View Full Version : Micheal Jackson.

11-19-2003, 07:26 PM
Have you heard about what he did?
:( :mad: :( :mad:

I have always hated him, he kinda scares me.:rolleyes:

11-19-2003, 07:59 PM
Here is another thread about this:

Arrest Warrant for child molestation (multiple counts) file against Michael Jackson (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38207)

11-19-2003, 08:06 PM
I don't know what happened to him, and honestly I don't care.

The guy is creepy, has good music, but makes me sick to my stomach from what he did to himself alone.

11-19-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317
Here is another thread about this:

Arrest Warrant for child molestation (multiple counts) file against Michael Jackson (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38207)
I didn't see this, thanks.:)

I haven't even really heard his music.

11-19-2003, 08:25 PM
I stopped liking him ages ago. I only liked him in the early 80's. Now, he's just a freak of nature. Hope they lock him up and throw away the key. And, find a decent home for his kids. He's probably damaged them for life already.

11-19-2003, 08:28 PM
I despise the guy. He sickens me. Bleh. Hope he gets what he deserves. :mad::rolleyes:

11-19-2003, 08:56 PM
I HOPE AND PRAY they will take his kids and place them with normal people. I feel so bad for his children. Seeing what he did to his baby literally made me cry bad, I hate him! :mad:

11-19-2003, 08:57 PM
i don't really care what's happening to him. i think he is a nasty discusting man!

11-20-2003, 11:38 AM
He is yukie !

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 12:02 PM
You know he used to be black? well some people say he has a rare skin condition that makes him white or was it surgery???
i vote surgery but i dont know?
dont forget the stupid parents who let their kids with him, when they know what his history is!!!
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 12:54 PM
Put him in jail and string him up by the short and curlies!!!!!

11-20-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
You know he used to be black? well some people say he has a rare skin condition that makes him white or was it surgery???
i vote surgery but i dont know?
dont forget the stupid parents who let their kids with him, when they know what his history is!!!
Ky and Rio

Yeah he used to be black and he changed himself.........and now he's the ugliest, rotten looking man on the planet. :rolleyes: YUCK! I hate that whenever I go to www.cnn.com since yesterday, I have to see his freakiness on the front page. Bleh.

11-20-2003, 01:23 PM
I like his music, but he scares me lol. His face is..um...heh. He looks like an alien. And his voice is just creepy. I don't know.

As for the skin disease, plastic surgeons have looked at his face and said that it can't be true. Micheal also says he's only gotten one surgery on his nose, but the plastic surgeons say they can see places where he's gotten atleast a dozen surgeries. I watch Entertainment Tonight lol.

But what is odd...Have you ever seen his children??? They are so white! His one boy has white blonde hair! How did this happen? lol.

11-20-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by slick
Put him in jail and string him up by the short and curlies!!!!!



Jordan - at least 2 of his kids have a white mother so maybe they got her coloring. Or maybe they're not his. (imagine that! :p )

Samantha Puppy
11-20-2003, 01:30 PM
Hey hey hey... I'm not a fan of his or his music, but whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Man, I wouldn't want you guys on my jury. Sheesh.

11-20-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Jordan - at least 2 of his kids have a white mother so maybe they got her coloring. Or maybe they're not his. (imagine that! :p )
If there realy ARE his (hehehe) I'd think that they'd be darker. I don't think I've ever heard of a child that resulted from an interracial relationship that looked more white than black (or other for that matter). :confused:

11-20-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
If there realy ARE his (hehehe) I'd think that they'd be darker. I don't think I've ever heard of a child that resulted from an interracial relationship that looked more white than black (or other for that matter). :confused:

It’s rare, but it does happen.
Of course knowing Freaky Jackson, he’s probably had all kinds of appearance altering stuff done to his kids, too. Wouldn’t want the offspring to look too much like he used to.

11-20-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Of course knowing Freaky Jackson, he’s probably had all kinds of appearance altering stuff done to his kids, too. Wouldn’t want the offspring to look too much like he used to.
Lol, maaaaybe. Maybe they just inherited his alien genes. :confused: ;) Huh...Janet turned out fine...:confused: :p

11-20-2003, 04:29 PM
I dont like him..He makes me sick...He looks like a girl....I dont like what he did to a *Child* uhhg

11-20-2003, 04:50 PM
He is scary.. But with him, i dont even know what to believe about him.. After that special they did with him, i dont know if he does do that or not.. I do believe in innocent until proven guilty so.. ill give the benifit of the doubt..

11-20-2003, 05:00 PM
I actually didn't know about this until my mom told me, lol. I knew something was happening with him, but I just didn't bother trying to find out. He really does freak me out. eww.
In the newspapers today there was a big picture of his face, and he looked like a woman!:eek: he looks so scary.

11-20-2003, 07:08 PM
He's a strange, scary man and I don't like him but I don't blame him. He's been in the spotlight since he was a young child. He lost his childhood and he has never really lived. Of course he's gonna do crazy things. I don't support him at all and I do believe what he "did" was wrong but you know, his life has been pretty messed up by always being in the spotlight. That's just what I think.

I don't know the story so I can't say what I think of it. All I know is that he has good music, is an amazing performer and has done a lot of stupid things with his life.

And I don't think he surgically changed his skin color. I heard it was a skin disease and that's why he sang that song "It's doesn't matter if you're black or white..." lol I don't know if it's true...:p

11-20-2003, 08:33 PM
I think he is a sick, disgusting man, skin condition or not. A sane person does not dangle a baby out the window, or make "his" kids wear masks when they go to public places, or have "sleepovers" in his own bedroom with kids, my gosh. Reality check Michael, GROW UP! IMO... :rolleyes: I believe I read or saw something where he's trying to make himself look like Peter Pan? Since his amusement park is related to it. Either way, innocent or not, the guy has problems.

11-20-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
If there realy ARE his (hehehe) I'd think that they'd be darker. I don't think I've ever heard of a child that resulted from an interracial relationship that looked more white than black (or other for that matter). :confused:
i don't know about that. i knew a guy who had an all black family, but he looked white.if you looked at him it would never cross your mind that he might be black. his wife was black, and his kids looked mixed.

11-20-2003, 10:03 PM
Well looks like most of you have Wacko Jacko judged already, GUILTY, I am no fan of his, but yes I did enjoy his music, still do sometimes, but yes he has had a rather rough child-hood himself, not that excuses him, if he is indeed guilty.

I guess we will all find out in the end, lets hope justice prevails, and he does not walk away this time, if he did indeed committ these terrible crimes.

I think it was said long ago that they found out he was using some special stuff to make his skin white, however I cannot imagine there would be anything you could use, that would not cause you permanent damage or bad side effects, so maybe he does have this disease he talks about who knows.

I say lets just see what develops, I wil be following this with interest, I am happy to see all child molesters put where they belong.

11-21-2003, 12:06 AM
Genes are strange..a biracial friend of mine has an older sister who has her dad's very dark complexion, her complexion is "mocha" and the youngest, her brother has blond hair and blue eyes. I personally think his kids are from a sperm bank and that he married his first wife to carry them and for public image. This entire MJ story made front news fodder even though there was 2 horrific bombings today.

11-21-2003, 08:09 AM
I believe I read or saw something where he's trying to make himself look like Peter Pan? Since his amusement park is related to it. Either way, innocent or not, the guy has problems.

Yeah, it's called Neverland. And what happens in Neverland? You never grow up. He lost his childhood and now he doesn't want to get older. That's how I see it. I feel bad for him. However, he is a disgusting, sick man with a terrible nose (:p).

11-21-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by primabella
Yeah, it's called Neverland. And what happens in Neverland? You never grow up. He lost his childhood and now he doesn't want to get older. That's how I see it. I feel bad for him. However, he is a disgusting, sick man with a terrible nose (:p).

It's much more likely that "Neverland" is used to attract children for his sick reasons. I don't buy the bull that he lost is childhood and is "like a little kid himself".

Bull. This is what pedophiles do. They make their home a "fun" place for kids to want to come to. They do "childlike" things and are involved with children. Unfortunately many are involved in charities and the like to have access to children.

11-21-2003, 10:09 AM
I think he is a sicko ,messing with children ! I don't like anyone that does that !:mad:

11-21-2003, 11:25 AM
Why would anybody want to look like Peter Pan??? He used to be a good looking kid. Just can't imagine why he has done the things he has done, wasn't it back in 1993 that they accused him of the same thing? He got away with it then, big money goes a long ways, doesn't it?

11-21-2003, 11:49 AM
Once I read that he was trying to look likeDiana Ross, but i read that in some magazine bye the checkout counter 16yrs ago . He must have changed his mind and decided he wanted to look like someone kids would like , Like Peter Pan . :rolleyes:

11-21-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by micki76
It's much more likely that "Neverland" is used to attract children for his sick reasons. I don't buy the bull that he lost is childhood and is "like a little kid himself".

Bull. This is what pedophiles do. They make their home a "fun" place for kids to want to come to. They do "childlike" things and are involved with children. Unfortunately many are involved in charities and the like to have access to children.

Never said what he did was right and I don't believe any of the crap he says. It may all be bull but I believe that that affected him in some way. Now trying to "get" to younger kids is sick, sick, sick...I agree. And it is no excuse...hope you don't think I support him cause that's the last thing I was trying to say.

Meh...putting that all aside. Whether he is guilty or not, hope he gets what he deserves. I don't know about him enough to judge.

11-21-2003, 04:37 PM
Some people are saying that he'll just bail himself out of jail. I don't doubt that, but he lost his reputation. I wonder how people will act towards him now. Will they still act the same?

11-22-2003, 12:13 AM
Regardless I think there will always be his fans, look at mike Tyson, he is one bad dude, but he still has his following, no doubt it will hurt him some, besides I think his stardom days are almost over, will certainly be if he rots in jail for many years, which is what he will deserve if he is indeed guilty.

11-22-2003, 10:01 AM
I think he's a freak. It's never appropriate to have strange children sleep in your bed.

Slightly off subject, but his lawyer, Mark Geragos, was originally on representing Scott Peterson here in Modesto. No one knows if he'll drop Scott Peterson or represent both. I'm assuming that since Micheal Jackson has much more money, he'd go with him.

I don't know if you all heard about Laci Peterson...she's the pregnant girl who's husband murdered her last Xmas. It's really sad, but a rather interesting one to follow.


11-22-2003, 12:04 PM
The news here on the East Coast is filled with daily updates on the Peterson case. And the nightly news talk shows could talk about nothing else pre-MJ! I'm trying hard not to pass judgement before all the evidence is in but, well, let's just say I wouldn't pass the voir dire jury selection process. I have no doubt that he's guilty at this point. Even if he didn't kill her, he's a pathological liar and a sociopath...a self absorbed, self centered, egomanical narcissist with no personal accountability or concern for how his actions affect others! And didn't Mark Geragos make a 180 degree turn; whoa! Before he was hired as Peterson's lawyer, he was on every nightly talk show from Larry King to Fox, saying that there was no way this guy wasn't guilty and that his defense team would be hard pressed to find a jury that wouldn't convict him; and that was before half the incriminating evidence we now know of, was in! It'll be interesting to say how the whole thing unfolds. Poor, beautiful Laci and baby Connor:( What a horrific death.

11-22-2003, 12:21 PM
I was just wondering about the Lacy Peterson case, (sorry to get off the subject of Micheal Jackson) I haven't heard to much about it here where I live. I don't even know if the case is in court or not. I feel so sorry for Lacy and her little Connor, just breaks my heart to think of how they found them, and how long it took to find them. Her parents and other family members has to be going through so much. I heard so much about it after they found her, and then the spotlight around here shifted to other things. Is there a place I can go and find out more news about her and her son.
It is so hard to think about how a man could get rid of his wife and her carrying his child. We had a similar thing here, but he didn't get a chance to hide the body, he just shot his wife in the head, and her and the baby both died.:(

11-22-2003, 12:51 PM
Yeah, follow Modbee.com. He's totally guilty. Everyone here knows it because of things that have leaked out. My friend was involved in the search.

11-22-2003, 12:52 PM
BTW, the gay sex stories are b.s. lol. The guy Victor Cordeiro that called the magazines, is one of my mom's clients. She takes care of mentally ill people. Victor would make up anything for attention.

11-22-2003, 01:00 PM
Tonya, I notice you are from Modesto, so you have probably heard a lot on the case. I went to that site, and am still reading on it. So sad. I can only imagine he heartbreak of this family, and what they are feeling for her husband, I hesitate to call him a husband or a father, because a husband and father would not do this terrible thing.
Thanks for the info.

11-22-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

Slightly off subject, but his lawyer, Mark Geragos, was originally on representing Scott Peterson here in Modesto.

I don't know if you all heard about Laci Peterson...she's the pregnant girl who's husband murdered her last Xmas. It's really sad, but a rather interesting one to follow.


I follow this story a lot, for some reason it intrigues me. I find that happens sometimes with court cases and such. Anyway, I have him judged in my head also already, poor Laci and baby Connor, may they Rest In Peace.

11-22-2003, 01:24 PM
Yeah, I was just listening to the song "Take Them Home". Makes cold chills, doesn't it?

11-23-2003, 01:16 AM
My mom kept annoying me, saying "I can't believe he named it Neverland" blah blah blah. Finally I got so annoyed I asked her why it was so terrible. She says, " Well Peter Pan." I'm like, what? So? She says "Hello? the LOST BOYS? all those little boys running around in tights?" Umm...I don't think that's what he was thinking of when he named it "Neverland." :rolleyes: Lol.

12-18-2003, 06:28 PM
I happened to catch the news conference that the Half baked
DA held today on the filing of the MJ charges..

Is that moron for real????

Since when is the legal system beholden to the media???

He made the comment that a hearing was going to be held after the court recess/vacation for the 'media's convienience'.

He also made a statement that filing the charges were held off until now, not because of the call he put out for more people to come forward with allegations-he then stated that he knew of no
DA that would wait to file because their case was weak.

The same thing happened in the Peterson trial.

They HAD to arrest him to make sure that he would not flee to Mexico-The cops were STILL dragging the waters in the sound looking for evidence that day (namely the cement blocks...)


He signed an agreement allowing MJ to go to England after Xmas.......what a nice guy.....

Really, don't blame the system.....blame the media whores like
this DA who can't seem to keep his mouth shut and back pedals more than the juggling clown riding a unicycle at the circus.

12-18-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
If there realy ARE his (hehehe) I'd think that they'd be darker. I don't think I've ever heard of a child that resulted from an interracial relationship that looked more white than black (or other for that matter). :confused:

My cousin had a baby with an African American man and the baby looks white like my cousin. You wouldn't be able to guess that her dad is African American.

12-18-2003, 06:54 PM
I am gonna step out on a limb here and say I think MJ is INNOCENT, I know a lot of you will disagree with me, but hey thats your opinion and that is fine with me, the more I see and read about this case , the more I am convinced he is not guilty.

I am not a fan of his either, some of his music is great etc, but I have no love for the man, and yes his so called love for children does seem obsessive and over the top, but that does not necessarily make him a child molestor.

The credibility of those filing the complaint is very much in question, I believe MJ is has simply been targeted time and time again, because of his money , who he is and the strange lifestyle he leads, it makes him open to all these kind of accusations, perhaps he needs to change his behaviour in order to not put himself at risk anymore, just my thoughts.

12-18-2003, 07:05 PM
MJ has admitted to sharing the same bed with young boys as an expression of love. Regardless of whether he molested them or not, that is still really weird.

Would you let your 12 yr old son share a bed with a 40 yr old man? (This question isn't directed at anyone)

I personally think he's guilty. There are just too many weird things that don't add up. Have you guys heard about the alarm he had outside his bedroom so he'd know whenever anyone was coming? (I saw that on the news so I have no site for that).

12-18-2003, 07:22 PM
That's just it Aly, these are rumours and there are too many of them, which do you believe, I have heard so many now, that I feel confused, enough to maybe think he is not guilty, he is in show business and we all know what the media is like, it could all be a fabrication.

I am just giving him the benefit of the doubt here, I watched his parents being interviewed, that made interesting viewing, it swayed my thoughts a little, I for one could not say firmly he is innocent or guilty, I guess only he knows and the children he spent time with.

I am not saying I approve of his lifestyle by any means, like I said perhaps he should give it some thought to change it, so he does not continue to put himself at risk.

Time will tell, but I certainly will be listening to everything on this subject before I commit him to the gallows.

12-18-2003, 07:26 PM
I agree that the rumors are confusing. There are many cold, hard facts though. That shrine to Macaulay Culkin for one. That is WEIRD! And I saw that with my own eyes when the video cameras went into his bedroom. I also believe the alarm thing to be very true.

12-18-2003, 07:32 PM
Well Aly I think we can both agree that MJ is quite eccentric to say the least, but still does not make him a child molestor.:)

12-18-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by carole
Well Aly I think we can both agree that MJ is quite eccentric to say the least, but still does not make him a child molestor.:)

Yes it does! Hehe, just kidding.

I see where you are coming from. I just think the circumstances are too weird to be coincidental.

I do feel sorry for the man because he is obviously sick in the head even if he's not a child molestor.

12-18-2003, 07:41 PM
Yep he sure is a strange one , thats for sure, well Aly I am going to reserve my judgement for now, and see what happens, Iv'e sure been wrong before.

I still think he might be INNOCENT so there lol.

12-18-2003, 08:34 PM
Hehe.. well if he is innocent, I'll eat my hat :D

12-18-2003, 08:58 PM
Aly would you like ketchup or mustard with that hat?? Just kidding, I haven't even been watching the news about him. Don't know anything about it, people like that just don't interest me that much, now somebody like Saddam Hussien, now theres a story.

I know that he is being accused of messing with the kids, and etc. He was accused of it about 10 years ago, he got out of it then. More than likely will again.

He looks strange now, he used to be a pretty good looking kid, no kidding to that one. If he is guilty then he should pay, but if he isn't then so be it. I think he does need to just stay away from kids, he gets in trouble when he is around kids, and he was already accused once and that went nowhere except something for the press to write about. People with money can get out of just about anything, except death itself.

12-25-2003, 08:50 PM
all i can say is that he is really discusting and everytime i see a pic of him *on tv, or in the news ect..* i get sick to my stomach.. he is a sick man.. I cant stand him.

12-26-2003, 01:57 AM
i don't like him and never did.....the first time i ever saw him I was 3 or 4 and i asked my mom "why is that lady so ugly?" and my mom kept telling me it was a guy:o I was little and I didn't really understand but now with all that stuff going on about him I think he is sick. But my opion may different than others....
As some say... "Jacko is Whako"

12-26-2003, 12:50 PM
You are not alone on your opinions here for sure, I share some of them, he is indeed weird, I mean who would want to change their face to look like he does? but I still stand by what I said earlier, it does not necessarily make him a child molestor, we shouldn't always judge a book by its cover, because of who he is, and his lifestyle surrounding children, it would be very easy to set him up for this type of crime, more the fool is he, to continue with it, it will be interesting to see the outcome, I for one want him behind bars, if he is guilty, child molestors are the scum of the earth, but the family involved in these accusations donot sound like the best of people themselves.

12-26-2003, 01:07 PM
just a quick thought.

My whole view about the case if the way the DA, Geragos and the media pander to each other.

MJ marches to his own drummer......some people like rock, some people like jazz.....That's quite alright. My point is there are HUNDREDS-I make that statement with a heavy heart-of children that are taken advantage of each year that are never recognized as victims of crime.

That and the fact that these people willingly allowed their son's contact with MJ......

Anyway, when a public official acts in the way that this one has, it leaves me with some questions to his professionalism, job performance and his quest to avenge his inability to prosecute
the case, taken out of his hands 10 years ago, against MJ.

There may be some question about MJ being weird,
but holding a ten year grudge is even stranger.

12-26-2003, 03:55 PM
I don't think being weird means you are a child molester. Sleeping in the same bed with a member of the same sex is not wrong (unless you live in America). Liking the company of children over adults isn't so much far off liking the company of animals over people.

Many of us, myself included, has done, in retrospect, stupid acts of 'child endangering'. I can remember holding my neice over the balcony of my parents staircase.....teasing her. In retrospect, it was pure and sheer stupidity. Put a camera on any of us ALL day long, and sure enough, we are going to do something stupid.

As to his plastic surgery...remember, anorexics 'think' they look fat, and actually beautiful at 88 pounds. Michael has a mental issue, obviously, as it relates to his looks. I do believe some doctor said there is some recognized mutilating type disease...where the people just can't stop the surgery.

I do think his music is wonderful.

12-26-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Many of us, myself included, has done, in retrospect, stupid acts of 'child endangering'. I can remember holding my neice over the balcony of my parents staircase.....teasing her. In retrospect, it was pure and sheer stupidity. Put a camera on any of us ALL day long, and sure enough, we are going to do something stupid.

OMG! You too? :eek: My uncle used to do the *exact* same thing to me when I was little! I remember, when he came to visit us, I was around 5 or 6 years old. I have always been very close to that uncle of mine, since I was little, and still am, so I was pretty much *with him* the whole time he was at our house. He told me *You want to have a fun ride?* Thinking he was going to give me a really fun *ride*, I told him I would love to. Well, he picked me up and held me over the balcony! I could see the living room below me, and I screamed! He just laughed and pulled me back up, and said, *Was that fun?* Uncles and aunts..........:rolleyes: It must be a niece annoying thing, since you did it to your niece too. :p When he came to visit us 2 years ago, his daughter was about a year and a half. I looked at the balcony, looked at my little cousin, winked at my uncle and asked him, *You want me to hold her over the balcony, like YOU did to me, when I was little?* He said *NEVER!* and took her away! :eek: Like I was going to do that..........I was just teasing him!

As for MJ, I would be pretty surprised if he *wasn't* guilty. I don't like the guy. I think he's quite strange and freaky, but then I don't know too much about him either. I'm just afraid to look at his picture. :p

12-26-2003, 09:55 PM
Cataholic you and I are on similar wave lengths here, I agree with everything you have said.:)

12-26-2003, 10:15 PM
Remember .... only in America can a poor, black boy grow up to be a rich, white woman.


12-26-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Remember .... only in America can a poor, black boy grow up to be a rich, white woman.


LMAO! Ouch. ;)

12-26-2003, 10:23 PM
How Funny!!!!!!!:D;)

12-29-2003, 12:44 PM
Who saw the interview with MJ last night?

12-29-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Who saw the interview with MJ last night?
I watched part of it. He still gives me the creeps. The way he was going on and on about the bruises on his wrists from the handcuffs and how he was abused by police and couldn't raise his arms because his shoulders hurt.

Come on now......if I were a policewoman I surely would not be abusing someone like MJ. My God MJ has enough money to get anyone fired.