View Full Version : Am I the only idiot who can't post pictures?

11-18-2003, 07:04 PM
I do what I am supposed to do and they don't turn out?????? FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-18-2003, 07:10 PM
everyone has problems at first.
Do you have your pictures stored on a website that allows off site viewing (remote linking)? i.e. ImageStation

If so, then do this:
left click on the thumbnail size shot to get the larger shot
right click on the picture
left click on properties
Highlight the address
right click on the highlighted address and copy

then come to pet talk, start a post or thread

left click on the IMG button
right click inside the box and click paste

that should work

11-18-2003, 07:22 PM
See Phred's excellent tutorial here. (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406)

11-18-2003, 07:46 PM
But that is exactly what I did!! ARGH!!!!!! My pictures are in a photoalbum at ENTER.NET, my ISP, and yes they allow remote posting, I do it all the time at the other board I go to. Except, I have to use the <IMG SRC> method over there. This worked for me the other day, but it would only let me post one picture at a time, and now not at all! Maybe, just maybe the computer Gods are telling me to stay away, BOOHOOHOO.

But.............Thanks so much for your help. Maybe tomorrow. Oh, I saw Pouncers pics--he is so adorable! Those gray tabbies are my favorite--ooops, I didn't say that!

11-18-2003, 10:44 PM
Ramona, don't worry you will get the hang of it, and the thread Karen gave you is really good. Of course I had help from other members such as popcornbird, she has been a great help to me, and alot of the others too, sooo many here to help.:) Kfamr and Popcornbird are sooo good at making signatures, and I mean some beautiful ones.:)

11-19-2003, 12:58 AM
Hi Ramona,

The computer gods are not telling you to go away. Besides that would not be a good thing, we would miss you.:(

Anyway, I think that reason that your post are not working is because there is an extra return in the IMG tags. Once again I could go into a very long technical explination on why this is and how I found this and why it matters, but I would just bore you to death. Unless, of course, you are a geek. Plese PM if you are a geek and want to know.;) So we move on. The part that matters is that somehow there is an extra return being put in. So you say, will then how do I fix this Bryan.....(say it). I am so glad that you asked.:)

This could be do to a couple of things, but most likely when you copy out the image from the other site you are picking up that extra retun. The Tags that you use to post a picture at the other site do not care that return is there. However ours do.

So you then want to know how to fix it. I think the easiest way is to use the IMG button in the Post Reply. When you have the window up copy in the HTTP address, then place your cursor at the end of the line so it sits right after the 'G' in JPG, and just hit the delete key 2 or 3 time, then hit the OK button.

There is another way, but I will explain that only if you want. Please feel free to PM me, or reply to this post if you have any questions on what I said or how I did something. Also, please let me know if this does not work, that means that I have not explained something properly and we can work it out from there. One more thing if this works, I should see it, but would you mind letting me know by sending a PM or posting to the thread.

So instead of this:

You will get this:

11-19-2003, 01:13 PM
I have not got the hang of how to put a picture in thats not an attachment , how do you do it ?

11-19-2003, 01:26 PM
Amoore if you up about 4 or 5 posts, you will see one from Karen, and that contains a link to a thread describing how to post a pictures. It is actually pretty good.

If you would read that, and then if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. Please either reply to the thread or you can write me a PM.

I'm asking you to read the read first because it really does help and then I can answer specific questions that you may have. Specific questions are easier to answer.:)


11-19-2003, 01:39 PM
Thanks catdad , I printed all 15 pages out so i can study it . I will be sending you a pm If I still don't get it .Thank you for the offer !You are very nice .:)

11-19-2003, 06:20 PM
Bryan, you are my kind of guy! HAHAHAHAHA Plus, you can read minds can't you? Go on, say it! No, Ramona, I am just very perceptive, LOL!!

I am going off to try your suggestion with kitty number 5!

Thanks tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!