View Full Version : Suprised by the Kitties

11-17-2003, 10:06 PM
I realized that I had not seen Bob and Joey sharing a spot for at least 2 or 3 months. I was getting worried that something had happened to cause a rift between the 2 of them. So, last night I was going to start a thread asking for ideas and experiences. I was thinking that maybe I could get some ideas on how to help my two get over whatever had happened.

So anyway here I was thinking that something had gone terrible wrong, and I needed to figure out how to get my to babies to like each other. Yes, I worry about these things.:o

So, I went out to the store today to get a couple of thing, and I left them like this. Bob in the Comfy chair and Joey on the couch blanket. I am not even sure why I took this photo.:confused:

However, when I came back from the store, I found this. I got so excited that I grabbed the camera and took a few pics.

After which Joey immediately got up and left. She went to here safe spot in closet. She came out about an hour later and tried to get back on the chair with Bob. She just hopped up on the chair and nosed at Bob's tummy. However, he was having none of it at this point. Bob swatted at her and she left, no noises. It was all very civilized.

I think I may have also my answer as to why the two haven't been sitting together, at least in my presence. I think it is me and that darn bright flash.:o I guess I will have to stop taking pictures of the 2 of them for a while, sitting together at least. I will still be taking individual shots, I am not giving that up.:)

Well that's my story, I just had to tell someone. You all were the unfortunate victims.;)

Thanks for reading.:D

11-17-2003, 10:36 PM
Aww! They look so sweet and cosy together! I haven't been able to catch a pic of my two together, although lately they have been getting closer - on purpose! The other day I caught Mitzi sidling up to Mishi; she actually cuddled up to him and they slept butt-to-butt for about half an hour! He's much bolder and does that cute guy fake-yawn, paw around the shoulders thing with her - it's SO cute but I do't dare disturb them (yet) by taking pictures of their cuddling .... but I will soon! Soon! :)

11-17-2003, 10:49 PM
They look too cute!!!
I think it just takes Patience! :confused: :p :D

11-18-2003, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by RedHedd
He's much bolder and does that cute guy fake-yawn, paw around the shoulders thing with her


11-18-2003, 05:19 AM
I think your method worked: Joey didn't like the blanket on the couch:D

And imagine: whenever you sit on one chair cuddling with someone -would you like that some moron with a flash comes along:D :p

11-18-2003, 05:49 AM
Maybe they are embarrased? :o "uh oh, caught by dad, we'd better break it up!";)

11-18-2003, 09:55 AM
Dont worry about the Cats! They will become the Best of Pals , but in thier own time frame , and at thier own pace.You cant hurry Love , as they said in the old Mowtown Classic!

11-18-2003, 12:19 PM
Hey Bryan,
I wonder about my two also. They were littermates and inseparable for months and months. Now I see them wrestle and play at times but no more cuddling:( Emily will try to get near him, but he bats her away! She gives him a kiss and goes away all dejected. They are still friends and always near each other - like in the same room, just no snuggling. I miss that!
The good old days - Aug 2003
:( :rolleyes: :(