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11-15-2003, 05:01 PM
Do you find it useful to have both a crate AND a kennel? Or do you think it's pointless to have both?

Just wondering if I should buy both for the cata pup...Two more years to go, but I'm so excited! I figure if I prepare myself, when I buy the puppy not only will I be completely ready, but it won't seem like that much money was spent. :D Lol.

11-15-2003, 05:05 PM
When I am home, they roam free in the house. At night, the dogs have their own room with crates that they sleep in. During the day when I am at work, Teddy (pom) stays in a pen in the kitchen, the big dogs stay in a kennel in the backyard. I used to let them roam free in the backyard, but my neighbor is psycho.

11-15-2003, 05:11 PM
we dont have neither, lol

11-15-2003, 05:15 PM
Are you talking about a wire kennel versus a travelling crate? Or do you mean kennel like a fenced in little area?

11-15-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by aly
Are you talking about a wire kennel versus a travelling crate? Or do you mean kennel like a fenced in little area?
Well, I'm under the impression that this is a kennel:
And this is a crate:
And that the kennel is usually used for travelling and are usually smaller. That's what I was told atleast...:confused:

11-15-2003, 05:34 PM
Hmm, for you new dog. I would try this http://www.precisionpet.com/images/Snoozzy_dog_crate.gif I think it would be better.

11-15-2003, 05:37 PM
Yeah, that's what I want. :) If I were to choose between them, I'd choose that.

I saw this great one at Petcetera. It was like a tent. It was material and it zipped and stuff, but I'd be afraid the puppy would chew out of it. But I want it! lol.

11-15-2003, 05:40 PM
lol! That sounds cute!! a tent for dogs!

11-15-2003, 05:44 PM
When Tasha was young I used a crate. It's dark/cave-like and she often went in there to sleep of her own choice.

Now I have an exercise pen (aka ex-pen) set up in a room with blankets that the dogs sleep in. There's plenty of room and the dogs will often go in there and go to bed whether the door is open or closed. They seem to like having their own little area that is just for them and it gives them the feeling and security of a "den."

Of course, if my husband is out of town for whatever reason, Tasha always sleeps with me and sometimes Tommy joins in the fun too :p

11-15-2003, 07:05 PM
We have a crate for Kai. When I have the money, I'll buy Kaedyn a crate and then a roomy plastic kennel for travelling around. I think it'd be pretty useful to have both. You could have a plastic one set aside for any emergency situations for your pup.

11-15-2003, 07:13 PM
I just call them both crates, but one a wire crate. Anywho....going by your descriptions I have a kennel. Not that I use it anymore. But it is nice to have.

11-15-2003, 07:18 PM
a kennel and a crate are the same thing, just different terms, sometimes I call them kennels, some times I call them crates. what you posted are a plastic kennel/crate and a wire kennel/crate. both can be used for traveling, but a plastic crate is best for travel because they are more enclosed, and sturdier. a wire crate is not hard to break out of, and most dogs can easily pick the lock on a wire crate. I would say the a plastic crate is better and safer. they are enclosed, and much more denlike. I have both and all my dogs love the plastic crates so much more then the wire one. and the wire one is really heavy and akword,and just plain a pain in the butt, I suggest the plastic ones, and no way I would ever suggest a wire crate :)

11-15-2003, 07:24 PM
This is what I have set up for my two pups. The ex-pen can be folded up and transported really easily too. It's very handy and I think perfect for more than one dog since mine tend to like to curl up close to each other when they sleep.


Tasha is really confused as to what I'm up to. :p

11-15-2003, 07:31 PM
I use the terms kennel and crate interchangably so thats why I was confused.

I have one large wire crate and about 15 travelling kennels of all sizes (most from the shelter since I foster a lot). My dogs aren't crated anymore but the kennels and crate come in handy for all the fosters. Some dogs are better in the wire when they can see out and others like the crate because its darker.

I personally like having several options to choose from.

11-15-2003, 07:36 PM
We have 3 wire crates...two set-up that fold down very easily, are very transportable and that our dogs have never broken out of (although my friend's GSD got out of one of them). The third I have never set up, but it was given to us about a week ago and is still intheback of my truck)

11-15-2003, 08:27 PM
I have both, I have a metal crate that is just the right size for oscar. I have 3 kennels, one for fuzzy it is small and pink, another for oscar it is just his size and it is very handy, and a huge one that is babys.

11-15-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Well, I'm under the impression that this is a kennel:
And this is a crate:
And that the kennel is usually used for travelling and are usually smaller. That's what I was told atleast...:confused:

lol I thought that a crate was portable?? and a kennel isnt really??

whatever lol I have three of the first pic and one of the second lol

11-15-2003, 08:37 PM
they are the same thing TM lol, but if you go by one called a kennel and one called a crate, then a kennel is WAY more portable then a crate! when we travel(the whole sport club I mean) we use plastic kennles ONLY, wire kennles are big bulky and akword, they dont stack and they are not very sturdy, they fold right down and traven that way but that is rather usless if you travel with the dogs kennled! :eek:

11-15-2003, 08:40 PM
ok makes sence lol

11-15-2003, 09:14 PM
Both Honey and Pepper have wire crates. Honey did have a plastic kennel but after she managed to chew a hole large enough for her to fit her head through I stopped using them. I find the wire crates to be better imo

11-16-2003, 08:37 AM
Now, do we use them, that's another story:p

The only time the crates are used is when we are going somewhere in the car, otherwise we don't use them. And as far as the kennel...we have it if we need it, never know who's going to come along;)

11-16-2003, 12:35 PM
Ooo I should feel special, I have all 3! :) I have a wire crate, a plastic crate, and a large kennel/dog run. I've found the wire crate *very* useful for traveling. It just depends on how you are traveling. I've used it for trips/camping, but Nebo doesn't ride in it, he rides in the car. It worked wonderful on our trip this summer, fit right in the trunk.

The plastic type crate I have is in my room in my closet. I used to have Nebo sleep in it at night, but he's very good now so I no longer lock him in it (just shut the door to my room). He still ends up sleeping in there most days anyway though. :rolleyes: Actually right now I have the wire crate in the basement and I put Nebo in there if I'm just going to be gone for a short period of time. I used to put him in the plastic one in my room but he was ripping up things in my closet through the holes.

And as I said, I also have a large kennel/dog run in our backyard. I usually put Nebo in that while I'm at work so he can move around more.

Reggie and Smokey each have a plastic crate, I think we have around 4-5 of them.