View Full Version : suggestions on demodex mange

jersey girl
11-12-2003, 05:47 PM
Hi all! i was wondering if any of you may have any suggestions on how to treat demodex mange. my 10 month old German shep has general (all over her body) and i've been treating her for about 5 months now with Ivomec.

Ivomec is really strong stuff and it's affecting her personality and eye sight, that and the mange is still there. I really want to take her off of Ivomec because i'm afraid it's going to affect her long-term!

My vet told me not to bother with mitiban dip because it doesn't work well anymore (the mites are immune to it) so i don't know what else there is to treat her with. she eats an all natural diet and gets plenty of vit C, she's not bald but her hair is still really thin and she continues to get the little itchy bumbs all down her back and butt!!

i had heard tale of a shampoo for it, but all the vets around here use mitiban or Ivomec and no one can tell me the name of it.

Any help will be very much appreciated!!:D