View Full Version : Marijuana Legalization. Yay Or Nay.

11-18-2003, 11:47 PM
I'd say yay, since being high isn't half as bad as being drunk, also cigarettes are worse than Marijuana as far as health goes. I also get a real kick out the outrageous propaganda. Like the one where all the guys are in a car ordering a meal when they hit a girl as they are pulling out of a drive through, you could turn logic like that into something like this, don't go to drive thrus and eat your food while driving, you will hit a girl on a bike everytime. Same with the one where it has that little toddler playing near the pool(it implies that she falls in and drowns), then it has a guy say just tell her parents you were getting stoned, they'll understand. You could also turn that commercial into something absolutely ridiculous(because these commercials are ridiculous) like, don't crap, the child you just happen to be babysitting will fall into the pool you most likely don't have and drown. So don't crap or you'll kill a toddler, these commercials make about as much sense as the commercials that say everytime you fill up your SUV you provide a terrorist with a new gun. I think the illegalization of marijuana is pointless, if they spent the time and energy on important stuff(investigating murder cases, terrorists, etc) instead of on the war on drugs thing we'd probably be doing a whole lot better as a country.

11-19-2003, 12:06 AM
I say NAY, a big NAY -- Because it kills you faster than cigarettes. not only that, but I think all three ; ciggarettes, alcohol, and marijuana are moronic. Alcohol & ciggarettes should be illegal as well.

But, It's not like it being illegal is stopping anyone anyways.:rolleyes:

*thinks of the morons in my school*

11-19-2003, 12:07 AM
Another vote for Yay. I saw a cartoon once in which a cigarette was talking to a joint, and it was something along the lines of the cigaretter bragging about howmany kills it had, then it asked the joint "how bout you" and it answered "XYZ number of arrests" (It was awhile ago, so I can't remmber the numbers, I just found it so appropriate...)

Actually, cigarettes are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse for you than marijuana. I always found that kind of ironic...

I don't think any of them should be illegal...it's people's choice to destroy themselves. It's only when they get others involved that it's a bad thing.

11-19-2003, 12:08 AM
Yay. Tax it and use it for good. It's not any worse than alcohol or cigarettes.

11-19-2003, 12:08 AM
Actually, coming from *my health teacher* -- It kills you faster. :)

It's people's choice to destroy themselves, but when they harm the lives of other in that process -- it's not a good or choice that should be legal.
And personally, kids talking about smoking this and that EVERYDAY, I mean EVERYDAY in school very much so harms me. It bothers me so much and it makes me very upset. It makes me disgusted.

You keep editing your postttttt.:p
(and so do I.) :p

11-19-2003, 12:14 AM
Hmm...the information I'm finding now is interesting. It says that IF marijuana smokers and cigarette snokers had the same amount of exposure to their substance of choice it would be worse, but on average the marijuana smokers smoke about 4x a day whereas the cigarette smokers average closer to 25x a day... Interesting stuff, I hand't thought about that before.

Bleah, I kept thinking of more things to add. :p

Edit: Just like this...Here's a good article...


11-19-2003, 12:17 AM
Marijuana? Yuck! May it remain illegal for as long as this world exists. Personally, I think smoking/alcohol should be banned too. Would save so many lives. Maybe its just me, but I cannot stand this stuff! Bleh! Anything that is addictive and very harmful for a person's health, should be banned, in my opinion. Smoking, marijuana, alcohol, they're all killers.

11-19-2003, 12:19 AM
But there is so much overpopulation already that a few people CHOOSING to shorten their lifespan is good for the planet.

Sorry if that comes off as totally cynical, just had a class yesterday on the effects the population is having on the world. -_-

11-19-2003, 12:21 AM
Like I said, even as it being illegal now, it's certainly NOT stopping people from doing it.

Running a stop sign is illegal and could possibly be harmful ( if someone crashes) but it doesn't stop EVERYONE from doing it.

Hehe ... In health class the past few weeks all we've been talking about is drugs and how horrible they are...

After seeing all of those videos on smoking and drinking.. and how horrible those people look after YEARS of smoking.. I'm certainly NEVER going to begin smoking in the near future, or forever in that matter.

On another side of it though --- Our country could pull in major money if it was to be legal. ;x

BUT, I still say NAY NAY NAY NAY.

Edit: ANYTHING can be addictive and harmful to your health... including Pet Talk. :p

11-19-2003, 12:28 AM
I vote NAY.

11-19-2003, 12:35 AM
Just to let you know, health teachers in high school are not going to let you in on the advantages of smoking pot. They're there to steer you away from that stuff. Which I think is good. But I also think you can expect a lot of propaganda from them.

11-19-2003, 12:38 AM
I say yay. Tax the heck out of it to pay for treatment if needed.

It would actually be a great boost for the economy! Kinda like tobacco...it's way too big of a cash crop to ever be made illegal.

11-19-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
Just to let you know, health teachers in high school are not going to let you in on the advantages of smoking pot. They're there to steer you away from that stuff. Which I think is good. But I also think you can expect a lot of propaganda from them.

Oh trust me, I know that. I have plenty of aquantences (sp?) to tell me about the other side of it, unfortunatly. (They even talk aobut it in class.)

11-19-2003, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
I say yay. Tax the heck out of it to pay for treatment if needed.

It would actually be a great boost for the economy! Kinda like tobacco...it's way too big of a cash crop to ever be made illegal.

My thoughts exactly. I vote yay

11-19-2003, 07:08 AM
I love these controversial sbjects, thanks for starting this thread!

I did a report on this subject in high school. At the time the President's Commission on Law Enforcement was reccomending decriminalization of marijuana. Of course, Bobby Kennedy was Attorney General then.

In 1975 Rolling Stone magazine reported that 50 million Americans had smoked pot (about 1/5 of the population).

Various states have tried legalizing marijuana, there is still hot debate about "medical marijuana", letting people who are dying get high to improve their appetites, ease their suffering.

I had possession of pot most of the time while I was in college, but smoked more like once in 4 days than 4 times a day! Quit using it in 1971, no regrets and no withdrawal symptoms either.

If it were to become legalized, I would grow my own and pay no taxes on it. And use it very, very occasionally...and privately.

For those that don't know, marijuana dilates your eyes and thus makes colors more intense. Very stimulating to artists.

And it intensifies other senses as well. One folksy description is "that sweet love grass."

The drawbacks of regular use are immense, mainly that you can't get most jobs nowdays, can be incarcerated and have all your possessions confiscated, and will experience speech and memory problems!

And kids, they are starting random tests in schools!

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2003, 07:40 AM
I vote NAY!

I know from personal experience that pot turns you into the biggest bum! And we need to be stimulating people to be smarter and brighter rather than stoned and dumber.

I have heard studies say that smoking one blunt of pot is equivelant to smoking one pack of cigarettes and one hit off of a bong is equal to smoking five packs. You have to consider when people smoke pot it isn't filtered and they hold the smoke in longer for a better high.

Annnnnddddd (on my soapbox now) pot is the biggest gateway drug. People act like pot is so innocent (and so it may seem) so when people start smoking pot and realize how fun it is they want to branch out and see how much "fun" the other drugs are.

I wouldn't want to compare cigarettes to pot really because cigarettes don't effect you the way pot does...


11-19-2003, 07:44 AM
I think anything could be considered a gateway drug to someone with an addictive personality.


Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2003, 07:52 AM
I think anything could be considered a gateway drug to someone with an addictive personality.


You don't have to have an additive personality to just want to have a good time.....
;) :)

11-19-2003, 08:24 AM
Yay. And Tax the heck out of it. It's a non-addictive substance, which impairs your body like alcohol, which is legal. This country already tried prohibition and it didn't work out for a zillion reasons. It's a valuable tax resource that could help schools, road and the deficit. I say Sell It!

11-19-2003, 08:41 AM
Sell it, regulate it, tax it. Make it available only to people over 21 (same as alcohol). Make the proceeds from the tax go to rehab services.

FWIW I think cigarrete tax money should be funneled to pay for smoking health related problems, and booze tax should pay for booze related problems.
If folks want to partake, then they should pay for the services they'll need out of their own tax.

11-19-2003, 08:50 AM
i say NAY
it's not going to make people stop getting drunk or smoking. they

are just going to do marijuana in addition to all their other drugs

and crap. besides first one drug is legal then soon all the rest are

going to be legal too.

11-19-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
I vote NAY!

I know from personal experience that pot turns you into the biggest bum! And we need to be stimulating people to be smarter and brighter rather than stoned and dumber.

I have heard studies say that smoking one blunt of pot is equivelant to smoking one pack of cigarettes and one hit off of a bong is equal to smoking five packs. You have to consider when people smoke pot it isn't filtered and they hold the smoke in longer for a better high.

Annnnnddddd (on my soapbox now) pot is the biggest gateway drug. People act like pot is so innocent (and so it may seem) so when people start smoking pot and realize how fun it is they want to branch out and see how much "fun" the other drugs are.

I wouldn't want to compare cigarettes to pot really because cigarettes don't effect you the way pot does...


I agree! Why would anyone want to be high? It makes you feel and act stupid and it is more harmful than cigarettes. Imagine the chemicals that the manufacturers would put in pot! After all, the government has already said that the chemicals added to cigarettes are A OK for us in that they still allow them to be added, even though we all know how harmful they are. I know tobacco alone is bad, but the chemicals just increase the danger. Funny how they have outlawed other dangerous chemicals that cause cancer and other diseases, but those weren’t huge $ producers like cigarettes.

Pot fries your brain and I know many people who smoke it regularly. They are almost all fried and/or useless. Occasional use isn’t likely to cause much harm, but regular use can be devastating. My own sister is an excellent example. Her brain is fried. She makes the dumb blondes in the dumb blonde jokes look smart (she was an honor student) and she smoked pot every day for YEARS (she quit about 4 yrs ago and nothing has come back yet). She made nothing of her life and has nothing to her name to this day. Pot is a motivation zapper.

So why not legalize? If people want to be stupid and fry themselves then let them right? Well, we have a lot of laws to keep people from harming themselves. Helmet laws, and seatbelt laws. It’s illegal to attempt suicide in most states, which is a good law. It helps people get the help they need; if they attempt it, they’re taken into custody and taken for help.

Legalize it for medical use? Absolutely. If someone has cancer or aids or another devastating disease and pot can help them in any way, then certainly. This is the only way I could ever imagine legalizing pot.

Society has already given kids the green light on so many things, lets not take it another step.

11-19-2003, 09:55 AM
......and I'm not even going to get into arguments or the back & forth why's and why not's I've read here. Like so many other things in life it's a matter of personal choice and that's a good thing. You don't like it? Don't do it. Don't criticize those that don't agree with your opinion. End of story.

11-19-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
......and I'm not even going to get into arguments or the back & forth why's and why not's I've read here. Like so many other things in life it's a matter of personal choice and that's a good thing. You don't like it? Don't do it. Don't criticize those that don't agree with your opinion. End of story.

You Said It!

11-19-2003, 10:32 AM
I say nay. I agree with using it for health reasons, but I think the people who do should have a liscence (ie. bad situation -- cop arrests kid BUT "I have health problems." legit or nonlegit?).

On terms of cigarettes, they are much much worse. And you know what's discusting? Propylene glycol is an ingredient they add. It's also an ingredient added to dog foods. Sick or what?!!

11-19-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
......and I'm not even going to get into arguments or the back & forth why's and why not's I've read here. Like so many other things in life it's a matter of personal choice and that's a good thing. You don't like it? Don't do it. Don't criticize those that don't agree with your opinion. End of story.

To not agree with someone’s decision to or to not smoke pot isn’t infringing on their “personal choice” rights. Where should we draw the line of “personal choice”? Should we legalize other drugs? Which ones? Which ones remain illegal? Acid isn’t additive, but it can be harmful and dangerous to others if the person has a bad experience. Do we only outlaw addictive drugs? If so, there goes cigarettes and alcohol.

Our country is based on freedom, but in order to have a country where we can all try t co-exist relatively comfortably, there must be laws. Everything can’t be about personal choice, because we all have different opinions on right and wrong. Laws are necessary otherwise you have total chaos.

11-19-2003, 11:36 AM
Alcohol and marijuana have been around for hundreds, presumably thousands of years. And the world would probably look quite a bit different if they hadn’t. I’ve often thought that it would be thought provoking to write a book on “The World’s Greatest Alcoholics”. Alexander the Great was supposed to have drunk up to 10 liters of wine a day (and died when he was about 32). Winston Churchill loved his Cognac. Boris Jeltsin certainly knows how to put a couple of vodkas away. These are very important men who have affected the development of our civilization.
And then there are the arts. How many great works of art have been created “under the influence” of something or other I wonder? (Poets in the 1800’s indulging in opium just one example).

These are all naturally existing drugs, but what about all these complex molecules that we are consuming more and more of nowadays? The wonder drugs that are supposed to solve all our problems. They’re just called PILLS. You’re supposed to take them if you’re hyper, take them if you’re depressed, take them if you’re tired, take them if you’re too thin, take them if you’re too fat, take them if you’ve got a headache. Whatever. There are even reports of drug companies trying to invent disorders so they can produce an antidote and make another million bucks!
If we really knew the truth I think we would be shocked to find out how many “great” men were dependant on “illegal substances”. Here again, in recent times we have people like John F Kennedy (amphetamines and pain killers) and my childhood hero Winston Churchill (a manio-depressive dependant on Benzedrine and alcohol).

… and why do we do this? Partly because we’re inundated with advertisements for these products day in and day out. All in the name of the holy dollar. After all, in a capitalistic society, the drug companies first priority is to make a profit for themselves and their stockholders (just like the alcohol and tobacco companies). They sometimes find out much later whether their products are harmful to the consumers in the long run, and will always try to deny it.

At least marijuana is a physically non-addictive substance, which alcohol and a majority of pills most definitely aren’t. And the idea that "It makes you feel and act stupid and it is more harmful than cigarettes" doesn’t fit with my experience at all.

"I say NAY, a big NAY -- Because it kills you faster than cigarettes".
I would very much like to see some reliable proof of that statement!

"Annnnnddddd (on my soapbox now) pot is the biggest gateway drug. People act like pot is so innocent (and so it may seem) so when people start smoking pot and realize how fun it is they want to branch out and see how much "fun" the other drugs are".
Comment from Cheshirekatt: "anything could be considered a gateway drug to someone with an addictive personality".
I agree with that, I think we’re generalizing again here. Do beers lead to whisky, does a headache pill lead to ecstasy?

… and for those of you whose main addiction is coca-cola, here’s a very interesting site on it’s drug-enduced history! coca cola (http://www.cocaine.org/coca-cola/index.html)

There are so many pros and cons to all this, as in so many other things. In the end it all comes back to the old childhood adage which applies to just about everything, from making love to making war:

“It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it”.


11-19-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
And you know what's discusting? Propylene glycol is an ingredient they add. It's also an ingredient added to dog foods. Sick or what?!!

That's why I don't let my dog smoke cigarettes.;)

11-19-2003, 12:06 PM

Now I understand your avatar "Land of the Easily Amused"


Like so many other things in life it's a matter of personal choice and that's a good thing. You don't like it? Don't do it. Don't criticize those that don't agree with your opinion. End of story.

I couldn't have said it better.

11-19-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

Now I understand your avatar "Land of the Easily Amused"

Actually, it was the pot I smoked when I was a kid.......

A teflon pan is never the same after you burn something in it...:rolleyes:

Prairie Purrs
11-19-2003, 12:33 PM

Despite the fact that marijuana's illegality makes it difficult to perform research, a number of medical uses have been found and new ones are being discovered.

The prisons are crammed with persons jailed for possessing or selling marijuana. Instead of spending vast amounts of money prosecuting those folks and keeping them locked up, the government could be raking in the bucks from taxing marijuana as a legalized, regulated product.

If it were true that marijuana inevitably leads to harder drugs and that all marijuana smokers turn into useless couch potatoes, the U.S. economy would be crippled by now because a huge percentage of its citizens would be hopeless unemployed addicts.

11-19-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Our country is based on freedom, but in order to have a country where we can all try t co-exist relatively comfortably, there must be laws. Everything can’t be about personal choice, because we all have different opinions on right and wrong. Laws are necessary otherwise you have total chaos.

I agree 100%. Just imagine, if we didn't have laws and everyone was *free* to do ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING no matter how wrong/right they are, we would be living in a total *disaster zone*. So you folks are saying to legalize it for the taxes...........for money? Sure our economy is not the best at this time and our country needs money, but I would never support money coming from wrong sources. There are other ways to make money than by legalizing a terrible drug and bringing more harm to our society than is already present. Besides, if you're saying they should look into criminal/murder, etc. cases more than drugs..........you'll find that the majority of criminals or such people are major druggies/alcoholics. Good thing? I think not! Legalizing one bad thing will result in legalizing of more bad things and the result would be disasterous for our nation. Are you up for living in a world where people are free to smoke pot, and do whatever they want........risking their health, getting your kids involved, etc.? I for one am NOT. I'm glad marijuana is illegal and I hope some day, smoking and alcohol will be illegal too. :p

11-19-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Actually, it was the pot I smoked when I was a kid.......

A teflon pan is never the same after you burn something in it...:rolleyes:

OK, you have me laughing again today!!!! :D :D :D

11-19-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Logan
OK, you have me laughing again today!!!! :D :D :D

I was going to tell you about the timed I got stoned....

Head wounds bleed like hell!

:rolleyes: :eek:

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2003, 01:14 PM
Sounds like this country is going to pot!!!

(HA HA HA... I don't know why... I just had to!!!);)

11-19-2003, 01:27 PM
I think I have the munchies.... are there any chips at Thursday's, Richard?

11-19-2003, 01:32 PM
2kitties, maybe I'll bring my "special" brownies :D ;) :D

11-19-2003, 01:35 PM
oh now don't get me all excited! Now I know what the "baker" is in lbaker!

11-19-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I think I have the munchies.... are there any chips at Thursday's, Richard?



The "munchie factor" is probably the best thing about pot smoking....Cancer patients really do benefit from smoking...


I'll pick you up!!!!


I didn't inhale..

well, actually I couldn't help it, I had to breathe......:p

And what is the whole deal about jonesing for the thing that isn't
in your kitchen at THAT moment??

-Adam Sandler movies aren't that funny, stoned or sober!!!!

11-19-2003, 01:43 PM
a hesitant yay, because I think the government is too involved. It is a drug, and I wouldn't want people driving under it's influence. I don't think, though, that tons of people would flock out and buy it. Regulated use is okay in my book though.

11-19-2003, 02:29 PM
And if you really want to get this party started... I'll tell you what else I think.

I believe they should legalize prostitution. It is a victimless crime, my friends. Properly regulated and health inspected- as in Nevada, the taxes alone could buy computers for public schools all over the nation.

11-19-2003, 03:53 PM
Oh Lord, TwoKitties, what are you trying to do to PT!!;) :p

11-19-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
And if you really want to get this party started...

Toss in some wine and it's, Wine Women and...

forget it...:eek:

11-19-2003, 03:59 PM
*hangs head in shame*

And not only is there unbelievable tax revenue from legal, regulated brothels, but fewer young girls will fall victim to pimps and street life. If the health codes were made and enforced, then the disease spread would be far less than that of illegal prostitution on the streets.

11-19-2003, 05:28 PM
I will say that I just had this sort of conversation with a friend of mine. A lot of this discussion deals with morality and I don't think the government has any right to legislate morality since your morality and my morality may be totally different.

As for people who smoke pot being useless, I would like to point out that my nephew smokes pot on a regular basis and is a city planner with a master's degree in Environmental Planning and has designed a "gradebook" for neighborhoods that is being used all over the country.....so much for useless. ;)

Oh, and I have never smoked it and never will, but, have never smoked a cigarette either simply because I think it's gross and stinks, but that's my opinion and I refuse to inflict my opinion on others simply because I choose not to participate....

Oh yeah...hey Soledad.....when I teach health I give them the facts and don't try to sway their opinion one way or the other! ;) :p

Miss Meow
11-19-2003, 05:36 PM
I find it funny how a lot of the politicians saying 'no' to decriminalisation were raging pot heads themselves in the '60s! :eek:

I'm becoming an old and cynical voter - so I say 'yes' as long as the stuff is taxed to high heaven like ciggies and booze, and those who want to partake can help reduce the tax I pay :)

Just don't smoke in my car - ewwwwww!

11-19-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

Just don't smoke in my car - ewwwwww!

I only smoke when I'm on fire...

you are safe.... ;)

11-19-2003, 06:22 PM
I am really in two minds about this one, part of me votes yah, and part of me votes nay.

I have know a lot of people who started off just taking pot, and ended up on harder drugs, so is this really a non-addictive drug, it really causes a lack of motivation in most people, and I personally know a person who smokes it regularly, he really is a no-hoper, he does not work, yet he is incredibly intelligent, they say it kills the brain cells, I have yet to see the evidence , especially where he is concerned, he has been doing this for years and is still bright as a button.

Not that I would choose to do this, but I would personally rather travel in a car with someone stoned than drunk, they are much more careful, and take things slow.

There is talk of it being decriminalised in NZ ,I think its only a matter of time, 2kitties prostitution became legal in NZ just recently.

Like the others have said if it becomes legal, then tax it to the hilt.

I do believe it should be available to people with serious illness, who suffer extreme pain, for pain relief, it is known to really help in these situations.

It would put a stop to all the gangs in NZ making huge profits, the drug scene is their main income, and they make big money, and that I am all for, maybe a few more people would not die at the hands of these gangs when a deal goes wrong as well. Just MO for what its worth.

11-19-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by carole
so is this really a non-addictive drug, it really causes a lack of motivation in most people, and I personally know a person who smokes it regularly, he really is a no-hoper, he does not work


Don't make fun of Bill Clinton-

He didn't inhale....:eek:

11-19-2003, 06:39 PM
HA HA Richard very funny, I wonder were you the class clown in high school? just kiddin:)

11-19-2003, 06:43 PM
I say no. It's very dangerous and addictive. It causes you to hallucinate and use poor judgement. It's a lot more dangerous that cigarettes or alcohol and we should continue to fight the war against drugs. Would you rather it be like a park I saw on tv? If I'm not mistaken, it was in England. All the addicts were there and free needles were handed out. Isn't that nice?

11-19-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by carole
HA HA Richard very funny, I wonder were you the class clown in high school? just kiddin:)

Since you mentioned it...YES!! Actually I was the 'CRASS' clown..

Years ago there was an anti-drug movie made called
Reefer Madness...it is available......

Now it's more kitsch than anything else.....
but worth a peek!


Rated G for general audiences.....

11-19-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by mugsy

As for people who smoke pot being useless, I would like to point out that my nephew smokes pot on a regular basis and is a city planner with a master's degree in Environmental Planning and has designed a "gradebook" for neighborhoods that is being used all over the country.....so much for useless. ;)

Your neohew must be a special kind of person then.

All of the people i've known to smoke marijuana were indeed intelligent, but because of them being on the drug, they did nothing and were complete bums.

Prairie Purrs
11-19-2003, 07:53 PM
The government is not my mother. I don't think the government should be able to tell me what I can or can't put in my mouth.

11-19-2003, 08:13 PM
Well, if you want to go that route, then a bunch of men shouldn't be allowed to decide if a woman could have an abortion or not. There are all kinds of rules to follow. Who's to say which are good and which are bad?

11-19-2003, 08:18 PM
Yes, and if going that route.. the government shouldn't tell me that I can't kill someone. 'Cause the government isn't my mother. :rolleyes:

11-19-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Well, if you want to go that route, then a bunch of men shouldn't be allowed to decide if a woman could have an abortion or not. There are all kinds of rules to follow. Who's to say which are good and which are bad?

indeed, they shouldn't.:D

11-19-2003, 08:23 PM
Hey, we agree on something!

11-19-2003, 08:30 PM
Oh yes, and the government isn't my mother so they should be able to tell me how I should drive either. :p

11-19-2003, 08:52 PM
:eek: ok... i'm not a pot expert, but isn't just inhaling the smoke make you high? if it's legal people will smoke on the streets and everybody will inhale the the smoke and junk. and i'd rather not inhale some recycled smoke from somebody's lungs:rolleyes:

11-19-2003, 09:08 PM
Yay. I vote it should be legal, but not in public places because of second hand smoke. I have lost friends because of alcohol. I have known people to become violent, stupid, or incoherant because of alcohol. I know plenty of people who smoke pot. None of them have ever had an accident or stupid moment because of it. None of them use other drugs either.

Prairie Purrs
11-19-2003, 10:14 PM
If the government wants to prevent me from hurting other people, that's fine. But the government doesn't have any business governing what I eat, drink, or smoke.

It's unhealthy to eat too much. So should the government toss you in jail if you exceed a certain calorie limit?

11-19-2003, 10:16 PM
So are you saying it should be legal for kids and teenagers to smoke and drink, because the government isn't their mother?

11-19-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I say no. It's very dangerous and addictive. It causes you to hallucinate and use poor judgement. It's a lot more dangerous that cigarettes or alcohol and we should continue to fight the war against drugs. Would you rather it be like a park I saw on tv? If I'm not mistaken, it was in England. All the addicts were there and free needles were handed out. Isn't that nice?
Pot is neither addictive nor does it cause hallucinations. This is scientifically proven. hallucinations are a product of other drugs, and are not associated with pot. At the park in England you have read about, if needles were handed out, then it wasn't pot. Pot is not injected.
While pot is not addictive, those people who are predisposed to addictions may use it as a stepping stone. Those people could use anything as a stepping stone: pot, alcohole, nicotine, cucumbers.

So, while there are arguements for keeping the plant illegal, addiction and hallucination are not a part.

Prairie Purrs
11-19-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
So are you saying it should be legal for kids and teenagers to smoke and drink, because the government isn't their mother?

I'm speaking for myself, as an adult who is legally able to make my own decisions. The government does have more of a pseudo-parental role where minors are concerned.

But for adults, I think the government spends entirely too much time and money prying into our private lives.

11-19-2003, 10:33 PM
Hm, Ok. If you say so.

I think they have a right to, to some point.
I'd rather not see our country turn into a bunch of pot smoking bums. :)

11-19-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
So are you saying it should be legal for kids and teenagers to smoke and drink, because the government isn't their mother?

not sure how we got here from there, but I assume that was not her point. no.

Prairie Purrs
11-19-2003, 10:48 PM
If someone is going to be a "bum," no amount of legislation will prevent it. People may choose to ruin their lives through too much drink, too many drugs, gambling, overeating, overspending, or watching too much TV. If a person is looking for an escape from reality, he'll find it somewhere.

Conversely, many people smoke marijuana and lead normal, productive lives. If you're a well-balanced adult, pot isn't going to single-handedly turn you into a bum.

11-20-2003, 12:47 AM
This is toooo funny! Just a couple days ago, we had this same discussion on another board I post to. So, I'll just copy my response from over there to here. :D

I believe that smoking pot is not healthy for you. I also think that drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and eating fettucini alfredo is not healthy for you.

I think the effect on your health is, of course, directly related to how much you drink or smoke. Obviously, someone that smokes one joint a week is not damaging their body as much as someone who smokes 30 cigarettes a day, or drinks a fifth of vodka a day.

I personally do not see any logic whatsoever in the fact that alcohol is legal, and marijuana is not. They are both drugs, they are both addictive, they are both unhealthy for you if used in excess, they both impair your ability to drive, etc. Why is one legal, and one is illegal? Makes no sense to me.

My own personal experience - when I drank, I was ten foot tall, bullet proof, funny, smart, a great driver, etc. In short, I was dangerous. When I smoked pot, I was sleepy and mellow and just sat around and smiled at people. Pot was much less dangerous for me than alcohol.

I don't do either one anymore. I don't drink because I have little common sense or self control when I drink, I just can't handle it. I don't smoke pot because I have a twelve year old child, and I personally believe I would lose all credibility with him if he found out I did, or, perish the thought, that I would get busted for it.

I absolutely think marijuana should be legal for medicinal purposes. Morphine is.

I also believe you can't legislate vices. You can drive them underground, and create a black market, but you will never, ever make them disappear by making them illegal. Prohibition didn't work, the "war on drugs" isn't working. It is the nature of many, many human beings to indulge in mood-altering, addictive substances - be it alcohol, nicotine, valium, or marijuana.

I think marijuana should be legalized. I honestly don't believe there would be a sudden rush of adults buying pot just because it is legal, when they had no desire to try it before. Come on, it's not like it's difficult to find now. And it would be just like alcohol is now for underage kids ... harder to get, but not impossible. Pot is never going to go away. It's always going to be around, always going to be smoked, bought and sold. The government might as well control it, and make some tax revenue off of it. Whether they make the money, or some drug dealer makes the money, it's not going away.

CatsinDenver ... good post, I agree.

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 04:26 AM
Well im kind of mixed!!
its said to help people with artritous etc (?sp)
yet the say one puff of a ciggerette take a minute off your life and a puff a pot takes a brain cell away!!!
if it were to become legal it should be for medical reasons only or over 21's non public places things like that!!
personly id never touch the stuff unless it would help any medical problems better than whats currently avallible!!!

11-20-2003, 05:20 AM
I wonder where we would be if this thread had incuded a poll- 50/50?

I really believed marijuana would be legalized 30 years ago, but now I could list all the reasons that I believe that it won't be.

I told my son that the most dangerous thing about pot was that it was illegal. Smoking it can ruin your life if you get caught. And you can't get or keep a job that does drug screens or random testing.

Anyway, the USA wouldn't become much worse or much better if pot were legalized, but many (myself included) would welcome such a change.

Keep on truckin'!

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 06:34 AM
When you think about it closly!! we are ruled by rules made by people who think they know it all and can do what they like!!!
if they say lets put taxs up, it WILL go up, if they say drugs are illegal they WILL be illegal, if they want fox hunting baned it WILL be banned, the list gos on and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it (even if everyone doesnt want it), their word go's and thats final!! soon, as in Iraq a bad thing said about Bush (or who-ever is "leader")etc you'l be prisoned or shot!!!
its heading that way slowly!!
FREE contry my *** (sorry)
sorry but it really annoys me that we have no chose!!!
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 07:18 AM
I truly don't believe that if you legalize pot that it will become a problem. Conversely I think it's a problem now because it IS illegal. I have talked to many of my students about it and they all said that the reason they do/did it is because it's a thrill to do something illegal. It was no big deal to them and most of them never did it again. I actually think that the problem would lessen if it were legal. And we would have the tax base. I do think that it should be taxed heavily just as tobacco is and alcohol should be. Personally I could care less what someone does in the privacy of their home, but don't drive after using pot or drinking alcohol. I actually find pot smoke a whole lot less offensive than tobacco smoke (but both of them nauseate me :) )

11-20-2003, 07:33 AM
Twisterdog, you're my hero.:p :)

11-20-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
in Iraq a bad thing said about Bush (or who-ever is "leader")etc you'l be prisoned or shot!!!

I think you know that's quite inflammatory. Do you have a link to your research for this "fact"?

11-20-2003, 08:34 AM

11-20-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
She's barely literate, you think she's got footnotes?:rolleyes:


11-20-2003, 08:39 AM
*air kiss*


Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 09:39 AM
Actually i think you miss-understood what i said!!
in Iraq if the people said anything bad about sadam or confronted him they would have been killed!!! i ment i time we will not be able to stand up to whoever is our so called "leader" !
and i am barely Literate thank you i have difficultys reading and writing/spelling!!!!!
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 09:46 AM
I understood what you meant, Ky:)

11-20-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
I understood what you meant, Ky:)

I did too. :)

11-20-2003, 10:18 AM
I remember reading once in Reader's Digest that marijuana is actually healthier for you that bad. :confused:

11-20-2003, 11:25 AM
I didn't misunderstand you, Ky. That's why I quoted your post in mine. You said Bush. So while you may have misposted, I did not misunderstand. But, since you've clarified and now we understand, the reason your country and mine went to war in Iraq was to stop the kind of leadership that ruled under Saddam, not to promote it.

11-20-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
I understood what you meant, Ky:)

Me too.:)

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 11:59 AM
ok i did mis-write it!! (sorry), i was ment to say what i did in the second post! sorry for the mis-understanding that went on!! :) (cant do smilys)
ok what i ment was that we have to follow more rules than we think if we look closly!!! (if you know what i mean)
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 11:59 AM
Shame on you Soledad, I see you are at it again, we are all not as smart as you are unfortunately. Pick on someone your own size and have a little compassion.
And yes you are right on, you exactly know what I would say, this country is going downhill because of all the potheads and dopers.
I was in Switzerland, and in the parks there, they were all over the place and couldn't even stand up, that's real progress.

(She's barely literate, you think she's got footnotes?)

11-20-2003, 12:03 PM
Here we go again......

While legalizing pot does solve some issues-
legal, social and penal...

As in ANY law passing (same sex marriages ring a bell???) there are ramifications far beyond it being o.k. to smoke pot.

Are we, as a nation, prepared to put those laws and safeguards into place....

like booze and ciggies it will be abused. NO doubt about it.....It's up to the people to get the law off the books, the elected officials to get the laws repealed or stepped down and it's up to us
to be adult and responsible.

p.s. About the partial birth abortion law...

Yep, it was a bunch of OLD men tossing about the law...but go back and look at the tapes of the women lawyers in the crowd....


I don't think the watchmaker could find a battery for their biological timepieces.

Can someone spell DECORUM for me?

11-20-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
Shame on you Soledad, I see you are at it again, we are all not as smart as you are unfortunately. Pick on someone your own size and have a little compassion.
And yes you are right on, you exactly know what I would say, this country is going downhill because of all the potheads and dopers.
I was in Switzerland, and in the parks there, they were all over the place and couldn't even stand up, that's real progress.

(She's barely literate, you think she's got footnotes?)

Thank you Jackie, I was so angry about that post that I couldn’t even write for fear of what I might have said.

11-20-2003, 12:55 PM
Well, I wrote a response, but not here. I totally agree with you, Jackie, and Micki. Talk about getting off topic!!! Where is the human compassion that we have all come to love within this group??? :(

11-20-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
Shame on you Soledad, I see you are at it again, we are all not as smart as you are unfortunately. Pick on someone your own size and have a little compassion.
And yes you are right on, you exactly know what I would say, this country is going downhill because of all the potheads and dopers.
I was in Switzerland, and in the parks there, they were all over the place and couldn't even stand up, that's real progress.

(She's barely literate, you think she's got footnotes?)

Amen Jackie!

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 01:02 PM
Sorry i think ive upset the group now!!! :(
if i hadnt of said that 2nd post this wouldnt have hapened
sorry PT :(
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Thank you Jackie, I was so angry about that post that I couldn’t even write for fear of what I might have said.
I was angry too. A friend of mine has dyslexia and she can't even read, much less spell. It's just rude to comment on people's literacy, because not only does it hurt feelings, but illiteracy is a serious and sad thing that shouldn't be put so lightly.

11-20-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
Sorry i think ive upset the group now!!! :(
if i hadnt of said that 2nd post this wouldnt have hapened
sorry PT :(
Ky and Rio
It wasn't your fault. :)

11-20-2003, 01:04 PM
Nothing you did upset this group, Ky. It was the cruel responses of others that upset and disappointed us so much.


11-20-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
Sorry i think ive upset the group now!!! :(
if i hadnt of said that 2nd post this wouldnt have hapened
sorry PT :(
Ky and Rio

Ky - NOTHING you did upset the group; it was the cruel comments made by others that have upset me. I'm so sorry that you have been attacked in such a personal way. :(

You are handling this much better than I would. Had anyone posted such a mean, vicious way about me, I would have surely been kicked off Pet Talk for my reply.

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 01:13 PM
Theres a thing on TV this week about stammers and dyislexia etc!
it should be interesting!!!
the ad is not funny though!!!
well were off topic now,lol
so i can forget if you can,lol :)
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 01:16 PM
Ky, don't you apologize for ANYTHING!! You did nothing to upset the group! What upset the group were the snide, rude, condesending remarks posted by others. Truly intelligent and caring human beings support and uplift the weakest among us. They don't attack and humiliate them.


P.S...Your Rio is one adorable pup!!:D

11-20-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Ky, don't you apologize for ANYTHING!! You did nothing to upset the group! What upset the group were the snide, rude, condesending remarks posted by others. Truly intelligent and caring human beings support and uplift the weakest among us. They don't attack and humiliate them.


Exactly. Remember too, that people who belittle others only know how to be little.

11-20-2003, 01:27 PM
I'm confused. :confused: :o

11-20-2003, 01:28 PM
I agree with Jackie. :)

(And some others.)

11-20-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I'm confused. :confused: :o


11-20-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by micki76

About this whole change of topic. I'm going to re-read it. I have an awful flu and my mind isn't functioning properly. :rolleyes: Sorry. I'm confused about what Soledad said.

Edit: Ok.........I re-read the post. That was harsh and uncalled for. I agree with Jackie and everyone else. :( Now I need to get this stuffiness out of my head somehow before I get more confused. :o :o

11-20-2003, 01:44 PM
Ky, please don't think you did anything to upset the group, because you did not, you were stating your opinion just like everyone has a right to do, no need to apologize, I think there are others who should apologize to you.
By the way I just wanted to tell you how cute I think your Rio is,
I love the bandana. I have been to England a couple of times and I loved it, I love the English countryside.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 01:45 PM
I dont think they knew though!?!
they do now!
im dont care about problems like that i know that i exel in my field (Animals, slight brag :p) so the other technical side i dont care, he he he!!!
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 01:48 PM
Well, to get back to the topic of the post....

I believe that leagalized, something is much more controllable (is that a word?). lol

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 01:49 PM
Yer Jckie the countryside is wonderfull here, but the weather is up and down like a yo yo!!
mostly rain,
but ive seen pics on here from Utah and talk about stunning!!!!
thanks for the comments about Rio shes my baby!!
Waggs from Rio

11-20-2003, 01:57 PM
can we break out the 'peace' pipe now???;)

11-20-2003, 01:58 PM
Oh please no. :rolleyes:

11-20-2003, 02:00 PM
I don't smoke!:confused: How about breaking bread??;)

11-20-2003, 02:01 PM
or pizza!

11-20-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Oh please no. :rolleyes:

since you said, 'please'....;)

11-20-2003, 02:06 PM
Yes pizza!!...what better than some warm and gooey mozzarella and tomato sauce to soothe the savage beast in us all! (Thin crust, of course) :D

11-20-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
can we break out the 'peace' pipe now???;)

Yep, those peace pipes help with their visions.

11-20-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
Yer Jckie the countryside is wonderfull here, but the weather is up and down like a yo yo!!
mostly rain,
but ive seen pics on here from Utah and talk about stunning!!!!
thanks for the comments about Rio shes my baby!!
Waggs from Rio

I've been to England TONS of times! Actually.......I don't even know how many times I've been there! Somehow, we end up in England like almost every year. :rolleyes: We have TONS of family there, so we go to visit them. Do I like England? Um.............the countryside is beautiful, and green and all.........but honestly, I like American way way WAY better. Why.......I don't know. I guess I don't like the clouds, or the narrow streets, or the rows of houses that all look the same. :o I've been to England maybe 10 times or more........and I still can't identify my aunt's house! That's how alike they look! LOL

Its unique, definitely, and I loved seeing York and all those other *ancient* cities that we've read about in history. SO neat. I guess its the weather that keeps me away from liking it........or perhaps its the fact that I've seen so many other countries in the world that I like better.........so I can't say England is one of my favorites. I know....I'm wierd. :o

No but some areas in America are just *stunning*. I liked Wales more than England, nature-wise. Has anyone been there? I love the greenery in England.....I just wouldn't want to live there. I guess I'm just too used to the US. :o My dad LOVES it though.

Ok, now back onto topic! :o

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 04:14 PM
Im right down the bottom of England in Cornwall!
personaly i think its the pretyest (?sp?) part of England!
and ive never been out of Cornwall!
so i wouldnt know what that rest is like!
but i aggre that the USA looks alot more beautiful (and hotter) than Engalnd,
so my first real holiday will be somwhere in America
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 04:19 PM
My husband travels to England frequently and thinks it's a most beautiful country, especially the countryside! And the people so kind and courteous too!:) Some parts of America are hot but we do have our cold spots too!:D That's neat that you might come to visit some day!

Rio and Me
11-20-2003, 04:39 PM
Yes but i have to save the pennys first !
but at least (i think) you get equal amonts of each weather, like proper seasons!
here its liek short ify summer long WET winter! tut tut!
i would love proper snow for a while!
Ky and Rio

11-20-2003, 04:44 PM
My mom went to England a few years ago and fell in love with it! I think she would live there if she could. She said there are flowers everywhere. And she really loved the castle. I think that was her favorite part.

11-20-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Yep, those peace pipes help with their visions.

funny i keep looking but don't see anything...


my eyes were closed:confused:

11-20-2003, 05:14 PM
After all of this time... i've wondered how Richard was able to always make a joke out of something..... I know why now.

11-20-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
My husband travels to England frequently and thinks it's a most beautiful country, especially the countryside! And the people so kind and courteous too!:) Some parts of America are hot but we do have our cold spots too!:D That's neat that you might come to visit some day!

That's right! We have everything..............from snowy lands, to hot deserts, and everything in between! Not a surprise seeing how big a country we are! :eek:

Whenever my aunt comes to visit us from England..........she disappears, and we go looking for her and find her in the backyard, sitting in the sun. We ask her what she's doing, and she says, *Using my chance in years to soak up in the sun* :eek:

Guess we take the sun forgranted here? :D England is definitely beautiful..........beautiful, green, the air is fresh. I guess I can say I dislike London then........:confused:, because I did like the rest of the country that I saw. :p Oh.....I just don't like the dark clouds. It makes me sad and feeling gloomy inside. :p

11-20-2003, 06:47 PM
PCB we seem to be a bit of topic here, but what the heck, I reckon every country has its own particular beauty, America has some of the most beautiful scenery, and exciting places to visit, but then so does England and Scotland, wonderful scenery there too, not to mention the very scenic New Zealand, Gini can testify to that eh Gini?

Here in NZ we are a mixture , a bit of european, a bit americanised, and of course pure kiwi, well so I am told by my scottish relatives.

I guess we all find different things beautiful, some prefer rugged wilderness, others concrete jungles, or mountains and lakes, the later being my favourite.

Whatever the case the old pot is bound to be smoked in all these beautiful countries , more's the pity, just had to put that in so we are back on topic lol.!!!!!!!:) ;)

11-20-2003, 06:50 PM
I've never been to NZ, but in my imagination, it's the most beautiful. I would also love to see thailand. I understand it is also stunning.

I visited Australia and loved the variety of climate and terrain.

The thing I think is most attractive to me about Europe in general, is the history. That is the one thing we really don't have here in America- no castles or ancient ruins, etc. We only have a few hundred years.

11-20-2003, 07:44 PM
Coming from one of the Drug Fact handouts i've gotten in Health class...

Marijuana (Hash , hash oil)
Respiratory prob. (much faster than cig.) High tar, High heat,
More cancer causing chemicals, no filter.
Fat-Soluble-Stored in brain and reproductive organs.
Affects sperm & causes more chromosome breaks.
Laziness with goals set aside. Mental burnout.
THC = Psychoactive (mind altering) ingredient.

11-20-2003, 11:19 PM
Wow, this thread got REALLY off-topic! And no one can yell at me for it this time! ;)

Originally posted by 2kitties
And if you really want to get this party started... I'll tell you what else I think.

I believe they should legalize prostitution. It is a victimless crime, my friends. Properly regulated and health inspected- as in Nevada, the taxes alone could buy computers for public schools all over the nation.

Amen! Never quite understood why sex between two consenting adults can possibly be called illegal. So one party gives the other party a fifty dollar bill. So what? Who does that harm? What if one party instead gives the other party an expensive dinner and a bottle of wine? Hmmmm .....

Twisterdog, you're my hero.

LOL ... well, that's a first! ;) Thanks, you're mine, too. :)

I was in Switzerland, and in the parks there, they were all over the place and couldn't even stand up, that's real progress.

And this is different from the USA, how exactly? I see addicts all over public places in the USA. However, I see crack and heroine addicts, mostly. I don't really see too many people in a park who have smoked so much pot they can't stand up. And it's quite illegal here to do drugs, yet it obviously hasn't stopped these folks, has it? Legal or illegal, people WILL drink, they WILL do drugs.

11-21-2003, 07:46 AM
And how many of those people got started taking drugs because it was a thrill to do something illegal and ended up hooked?

I don't believe smoking pot is addictive (unlike alcohol or cigarettes), and I don't think that it does the damage that either of the afore mentioned addictions does either. I guess I feel that because it's illegal that people just assume that it is worse than something that is legal. I am not stupid enough to believe that there won't be adverse effects, because I know that whenever you put smoke in your body it will do something negative, but, as long as it is a consenting adult, they should be able to abuse their own body as they see fit.

Jackie, I will have to disagree with you on one point (the other point I agree with 100%), I don't believe that it is pot that is making those people in Switzerland act like that. I dare say it is the harder nastier drugs like heroin or crack, or coke, or crystal meth.

A side note here. My sister used to be a foster parent for drug addicted babies (and in fact ended up adopting a meth baby) and never once did she have a baby that was born addicted to pot. She did, however, have a lot of fetal alcohol babies and the alcohol is legal......hmmmm......

11-21-2003, 10:40 AM
This is my last post on this subject but I believe that many, not all people who start with Pot graduate when it's not enough, to Cocaine, etc. etc. I think this would be a better world without all this junk. People would have clear minds and maybe children and pets would not be abused as much as they are now.
Just this ole lady's opinion.

11-21-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
and pets would not be abused as much as they are now.

I think it's unfair and a little mean to suggest that people who smoke pot abuse their pets.


11-21-2003, 11:37 AM
I just heard a story about POT killing a man.

Apparently the young man had some kind of mechanical problem with his car. A police car
pulled up behind to see what the problem was.

The man panicked and swallowed the marijuana he had and choked to death....

It really wasn't the pot that killed him.
It was the plastic bag.

I'm waiting for the lawsuit against the manufacturers of plastic bags:rolleyes:

11-21-2003, 11:46 AM

11-21-2003, 11:50 AM
Jackie, I agree that the world would be better without all the crap, but I would put cigarettes and alcohol in there too, however, it isn't going to happen, so I do believe that the taxes raised by legal sales of pot could go to educate people on the dangers of smoking period.

Richard....you're too funny. Mike decided that we need to develop a digestable form of plastic. Wanna start???

11-21-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
This is my last post on this subject but I believe that many, not all people who start with Pot graduate when it's not enough, to Cocaine, etc. etc. I think this would be a better world without all this junk. People would have clear minds and maybe children and pets would not be abused as much as they are now.
Just this ole lady's opinion.

I totally agree with you. I think we need to keep this junk out of our country.

11-21-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by mugsy

Richard....you're too funny. Mike decided that we need to develop a digestable form of plastic. Wanna start???

what are we gonna do with see-thru veggie burgers?

11-21-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Jackie, I agree that the world would be better without all the crap, but I would put cigarettes and alcohol in there too, however, it isn't going to happen, so I do believe that the taxes raised by legal sales of pot could go to educate people on the dangers of smoking period.

I disagree with you just a little. I enjoy wine with my dinner or a nice martini or a beer with my pizza. It DOES NOT mean I'm going to get lazy and move into a crack house. I pay taxes, go to work, exercise daily and manage to remain a contributing member of society---all the while enjoying a drink when I want to.

11-21-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Actually, cigarettes are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse for you than marijuana. I always found that kind of ironic...

I don't understand that comment. I could smoke a whole carton of cigarettes in one sitting and it wouldn't mess with my motorskills like Marijuana does.

Now, having said that....
I don't understand why they don't legalize it. It's no worse than alcohol, I don't think you could die from Marijuana poisioning, but you can die from alcohol poising.
So I guess my vote is Yay.

11-21-2003, 02:30 PM
you can't die from marijuana poisoning and you can't OD on pot.

Aspen and Misty
11-21-2003, 02:49 PM
NAY! It ruins families- Mine one of them.

11-21-2003, 02:55 PM
I have no idea what Marijuana costs, but I can imagine that the expense, alone, could devastate some families. That aside from the fact htat someone is using an illegal substance.

11-21-2003, 02:59 PM
Pot costs about $40 for a bag (at least back when I was in school and knew about this stuff)- a fraction of what crystal meth, coc and heronine and crank cost. It's often considered a poor man's drug of choice.
My feeling is that pot nor alcohol nor anything else destroys a family. People destroy families. Guns don't kill people- people kill people (although I don't own nor do I want to own a gun. )
As a society, we simply need to learn to be more responsible for our own actions. We should be able to enjoy things in our lives without losing control. We are a society of blame and we need to accept responsibility for ourselves.

11-21-2003, 03:06 PM
Marijuana is not illegal in The Netherlands and the Dutch people are not "potheads" or bums or lazy or fall down in parks. Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful, well maintained and safest cities I've ever been to. There is very little crime. The Dutch simply have a long history of tolerance and acceptance. They are hard working and friendly & a lot of us could learn a lot with some of the open-mindedness the Dutch people are known for.

11-21-2003, 03:20 PM

Originally posted by popcornbird
Marijuana? Yuck! May it remain illegal for as long as this world exists. Personally, I think smoking/alcohol should be banned too. Would save so many lives. Maybe its just me, but I cannot stand this stuff! Bleh! Anything that is addictive and very harmful for a person's health, should be banned, in my opinion. Smoking, marijuana, alcohol, they're all killers.

I agree!

I try not to stereotype, but ... all the people i know who smoke marijuana are very lazy and are doing very bad in school. It just seems to make you not care about things. I think that commercial with the toddler by the pool is VERY true and has a very powerful message.

11-21-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
I vote NAY!

I know from personal experience that pot turns you into the biggest bum! And we need to be stimulating people to be smarter and brighter rather than stoned and dumber.

I have heard studies say that smoking one blunt of pot is equivelant to smoking one pack of cigarettes and one hit off of a bong is equal to smoking five packs. You have to consider when people smoke pot it isn't filtered and they hold the smoke in longer for a better high.

Annnnnddddd (on my soapbox now) pot is the biggest gateway drug. People act like pot is so innocent (and so it may seem) so when people start smoking pot and realize how fun it is they want to branch out and see how much "fun" the other drugs are.

I wouldn't want to compare cigarettes to pot really because cigarettes don't effect you the way pot does...


Of course you are going to get the occasional person who just sits on his ass all day smoking pot and eating chips, Propaganda wants you to believe everyone turns out like that, but most people just smoke it like someone drinks a glass of wine with dinner. and cigarettes are way worse, they say in a commercial that one joint has three times as many chemicals as one cigarette, now while thats probably true, notice it doesn't say HARMful chemicals, granted breathing in smoke is not good for you no matter how you look at it, it can be beneficial, it can be entertaining and it can be used as a means to relax. And they did a recent study on Marijuana being a gateway drug, its not, most of my friends smoke pot and do nothing else as far as illegal drugs. And one hit off a bong is like smoking five packs? Thats just ridiculous.....

11-21-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by aly

I agree!

I try not to stereotype, but ... all the people i know who smoke marijuana are very lazy and are doing very bad in school. It just seems to make you not care about things. I think that commercial with the toddler by the pool is VERY true and has a very powerful message.

My friend Jon smokes more pot than anyone I know and he maintains a 3.9 GPA. And if that commercial is very true then crapping makes babies drown too like I stated in my first post.

11-21-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by aly
NAY! I think that commercial with the toddler by the pool is VERY true and has a very powerful message.

Ok, so playing devil's advocate here:

With this commercial and thinking, what's next......banning pools and ornamental ponds in homes with toddlers?? Seems like a locked gate around the pool would be a better idea.

I suffer from asthma now because my mom decided to smoke three packs of cigs a day while I was growing up. Not right, but perfectly legal.

Most people I know can't smoke an eighth of pot a day ($40), but I know dozens of people who smoke three packs of cigs a day which run at least $5 a pack.

That seems way more financially devestating than pot.


11-21-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I say no. It's very dangerous and addictive. It causes you to hallucinate and use poor judgement. It's a lot more dangerous that cigarettes or alcohol and we should continue to fight the war against drugs. Would you rather it be like a park I saw on tv? If I'm not mistaken, it was in England. All the addicts were there and free needles were handed out. Isn't that nice?

It doesn't cause you to hallucinate, I know this from personal experience.

11-21-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Relentless
It doesn't cause you to hallucinate, I know this from personal experience.

Although, if you get stuff that's laced with something, it can have this effect. I've heard of pot laced with PCP that can work as a halluciogen (sp).

Of course, that's very rare.....


11-21-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt

With this commercial and thinking, what's next......banning pools and ornamental ponds in homes with toddlers?? Seems like a locked gate around the pool would be a better idea.

I don't understand at all how that even relates to what I said.

11-21-2003, 04:29 PM
and to add to the mix...

the chems in ciggies are ADDED to the tobacco.

Pot's all natural.

I have yet to see an emphysema patient that claims his illness is due to pot smoke.

I have seen people addicted to ciggies smoke WHILE THEY ARE HOOKED UP TO AN O2 TANK!!

If you have a pool, smoke pot and the kid goes belly up.......well you'll just have to go to jail.....Kinda like leaving a kid to bake inside a car.......but since people can't drive a pool around I find the car thing (altho both are just as bad) more irresponsible.

For a while the key phrases were, "Let's go get stupid" or "Where can I get some stupidity?"
There's a little truth to that, how else could you eat a whole bag of Doritos at one sitting?


About your friend, what a shame......

If he stopped smoking he MIGHT have a 4.0 GPA.;)

11-21-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by aly
I don't understand at all how that even relates to what I said.

Well, it was a total stretch! lololol

Basically my point was this:

The commercial is saying that if you smoke pot and have a toddler and have a pool, your toddler can drown.

Well, duh......close to a thousand kids drown in pools and ornamental ponds a year and I don't really think all the parents were smoking pot.

People like to think that 'banning' something will cure the problem, like BSL.
Pit bulls kills people so ban the pit bulls. We all know this isn't the solution. With thinking like this, then pretty soon they will want to ban everything that could possibly harm someone and that's just silly.

Did that make any sense, or am I just rambling??


11-21-2003, 04:47 PM
What I took from the commercial:

Smoking pot can cause you to be distracted and not care about your responsibilities. While you're busy "just chillin", the child you're watching can get into trouble.

Of course, many things can make you become distracted from babysitting, not just pot. However, I still took it as a powerful message.

11-21-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by aly
What I took from the commercial:

Smoking pot can cause you to be distracted and not care about your responsibilities. While you're busy "just chillin", the child you're watching can get into trouble.

Of course, many things can make you become distracted from babysitting, not just pot. However, I still took it as a powerful message.

Gotcha, and I agree totally. Being a parent is a huge responsibility. It's one of the reasons I don't have kids! lolololol

But to be fair, you could substitute almost anything in for the pot (alcohol, cigarettes, tv and let's face it, sleep deprivation!) and still have a valid commercial.

11-21-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by aly
Of course, many things can make you become distracted from babysitting, not just pot. However, I still took it as a powerful message.

Right, that's why you shouldn't smoke pot while you babysit. don't drink and drive, or smoke and babysit. :D

11-21-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Right, that's why you shouldn't smoke pot while you babysit. don't drink and drive, or smoke and babysit. :D

Yup - thats all I was saying.

11-21-2003, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by aly
Yup - thats all I was saying.

Considering I was born in 1970, and my mom was a total hippie I guess I should consider myself lucky that I made it to adulthood!


11-21-2003, 06:52 PM
OK, I didn't want to go here but I have to say this "off the record". I still will smoke an occasional joint, I have since the 60's. I now own my own home after 30 yrs. I've raised two wonderful productive children and many loved dogs & cats. I have a good job I've had for 15 yrs. I pay taxes, have never been in trouble with the law and harm no one. I always told my children to wait until their bodies are developed before they make up their minds about other things because "growing up" hormones can do crazy things to your bodies anyway. I may get thrown off this this site because of my statments here, I hope not. On my visit to Amsterdam with my son they had two homicides in that year in the whole country, both domestic, nothing like the "Murder Capital" that my own city, Washington DC is because of the hard drugs that are so pervasive in this city. Oh doG, this is an ugly situation. I'll see you later.

11-21-2003, 07:49 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. I doubt seriously if you'll be banned for being honest. You just made my point.

11-21-2003, 08:03 PM
"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line the Man comes
and takes you away' Buffalo Springfield

11-21-2003, 08:41 PM
My own personal experience - when I drank, I was ten foot tall, bullet proof, funny, smart, a great driver, etc. In short, I was dangerous. When I smoked pot, I was sleepy and mellow and just sat around and smiled at people. Pot was much less dangerous for me than alcohol.

That's exactly right!

I guess since everyone's spilling the beans, I mind as well be totally honest.

Most of my family smokes pot.

My mom on one hand pigs out and gets stupid. I think it's very unhealthy for her and she shouldn't.

My brother, on the other hand is very intelligent. Pot seems to make him smarter because he is less tense. He has a prescription for it because he has a stomach problem that makes it difficult for him to eat. He has a decent job and a house and all that good stuff.

My other brother chose not to touch it. Which I think is wonderful.

I graduated with honors and a 3.9 GPA. I made it into the "Who's Who in America" book in highschool. That is the top percentage of students in the US. I has head delegate for the girl's state. I was in many clubs, the editor of the school paper, starter for basketball, and student body president. I smoked pot the whole time. The only time that I ever got myself into trouble was when I drank.

My husband is by far the most hard working man that I have ever met. He's had two jobs since we've been together. Both companies have ranted and raved to me about what a great worker he is. Just at his holiday party last week, the boss was talking about how he wished he had a 100 Mike's. Mike is very intelligent. He picks up anything that he is taught and excels in it. He always does projects around the house. He painted his own bike, did the electrical, is currently painting our house...Mike smokes pot.

I have no problem with it. The only thing that matters to me is that our son never sees or smells it. He only smokes late at night after Jaden is in bed to unwind. He goes through phases. Sometimes he'll smoke everyday. Other times, he'll go months without it.

I haven't smoked pot since I was 19 or so. Not because it is illegal or because I had a bad experience. Just because I don't care for the high.

I think it is all on the individual. Some people have no right messing with anything, others can handle it. It is up to them to make the decision.

I would much rather see my loved ones smoke pot then drink. I will always discourage drinking and drugs with Jaden...but deep down I would be much more disappointed if he came home drunk then stoned when he is older.

Marijuana is a peaceful relaxant. People don't get violent or crazy on it like they do alcohol. If marijuana should be banned, so should alcohol.

11-21-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by micki76
To not agree with someone’s decision to or to not smoke pot isn’t infringing on their “personal choice” rights. Where should we draw the line of “personal choice”? Should we legalize other drugs? Which ones? Which ones remain illegal? Acid isn’t addictive, but it can be harmful and dangerous to others if the person has a bad experience. Do we only outlaw addictive drugs? If so, there goes cigarettes and alcohol.

I repeat, where do you draw the line? Do we allow people to shoot heroin on the basis that it's their body and they should be allowed to destroy themselves? Do we allow people to snort crank on the same basis? Do we allow people to use the yard poisons and that red dye that caused cancer? Laws are laws for a reason. Some may be antiquated in some opinions, but many are in place for good reasons.

Some of you say yes make it legal, but not in public. Why not? You can smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol in public. If you’re not ashamed and there’s nothing wrong with it then why be forced to hide away in your home or car?

There will always be people that want something legalized and others that want to keep the status quo. If you want pot to be legal then do something about it, likewise if you don't want it legalized do something about it. This is America. Majority rules. Make your choices through your representatives that you elect.

My personal experience with pot is bad - yours may be good. I’m glad that the pot smokers here aren't stupid, lazy and good for nothing, but virtually all of the stoners I've ever personally known are.

11-21-2003, 09:15 PM
Well, and there may very well be a big difference between a casual pot smoker and a 'stoner'.

Just like the difference between a casual drinker and an alcoholic.

And personally, I DO think all these things should only be done in the privacy of ones home. :)

I for one am sick and tired of having to breathe other people's second hand cigarette smoke! It's sick and gross and I don't feel I should have to smell like smoke just because someone else is having a nic fit.


11-21-2003, 09:18 PM
Well, and there may very well be a big difference between a casual pot smoker and a 'stoner'.

Just like the difference between a casual drinker and an alcoholic


11-21-2003, 09:45 PM
Micki- which candidate for high office should I vote for? One of the problems with trying to legalize pot is that politicians can't get elected if they even admit they ever smoked it!

11-21-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
Well, and there may very well be a big difference between a casual pot smoker and a 'stoner'.

Just like the difference between a casual drinker and an alcoholic.

And personally, I DO think all these things should only be done in the privacy of ones home. :)

I for one am sick and tired of having to breathe other people's second hand cigarette smoke! It's sick and gross and I don't feel I should have to smell like smoke just because someone else is having a nic fit.


I agree. I think one should be able to do absolutely any old thing they want to, in the privacy of their own home, and as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

I personally don't want the government telling me what I can or can't smoke or drink. If you aren't harming someone else, go for it. That's my motto.

If Joe Blow wants to sit on his couch and drink a fifth of whiskey every day, until he dies of liver failure ... hey, that's sad, but he's an adult, it's his business. Just so he doesn't drive drunk, neglect his kids, or expect my tax dollars to fix his problems.

Same thing if he wants to shoot heroin or smoke pot or eat twelve pints of ice cream per day. His problems, his house, his money, his life. Just so he isn't hurting anyone else, what right does the government have to tell him to stop?

11-23-2003, 09:19 AM
My roomie at school was saying she would be afraid that the cost of health care would rise. I don't see it. Any thoughts?

I think that the money saved in the court system and the money raised in taxes would offset any (if any) health care increases. I just don't think that the health care industry would see any difference.

11-23-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
My roomie at school was saying she would be afraid that the cost of health care would rise. I don't see it. Any thoughts?

I think that the money saved in the court system and the money raised in taxes would offset any (if any) health care increases. I just don't think that the health care industry would see any difference.

I guess it wouldn't be any worse than the health care costs for treating cigarette smoking related illnesses.

11-23-2003, 10:43 AM
I guess because I think that the smoking rate may actually decrease if it were legal, it would seem that the health care costs would go down.....just my line of thinking....but how often is THAT right? ;) :D :p

11-23-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
I still will smoke an occasional joint, I have since the 60's.

Well said Laurie, how brave of you!

I wonder what people would think of someone who has smoked joints regularly for 40 years!

Someone who runs their own business illustrating awkward concepts for text books (history, maths, physics and chemistry), has worked for 8 years on a National Encyclopaedia, has a well balanced son who is a civil engineer, and looks in the dictionary if he is in doubt about his spelling. And not least is vehemently opposed to all hard drugs, legal or illegal, especially the unnecessary ones the drug companies try to foist on us in the name of personal profit.

Smoking pot is obviously dangerous and should be banned, just like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, taking pills, laughing loudly, making sarcastic comments or thinking differently should be. (Whoops! Could that be construed as being a tiny bit sarcastic? Can’t help it I’m afraid, I’m English)

Most things are acceptable IN MODERATION. It’s exaggeration and extremism that are our enemies.

Not to mention the indiscriminate acceptance of all the narrow-minded, one-sided propaganda that we’re constantly bombarded with.

Just a thought.


11-23-2003, 01:07 PM
Well for some of you smoking dope, may well be fine, but it does not affect everyone that way, I have seen it become destructive, maybe not in the way booze does, and I for one cannot understand the need or desire to take the stuff, and I am not some naive person who knows nothing about dack, my experience is that its still a mind altering drug, and I am against it.

I may sound like I am contradicting myself here, making it legal may not be such a bad thing in some ways, because of the way our gangs use it to their advantage at the moment, that would stop all of that, and that could be a positive thing.

For me personally I donot need to take booze or drugs to escape the harsh reality of life, and I can get my highs from simple pleasures in life, each to their own, and I am not coming down on the people who smoke it, it is just not for me.

11-23-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by carole
For me personally I donot need to take booze or drugs to escape the harsh reality of life, and I can get my highs from simple pleasures in life, each to their own, and I am not coming down on the people who smoke it, it is just not for me.

I agree completely. Very well said :)

11-23-2003, 01:33 PM
Not being a pot smoker I can only go on what I have heard. Recently Oprah had a program on about people who unwittingly became addicted to prescribed pain relievers. None of these people intended to. One of her guests, who works in the area of rehabilitating people who have unfortunately ruined their lives by this addiction, brought out something that I think is the crux of the situation. When she was asked why people refer to alcoholism or drug addiction as a disease (rather than a choice), she said that there is a genetic component to their addiction. Not everyone who takes a drink will become an alcoholic, nor will every person who takes oxycodone (sp?) soon be abusing prescription drugs. It is all in genetic make-up. That to me is a sobering thought. I just wouldn't want to be a legislator making decisions on legalizing anything that might be instrumental in someone wrecking their lives. That said, I suppose I am hippocritical in that I do like an occasional glass of wine. :rolleyes:

11-23-2003, 02:19 PM
I want you all to know that I have never and never will smoke pot, or a cigarette, or get drunk, but, if someone else wants to do it without endangering others by driving afterwards....go for it. I for one am an incredible control freak and don't like to be without all of my faculties, so have chosen not to do anything that alters my brain, but, I'm not going to sit in judgement of those who do. I will say that I would rather not see young people do it because their brains are still developing, but that's as far as I will go.

11-23-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
My roomie at school was saying she would be afraid that the cost of health care would rise. I don't see it. Any thoughts?

I think that the money saved in the court system and the money raised in taxes would offset any (if any) health care increases. I just don't think that the health care industry would see any difference.

I don't see any impact whatsoever on the cost of healthcare. It would be interesting to see the percentage of medical costs directly attributable to marijuana now - I would wager it would be such a small percentage that it would be almost zero. There are, frankly, not many health side effects of smoking pot - no matter what they tell you in seventh grade health class. (Which, by the way, I'm not against ... if you can exaggarate and scare kids straight, go for it! ;) ) Few people can/do smoke enough pot to affect their lungs, unlike cigarette smokers. And, I can't imagine these health care cost rising if it were legal, because I don't personally believe very many more people would do it if it were legal then illegal.

11-23-2003, 05:44 PM
I don't know if this statement is 100 per cent correct, but I have read that although dope smokers perhaps smoke less, it has a worse impact on their lungs, than tobacco,just quoting what I read, so if that is correct I think we have enough health problems that are taking their toll on our health systems, with obesity,cigerette smoking, alcohol etc, why add one more.

So everyone who thinks its ok, are you telling me the research done is all nonsense, it does not kill the brain cells, or anything else,that all the claims are false, hmm I wonder.......I guess we believe what we want to believe.

Just because you are in control of your faculties now, does not mean that as you continue to use dope, that you will always be, the person I know who smokes it daily, is an intelligent human being for sure, but he continues not to work, when he is high, he is not the real him, and he does have other problems, memory etc, so although he could come across fine, there are still hidden problems,one positive thing, he has two wonderful children, one a lawyer, one who has a computer degree, who donot touch drugs as far as I know, but then they were raised by their mother, and I feel sorry for both of them, having a dad like him.

You may consider him a miniority, but I Think if you researched it more, he may not be.

For me its a case of been there done that, not interested, my opinion is that alot of people who choose to do this, just use it as an out from stress and everyday life pressures, it takes them away from the reality of it all, to another place, I suppose if it works for you fine, but I Have seen the less positive side of it all .

11-23-2003, 06:02 PM
I've seen both sides, but, the people on the bad side are basically smoking it for the thrill of it because it's illegal.

Miss Meow
11-23-2003, 06:09 PM
Just out of curiosity, do dope smokers in other parts of the world mix their dope with tobacco? That's what most people do here, so they're still inhaling tobacco in their bong or joints - the tobacco is probably worse than cigarettes because there's no filter before the smoke hits their lungs.

11-23-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Just out of curiosity, do dope smokers in other parts of the world mix their dope with tobacco? That's what most people do here, so they're still inhaling tobacco in their bong or joints - the tobacco is probably worse than cigarettes because there's no filter before the smoke hits their lungs.

And that's why smoking a joint is more harmful as well, because there's no filter in a joint where there is in a cigarette.

11-23-2003, 06:49 PM
THANKS kayann and Miss Meow, that was what I was trying to say, you hit the nail on the head. yep it is indeed more harmful to the lungs.

11-23-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by carole
I think we have enough health problems that are taking their toll on our health systems, with obesity,cigerette smoking, alcohol etc, why add one more.

So everyone who thinks its ok, are you telling me the research done is all nonsense, it does not kill the brain cells, or anything else,that all the claims are false, hmm I wonder.......I guess we believe what we want to believe.

Obesity, cigarette smoking, alcohol most certainly are taking a toll on our health care sytem. However, you would not be adding a new drug to that list, simply because it became legal. People smoke pot now, they will smoke pot if it was legal. Either way, the drug already exists, and is already making an impact (how much is impossible to prove) on our health care system. The difference would be that if it is legalized, the government could tax it, and use that tax revenue to do all kinds of beneficial things, including upgrading health care. Right now, all the money is going to some drug dealer on the street, where it could be going to you and I, via the government's taxation.

I, for one, never said it was ok. On the contrary. I said, "I believe that smoking pot is not healthy for you. I also think that drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and eating fettucini alfredo is not healthy for you." Doing ANY of those things is stupid, and bad for you ... how stupid and how bad for you depends on how much you do them, of course. The point being, however, some are legal and some are illegal. Alcohol is legal, pot is not. Alcohol sales are creating a huge tax base, marijuana sales are creating very rich drug dealers. Hypocracy.

Just out of curiosity, do dope smokers in other parts of the world mix their dope with tobacco? That's what most people do here, so they're still inhaling tobacco in their bong or joints


11-23-2003, 11:51 PM
I say YAY. Alot of ppl I know do it and I hate having to see ppl sneak around with it, it should be legal because it isnt as bad as smoking and pluse Alot of ppl do it for stress reasons. You cant get HIGH off marijuana, u just get either hyped up, or you burn out. It calms you down. I dont think it is bad. '

Originally posted by lbaker
I still will smoke an occasional joint, I have since the 60's.

I do it once in a while to :o... But I havet for like 2 months. I really dont think it is as bad as ppl think.

11-23-2003, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
And that's why smoking a joint is more harmful as well, because there's no filter in a joint where there is in a cigarette.

thats why there is such thing as a pipe!!! ;). pipes have made in filters so you dont inhail bud.

11-24-2003, 12:09 AM
I know a lot of people that have smoked or DO smoke pot and have never and WILL never try any other drug. BECAUSE thats just lame. Weed isnt a gateway drug PPL are the gateway drug, they make their own decisions, weed doesnt. Dont blame WEED lol. :p

11-24-2003, 12:54 PM
Tikeyas_mom you are probably right, however I have known several people who have gone onto harder drugs, but it does depend on the person, i guess.

Twisterdog, I AGREE with you, although I am personally very much against dope smoking, I believe making it legal will solve a lot of problems, and their will more than likely be a postive side to it, taxing it to the hilt is the way to go, it will be legal in NZ soon , I am pretty certain of that., right now the gangs make big money out of it, and their is a lot of drug associated deaths, when deals go sour.

Making it legal will not make any difference to MO, I will still be against it, so its not just a case of being against it because one is breaking the law for me, regardless how mild it is, it still is a mind altering drug FULLSTOP., and the long term effects will not be known for some years to come, will be interesting to see the older generation in years to come.

Just like to add one more thing, smoking dack,drinking booze, or even over-eating can all become addictions for some people, yes a lot of people can smoke dack with no real noticable effects(although long term we donot know for certain) and some people cannot, thats the bottom line really., some people can do it in moderation, and not become addicted, and some cannot, those who say its non-addictive, I would beg to differ, have seen that with my friend, he cannot live without it.

11-24-2003, 01:53 PM
But you don't go through withdrawals when you quit smoking pot, unlike the withdrawals from tobacco or alcohol, therefore it can't be called truly addictive (at least IMHO).

I do agree that it is a mind altering drug, but so is alcohol and it is legal (just look at the debacle of Prohibition), and it has much worse effects than pot does. Neither one should be used and then drive a motor vehicle.

I still say that just because I choose not to use it, doesn't mean that other consenting ADULTS shouldn't be able to imbibe if they so choose as long as they don't drive after using. What one adult does with his/her body is NOT my business.

Sorry youngsters...I don't think that you should be able to use it legally...just like alcohol, even though there are many teens that would be more responsible than many adults.

11-24-2003, 01:55 PM
There is no medical or scientific evidence to support the claim that pot is physically addictive. Like nail biting, for some it may be a bad habit, but the chemicals in pot are not addictive. Nicotine, for example, is physically addictive.

11-24-2003, 01:57 PM
Hmm.. then half of the people in my school must be smoking something else in the bathrooms, because they obviously can't go without it through the day. Although, it smells a heck alot like it.

11-24-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Hmm.. then half of the people in my school must be smoking something else in the bathrooms, because they obviously can't go without it through the day. Although, it smells a heck alot like it.
Just because they skip classes to smoke pot doesn't mean they are addicted. Like was said, it can become a bad habit. I can't go through the day without chewing my nails or without reading...One bad habit, and one good, but I'm not addicted to either. I've skipped class to read.

11-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Just because they skip classes to smoke pot doesn't mean they are addicted. Like was said, it can become a bad habit. I can't go through the day without chewing my nails or without reading...One bad habit, and one good, but I'm not addicted to either. I've skipped class to read.

They don't just smoke classes, they go there between every class, at lunch, and after school.

People say "omg, i need to go smoke a joint" or "omg i need some weed" and many other idiotic things.

11-24-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
They don't just smoke classes, they go there between every class, at lunch, and after school.

People say "omg, i need to go smoke a joint" or "omg i need some weed" and many other idiotic things.

But it's not becaue they physically HAVE to have it....it's because it sounds "cool" to them.

11-24-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
They don't just smoke classes, they go there between every class, at lunch, and after school.

People say "omg, i need to go smoke a joint" or "omg i need some weed" and many other idiotic things.
Same with me and reading...I read in class and out. I also say "Omg, I need my book." I'm not addicted.

11-24-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
But it's not becaue they physically HAVE to have it....it's because it sounds "cool" to them.

Eh... I guess so, either way it's stupid.

11-24-2003, 02:52 PM
Mugsy I hear what you are saying, but with the person I am talking about he is 50 years old, and there is no question in my mind he is hopelessly addicted, and at 50 he is not trying to be cool anymore.

Maybe for some people it is addictive, is it not true different chemicals affect everyone in a different way, I would still argue the point as to whether it really is addictive or not.

Whatever the case maybe, when any person turns to a substance of any kind, and continually needs it, they have a problem IMO., regardless whether its considered addictive or not.

One thing I wish to mention, is if you are driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and get caught you are punished, but if you are under the influence of dope, you won't be, well not yet in my country, although drugs testing may come here yet., everyone says including myself I would feel safer with someone under the influence of Dope than alcohol, but still how safe is it really, and how much has to be consumed before it affects ones driving ability, I believe as with alcohol, your reactions are a lot slower, so infact it is still dangerous.

11-24-2003, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
They don't just smoke classes, they go there between every class, at lunch, and after school.

People say "omg, i need to go smoke a joint" or "omg i need some weed" and many other idiotic things.

howmuch doyou wanna bet the weed the ppl smoke at your school is laced with coke .... that would make it addicting.

11-24-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I say YAY. Alot of ppl I know do it and I hate having to see ppl sneak around with it, it should be legal because it isnt as bad as smoking and pluse Alot of ppl do it for stress reasons. You cant get HIGH off marijuana, u just get either hyped up, or you burn out. It calms you down. I dont think it is bad. '

Originally posted by lbaker
I still will smoke an occasional joint, I have since the 60's.

I do it once in a while to :o... But I havet for like 2 months. I really dont think it is as bad as ppl think.

YES you can get high off of Marijuana, when you're high you KNOW you're high, your mouth gets hella dry, You forget what you were just thinking about, you perception of time and space gets pretty distorted, I've been so blasted I couldn't walk straight(I've only experienced that once though which leads me to believe it could have been laced), you definitly can get high off Marijuana.

11-24-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Relentless
YES you can get high off of Marijuana, when you're high you KNOW you're high, your mouth gets hella dry, You forget what you were just thinking about, you perception of time and space gets pretty distorted, I've been so blasted I couldn't walk straight(I've only experienced that once though which leads me to believe it could have been laced), you definitly can get high off Marijuana.

lol yeah I guess. but thats the fun part of it lol. You forgot to add the excessive eating that is involved!! lol

11-24-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
They don't just smoke classes, they go there between every class, at lunch, and after school.

People say "omg, i need to go smoke a joint" or "omg i need some weed" and many other idiotic things.

They probably also say, OMG I need that new cd or I'll die. Or I've gotta have a peanut snickers now, It doesn't necessarily indicate that it's addictive.

11-24-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
thats why there is such thing as a pipe!!! ;). pipes have made in filters so you dont inhail bud.

I think you got filter mixed up with screen, I have never seen a cotton/fiberglass filter in/on a pipe like they have on a cigarette but I have seen plenty of screens on pipes, and they aren't made in, they are removable. ;)

Cigarette filters don't do much health wise, the main reason for them is so you don't get tabacco in your mouth, it doesn't filter the smoke itself at all, but even if it did which it doesn't whats so hard about legalizing Marijuana and sticking filters on a pack of cigaweeds?

11-24-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
lol yeah I guess. but thats the fun part of it lol. You forgot to add the excessive eating that is involved!! lol

Yeah when you're high you can easily put away three large bags of chips without feeling the least bit full.

11-24-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I say YAY. Alot of ppl I know do it and I hate having to see ppl sneak around with it, it should be legal because it isnt as bad as smoking and pluse Alot of ppl do it for stress reasons. You cant get HIGH off marijuana, u just get either hyped up, or you burn out. It calms you down. I dont think it is bad. '

umm, you most certainly CAN get high off marijuana.

11-24-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
umm, you most certainly CAN get high off marijuana. I have smoked weed befor I didnt feel any different lol. A couple of months ago I smoked some weed and I got really hyper and ate a HUGE bag of munchies lol. I never really feel any difference in my self. I never really feel HIGH like I never trip out.

11-24-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I have smoked weed befor I didnt feel any different lol. A couple of months ago I smoked some weed and I got really hyper and ate a HUGE bag of munchies lol. I never really feel any difference in my self. I never really feel HIGH like I never trip out.

You usually don't get high the first couple times you smoke.(This being from personal experiences)And its impossible to get high if you don't inhale.

11-24-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I have smoked weed befor I didnt feel any different lol. A couple of months ago I smoked some weed and I got really hyper and ate a HUGE bag of munchies lol. I never really feel any difference in my self. I never really feel HIGH like I never trip out.

Okay, do me a favor then and DON'T drive while you're really hyper and eating a huge bag of munchies but not high. :D

11-24-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
Okay, do me a favor then and DON'T drive while you're really hyper and eating a huge bag of munchies but not high. :D I am not some sort of idiot :rolleyes:

11-24-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
Okay, do me a favor then and DON'T drive while you're really hyper and eating a huge bag of munchies but not high. :D

I hate when the crumbs fall in the crack of the seat..

especially on the freeway.

11-24-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I hate when the crumbs fall in the crack of the seat..

especially on the freeway.
I hate it when that happens!
and the steering wheeel gets greasy.... not a pretty scene.;)

Rio and Me
11-24-2003, 04:13 PM
Not forgeting the gear stick,lol

11-24-2003, 04:41 PM
I have to say that this is a GREAT thread.

It's been controversial and serious, funny and
food for thought (MUNCHIES, anyone?)

Just an observation...

11-24-2003, 05:00 PM
Some idiot smoked a joint in the women's restroom here at work last week.

Yuck - my company is pretty lenient (we don't do pee-tests to get hired) but its still darn rude to do this at the work place. I hope we eventually catch the person. It was so stupid - anyone could have walked in and caught her. I wouldn't have hesitated for a moment to turn her in.


11-24-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I have to say that this is a GREAT thread.

It's been controversial and serious, funny and
food for thought (MUNCHIES, anyone?)

Just an observation...

Why thank you. On other boards I get banned for posting things like this. XD

11-24-2003, 05:40 PM
I went to a concert last monday night and
some joker was trying to light up a joint.
That caused the security dude to come and roust

that sucked because you are trying to watch the show and make sure you aren't in a postion where you will get trampled or involved in a tussle should one begin (it was a 'festival standing' gig)..

People who smoke in the heads at work usually will cause ALOT of problems for the other employees...

Btw, I don't smoke pot, it smokes me.

:rolleyes: :eek: :confused: ;)

11-25-2003, 10:40 AM
I remember going to concerts in the 70s when I was in high school and sitting at the top of the coliseum and getting a contact high from all the pot that was being smoked. Like I've said, I don't smoke anything and have always resented being subjected to it against my will when I'm trying to enjoy a night out or at a concert. The worst offender to me is cigarette smoke. While I don't like any of it, I find pot smoke much less offensive.

Ok Richard...I left the door WIDE open for you with that last comment! ;) :p

11-25-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
I find pot smoke much less offensive.

Ok Richard...I left the door WIDE open for you with that last comment! ;) :p


this isn't the football thread???


11-25-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
The worst offender to me is cigarette smoke. While I don't like any of it, I find pot smoke much less offensive.

I can't tell you how many times I've had holes burned in my shirts from stupid drunk people smoking cigarettes. :mad:

11-25-2003, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
I can't tell you how many times I've had holes burned in my shirts from stupid drunk people smoking cigarettes. :mad:

Flaming tobacco sticks!!!!

I think if we outlawed guns the thought of crime and war would
severely decline!!

But, the absolute worst is burning your own shirt with a joint;)

Especially if it's the shirt you went back to buy because you liked it and it's the first time out wearing it...

Not that I would know about it...;)

11-25-2003, 12:16 PM
I know what you mean. I remember one time -
uh um
nevermind :o ;)

11-25-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
I know what you mean. I remember one time -
uh um
nevermind :o ;)

What's worse?

Seeing the ember fall and melt thru the clothing?


Being blissfully unaware you could be a candidate for the local burn ward?

I vote for wars with burning tobacco sticks.
It's more personable and people won't be able to run around the battlefield due to shortness of breath.

Just think....

"I think I'll smoke a ciggie before this battle."
or "I don't have a light, let me ask those guys over there...." or "Hey, YOU! Do you have an extra ciggie????"

That usually is followed by a drink or cup of coffee.....A peek at the newspaper or a nap and then it's time for another ciggie!!!

No more war.


11-25-2003, 12:48 PM
Substitute a joint for a ciggie and they might forget what they were fighting about in the first place :p

11-25-2003, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Substitute a joint for a ciggie and they might forget what they were fighting about in the first place :p
So true! :D

11-25-2003, 01:48 PM
I think "pot smoke" smells like someone took a big crap. :o

11-25-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I think "pot smoke" smells like someone took a big crap. :o

I think I could have gone a lifetime without an analogy like that one, KayAnn. :eek:

Never smoked pot, never will, and I don't condone it!

11-25-2003, 01:53 PM
Well Logan, KayAnn always has been so very shy about her feelings you know ;) (just kidding KayAnn... you know we love you)

11-25-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I think "pot smoke" smells like someone took a big crap. :o


I usually spray the room instead of sniffing around trying to figure out if it's pot or poop.


11-25-2003, 02:08 PM
I went to see Pink Floyd about 7 years ago in Philly (Veterans Stadium). This was an 'open air' event and even so I got my share of second hand pot smoke. If anything I would say it has sort of a sweet smell. The air was so thick with it, that if this had been held indoors I probably would have not been able to find the door when it was time to leave. :rolleyes:

11-25-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I went to see Pink Floyd about 7 years ago in Philly (Veterans Stadium). This was an 'open air' event and even so I got my share of second hand pot smoke. If anything I would say it has sort of a sweet smell. The air was so thick with it, that if this had been held indoors I probably would have not been able to find the door when it was time to leave. :rolleyes:

Probably 'skunk weed'!!!

On the way into work I drive thru Griffith Park...about every third week a skunk gets run over and you can smell him a mile away...
it smells like pot!

P.s. Check out the Roger Waters DVD, "In the Flesh"..

some classic 'Floyd' Tunes on it!

11-25-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I think "pot smoke" smells like someone took a big crap. :o
I love the smell of pot lol. :o It smells like the fake smoke they use when lazer bowling. I don't smoke it, because I'm paranoid about those things...I just like the smell hehe.

11-26-2003, 06:33 PM
Smells like incense to me.

11-27-2003, 12:17 AM
I don't know how I feel about making pot legal, but I do know that the smell of it INSTATLY makes me feel like I have to throw up. I'm seriously allergic to it and to cigarette smoke. It will give me a migraine for over a day. I don't smoke it.. this is all just from second hand stuff at concerts or city bus stops :rolleyes:

I think it's disgusting, just like cigarettes, and I think it's stupid to smoke it. But that's just me. As long as no one smokes it around me, I don't really care.

smokey the elder
11-28-2003, 10:16 AM
This is a great debate. Here's my opinion, FWIW.

I think some people are prone to addiction, be it alcohol, other drugs, food, the Internet...

There are others who think "everything in moderation, including moderation." I tend to be in that group. Life's too short not to indulge oneself occasionally.

Oh, and about legalization: I have a Libertarian mindset, not the extreme survivalist part, but the part that the government ought to be limited in what it can and cannot impose on the citizenry. I think there should be a strong line drawn between what may go on in one's home and what may go on in public. Personal responsibility must play a part. No one wants to be responsible for their own actions in the US anymore. Why else are there so many lawsuits?

The short answer: legalize and tax it. This may seem contradictory to the above, the US needs to wean itself off the huge deficit.

I'd rather Uncle Sam (or for non-US citizens, the equivalent) use the money for the people than have gangs and organized crime get it.

Most people in the US grow their own anyway, I think. ;)

11-28-2003, 10:21 AM
Smokey, I'm so glad you replied to this thread!!! (seriously). I've been reading up on libertarianism (to impress a guy, yes I admit it!).... anyway. I'd love to hear more about your views if you were so inclined.

11-28-2003, 10:45 AM
Believe it or not, one of the most eloquent arguments for legalizing all drugs was penned by William F. Buckley, Jr (the ultra-conservative who started "National Revew").

I'll see if I can find a link to it.

11-29-2003, 07:01 AM
The voices of reason speak eloquently, thank you :cool:

11-29-2003, 12:34 PM
CSPAN "Washington Journal" did a call-in show this morning, equal time for those who would or would not vote for a candidate for high office who admitted smoking marijuana.

One of their editors must read Pet Talk!:)

I found the following by doing a search on Legalizing Drugs/William F. Buckley. Not what I was looking for, but pertinent. (apologies for not locating the name of the author).


March 23, 1997
The success of medical marijuana initiatives in Arizona and California in last fall's elections prompted the predictable response from Drug Warriors. However, two mundane experiences from the real world demonstrate that these rantings amount to, as Shakespeare wrote in Macbeth, "sound and fury signifying nothing."

When I was in boot camp in 1983, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. The dentist, a Navy commander, gave me an industrial strength dose of pain killers. During the operation, and for about two hours afterward, I was barely able to speak coherently, let alone drive a car, fly an airplane, or operate a table saw.

I have a co-worker who is an active tennis and roller hockey player. By anyone's reckoning, he is in superb health. That is, except for his diabetes, for which he takes daily injections of insulin. From time to time, this insulin produces feelings of lightheadedness and, as he describes it, makes him "feel drunk."

Both novocain and insulin have characteristics which, under other circumstances, would cause them to be illegal. Republicans would argue that, because these drugs make you goofy, they should be outlawed. Democrats would argue that these drugs are not 100 percent safe and that they should, therefore, be outlawed. Doctors prescribe them routinely to countless people, many of whom would never so much as drink a beer or smoke a cigarette. There is no epidemic of novocain or insulin use, or any criminal subculture trafficking in these drugs.

Marijuana, on the other hand, does not have the blessing of the FDA, the DEA, the AMA or any of the other alphabet soup organizations which act as our medical gatekeepers. Even though many legal substances have the same effects as marijuana, a veritable propaganda jihad is being waged to make sure that marijuana remains illegal in all circumstances. This is happening despite the fact that marijuana has been shown to have very positive medicinal benefits for people suffering from cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, migraines, and other maladies.

Opponents of medical marijuana argue that there are already legal drugs which produce benefits similar to marijuana, and that medical marijuana is therefore not necessary. Medical evidence reveals that marijuana works faster than other drugs to relieve certain forms of suffering, and that dosages of marijuana are easier to regulate on a case by case basis. Marijuana is also less expensive than other remedies. The decision whether or not to use marijuana ought to remain between doctors and patients.

Some say that marijuana should remain illegal because it has never been tested medicinally. Well, gee, I wonder why. I mean, like, you could go to jail for doing studies with results which might, you know like, help people. Actually, there have been several tests of marijuana for medicinal proposes, which have discovered, among other things, that marijuana smoking can cure glaucoma. The whole business of outlawing even the testing of medical marijuana points up just one more unintended consequence of the Drug War.

Some say that marijuana should remain illegal in all circumstances because it is a "gateway drug", the use of which "leads to" the use of harder drugs. The huge majority of people who smoke marijuana never become potheads, much less go on to use anything stronger. Moreover, why do we draw the line with marijuana? Haven't most crackheads also used alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine? Why do not these drugs "lead to" crack addiction? Should we not, therefore, also outlaw these drugs? (William F. Buckley points out that all rapists have at one time or another masturbated. Is masturbation a "gateway " behavior, which should also be criminalized?)

Conservatives, who so rightfully inveigh against political correctness, have made drug prohibition the object of more political correctness than any other issue. Whenever someone raises the subject of ending the Drug War, or even legalizing medical marijuana, liberals and conservatives alike descend on that person as if they had suggested that the earth was flat. They are far more concerned with spouting the party line than they are with providing any kind of serious defense for their position.

If marijuana were 100 percent safe, it would be the only 100 percent safe substance on the planet. There are plenty of drugs available, which do wonderful things for countless people, in spite of their harmful side effects. Novocain and insulin are just two cases in point. I am allergic to a family of drugs known as sulfa drugs, which no doubt benefit numerous people. There are even people who are allergic to penicillin. I would not recommend getting behind a steering wheel immediately after a belt of Nyquil.

Even if you favor the Drug War, opposition to medicinal use of marijuana represents the same brand of fanaticism which, in the 1940s, led the United States to send thousands of Japanese-Americans to internment camps on the name of fighting Japan. Ironically, Japanese-Americans who were allowed to join the military were among the most decorated servicemen of World War II. Likewise, marijuana, if legalized for medical purposes, may prove one of the safest, most effective, and most inexpensive drugs available. The real crime is that the government, for no good reason, may jail you for even investigating this possibility.


Proposition 215, California's Medical Marijuana Initiative

smokey the elder
11-30-2003, 08:41 AM
I have to warn you: the story I'm about to tell you has no documentable provenance. But, I have heard that the criminalization of marijuana was pushed by, of all things, the forest product industry! The hemp plant is not just good for pharmaceuticals. Hemp fiber is one of the best sources of cellulose. There is a good reason why hemp rope was highly prized.

The FP industry wanted to use trees for paper, not easily grown "weeds."

Hemp grows 15 feet in a season. The cellulose yield is many times that of a tree stand.

Male hemp seeds are highly nutricious and have no active ingredient.

"Reefer Madness" is paper industry propaganda, nothing more!

As far as the wider issue of "legislating morality" that's a touchy thing. Those who are pro say that one's actions affect the society, i. e. taxpayers, so they should be regulated. These are Federalists, whether they are Democratic or Republican.

Libertarians are basically descended from Jeffersonian Democrats, no relation to today's party. Two more opposite philosophies you couldn't find.

L. Neil Smith is a Libertarian science fiction writer. He envisions a society which would be considered anarchy by today's standards. It's almost tribal, but mercantilism, not federalism, is the glue that holds it together.

So much for my Sunday soap box!

11-30-2003, 09:18 AM
It is odd that our goverment would ban a farm crop which could thrive on marginal acreage, supplant cotton in particular.

And they know better. I went to college at U of Illinois when marijuana grew in every fencerow. The military grew hemp for rope during WW11 at Rantoul Air Force Base near there, and this common weed was a joke to us.

It had low THC, you could smoke a joint of it and all you got was a headache. It was called "dump dope" because it was so plentiful at the local landfill. Why not develop hybrid strains with zero THC, and allow it to be produced for fiber?

Thanks Smokey, for the tip on L. Neil Smith. Sounds like interesting reading.

11-30-2003, 07:33 PM
My last word on this is, I cannot understand why people choose to take drugs when they donot need to, I have no choice but to take painkillers regularly and other medications for health reasons, I would prefer not to have to take them, as I donot know the long term effect, if I Choose not to , then my life would not be worth living., as the quality of life would be zero.

So for me smoking dope, is something I just cannot get my head around, why poisen your body and mind when you DONOT HAVE TO.

11-30-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by carole
My last word on this is, I cannot understand why people choose to take drugs when they donot need to, I have no choice but to take painkillers regularly and other medications for health reasons, I would prefer not to have to take them, as I donot know the long term effect, if I Choose not to , then my life would not be worth living., as the quality of life would be zero.

So for me smoking dope, is something I just cannot get my head around, why poisen your body and mind when you DONOT HAVE TO.

So would you approve of the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes?

12-01-2003, 03:57 PM
In answer to your question YES I would, although this may sound contradictory I am not 100 per cent against legalisation , because many people have put forward valid reasons I agree with, it would cut down on the gang crime, which is rife here in NZ too, I Would however like to see it taxed to the hilt.

It is your choice to smoke or not to smoke, I just simply cannot understand it, I could choose to smoke dack if it were legal for pain relief, however i would choose NOT TOO, the pain relief I take now, does not alter my head in anyway, its mild, whether it will have some long term effect on my body, well I probably will never know.

Its just hard for me to get my head around it all, I would do anything in the world not to have to take pills of any kind, and yet other people, harm their lungs, their minds, simply for recreation, I can understand experienting, been there , done that, but as maturity sets in I just feel its plain dumb, just my very honest opinion, I have very stong views,I realise this, but thats just how I feel personally, each to their own I suppose.

12-01-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by carole
In answer to your question YES I would, although this may sound contradictory I am not 100 per cent against legalisation , because many people have put forward valid reasons I agree with, it would cut down on the gang crime, which is rife here in NZ too, I Would however like to see it taxed to the hilt.

It is your choice to smoke or not to smoke, I just simply cannot understand it, I could choose to smoke dack if it were legal for pain relief, however i would choose NOT TOO, the pain relief I take now, does not alter my head in anyway, its mild, whether it will have some long term effect on my body, well I probably will never know.

Its just hard for me to get my head around it all, I would do anything in the world not to have to take pills of any kind, and yet other people, harm their lungs, their minds, simply for recreation, I can understand experienting, been there , done that, but as maturity sets in I just feel its plain dumb, just my very honest opinion, I have very stong views,I realise this, but thats just how I feel personally, each to their own I suppose.

I see. :)
I wasn't really questioning you on it, I was just curious as it wasn't quite clear in your other post. But you made yourself clear now, thanks.
As for me I don't really care one way or the other.

12-01-2003, 08:18 PM
No problem, just wanted to make myself clear.:)

12-02-2003, 05:24 PM
frank sinatra was a pot head......

look at "strangers in the night"

Doobie doobie doo......

see, told ya!

12-03-2003, 07:41 PM
I believe the lyrics from Blue Eyes went "Scooby, doobie, do...do,do,do,dee dah.."

Which might go a ways towards explaining that cartoon dude with the bleary disheveled appearance.

Everyone knows the Rat Pack were boozers!

Lady's Human
12-04-2003, 07:03 PM
There are some things that the government needs to get out of. If someone wants to smoke a joint, fine, no problem. Tax it like they do other "sins" and leave people alone. If something is causing no harm to others the government needs to ignore it.

If you have 30 people and a keg in one room, and 30 people and 2 or three pipes going around in another room, which room will you needs the police in?

The US needs to end all attempts at being a mommy state, and start letting people take responsibility for their own choices. The Constitution was written to limit government intrusion in people's lives, and we have gone far, far afield from that idea.

12-06-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Lady's Human

If you have 30 people and a keg in one room, and 30 people and 2 or three pipes going around in another room, which room will you needs the police in?

That's easy...

The local donut shop.....

Together, donuts and beer suck.
Hang around with people blowing dope you'll get the munchies....

Stoners love donuts.
Cops love donuts.

they have more in common than they realize.

Not that I would know.;)

12-06-2003, 10:16 PM
Stoners love donuts.

No, no, Richard .... stoners love Doritos! ;)

12-06-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
No, no, Richard .... stoners love Doritos! ;)

"Abba Zabba, you my only friend."


12-07-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
"Abba Zabba, you my only friend."

sweets for the sweet!

12-07-2003, 09:37 AM
Fritos & chocolate, not the bogus "corn chips" but REAL Fritos and maybe California onion dip with some M&M's on the side. Don't bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me ;)

12-07-2003, 03:03 PM
Yay. If we've learned anything from the 20s when alchohol was illegal we'd know that making a drug, or really anything, illegal, makes people want it more. And, it's true, you hear much less about people dying from marijuana then from cigarettes, and, anyway, it's readily available now, just illegal.

12-07-2003, 03:46 PM
Don`t know about making marijuana legal, but here in the UK Government Ministers are being urged to ban tobacco, make it an illegal substance and possession a crime!!



12-07-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Don`t know about making marijuana legal, but here in the UK Government Ministers are being urged to ban tobacco, make it an illegal substance and possession a crime!!



what are they smoking???