View Full Version : I came so close to getting cat no 3 today

11-14-2003, 11:06 PM
I know you guys will bear with me while I tell you how I felt today, I would only share these feelings with my husband and my fellow PT friends.

I went out shopping at the mall today, there is a pet shop there, of course its kitten time again in NZ so I know there will be kittens,infact last week there were four real cuties, I loved them all , but today there was a new kitten, just one, and she was on the counter being handled and stroked and played with by the assistants in the shop and anyone who wanted to stroke her, of course I volunteered.

She was beautiful, a lovely calico I think you call her, she had white face , underbelly, with black dot on her bottom, lovely splashings of ginger black and white on her upper body, and ginger ears, apparently she had been hand raised by humans, so she was very loving and content and used to humans, I could see that by her lovely nature.

Yes I fell in love instantly with her, I stayed a while and then forced myself to leave, I swear my heart fell a foot or two, as from then on I could not enjoy my shopping , which I really had been looking forward to, and I could not get my mind off her, I had even named her Harmony in my mind.

So half an hour later I went back, only to find she had been sold, I swear the first time I left knowing I could not take her, I had tears in my eyes, this time I felt real bad, she had gone to a home with three young boys who had just lost their cat or kitten, when I heard that, I felt even worse, I know I was being unfair, not even knowing theses people, but I Just could not bear to think maybe that baby would be handled roughly by three young boys, lets hope their mother is strict about these sort of things, I guess I will never know.

I came home feeling really low and burst into tears, I felt such a bond of love for her the minute I touched her, I guess it was not meant to be, or she would be home with me right now.

Many times before I have managed to just walk on, thinking how cute they are etc, but today was different, I think I had better stop looking in the pet shops from now on, I am only torturing myself.

Sorry to rant on and on, but I just had to share this with you all, as I know you guys really understand, and have probably been there too.

YEP Jen and payitforward almost made it to three eh?:)

11-14-2003, 11:24 PM
Carole, I know exactly how you feel. There are two kittens out at my horse's barn. I saw them for the first time and wondered where they had come from, as I hadn't seen them at the barn before. I wanted them bad. The barn owner was still at work that day, so I didn't talk to her and get the story on the kits. I told Jeff about them, and told him I wanted to bring them home. I cried thinking about how bad I wanted them. But would it be fair to my other cats? We are so crowded here now with 3 cats and 3 dogs.

The barn owner is keeping them though (she did ask me if I wanted one, but how could I just take one!?! They belong together!) They were born at her daughter's horse barn, and her daughter is pregnant so they moved the kittens down to my horses's barn, and that's when I met them.

So at least I will get to see them grow up, I will take pictures of these two cuties this weekend. I did fall in love at first sight, one is tabby and one is tabby and white.

11-15-2003, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by carole
YEP Jen and payitforward almost made it to three eh?:)
You'll get a third cat one day, when it is meant to be.

But you know what happened was for the best. :(

You couldn't have afforded to take on a 3rd cat at the moment, it wouldn't of been fair to Lexie & Ash.

And as for Harmony being adopted to a home with three boys........now she has such an important job to do. :)

She'll help those boys get over the loss of their other cat. She'll teach them how to care & love for another living creature.

Those boys hopefully will grow up to be future Pet Lovers because of their good experiences with their childhood cat, Harmony.

What is meant to be will be.

But I understand how easy it is to fall in love with a cat after a quick visit. Just keep reminding yourself of the positive aspects.

PS. It takes two wages and no kids for us to afford our 6 cats, I guessimate that each cat costs aprox £400 a year. i.e. £2400 per year for our 6.

Cats are certainly not cheap and the above amount only takes into account standard care costs & includes just two standard vet visits a year. So the true cost is probally even higher.

11-15-2003, 05:07 AM
I agree that you WILL have #3 one day. I also believe that if it were meant to be Harmony she would not have been gone when you got back to the store. She has a job to do and that is to fill a loss that the other family had at this time.
There are so many cats out there that need to be helped, and I too cry that I can't help them all. I am so soft hearted that I cry from reading this one particular comic strip (Mutts) who's writer often does "shelter story" tales. But that is what makes us kind, good hearted people.
So pick up your spirits by remembering that Harmony is going to get a lot of love and then go to a local shelter and make a small donation of your time or money.:)

EDIT: can't spell :o

11-15-2003, 09:12 AM
I sure know what your talking about ! Oh my I have been temped
just recently by a beautiful tabby , but she was declawed and she would have to live out doors because Sunny dont get along with other cats . I am aiming to get one for out door living .Loverboy likes other cats and gets lonsome ,for other cats , lover even loves on my dogs and mothers my tiny chihuahua !

11-15-2003, 09:25 AM
I'm so sorry that you're so sad now, but I can understand you so well!

I agree with the others that it's probably only a question of time till you get #3; too bad that it couldn't be that little kitten, sounds like love at the first sight!

I hope it will have a good life with these three boys, and that it will help them to deal with the loss of their cat.


11-16-2003, 01:52 AM
THANKS guys, I know you are all right, The voices of Reason, I know had she still been there, I could and would have pursuaded hubby for us to take her, and yes it was NOT mean't to be, maybe when my youngest is all grown up I will be able to afford more kitties, She was simply stunning, sure wish I could have had a pic of her to show you all.

I just hope those darn little boys treat her right and well, hopefully she has gone to a good loving home.

Most of the time I can just look at the kittens, no matter how cute they are and I don't feel affected like I did this time, oh well when I came home my lovely lexie and darlin ole Ash were there faithfully waiting to greet me, that sure helped.

Went and did some xmas shopping next day, and that cheered me up, got heaps of birthday shopping as well, my mother's next week, then my Dads, then My son's and my nieces hubbys 21st to buy for too, it never ends, no wonder I can't afford another kitty. lol.

WOW payitforward I am thrilled you got Sandy, the little 4 mth old kitten I looked after when I took Sooti and he out of the cold, we called him Sandy as well, he was not quite an orangie, something in between, he is now called Rusty.
Good luck with him, hope he becomes a smoochie pie real soon, I am sure with all the TLC you give him he will.:)

11-16-2003, 01:56 AM
She sounds Lovely Carole. I just hope and pray that she got a good home, tho I KNOW your's would have been the best. :)
I love calicoes. I too have struggled with adding just one more but.......................

11-16-2003, 03:05 AM
This has happened to me too, but in the end I'm always glad the temptation has been taken away because I know in my heart I can't afford it. I did, however, burst into tears the first time I heard Nutmeg mew.. it was even before I had seen her. She chose me and I was able to take her home. So.. one day, that will happen for you too, and it will be a perfect fit :)

11-16-2003, 05:08 AM
We've all been there, Carole, especially those of us who have volunteered at the local shelters. Sometimes, I wish I could take them all!

PayItForward - cats are a lot cheaper than kids and more obedient also!

Waiting for you to get cat number three!!

11-16-2003, 04:49 PM
I knew you guys would understand, and many of you have been there, I have just got to accept it don't I, this little one was not meant to be with me boo hoo sob sob!!!!!!!!

I know in my heart if I had taken her, we would be really struggling, so its for the best, yes nomilyn the temptation was whisked away from me, just as well really, but I still longed for her and my heart ached, but I am ok now, besides I am busy getting ready for our garage sale this weekend, we hope to make enough to have a short break away, I NEED A HOLIDAY, just a day or two would be nice, change of surroundings.

Thanks for listening everyone and all your nice comments.

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-18-2003, 06:10 AM

Carole, I know just how you feel. Sometimes we just feel a connection with another creature. I am sure the kitty will be happy in its new home. I OBSESSED with Connot from July, and it was October when I brought him home. Every time I phoned or visited the shelter I had a dread in my heart that someone else had adopted him. (They had a note on his cage to phone me before he was PTS). Thanks to the power of PT prayers he came home with me. (My husband still wonders WHY he said yes!!!) He shakes his head is disbelief and sayd "I can't believe I said yes to another cat"???

;) Of course, we know why ;)

11-18-2003, 06:27 AM
Oh Carole {{{{Hugs}}}} across the miles.
It wasn't a rant - just an outpouring of emotion that we all understand.
There was a reason you walked away and came back when Harmony had gone to her 'furever' home - she's going to help three very upset boys to come to terms with losing a much love pet.
Sometime, somewhere there's going to be 'your' cat and you'll not even think about it - you'll take her/him straightaway. xxx


11-18-2003, 08:48 AM
I have problems about when i see an animal that needs a home ,I can't get them out of my head !
I use to visit a dog pound, where they put them to sleep if they didn't find them a home . They all broke my heart , and made me want them all . I would go home and cry over these poor sweet creatures . But on one of my visits.... I met a really large yellow cat . I had never seen one so large ! But he was so sweet ! I could not get him off my mind . The bad thing was, I was married to a different man . A man that did not like cats and had stupid hangups about cats . So i couldn't get him . I was 20 yrs old then . I will never forget that huge beautiful orange cat , that i fell in love with . They said a woman left him there cause he was scratching up her furniture and window sills , and so she didn't want him anymore .No body else wanted him either. My heart still breaks that i couldn't rescue that sweet wonderful cat ! He would start meowing as soon as I walked in and rubbing against the cage . that was a little more than thirty yrs ago . I still remember Henry , I know he has been dead a very long time..... but I will never forget him .
im so glad i have a man that loves cats as i do ,now . back then the first husband ,had the most stupid things in his head about cats I ever heard ! He did not want any creature in the house . But he did not like cats at all.
the thing is there is cats that stay in our hearts forever !

11-18-2003, 11:40 AM
I know what you mean , as I have a hard time seeing all those Kittens and older Cats that need a home, and not being able to help. all we can do is pray that that poor Little Kitten is going to a good Furrever Home.

11-18-2003, 12:55 PM
I came so close to getting cat no 3 today


As you can see by my signature, that's what I said 6 cats ago!!! LOL

Everything happens for a reason. All you can do is think positive about the kitty going to her furrever home. And don't worry, one of these days, you'll meet cat #3 and he/she will melt your heart, just like the one in the pet store did.


11-18-2003, 04:05 PM
Thank You everyone, your words of re-assurance and wise words too bring me comfort, I just have to accept that little Harmony is gone, and hopefully to a good home, I still think about her, she was so adorable.

I will be at the same mall tomorrow and I am wondering whether I should just stay away from the pet store this time, mmmh, probably won't, but I sure don't want to feel the way I did last time when I saw Harmony.

Yes I know we cannot rescue them all, I have my own two who were rescues, to think about, their well=being is most important to me, one more would put their care in jeopardy, and I would never want to to do that to my precious lexie and Ash. I love them too much for that.

Things happen for a reason for sure, now if Harmony had been returned for one reason or another and was there tomorrow I would know she was meant to be mine, AWW OK I know WISHFUL THINKING. lol. cheers .:) :D :cool:

11-18-2003, 07:18 PM
Oh, I am sorry for what you felt, I too know exactly how you feel.
I am sure when the time is right you will come to meet the most special darling kitten you are meant to have. Perhaps the timing was right this time for the 3 boys, who missed their cat terribly, and found their special kitten. you too will find yours, I know it!
And you are blessed to have sweet Ash and Lexie!

11-18-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
. I am so soft hearted that I cry from reading this one particular comic strip (Mutts) who's writer often does "shelter story" tales.

Jen -- I read "Mutts", too and have my heart broken every time the cartoonist does the shelter story strips. I do hope others that read it might be moved to adopt -- I'm certain that's the artist intention.

Carole -- I sure empathized with your immediate feelings for Harmony. As so many PTers have already said, when it's truly your time to find your next baby, it will just happen and there will be no question about it.

Good luck on your garage sale!!! Wish I could drop by and shop :D

11-19-2003, 07:15 PM
Well I ventured into that pet store again, just to make sure Harmony had not been returned, she was not there, there were however two other cuties one tuxie and one ginger, but don't worry I managed to look at them, smile to myself and walk away, my heart strings were pulled just too much the other day, this time I succeeded to walk out with heart in tact lol.

Yep sure wish you could stop by too, if everyone from PT came we would make a killing finanically lol.

Hoping the weather stays good, looks like we could get some rain, not so many will come if that is the case, and its been glorious the rest of the week, oh well cannot do anything about the weather can we? will let you all know how we do.:)