View Full Version : Good news.....I'm so happy

11-19-2003, 12:08 PM
5 months ago we were told that Cannilla had cancer, her kidneys where failing and her blood count was so bad that the vet didn't give her much time, weeks he said. He wanted to put her down then. We decided to wait awhile.....thank god we did.

Her first sights of problems was weight lose and then she lose the use of one of her hind legs. Today 5 months later she put on weight and has the use of all 4 legs. She still skinny, but looks a whole lot better.

The vet was shocked to see her still around, he says her kidneys are no worce her cancer growth has gone down some and she happy. Blodod count still high but no worce. She even running around the yard now when we let her out, playing with the other dogs and back to barking at cars.

I'm so glad we didn't take the vet advice and put her down. We decided to try a diet change with vit. ect. It working for now and I pray that it will work for a long time to come.

I attached a pic of her attacking a RC car, she still looks skinny but looks at those hind legs being used. A lot better then the days when we had to carry her around and she having fun too. :D :D :D

11-19-2003, 12:40 PM
Thanks heavens you didn't listen. You've had all these months of joy with her. Bless her heart - she looks so happy in that picture.

She'll let you know when it's time. As long as she's not in pain, keep her with you and enjoy every minute you have. That's what we did with Peach. Now I really treasure those memories.

My Peanuts
11-19-2003, 01:15 PM
You are so lucky to have this time with Cannilla. I'm so glad to hear she is fighting and winning. As long as she isn't in any pain, keep up the new diet and keep us posted on her progress.

11-20-2003, 12:15 AM
One thing I'm sure of is she in no pain at all. I would never let her suffer in pain. When the time comes, I know she will let know, right now she happy, very active and still full of life.

I just wish I could get some weight on her, she eats very well but very little weight gain for the amount of food she eats and she eats ALOT!!! 3 times a day.:eek:

11-20-2003, 12:22 AM
Thats really great news :D

11-20-2003, 07:23 AM
I'm glad you didn't have her put down, she doesn't look like she's in any pain in that picture:D

I hope you have lots & lots of days ahead with her.

11-20-2003, 07:29 AM
Thanks so much for posting such good news ! Im so glad your baby is better ! Love pulls off many miracles ! Please keep us posted on her . :)

11-20-2003, 09:25 AM
Great news!!

Cannilla looks like a real doll--and a fighter. I'm glad to hear she is so healthy, and that you trusted your instincts about her!!!

11-20-2003, 09:42 AM
What a brave, beautiful, "fighter" of a pup you are Cannilla! You look so happy:D And we know your Mommy sure is! Miracles do happen:) Keep up the good work, sweetheart! We're all praying for you and sending love and positive thoughts your way! These are the Pet Talk threads that make the visit worth the "trip!!":) Love, hugs and happy tails wags to you Cannilla from Sandra, Cody and Star!

11-21-2003, 12:36 AM
at least u choose to keep her for as logn as u could. she looks like she will be very happy for a very long tyme. i agree to keep her on her diet and she will tell u when she is ready and it doesnt seem like shes quite ready yet... she still wants to be loved and to have fun!

11-21-2003, 12:54 AM
Yeah Cannilla is a fighter and I think she will be around for awhile yet. She has no plans on going any where soon......why should she she got life made right now, spoiled spoiled dog.

Of course her diet give her gas.....so we might have to leave before her. LOL ;) ;) ;) (as I air out the room right now)

I was just so happy when the vet called to give us her new test results that I had to share it. Sometime your heart just knows there's hope when others tell you there is none. Thats how we felt about Cannilla. I could see in her eyes that she was not ready t go yet.

I pray that months and months from now I can still tell you all that she still is a part of our life, fat and happy. :)

11-21-2003, 02:25 AM
im glad u believed in her and she is still with us

11-21-2003, 07:41 AM
Sometimes people don't understand when we decide to go with our own instincs about our dogs we love . But love does bring us closer to knowing our dogs more than anyone . we seem to have more insight with this love .
Im so glad you followed your own feelings ! Thank you for sharing your happy news with us !:D

11-21-2003, 08:19 AM
Is she a candidate for chemo? We have friends who have a Dane and he got colon cancer. They almost put him down, but went for a second opinion and an oncology vet took the case and gave him chemo and 4 weeks later the cancer is gone and he's feeling much better and the vet said he should be around for at least a few more years. It was great news. A miracle of sorts, just like your precious baby. I'm glad she's better and hope that she will continue on the upswing.