View Full Version : The Meeting of Bob and Joey

11-13-2003, 12:27 AM
Jen said that I needed to post some pics of Bob and Joey meeting. I agreed, so here they are.:)

These are actually after the first intial meeting were they hissed and spat and swatted at each other. When I was able to start talking pics they could at least be in the same room with out trying to kill each other. Bob would and still does occasionally just jump on top of her and try to clean her. I do not think that Bob understand that he is 17 lbs sometimes.:eek: I don't have pictures of that either.

Anyway, here we have the Bob and Joey just circling each other.

I think that Joey had enough at this point and was going to jump up to the window sill.

Hey Bob Watcha Doing? Can I see?
Actually Bob was just drinking water.

Here is how they spent about half of there time together. Go Figure. I had actually set the box out for Joey, But she prefered the bear.

For those of you who enjoyed the picture of Joey on the bear. Here she is under the bear. I just had to through this one in.:)

Finally, a Pic of them sitting together. I remembered that I got so excited when I saw this because it was first time that tey had sat near each other by choice.:D

Well I hope that you enjoyed the pics.:D

11-13-2003, 01:13 AM
Those are great!!! :)
I am so glad things are working out so well for you!!
And for them also!

11-13-2003, 01:21 AM
Cute! In the first picture it looks like they are playing follow the leader :)

11-13-2003, 01:42 AM
Great pictures! I love the ones of them circling, makes me think of the lions on Wild Kingdom - you just need Marlon Perkins to narrate, LOL!

I remember how excited I got about 6 weeks ago when I found Scout and Ripley sitting on the loveseat together. I snapped pictures and immediately posted them here. An exciting milestone.

Thanks for sharing the pics!! Bob is almost as big as Ripley. He's about 19 pounds right now but got as big as 22 a few years ago.

11-13-2003, 04:53 AM
Oh such great pics.

They can be so funny can't they? Doing the 'circle' thing!

Leave 'em alone and *wham* their sat side by side looking like *whats up Dad - of course we love each other*!!! CATS!


11-13-2003, 05:00 AM
You have a perfect matched set!! I too love the posturing in that first picture. So typical when new cats meet. Joey in the bear, is priceless. :D

11-13-2003, 07:06 AM
Great pictures. Bob and Joey are handsome.

11-13-2003, 09:47 AM
What a great Pair of Cat Companions! Do I sense Maine Coon Cats!they are so Great Looking , and I can sense Friendship here!

11-13-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by CatDad
Anyway, here we have the Bob and Joey just circling each other.


Oh my, you have them too!

11-13-2003, 12:38 PM
Great pictures, :D thanks for sharing! :)

11-14-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
Great pictures! I love the ones of them circling, makes me think of the lions on Wild Kingdom - you just need Marlon Perkins to narrate, LOL!

Thanks for sharing the pics!! Bob is almost as big as Ripley. He's about 19 pounds right now but got as big as 22 a few years ago.
jazzcat since you mentioned the lion. Have I got a picture for you.:) He loved to get up here and just meow when I was doing supervised visits between Bob and Joey
Just image Marlon's voice "Here we see Jim tracking the Wild Bob....":D

Also Bob got to just under 20lbs once and that was when Bob was introduced to diet food.:eek:

boscibo I liked the cat shark comment. I had not thought of that, and then the jaws theme started to play through my head.:)

To the rest thanks the the compliment and comments. I appreciate it.

More Bob and Joey comming soon to a thread near you. :D

11-14-2003, 12:38 AM
Great pics. :) I'm so glad that everything worked out between Joey and Bob. :) That last picture of Bob is hilarious.:D

11-14-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by CatDad
jazzcat since you mentioned the lion. Have I got a picture for you.:) He loved to get up here and just meow when I was doing supervised visits between Bob and Joey
Just image Marlon's voice "Here we see Jim tracking the Wild Bob....":D

That is great!! How majestic!