View Full Version : Rat Problems

11-17-2003, 08:13 AM
Wednesday13 the rat is about 3 months old and he has been a pet for about a month, he's a sweet, calm rat that will kiss and cuddle anyone, but lately he's been peeing whenever he is taken out, this just started about a week ago, is this just a lack of training, or is there something wrong?

11-17-2003, 09:52 AM

hee hee :p

when a rat pees it is to mark their territory :). your rat wants to mark everything as his, and he will lol. My rats spot pee on me when I let them out to play :). it is a sign that they love you :D... Nothing is wrong with your rattie.

11-17-2003, 10:20 AM
Yep yep! Ratty pee = Ratty love! That's one thing I like about my girls, no spotting! I do miss my boy ratty though.

11-17-2003, 10:26 AM
How much is he peeing? If he has never done this and just recently started he could have a urinary tract infection. Males do mark, but it's little drops to mark you like the others said, however if he is peeing a lot I would take him to the vet for a checkup. Or you could just be having him out for too long, without giving him a potty break so he is forced to go to the bathroom on you.

If you don't like it, as soon as he pees on you put him back in the cage ASAP, this way he will know that peeing on you means he will no longer get out time, and that he must hold it longer or let you know when he has to go. Try putting him back in the cage every 20 minutes or so to allow him to go to the bathroom. Chances are you are having him out for too long without allowing him a potty break.

It's this that is scaring me...."but lately he's been peeing whenever he is taken out, this just started about a week ago". So this very well could mean something.

Just curious but why do you only have one rat? Rats are very social and really do better in same sex pairs so they can have attention from their own kind.

Welcome to PT. :)

11-17-2003, 06:44 PM
Hey thanks, I think it's marking his territory because he's maturing, and he does it as soon as He is taken out. And refuring to luckies4me's question, when my boyfriend got him, he didnt know he was a male and is under the assumtion that two males will fight, he'd like to get another, but doesnt want babies, or fighting, would another male be alright with him if he is newly introduced now? ALso, if this new rat isn't the same breed/size as his current one, will that cause problems? Thx for all your help:D

11-17-2003, 08:23 PM
Well he sounds like he's peeing because he gets overly excited, so he's happy to see you guy's! :D

Yes please get another rat of the SAME sex as a buddy. If you want to know about proper qurantine etc. let me know as I have a lot of good links. This rat is still very young, and should get along wonderfully with another boy. I have several boys together and most get along fine. There are the occasional spats but nothing major most of the time. With only two rats, you should have no trouble at all. I will post more later as I am getting ready to go grocery shopping. :)

11-17-2003, 09:16 PM
Thx, my bf is sure to get a playmate for him, but he is worried that his current rat is a medium-sized rat, and if he gets a smaller breed, if his current one will become a bully

Thx for all the great help:D

11-17-2003, 09:31 PM
there is no other breed of rat lol . just different coat types and ear types.

Desert Arabian
11-18-2003, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
there is no other breed of rat lol . just different coat types and ear types.

Um, yes there is. There are "Fancy Rats" and "Gambian Giant Pouched Rats".

11-18-2003, 08:40 AM
Um, ok well then if there are other types of rats, are they different sizes? will this cause a problem if one is smaller than the other?

11-18-2003, 10:04 AM
therer shouldent be a prob;lem if one is bigger then the other that usually jujst means that one is older has a unique genetic background. As long as they are both sociable rats they should get along fine :) make sure to quarintine {sp?} first though.

11-18-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Um, yes there is. There are "Fancy Rats" and "Gambian Giant Pouched Rats".
Those aren't breeds, those are species. There are no breeds of rats.

11-18-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by EvilDarkChick
Um, ok well then if there are other types of rats, are they different sizes? will this cause a problem if one is smaller than the other?
There are different sizes, but there are different sizes within one specie as well, just like any other animal. :) It won't cause problems.

11-18-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Um, yes there is. There are "Fancy Rats" and "Gambian Giant Pouched Rats".

There are no breeds of fancy rats, just types. There is an experimental breed that the RMCA is trying to have recognized, and that is the Cashmere rats, which is a dumbo self velveteen. African Pouched rats are a totally different species and unrelated to our fancy rats, and can no longer be aquired due to the recent Monkey Pox outbreak.

11-18-2003, 03:31 PM
If your bf gets another smaller rat, it's just younger and they should get along fine. It's actually better to introduce a younger male so that dominance can be determined quickly and with no fuss. Your rat you said was three months, still young enough to enjoy the company of a new friend. If here were alone for two years, then I would say no don't do it, but he is still young and would love the company.

Just make sure the new rat is a boy and is properly qurantined, so that you avoid transmitting viral infections. Quarantine should be done in a seperate household where there are no other rodents for at least 2 weeks. If this is not an option the new rat needs to be seperated for 4 weeks as far away from the other as possible, in a closed room and his own cage.

Sarah at Lone Star Rats has a very good article on Quarantine.


Desert Arabian
11-18-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Those aren't breeds, those are species. There are no breeds of rats.

WHOOPSY! :p I was a tad bit tired and not thinking last night (gee, nothing new there). Yep, you are right, there are no rat breeds, just species. I always get "breeds" and "species" all mixed up! :o :D