View Full Version : Bunny Adoption

11-19-2003, 08:44 AM
At the moment I have 3 male bunnies, all of which are pretty small (they all have dwarf in them) and they're great and fun to play with, but I still miss my big white clumsy female bunny Marshmellow, I rescued her from a pet store a few days after my 13th birthday and about 8 months later we found that she had an abseced tooth and had to go into surgery at the vet, she later died of a heart attack coming out of the anestesia :( I miss her a whole lot, acctually, I just miss having a big girl around to sleep with me and give me kisses, I've seen on TV and online about places where you can adopt bunnies, but whenever I look for one near me I never find one, Is there anyone who knows somewhere near NYC that I can adopt a bunny??

11-19-2003, 09:46 AM
I just went to www.petfinder.com and picked rabbit for type of pet, new york city, ny and regional...and it tells places nearby that you can adopt one...seemed to be alot.

hope that helps.
