deliberate or not, but for MONTHS we had a problem with him and submissive urination.

Now the only time he submissive urinates is if a stranger kinda suddenly bends over him or reaches for him.

Good luck with your new boy. I think goldens are one of the most loving, cuddly dogs I've known, and I certainly can't see one biting a child.

11-19-2003, 11:57 PM
Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear more about him and see pics!!

Aspen and Misty
11-20-2003, 06:39 AM
Congratulations and THANKYOU for saving this sweet boy!!!!! ::hugs::


11-20-2003, 07:10 AM
Bless your heart for saving this beautiful boy!:) His familiar "story" just infuriates me! It's one I hear countless times from families surrendering their Retrievers. Everyone wants that quintessential family companion, totally unaware of the needs of a dog, let alone a large, energetic Retriever. The dog receives little training and less and less aattention, and before long, a neglected, unsocialized pup is turned in:( I wish you and Charlie all the best. I know he will thrive under your care and love!:) HUGS to you Charlie!! Can't wait to see pics of the precious boy!

11-20-2003, 08:13 AM
Im so glad you rescued him from death ! So glad there is people like you around ! My mother and father always went to the pound to get their dogs too . They had money to buy special breeds if they wanted but they chose too save lifes instead . They were really good dogs that were in there that just needed to be loved and cared for . You are a good person !:)

12-23-2003, 05:10 PM
Its been awhile since I have been on the computer. I have been very busy with all my dogs. at the time I posted this I was up to 4 dogs. 1 mini and 2 standard poodles and one golden. Well in a month you know how things can change. Tom my boyfriend is going to Iraq. Sooooooooo I now have another golden retriever. So now there are 5 dogs at my house. Well Yesturday I brought home a chihuahua, I call him pumkin, I am suppose to be fostering him for a rescue group. But I made the fatal mistake, I let him sleep with me last night. I am going to see if I can Keep him so that makes 6 plus 1 cat. In columbus we are only allowed 5 pets. oops dont tell anyone that I have 7. even though I live on 300 acres I am still in the city limits and that rule still applys to me. Heaven help me. But they say god only gives us what we can handle.

With that I am wishing each and every one on Pet Talk a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May each and everyone have a safe holiday.

God Bless
Cissie, oodles of poodles and goldens, and 1 chihuahua

12-23-2003, 05:46 PM
oodlesofpoodles, Just tell them your chihuahua is a rat. Hehehe.
Thoses chihuahua has a way of grabing your heart!

I know Tiny is different from any dog I have ever had. Very loving and baby like. Some times she is weird. hehehehe.

12-23-2003, 06:21 PM
...you will never have just one. i heard that at a golden endings event once. goldens are just the most lovable dogs. may your time with your furbabies be happy,healthy and long

12-23-2003, 07:00 PM
Oodles of Poodles, I have missed seeing you here but after reading your note I can certainly understand! Wow there is a lot going on in your life! I hope that your boyfriend will stay safe in Iraq and be back as quickly as possible!! I am laughing about the little chi stealing your heart after only one night in the Big Bed! Do you have any updates on Charlie? How is his training going? Oh, and don't worry - your little secret is safe with us! LOL! Five pets - yep that's what she has - only five pets! :) Stop by now and then when you get a chance and give us some updates! :)

12-23-2003, 07:14 PM
LOL! your new addition will be very easy to keep
a secret. Your life sounds very hectic right now,
and I hope your boyfriend will be safe/sound and return home
to you soon.

Wishing you and your 7 pets, I mean 5 pets, a Happy safe Holiday. :)

12-23-2003, 08:46 PM
Poor thing. I can't believe the owners didn't even want him back. I think they just wanted an excuse to get rid of him. Sounds as if he's been abused, as well. It'll be so good for him to learn that hands can bring happiness instead of pain. I'm sure whatever you do for him will be 100% better than what he has had in the past. You're very kind to give him a new life.

12-24-2003, 07:44 AM
It sure sounds like everyone there is in good hands!

I can't wait to see pictures of all these guys!

12-24-2003, 12:17 PM
well today I bought a camera disposable kind. so will get pics of everyone. Charlie is fitting right in He has lost 5 pounds and 10 to go. I am letting him play with my gannie girl. she gets along with everyone. He has started letting me kiss his face but will not kiss back. He squints his eyes when i go to his face so this tells me he was not treated so nice in his former home. One thing for sure he will never be abused again. and by the way he is staying at my house I am not going to send him to Golden town. I am registering him with AKC with the ILP papers. His name is Gannons O'Charlie of Erin, He will be my new obe. dog.

The chi is playing with pearlie mae. as they are both small. I would really like to keep him also but the PAWS rescue owns him I am just fostering him. But he is a cutie. and not at all nippy. he has a lot of spunk. I can't believe that his owners didnt even try to claim him.

Harley my boyfriends dog is a little dog aggressive at first so it will be a while before he gets to play with gannie. Riley is still intact so I dont let him with anyone but the girls. So I run 4 shifts with everyone of course gannie and pearlie dont mind as they get more time out in the yard. While one set is out in the yard another set is loose in the house.

As for a chi stealing my heart that was my first dog that I had and I had her for a grand 21 years. I got her when I was twelve and had to put her to sleep right after my mother died and I was 33 then . she was perfectly healthy but she fell off the bed and broke her back and the vet said there was nothing we could do. But 21 years is a long time for any pet. There is always room for one in my home but then there is always room for one no matter what breed.

Uhu sorry about yakking so long. But it has been a while since I"ve been here on pet talk.

12-24-2003, 12:59 PM
oodlesofpoodles, please keep yakking. I feel honered to hear a hero of mine talk. You are a hero for being so good to these creatures.

I hope Tiny Lives as long as your chihuahua did. :)