View Full Version : Chipper's big day tomorrow. SNIP SNIP

11-11-2003, 08:52 PM
I brought my baby Chipper to the vets tonight as tomorrow morning he will have the big snip snip. When I had to hand him over to the girl who brings them in the back, Chipper wouldn't let go of me. It broke my heart cause he was so scared.
I know he will be okay, as I have been through this many times, past & present, but my little Chipper is just so very special to me.
I'm going to miss him tonight, sleeping with me.

Those of you who have had or have, multiple cats, was there or is there, that one special cat that just melts your heart. That's my baby Chipper. I have a bond with him like no other cat that I've had before, past or present.

I love and loved all my animals but my Chipper is just something else.

Do you understand what I mean by this?

Here's my Baby.

Prairie Purrs
11-11-2003, 09:26 PM
Awww, Chipper's a darling! Of course he'll be fine, but it is hard to be without a beloved kitty even for a night.

I adore all my kitties, but for me Kacey is the most like "people"--I talk to him like he's a person, and he's definitely the most devoted to me of any of the cats. I've always called him my little buddy. :D

11-11-2003, 09:53 PM
Chipper is a darling little boy, and I am sure that he will do fine and make speedy recover.:)

I know that it breaks your heart to have to leave him someplace and that you will miss him. Even though it is the vet and they will take good care of him.:)

I have had to do that and it is rough.:( {{{HUGS}}} to you.:)

11-11-2003, 10:42 PM
Awww, going in for the big snip, huh? :)

Good luck tomorrow, sweet Chipper. Can't wait to hear all about how meowmie spoils you when you get home tomorrow. ;)

11-11-2003, 10:45 PM
Don't worry Chipper. Those whitecoats are not as bad as you think. When you get home you will be showered with treats and loving and what could be better than that???:) :)

Steffi N
11-11-2003, 10:55 PM
I am sorry dear little Chipper was so scared. I hope he will do fine and recover quickly. Please give him cuddles from all of us when he gets home.

11-11-2003, 11:04 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way sweet Chipper. I'm sure you'll be just fine especially when you're back home with your meowmie. :) Take care and have a speedy recovery too. :)

11-12-2003, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Those of you who have had or have, multiple cats, was there or is there, that one special cat that just melts your heart. That's my baby Chipper.
Do you understand what I mean by this?

YES! I know what you mean. For me it was Bert - the sweetest cat there ever was. He is gone now but lived with us until he was 17 years old. No other cat has ever melted my heart like he did! He is also the only cat who ever personally "chose" ME as his special person. I still think about him and get teary :(
Chipper is absolutely adorable and yes, I am sure it broke your heart to hand over your little baby with such trusting eyes! But, this is simple and necessary surgery and you can spoil him rotten when he gets home!!

11-12-2003, 07:27 AM
Poor Chipper, I'm sure he'll be fine, he'll be extremely happy to get home though and I'm sure you'll spoil him rotten !!

I know what you mean about special bonds, my RB Jock was my baby, we used to have long meaningful conversations with each other where he would mieow back at me and chat away :D
I also know what you were going through leaving him overnight, when Jock was kept in the vets I used to cry myself to sleep cos I missed him soooo much, thats even before we knew he was seriously ill :( On the upside I got to realise that cos he was such a special boy he was soooo spoiled by the vets nurses, even stuck his head up to the white coat man for a kiss on the head :D

11-12-2003, 07:48 AM
Kate's big day is tomorrow, too! I'll miss her sleeping by me tomorrow night - and it's going to be hard not to feed her! My family has had a few cats, but I feel the same way about Kate that you feel about Chipper. She's just something special.

11-12-2003, 09:47 AM
Good luck Chipper!
Good luck Kate!

Pichu had his snip snip on Saturday and I brought him to the vet in the morning, waited there for some time and took him home. I think the whole thing lasted about an hour and costed about 6 dollars.

11-12-2003, 10:06 AM
My dear rb pookie was my "favorite" cat. First she picked my family by jumping into our car, then she picked me. She slept in my room EVERY night, would bolt from wherever she was when I called out that it was bedtime. She broke her water on my lap (eeew, I was only 8). Originally her kittens were in the bathroom, but every night she would bring them to my room to sleep with me, one by one. Finally mom let her keep them with me. She was put to sleep when I was 16, and it still makes me weepy!

11-12-2003, 10:34 AM
Chipper is so sweet. I can understand well that he is your special kitty:)

And he will be home and healthy in no time;)

Filou is my little special one. It is as if he was not just a cat of this world but also an elfin being sent to my home:)