View Full Version : Cami's biting at her paw?

11-18-2003, 10:44 AM
When i was just browsing pettalk i heard a chomp on something hard, like something from that hard peice of whatever chipped off, it was her paw! :eek: I dont know if she bit her nail or what but i ran over to her thinking it was something hazordous.. Why was she biting on her paw like it was a bone? does anyone know?

11-18-2003, 11:08 AM
Hmm, Tasha "trims" her own nails, always has. She seems to know exactly how to do it and has never bitten through a nail too far up. It makes a pop sound like you describe when she bites off a piece. Maybe that is what it was? I'd just keep an eye on her.

11-18-2003, 11:10 AM
Sometimes it could be just itchy, but it might be allergies or even anal problems (some dogs chew their feet/legs when they have anal problems). Just keep an eye on her. :)

11-18-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
Hmm, Tasha "trims" her own nails, always has. She seems to know exactly how to do it and has never bitten through a nail too far up. It makes a pop sound like you describe when she bites off a piece. Maybe that is what it was? I'd just keep an eye on her.

Yep, Millie does it too. She's very good at it. Better than I am and it makes it easier on me since she hates having her nails trimmed. :)