View Full Version : Nakita's Test Results - Update

Russian Blue
11-11-2003, 10:13 PM
Well, the test results came back and Nakita has the Feline Herpes Virus (FHV).

The only symptoms she has is mild sneezing and mild gingivitis. I've been reading up on the topic and she may never even get an outbreak. Like in humans, herpes outbreaks are stress related. The herpes virus can cause URI's, swollen and infected eyes, nose discharge etc. It can get serious when the nose is swollen and sense of smell is gone. Then the cat will not want to eat.

She will have this for her whole life, but she could be just a carrier of this virus with no noticable symptoms, or it could get worse. Considering she doesn't have serious symptoms up till now, it looks good that it may stay a mild case as long as there is not constant stress.

The sad thing is that it is contagious, so I probably won't be able to get another cat.


If anyone is interested, here is an excellent site for Feline Herpes Virus info: Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) (http://www.thensome.com/herpes.htm) Scroll half way down the first page for basic info.

11-11-2003, 10:18 PM
Oh dear sweet Nakita, I'm so sorry, but happy that it seems to be a mild case. How on earth would she have contracted it?? We know how humans can get it but what about cats?? And I know that there is medication for humans. Perhaps I should take a good read at the link you provided.

All fingers and paws crossed that she continues to live a happy and healthy life.

11-11-2003, 10:22 PM
Glad that pretty pretty girl isn't too sick or showing symptoms, and as it's stress-related, that just means she must be spoiled even rotten-er for the rest of her days, right?

Does her diet or anything else have to change?

11-11-2003, 10:32 PM
Oh oh....not horrible news, but still not fun. :( Poor Nakita.

I hope that she doesn't have any outbreaks.

Kisses to sweet, Nakita. :)

11-11-2003, 10:35 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Nakita has this disease:( but like you said hopefully it's only a mild case. I think that Moosmom's Moo has this and she has other cats. Please take care little Nakita.

Steffi N
11-11-2003, 10:37 PM
I am sorry to read about our darling Nakita’s diagnosis, but relieved that her symptoms are only minor. So Nakita will have to be an indulged and loved only kitty. (Sad though that she will not be able to have a kitty brother or sister.) I hope with all my heart that she remains healthy.

11-11-2003, 10:53 PM
I am really sorry to hear about the results.:( However, it could be worse, and I am glad that it is mild, and that she may never have an outbreak.

Everyone is right, at least she will be a spoiled and indulged kitty from now on.:D Not like she had a bad life before this or anything.;)

Anyway, positive thoughts that she will contiue at the same level.

I am glad that you seem to be deal with it so well, even though I am sure that it is very hard. I am really happy that that you are doing the right things by reading up on it. I do that same thing. I am sure that you will arm yourself with the knowledge to take care of her properly and that she will live a long and happy life.

Sending {{{HUGS}}}} to you and Nakita

11-12-2003, 08:12 AM
I'm sad too to hear Nakita has FHV. :( But I'm glad it is a mild case and I hope she never has an outbreak ever in her life.

*nose kisses and head bumpies to beautiful Nakita with the Mona Lisa smile*

11-12-2003, 08:30 AM
We are glad your meowmie didn't say it is contagious between you and her. It would be a pity if you couldn't give kissies and couldn't be smooched;)

We hope it never breaks out. :)

11-12-2003, 09:24 AM
So sorry to hear about Nakita's results but I am glad to hear she appears to have a mild case. Please keep us posted.

11-12-2003, 09:28 AM
Poor Little Nakita. All the Found Cats are sending thier love and prayers for our Poor Little pal , and we hope that she doesnt have any problems. Head Bumps and Kitty Kissies from us all!

Kona & Oreo's mom
11-12-2003, 09:35 AM
Poor Nakita--Hugs to you!

Russian Blue
11-12-2003, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by slick
Oh dear sweet Nakita, I'm so sorry, but happy that it seems to be a mild case. How on earth would she have contracted it?? We know how humans can get it but what about cats??

Here's a question and answer I copied from The International Cat Association (TICA) website:


Feline Herpes

My husband and I aquired a female ( ) from a local breeder last year. We talked to several breeders and finally decided to get "Lexy" from a local breeder who has a small, clean cattery. All her cats are healthy and friendly and displayed no signs of illness when we got Lexy. Since then we got a second cat from the same breeder. This time one of the new cats siblings had one slightly weepy eye but none of the other cats seemed ill. Also we looked after my mother in laws adopted shelter cat around Christmas. All cats were in good health before my mother in law's cat came to stay but he ended up developing quite very weepy eyes and sneezing before the visit was over. Our own cats still seem very healthy but they did develop a bit of a sneeze and very mild nasal discharge only detectable when they actually sneezed. All cats have up to date vaccinations and have been to the vet for check ups since these developments. Mother in laws cat's vet suspects feline herpes and our cats vet is not too concerned. She suspects general run of the mill upper respiratory virus that will eventually go away.

My concern is that we want to show and breed our bengal and I understand that feline Herpes never really goes away, it just becomes dormant. Would a positive diagnosis for this ailment mean that breeding for her is not an option? What is the likelyhood that she would infect studs, other cats or
worse yet cause illness and death in her kittens? Would we have to forfeit our plans to show and breed her or another cat because of transmission factors because we choose to keep her as our pet?


Dear Lisa:

First, if you are really concerned a culture to confirm the diagnosis would be needed, as herpes is one of the "run of the mill" upper respiratory viruses of cats. It is true that herpesviral infections become dormant and an infected cat remains so for life. However, this is the rule for most cats rather than the exception (ie many/most cats are infected). Generally, kittens acquire the virus from their mother (who will probably shed the virus without any signs), and assuming that the kittens got colostrum and are well vaccinated they will develop very mild signs as you describe (if your cats were not current, the signs would have been worse). Once they recover, they remain infected and may periodically shed virus but will not show any overt signs of disease.

Herpes infections are no reason to not breed or treat her any different than any other cat; again, the majority of normal cats are already infected. The only time severe disease is seen in kittens is when they are colostrum deprived and/or poorly vaccinated so that they are not immune when they are small. The queen should also be vaccinated with a killed-virus vaccine during pregnancy so
that she will pass on the maximal amount of immunity to the kittens. I agree with your vet and also would not be overly concerned about herpes.

J. Lindsay Oaks DVM, PhD, Dip ACVM

11-12-2003, 09:56 AM
Nakita is beautiful. So glad it isn't serious! It's so sad to see kitties suffer.

Russian Blue
11-12-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Glad that pretty pretty girl isn't too sick or showing symptoms, and as it's stress-related, that just means she must be spoiled even rotten-er for the rest of her days, right?

Does her diet or anything else have to change?

Ha! Now I can't deny her an extra treat or get mad at her for jumping on the counter! She will be the ultimate queen in this household. ;)

For dietary changes, you just have to make sure you keep her immune system up. Therefore, feeding a high quality food, exercise etc. I've been reading info off the internet and there seems to be some success with Lysine, which you buy in tablet form and crush up in their food. This is for maintenance of the disease, but I won't start doing this until I see an outbreak.

I'm trying to read as much as I can, then I'll go back to the vet to discuss more. Rob briefly talked with her last night, so I wasn't able to speak with her. The good thing is that the vet owns a cat with FHV, so she's up to date with new medications.

I may not even have to worry about this at all. It really is a gamble. Nakita could show signs next week or 10 years from now, or never at all. It's a wait and see game.

Right now the only change with be giving her some supplements to maintain her immune system.

Russian Blue
11-12-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
We are glad your meowmie didn't say it is contagious between you and her. It would be a pity if you couldn't give kissies and couldn't be smooched;)


FHV can't be transmitted to humans, or the other way around. I think I would die if I couldn't 'smooch' her anymore!


Thanks everyone for your kind and warm wishes!

11-12-2003, 10:47 AM
From one oral herpes sufferer to another, one BIG KISS to Nakita! While I am sure the symptoms are different in kitties and humans, I have found the classic cold sore quite easy to deal with. I do know if I get tons stressed out to pop a few pills, rest, and deal with the blister.

Poor Nakita. I imagine you will now have to endure every ounce of spoiling known to kittykind......how WILL you ever deal with it?:D

11-12-2003, 11:17 AM
Poor little Nakita! Hopefully it will stay mild, like Abby's asthma has been. I panicked when she was diagnosed, but it hasn't gotten worse, it has gotten better. I can't remember the last time she had an attack.

I'm sure you will do all you can to keep her stress-free, spoil her rotten! (like you haven't already) ;)

11-12-2003, 12:14 PM
I am sorry to hear Nakita has FHV, but glad that at least it is a mild case. Here`s hoping that she never, ever, suffers a serious outbreak of it either.
Hugs and kisses to your beautiful smiling girl.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-12-2003, 01:18 PM
Poor little Nakita. :( But I'm so glad to hear it's nothing too serious and for the most part she'll be ok.

That question and answer thingy almost made it sound like it's not a definite no when it comes to adopting another kitty. If most of them already have it, what are the chances Nakita will give it to the new kitty and the kitty will get a severe case?

Hugs and smoochies to both of you! :)

Russian Blue
11-12-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
That question and answer thingy almost made it sound like it's not a definite no when it comes to adopting another kitty. If most of them already have it, what are the chances Nakita will give it to the new kitty and the kitty will get a severe case?

That's one think that I will discussing with the vet when I see her next. There are too many contradictory statements on the internet about this disease. I'll wait till I speak with the vet.

Thanks for the hugs!


11-12-2003, 10:26 PM
Well, here's another hug to add to your collection. I sure hope little Nakita won't have any outbreaks and lives a happy, purrfectly spoiled kitty life. :D

11-13-2003, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
From one oral herpes sufferer to another, one BIG KISS to Nakita!

I have to second this! :)

11-13-2003, 08:50 AM
The sad thing is that it is contagious, so I probably won't be able to get another cat.


Unless you get another one with FHV.

I hope she never shows any symptoms and remains that smiling beauty we all love!:p

Miss Meow
11-13-2003, 03:21 PM
I've sent you a PM with some info on Jasmine's herpes. Big kitty hugs to Nakita :)

11-13-2003, 04:44 PM
Hope she never shows any symptoms and remains that smiling beauty we all love!


Hugs to you and to precious Nakita.