View Full Version : Jumping against windows--please help!

11-13-2003, 08:21 AM
Hi all,

We have some full-length windows next to our doors which have some iron work throughout with many small panes of glass, and Lefty has destroyed them by jumping against them when the mail woman/delivery people come up to the door. Some of the iron is bent in and several of the panes of glass have shattered. (There's another outside pane about 3 inches away--these windows don't lead directly outside.) We're never home when this happens so we can't discipline him when he does it. I'm not sure what to do and am hoping someone has some suggestions for me.



11-13-2003, 08:30 AM
The only thing that comes to my mind is to start crating your dog or at least confining him to a room away from those windows when you are not home. How old is the dog and how long has this been going on?

My sister-in-law had a dog (small huskie/GSD mix with something else sprinkled in) and she never was too fond of the UPS man. One day she went right through the front window! Fortunately my nephew was home sick the day it happened or I shudder to think what would have happened. Since the dog was quite old at the time and used to having the run of the house, my sister-in-law bought some of that yucky looking frosted stick-on paper for the front window. Though the dog could hear the truck she couldn't see the UPS man and all remained pretty calm after that. :rolleyes:

11-13-2003, 08:52 AM
Smilla, I'm in agreement with Pam. I think that if there is a possiblity of either gating the entrance off so Lefty can't get in there or gating him in a separate room, it would be better for everyone. I know you don't want to resort to crating him all day.

Good luck! :)

11-13-2003, 09:24 AM
Yeah, I may try to keep him confined somehow if I can't break him of the habit. I think he might be a little too old for a crate (Pam, you asked how old he was--he's 6, but I've only had him a month).

I'm worried about him getting hurt, too, of course.

I have found things like this; have any of you ever used them?


11-13-2003, 10:23 AM
I think that if you could just prevent Lefty from actually seeing the mailman, he might not do that. I like Pam's frosted stick-on paper idea. It might not look pretty but it might save your door. Or you could do something decorative and creative to prevent him from seeing the mailman.

Poor mailman must be scared to death! :D

11-13-2003, 10:52 AM
My brother has a little westie named Millie and he has glass panels going down each side of the front door. When Millie would go to the front door she would sometimes see a reflection of herself in the glass and start barking at the *other dog.* My brother had to put little cardboard inserts in the bottom of the little glass panels and, even though it looks horrible, there is no barking now. :) Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. :rolleyes: :)

The reason I was curious about his age was to try and determine how he would adjust to changes in his routine. Since he is fairly new to your household he might do well being confined to another room, rather than being crated. Do you know what his living conditions were before?

11-13-2003, 04:45 PM
There is a window film at Home Depot called Artscapes (you can get them at the store or their online site). They have about 6 styles and all you do is cut them to the size you want them - wet the window and place them on. You can move them while the window is still wet and once you get them placed nicely, you squeegie them on.

I have them on a couple of my windows where I don't want to use curtains. They look very nice and prevent anyone from seeing out or in, but they do let light in.

If you want to check them out just go to the Home Depot Website and type in artscape in the search window.

11-14-2003, 07:48 AM
Hi Pam,

I don't know all that much about his previous living conditions--I'm at least his third owner. I know the owners right before us kept him confined to a few rooms because he didn't get along with their cats. (Cats=prey to Lefty.) There was no word on a jumping problem.

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I'm considering all options!



11-14-2003, 07:56 AM
All of my dogs have met the mailman. He knows them by name. As long as it isn't another mail person filling in, I don't have a problem. You might want to talk to the mailman. Ask him if he could meet your dog and give him a treat. See if he can nicely say the dog's name as he is walking up so that the dog knows it's him.

I work for the phone company...There has been many times where our techs have been attacked by pets that broke though doors, windows, etc... Even the sweetest family pets may want to protect their family when someone is on their property. It's natural.

I don't know your doggy personally, but it might not be a bad idea to crate him if you can't work things out.