View Full Version : BARk Magazine, have you seen it?

11-15-2003, 07:10 AM
While in the Whole Foods checkout line yesterday I spied a doggie magazine I hadn't seen before...it's called "BARk: Dog is my co-pilot." Well, I just had to buy the Winter issue with the beautiful Husky and Kelpie duo on the cover! Really GORGEOUS! :eek:

I have really enjoyed the issue, much more than other doggie magazines I've seen! One of my favorite aspects is of the magazine is that it's not just about purebred dogs coming from breeders --- it highlights the uniqueness of the mutt and praises the hard work of rescuers. I will list some of the table of contents below and those of you interested might want to go out and buy a copy.... :D

*Sled Dogs of Denali
How the National Park Service partners with these amazing dogs. By Karen Fortier
*Patrick McDonnell: Interview
The Mutts cartoonist speaks of toons, tunes and a new book of his collected works.
By Cameron Woo
*Greyhounds off the Track
Rescuers and humane advocates are trying to make a difference. Is it working?
By Twig Mowatt
*Greyt Way of life
Adopting a greyhound can change your lifestyle.
By Eileen Mitchell
*Detective Fiction
Snooping around the facts on gumshoe writers with a canine bent.
By Jeannette Cooperman
*Case Closed
A rescuer's epiphany leads to the path of following her heart.
By Anne Bobby
*Jockey's Gift
A Holocaust survivor's memories of a first dog.
By Ruth Gruener
*On Responsibility
Award-winning novelist Ann Patchett on caring for her two loves.
*Rex in the City
Romantic consequences of the couple's first trip away from Rex.
By Lee Forgotson
*RESEARCH: First Dog was a Dingo
Could the first dog have evolved in the East--- not the West? Will the Dingo tell us more?
By Jonica Newby
*HEALTH: Rehabilitation Techniques
Swimming and underwater treadmills.
By Cheryl Burke, DVM
*HOWL: Pug
Sweet looks can be deceiving.
By Hope Reeves
*MEDIA: Shelter Dogs + Best Friend Forgotten
Two films with powerful messages.
By Monica Collins
*MUSE: Dylan's Discography
The spin on Dylan's dog verse.
By Mark R. Johnson
*FOOD: Recipes
Sharing an all-time favorite treat.
By Michael J. Rosen
*BEHAVIOR: Both Ends of the Leash
Check your assumptions at the door.
By Patricia B. McConnell, PhD
(I love Patricia McConnell - she is a behavior expert here in Madison. And Mommy to quite a few BCs! There is one or two zoology classes co-taught by her at my school--- you can bet I'll be taking those!!!)

AND much much more!

Check out the magazine's website at: http://thebark.com/

11-15-2003, 09:59 AM
Sounds like a nice magazine.
I stopped subcribing to all magazines to
cut on costs, but I am tempted to check Bark out. :)

11-15-2003, 10:22 AM
I've seen it then again I see a lot of magazines (comes with the job ya know ;) :D ) it's a pretty cool mag and when it comes in which is every quarter (every three months) or so I take some time to read it, then again I take time to read all the dog mags even the couple of british mags that we get.

11-15-2003, 12:50 PM
I haven't seen that magazine, but I'll have to keep my eyes open!
It sounds great!!

11-15-2003, 03:41 PM
Ill have to check it out!! It sounds interesting!

11-16-2003, 09:14 PM
I haven't heard of it, but it looks like a great magazine.:)

08-28-2004, 07:57 PM
I just did a search for "Bark Magazine" on PetTalk because I wanted to see if any of you had seen it--I think I'm going to subscribe!

08-28-2004, 08:03 PM
I can't subscribe because nobody in this house uses credit cards :(

08-29-2004, 01:49 AM
I totally need to subscribe! Maybe that's what I will ask for for my birthday... a three-year subscription to the Bark Mag! *Grins*

08-29-2004, 01:57 AM
sounds awseme! I'm glad they talk about dogs that arent pure bred from a breeder!

08-29-2004, 01:04 PM
I got a free copy a few years back from Dayschool, but Ihave not seen it since. I don't know that it is on the news stands in our area. I willhave to look for it!

08-29-2004, 02:53 PM
At the clinic we had that mag. I really liked it!

08-29-2004, 03:35 PM
I got a copy of it in my Christmas stocking last year. It's a good magazine. I've bought a couple issues since.